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Is "The Prussian Officer" by D. H.

recommended to read?
I think this book is pretty good by telling the story of 2 Prussian soldiers, including
the captain and his bodyguard. In this book, it is told sequentially in each part of
the story so that readers will understand the contents of the story by reading it
sequentially from the beginning of the story.
I think that this book also tells about the sexual deviation of the captain, because it
is told that the captain is not married. so that by reading this book we will get
lessons about sex education, namely about sexual deviations, In addition, we will
also find out how the impact that will arise from this deviant behavior
In my opinion, D. H. Lawrence describes the setting and setting of the place very
well so that it seems as if we see first hand what he is telling. But in the story there
are many words that are difficult for readers to understand in the part when D. H.
Lawrence describes every event that happens to the Guards and Captains.
In conclusion, this book is recommended to be read, as a lesson and a moral
message to us. because in the story there are many stories that can give us an
understanding of deviant sexual behavior

Name : Muhammad Rizal basthomy

Grade/ presence : XI-IPS I/17

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