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1. when reading a text, if you find a word you are unsure of you should consult in a dictionary.

2. the government can limit up expenditure by reducing politician’s salaries.

3. To receive the funds for the project, they were required to elaborate plans for the design and

4. In many patients, the incidence of epileptic fits begins to lessen from the age of ten or eleven.

5. The form should be compiled and signed.

6. When heated they emit fumes in greater volume and strength than through normal evaporation.

7. Some children that simultaneously acquire two languages will experience an initial stage in which
they are not able to differentiate between their two languages.

8. They will examine the manuscript looking for any examples of plagiarism.

9. This research began as an internal project and then evolve into an attempt to survey the various
methods currently available.

10. As highlighted earlier, this scenario is quite rare.

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