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com we continue to watch this one area down in the Eastern Caribbean
just to the north of it we have some stronger wind shear we've had some stronger winds here across the Eastern
Caribbean but that is now starting to improve and as this continues to work its way to the West it is ha it has this
area of this lower windshield now there's still some drier air in the atmosphere so that will tend to be one of these
factors that it deals with as we go through the next couple of days but it does look like we have the potential of
seeing this system develop even further as we go through the next several days so right now it's just a broad area
of low pressure but you do see that flare-up of convection with this it's moving into an area which just becomes
more and more favorable for development Hurricane Center has designated this as invest 95 and they've put about
a 70 percent chance of more development as we go through the next say five days with this so as we head through
the weekend into the first part of next week it's certainly possible that we have a tropical depression down in the
Caribbean as it forms very very slowly you watch it on the Fox Model very disorganized at this point but notice as it
continues to work its way towards the West you're seeing just that idea of lower pressure and it really I think it's
going to take some time for this to develop so we're going to continue to watch it the big key is it stays down to our
South we have a big Ridge to the north of it so it's not going to allow this to work its way up in our Direction and
we'll keep you posted on this as we go through the weekend and into next week

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