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zuyyin aiman iman aiman hafiz zul

: Long ago, there were 4 pirates searching for the greatest legendary Book of Preposition. : Captain, what exactly is this Book of Preposition? : The book itself keep the secret of preposition. : Preposition? : Preposition is a word which shows relationships among words in a sentence. : We are searching for it as our captain had receive a secret recipe that only can be read by using the book. aiman : Owh I see . zuyyin : With that, they start their search for the book. **************take a few second to search at the front************* aiman hafiz iman hafiz hafiz Do we have any clues about the book? Yes we do. Captain , could you please give us the map? (Give the map to hafiz) (hold the map as high as he can while opening the map. Then put the map on the table) According to this map,we must walk through the thick bushy forests and we must find two volcanoes side by side and walk towards them before dawn. (while pointing on the map) aiman : Hold on a secs, what does this skull sign mean??? Iman : HoHoHoHo!! That sign mean danger. Zul : According to our source, there is a pit of quicksand somewhere in this island. Maybe it was right after the river. Hafiz : Back to the map, we will find a huge mountain that separates us from the book. Iman : (suddenly) HoHoHoHo!!! The sun is running away from us. Quick! Lets go. Zuyyin : With that, their journey began. They walked through the thick and bushy forests.( iman,aiman hafiz,zul walked like in the jungle with full off trees.) They search for the volcanoes. ( iman use a telescope. Others look at him.) They swim across the river. (iman,zul,aiman,hafiz act like swimming with all their might.) They run as fast as they could at the danger zone. (iman.aiman hafiz,zul run!!!!) Until they found the mountain. Iman : This is it. Lets go! All : aiyai captain!!! (like in spongebob) Zuyyin : They climb the mountain with all their strength. (iman,zul,aiman,hafiz act like climbing a wall with breathing sound) ***************take breath(rest)******************* Iman : I can smell the book already. Zul : Which way does the smell come from? Iman : That way.( pointing to the box containing the book) Zuyyin : They open the treasure box and bring out the book. (hafiz and aiman open the box. Zul take the book and bring it to iman.) Iman : This is it. With this Book of Preposition, the secret ingredient of crabby patty will be mind!!!! Zuyyin : THE END . : : : : :

*all in brackets are movement doing by actors

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