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Unit 3 :

Exercise 1 Page 24 .

1. The most interesting product to me is the smartphone. To get an idea for a product, I think the
inventor see the inconvenience of the landline, it’s can’t be taken away so they want to make an
application which has function of the landline but it can be taken away.

2. If I’m a president of a company wanting to design a new product, creativity would be the first element
I want from a person, next to it is their ability and the last is their hard work and loyalty.

Exercise 3 Page 25.

1. GE hired Beth Comstock to make the company more creative and innovative.

2. He gives customers a very emotional experience when they buy the products he designs.

3. They both try to help companies become more innovative when they design and sell products.

Exercise 4 Page 26.

1. G
2. D
3. E
4. H
5. B
6. A
7. F
8. C
Exercise 5 Page 26. B

Exercise 5 Page 28.


 Topic Lecture language: Our topic today is

 Topic: software innovation
 Big picture lecture language: We're going to discuss a few examples of


 Topic lecture language: What I want to talk about today is

 Topic: product innovation in the world of new cars
 Big picture lecture language: I'm going to cover and then I'll cover


 Topic lecture language: today we're going to discuss

 Topic: innovations in the food world
 Big picture lecture language: first we'll look at and then we'll look at
Exercise 6. P28.

General Electric makes many types of electric products. In fact, they make over a hundred kinds of
products just for the kitchen.

Exercise 7.P29.

1. Innovation in the skin-care business. The student wrote it all the way to the left.

2. Market research creates an experience for the customer and brings real people into the company. The
student indented these points.

3. The student indented it under the third point

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