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The fourth princess of Deldoryan .

By Ana Beatriz Borges Dias.

Chapter 1. Before I was born.

Once upon a time , a kingdom called Deldoryan

was the biggest kingdom of all times, it was ruled
by Steffano, The Great .It was rumoured that the
king was having an affair with Marielle, a beautiful
woman, daughter of the Northern Merchant, a
mysterious man.
When the rumours reached the ears of the actual
Queen, Alice, she got furious, she wanted revenge.
But it was too late , Marielle was already pregnant
with the fourth child of the King ,the Queen began
to plan her revenge, so when Marielle had the
baby, she would put it into action .The plan was
simple, she would discreetly put poison in
Marielle's food, who would die in a painless slow
Three months later the fourth child was born, it
was a girl, The King decided with Marielle to call
her Thea Jane Beatrice or just Thea .But Thea
didn't have the time to spend with her mother as
she was dying, The King was preparing himself for
the worst, the death of his lover, Marielle, since
the royal doctors said there was no hope . And as
expected Marielle died under mysterious

circumstances. The Queen with a lot of remorse

decided to raise Thea as her real daughter, and
without telling her anything about her mother's
death .

Chapter 2. This is just the beginning …

The years passed and Thea was growing healthy

and happy with the great example of her Father
and her three older brothers; Thea was the only
girl among her 6 brothers so she had a bit of a
masculine behaviour which would not help her
when finding a husband in the future.

Since Thea was already 13 years old she was forced

by her father to attend school, something that for
her was stupid because she taught herself almost
everything about everything with the books at the
massive library that she had in the castle; but
anyways she obeyed her Father .

The next day, she woke up very early in the

morning, at five o'clock. She wanted to take a walk
before her first day at school, so she got dressed,
went downstairs, picked up some food, wrapped it
in a cloth, and got on her lustrous white horse and
rode to school, she decided to take a shortcut
through the woods .On the way to school the horse
got scared which made Thea fall, it was ruined, her
clothes were dirty and the books had fallen she

quickly got up to calm the horse and see what

scared him but she soonly realised there was
nothing, but Thea felt something that gave her
goosebumps, scared she decided to get her things,
get on the horse and ride to the town where the
school was as quickly as possible .

She entered the school where everyone was

looking at her dirty clothes and her white horse
with a judging look.
She was a bit nervous and shy, since it was her
very first time at a school; the moment she entered
the class everyone looked at her, and quickly
began to talk to each other, since she didn't have
very neat clothes, and her hair wasn't elegant as
the other girls and her clothes were a bit dirty, the
classmates didn't recognize her as the princess,
since another girl would also start classes on the
same day as her.
Thea shyly said -Hello, my dear name is Thea,
pleasure to meet you.-then she sat at one of the
desks that wasn't occupied, just at the side of the
window, she looked outside and she saw a forest
that caught her adventurous mind .Minutes later
the professor came.-Good morning dear students,
today we have the honour of receiving a member

of the royalty, our majesty the princess Thea Jane

Betrice.-Just when Thea was about to stand up to
present herself; a girl entered the classroom.
-Sorry, I'm so embarrassed it's my first day, I'm
really, really sorry.
-after the girl entered the classroom, everybody
stood up and said. -Good morning our majesty.
-the girl who was very confused said. -I wish i was
royalty, but i am Agnes Steinfield not the
princess.-everybody looked at each other very
confused, then someone said.-If you aren't the
princess, it means that…-the boy and the rest of
the class looked at Thea very surprised, then the
professor said.-I apologise for the students'
behaviour, Your Majesty.-Thea then said.-there is
nothing to apologise, it's my fault for not dressing
up as i have to, and i prefer it being like this and
not having a special treatment than others have;
now can we forget this and start class, it's
The class continued, but her classmates continued
to look at her .

After the class finished, the only thing that Thea

wanted was to go home as fast as possible; so she
got on her horse and went the same way she came,

the horse got scared again, but this time it started

running in the direction of what had been scared
in the morning, Thea falled again, but this time
she fell down the hill and lost his consciousness.

When Thea finally recovered her consciousness

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