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Moslems cant be modernized, they can only be managed as unruly barbarians

They pass directly from infancy to senility without going through adolescence much less adulthood

Moslems had sudden compressed demographic transition

Tribal and oppressive family environment

Failure to modernize

Mistery inside the riddle inside the enigma

Every ethnicity know that’s its time is limited, nations of the world are small dust and the scales and a
drop of the bucket

China is family centered society with a sense of its own eternity, so it remains pro-family

Russia will not disappear as a factor in the Middle East, and Israel as a matter of national security will
continue to deal with Russia. Too many variables are at play to permit facile conclusions as to the
outcome of what remains a continuing negotiation.

smothered by its contradiction ugusen sopstvenim protivrecnostima

try to bridge the gap with Taiwan incrementally

Beijing trampled on the agreement to keep Hong Kong intact for 50 years and now it has
thrashed local laws by applying Chinese regulations

machine running full throttle masina koja radi punim gasom 机器全速运转

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