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1.The root junc means join. What does the word adjunct mean?

2. The root bene means good. What does the word benevolent mean?
3. The root puls means drive or push. What does the word compulsion
4. The root dict means say or declare. What does the word interdict
5.The root greg means group. What does the word segregate mean?
The root cred means trust or believe. What does the word credibility
The root jur means law. What does the word jurisprudence mean?
The root bel means war. What does the word bellicose mean?
The root chron means time. What does the word anachronism mean?
The root min means small. What does the word minuet mean?
The root cede means go or yield. What does the word intercede mean?
The root junc means join. What does the word disjunction mean?
The root mal means bad or evil. What does the word malady mean?
The root fic or fac means do or make. What does the word prolific
The root bene means good. What does the word benefactor mean?
The root greg means group. What does the word congregate mean?

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