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Project Proposal

CSE 215L
Programming Language II Lab
Section #

Fall 2020
North South University

Submitted To:
Shaikh Shawon Arefin Shimon (SAS3)



Email Address(s)

Submission Date
Write Student ID(s) here CSE215L Project Proposal Project Name

Project Name: <Project Name>

[What real-world problem are you trying to solve through your proposed project] (100 - 150) words

[Describe the features that you will have in your project, such as what the users will be able to do
with your created program] (bullet points only)

[What technologies are you going to use? In this case, this may be java features such as Classes,
Arrays, Loops, File IO, Exception Handling, GUI (JavaFX or Swing, but JavaFX is preferred)] (bullet
points only)

Proposed Timeline:
[Your tentative timeline (in Exact Dates) of showing parts of your project. Regular updates are a
great way of showing that you are indeed working on the project, instead of simply popping up on
the presentation day and saying you could not do this and that.] (Table like below, choose your
own dates and topic)

Date Update Topic

December 15, 2020 Finalize UML Class Diagram

December 24, 2020 Implement the classes from UML

January 05, 2020 Implement Exception Handling and File I/O

January 15, 2020 Implement GUI and connect the pipeline together

Use Font Face: Calibri and Font Size: 12. (Remove this line before submitting)

SAS3 CSE215L Fall 2020 2

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