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Exercise 1

Discuss the following questions.

1. Do you think there is a di erence

between ‘friends’ and ‘best friends’?

2. Do you think that friends should have a

lot in common?

3. Is there such a thing as a toxic friend?

Do you know anyone toxic? How do you
know they are toxic?

Exercise 2
Read the signs of real and toxic friendship
and put them into the correct category.

• unreachable when you need them

• enjoys spreading secrets around

• there for you through all of your peaks • helps shoulder stresses and crises
and valleys
life throws at us

• reaches out only when they need • pressures you into doing things
you don’t want to do

• doesn’t judge you

• honors your boundaries

• runs you down intentionally

• talks poorly about others

• doesn’t put you down

• lifts you up when you’re down

• has your back when life gets tricky

• calls you out when you’re in the
• lets you down regularly

• shows up during tough times

• ignores your boundaries

• takes advantage of you • uses your failures against you

• emotionally available

a good friend
a toxic friend
1. There for you through all of our
1. Reach out only when they need
peaks and valleys


2. Doesn’t judge you

2. Ignore your boundaries

3. Doesn’t put you down

3. Pressure you into doing things you

4. Have our backs when life gets tricky

don’t want to do

5. Show up during tough times

4. Let you down regularly

6. Emotionally available

5. Unreachable when you need them

7. Help shoulder stresses and crises

6. Take advantage of you

life throws at us

7. Talk poorly about others

8. Honor your boundaries

8. Enjoy spreading secrets around

9. Lift you up when you’re down

9. Uses your failures against you

10.Call you out when you’re in the

10.Run you down intentionally

Exercise 3
Read the article and match the types of toxic
friends with their descriptions.

1. The One Who Is Overly Competitive

2. The One Who Always Flakes

3. The One Who Is Always Starting Drama

4. The One Who Is A User

5. The One Who Is A Bad In uence

6. The One Who Is Bossy And Controlling

7. The One Who Is There For The Good Time

7 Types Of Toxic Friends You

Should Always Stay Away From

A. The One Who Always Flakes

This is that friend who always makes plans with you very excitedly and
pretends to look forward to seeing you, but when the day comes for you two to
meet, they cancel at the last minute. They always have a ton of excuses ready
for ditching you. Sometimes they don’t even turn up, and try to gaslight you
into believing that there were no plans in the rst place. Worse still, they even
sometimes cancel on you for ‘better’ plans and give you all sorts of sad
excuses for doing that.

B. The One Who Is Bossy And Controlling

Such friends will always try to dictate what you should and shouldn’t do,
because according to them, “they know what’s best for you and your
happiness”. They will try to stop you from being friends with other people, and
if you protest, they will cut you o and simply manipulate you into doing what
they want you to do. It’s always about what they think you should do.

C. The One Who Is Overly Competitive

If you were made the captain of the sports team, they will go out of their way to
be in the spotlight so that they get to take your place. If you are the boss’s
favorite, they will go to any lengths to change that, and before you know it,
they have become the boss’s pet. They have this constant, pathological need
to feel superior and always be two steps ahead of you, which leads them to
do all this.
D. The One Who Is Always Starting Drama
Some people thrive on drama and always look for it wherever they go; drama
is something they can never get enough of. For such people, even the most
minor setback threatens to unravel them. Have they tripped while walking?
They will behave as if they have broken their leg. Did you forget to call them
back even after seeing their missed calls? They will become overdramatic and
accuse you of being a bad friend who doesn’t care about them at all. And the
list goes on.

E. The One Who Is There For The Good Times

Planning on going on a road trip? They are in. Planning an amazing New Year’s
party? They are so in. Want to go out for drinks every weekend? They will
practically teleport to your side. However, whenever you try to talk about what
you are going through, they will dismiss your feelings by saying things like
“you are overthinking, just chill out”, “you’re too sensitive” and worse, “you’re
being very negative, and I am not in the mood for that”.

F. The One Who Is A User

This one is probably the worst of the lot. They turn up whenever they need
something from you, and the moment their need is ful lled, they disappear.
They will borrow money from you but never return it back. They will want you to
pay for everything, whenever you go out together. They will expect a VIP invite
to all your exclusive events. They will expect you to help them out whenever
they are in any sort of problem, but will never do the same for you.

G. The One Who Is A Bad In uence

These people are not just toxic friends, but they are horrible people too who are
always up to something shady and wrong, sometimes even at your expense.
They will push you to take part in questionable activities and force you to try
out things that make you feel uncomfortable.

Exercise 4
Discuss why the following were mentioned.

1. One-sided relationship - F
2. Manipulation - B
3. Controversial activities - G
4. The center of attention - C

5. Drama - D
6. Ignoring the feelings - E
7. Making excuses - A
Exercise 5
Work in pairs. Think of typical actions from
Exercise 2 that each type of toxic friend can

A user takes advantage of their friend.

Exercise 6
Complete the sentences with some of
the phrases in bold from the article.

1. Have you heard Mia ditched her boyfriend yesterday?

2. He tries to gaslight me into believing he didn’t promise to take me from

the airport.

3. So a isn’t easy to manipulate, you won’t make her do what you want.

4. Michael has been in the spotlight recently since has got a promotion.

5. Some people will go to any lengths to get what they want but I’m not one
of them.

6. This company is very innovative and usually two steps ahead of the

7. She seems to thrive on stress and the challenges of a heavy workload.

8. There’s nothing better than chilling out near the lake on the weekend.

9. This candidate for the position of manager is the best of the lot.

Exercise 7
Discuss the following questions and share your

1. Have you ever gaslighted anyone?

2. Have you ever had a friend who manipulated you?

3. Have you ever had a friend who thrived on drama?

4. Are you ready to go to any lengths to become more

successful than your friend?

5. Do you know anyone who wants to be in the

spotlight no matter what?

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