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Name: Shrek

dragon – funny - Shrek - donkey – castle - Fiona – princess – ogre

He is an ____________ She is a ____________

His name is _____________ Her name is

He is a ____________ She is a ____________

He is _____________ She lives in a ________

A) True (T) or false (F).

1) Shrek is an ogre __
2) He lives in a Castle__
3) The Donkey can talk__
4) He lives with his family__
5) He has a lot of friends__
6) The Donkey lives with Shrek__

B) Answer the questions.

1) Are people scared of Shrek?
2) Does Shrek like the donkey at the beginning?
3) Is the donkey afraid of ogres?
4) Do people like Shrek?
5) Is the king a nice or a bad guy?

C) Choose the correct alternative.

1) The donkey is grey/brown
2) Shrek is a boy/girl
3) People are scared by Shrek/the donkey
4) Shrek lives in a house/a city
Name: Shrek
D) Vocabulary

funny – castle – sad – king – in love – scared – angry - sad

__________ __________ _________ __________

_____________ ______________ _____________

Name: Shrek
Dragon – Funny - Shrek - Donkey – Castle - Fiona – Princess – Ogre

He is an ogre She is a princess

His name is Shrek Her name is Fiona

He is a donkey She is a dragon

He is funny She lives in a castle

B) True (T) or false (F).

7) Shrek is an ogre T
8) He lives in a Castle F
9) The Donkey can talk T
10) Shrek lives with his family F
11) The ogre has a lot of friends F
12)The Donkey lives with Shrek F

C) Answer the questions.

6) Are people scared of Shrek?
Yes, people are frightened of Shrek.
7) Does Shrek like the donkey at the beginning?
No, at the beginning, Shrek is annoyed by the donkey.
8) Is the donkey afraid of ogres?
No, the donkey is not afraid of ogres.
9) Do people like Shrek?
No, people don’t like Shrek.
10)Is the king a nice or a bad guy?
The king is not a nice guy; he is mean.

C) Choose the correct alternative.

5) The donkey is grey/brown
6) Shrek is a boy/girl
7) People are scared by Shrek/the donkey
8) Shrek lives in a house/city
Name: Shrek
D) Vocabulary

funny – castle – sad – king – in love – scared – angry - sad

King scared in love angry

castle funny sad

Name: Shrek

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