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Complete using the words on previous exercise and make the necessary changes:
1. I won’t clean the house, those ________________ will be Halloween decoration in a week.
2. There was a crow on that ______________. It was creepy!
3. Some people believe that a ________________ crossing your path will bring you bad luck.
4. I can’t eat ____________ because I’m diabetic.
5. Melanie was so frightened because she saw a ___________ behind the door.
6. I won’t get into that dark cave. I’m sure there are ___________ in there.
7. I saw a horror movie in which the family went to live in a _______________________.
8. Let’s carve some _______________ to make Halloween decorations.
9. He’s brave and strong, but he’s afraid of ___________. Whenever he sees one, he screams and
10. The ladies they burned in Salem weren’t ____________. I believe __________ are still
11. I saw on TV they found a ________________ that was 4.000 years old.
12. In the past it was not safe to cross the ocean because ___________ used to attack ships and
steal everything.
13. Ms. Silva brought a plastic _______________ to our anatomy class to teach the names of all
bones in human bodies.
14. Why do withes wear ________ in cartoons? They are supposed to be hidden.
15. Witches prepare potions in their ____________to use in spells.

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