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El maravilloso archivo de los estudios


Uno puede formar nuevas palabras añadiendo cosas



Los prefijos son partículas que se añaden delante de las palabras para formar otras nuevas

Los prefijos I- In- Im- Des-

Son prefijos usados para formar el antónimo de algunas palabras

I + Legal=Ilegal / In + Capaz=Incapaz / Im + Posible=Imposible / Des + Obediente=Desobediente

Los prefijos Ex- Extra-

Son prefijos usado para decir que algo ha dejado de ser

Ex + Alumno=Exalumno / Extra + Terrestre=Extraterrestre

Los prefijos Re- Sub-

El prefijo Re- Sirve para decir que algo se repite repetirá o repitió

Re + Escribir=Reescribir

El prefijo Sub- sirve para decir que algo esta por debajo de otra cosa
Sub + Suelo=Subsuelo


-Heat is a form of energy that can be transferred from one objecto to another or even
created expense of the loss of other form of enery

-3 Forms of heat transfer

1. Conduction
2. Convection
3. Radiation

-Conduction is the process in which the transfer of heat takes place between objects by
direct contact. The key of conduction is direct contact

-Convection is the transfer of heat by the movement of fluid

-Radiation is a transfer of energy from it's origin to the surroindings

Easy questions and answers

-What form of heat transfer is used when ironing clothes? (ironing = planchar)

-What form of heat transfer is used to boil the soup?

-It is sunny day and you are playing outside. Suddenly you feel that your skin becomes hot.
How does this object?
-The sun transfers you heate at using RADIATION

Video 2

-On earth, materials exist in one of three primary states of matter. Solid, Liquid or Gas,
materials can change between these states

-Melting, Evaportating, Freezing, Condensing

-The diference between Evaporation and Boiling is that when boiling, all the particles have
enough energy to become gaseous and when Evaporating, the particles at the surface

-sometimes, when a solid gets heated it can turn straight into gas. This is called Sublimation

-when a material change states the mass stays the same the density changes but the mass
does not change

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