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Laporan Diagnosa Pasien Harian

Puskesmas :
Tanggal : 27-05-2019 s/d 27-05-2019

No Tanggal No Reg No BPJS Nama Pasien L/P Alamat Usia No HP RUANGAN Kode DX Diagnosa Nama Petugas
1 27-05-2019 0008595 0000103767017 MULYATI P KURO 64th 0bln - Umum I64 Stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
2 27-05-2019 0026392 0002756081002 SUPARTO L MAYONG WETAN 002/004 47th 3bln Umum S52.50 Fracture of lower end of radius, closed PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
3 27-05-2019 0004499 0001047286247 FERIANDI SURYA L WEDENG 002/003 24th 4bln Umum K29.6 Other gastritis PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
4 27-05-2019 0016306 0000759505061 KANAFI L MEDIYENG 002/004 67th 6bln 085102102304 Umum G21.8 Other secondary parkinsonism PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
5 27-05-2019 0028919 0002761708285 BAYI NYONYA MAULIDATUL LAILIYAH P BUTUH 0032/003 2bln 19hr Umum P00.9 Fetus and newborn affected by unspecified maternal condition PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
6 27-05-2019 0007285 0001704054982 RUMANI P MAGOK 001/001 51th 5bln Umum K29.3 Chronic superficial gastritis PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
7 27-05-2019 0013243 0001704050087 SULAEKAH P WINDU 001/001 63th 6bln Umum H81.3 Other peripheral vertigo PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
8 27-05-2019 0025800 0001704054971 ASERI L MAGOK 001/001 58th 4bln Umum I10 Essential (primary) hypertension PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
9 27-05-2019 0025381 0002121510824 SUYANTO L LUNTAS 45th 7bln 085334931597 Umum L03.8 Cellulitis of other sites PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
10 27-05-2019 0003080 0000758729542 SRIYAN, NY P SAMBO 68th 7bln Umum H81.3 Other peripheral vertigo PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
11 27-05-2019 0020565 0000103717282 TITIK INDAH SARI P KARANGBINANGUN 002/001 28th 9bln 085648035898 Umum O90.0 Disruption of caesarean section wound PUSKESMAS SRI AMBARWATI, AMD.KEB
12 27-05-2019 0010514 KHOLILAH P KETAPANG 44th 11bln Umum C50.9 Malignant neoplasm of breast, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
13 27-05-2019 0024520 0000759321742 MUHAMMAD JAFAR MAKRUF L WATANGAN 20th 9bln Umum Z20.1 Contact with and exposure to tuberculosis PUSKESMAS SITI AISYAH, S.KEP.NS
14 27-05-2019 0021623 0000759536853 SOKAH P KURIPAN 001/002 55th 5bln Umum M79.17 Myalgia, ankle and foot PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
15 27-05-2019 0028586 0001704044395 SITI ARIKAH P BANDUT 002/001 48th 11bln Umum I10 Essential (primary) hypertension PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
16 27-05-2019 0025730 0001704058683 SRIMONAH P SUMBERJO 002/003 44th 6bln Umum I10 Essential (primary) hypertension PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
17 27-05-2019 0017838 0002743476006 MUANAM L KEBONSARI 002/004 65th 7bln Umum K30 Dyspepsia PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
18 27-05-2019 0026855 0002424108756 KASIATUN P SUMBERJO 002/003 61th 5bln 085748605566 Umum K30 Dyspepsia PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
19 27-05-2019 0026302 0002424109342 YUSUF HASYIM L SUMBEREJO 002/003 34th 3bln 085748605566 Umum L23.9 Allergic contact dermatitis, unspecified cause PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
20 27-05-2019 0028888 FI'ULIL KHABBI L B ANYAR 15th 9bln Umum Z00.0 General medical examination PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
21 27-05-2019 0023710 0000759206823 MAS`ULAH P MAYONG TENGAH 004/003 49th 8bln Umum F20.5 Residual schizophrenia PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
22 27-05-2019 0017361 VIVI PRAMUDYTIA P BAKALAN 15th 0bln Umum Z02.1 Pre-employment examination PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
23 27-05-2019 0004836 0001704050965 DEWI CAHYA PURBOJATI P WINDU 003/002 7th 4bln Umum J06.9 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
24 27-05-2019 0016843 0000762868179 SUMARDI L PETISSARI 003/002 57th 11bln 081291707937 Umum K29.7 Gastritis, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
25 27-05-2019 0006166 MUTA'ALIFAH P KAUMAN 001/002 22th 11bln Umum R51 Headache PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
26 27-05-2019 0025951 0001704054993 ANI RUSNAWATI P MAGOK 001/001 28th 10bln Umum J06.9 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
27 27-05-2019 0014120 0000758401716 MUSLIMAH P KAUMAN 001/002 56th 6bln Umum I15.9 Secondary hypertension, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
28 27-05-2019 0000621 0000757495776 ITA ULAFA P SAMBO 003/004 41th 3bln 089670472854 Umum K30 Dyspepsia PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
29 27-05-2019 0021888 0000103677131 AHMAD NASRON HAQIQI L MORO 001/003 15th 4bln 085648347921 Umum Z02.1 Pre-employment examination PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
30 27-05-2019 0003702 AN. DWI ANDREANTO P. L MAGOK 15th 11bln - Umum Z02.1 Pre-employment examination PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
31 27-05-2019 0001150 0001047280869 SUPAIN L SAMBO 002/003 38th 3bln 087856184384 Umum F20.5 Residual schizophrenia PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
32 27-05-2019 0007812 0000758388082 ISMAWATI P BONSARI 002/004 25th 3bln Umum L23.9 Allergic contact dermatitis, unspecified cause PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
33 27-05-2019 0013775 0000758508322 SITI MUFARROHAH P ALASMALANG 002/002 33th 7bln Umum J06.9 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
34 27-05-2019 0005089 AN. ANASTASYA VINA W P BAKALAN 14th 7bln - Umum Z02.1 Pre-employment examination PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
35 27-05-2019 0009611 0001047274301 SITI MIYATUN P BR. WUNGU 001/001 50th 11bln 085733456237 Umum J06.9 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
36 27-05-2019 0024405 0000758926102 RISTINI P WATANGAN 17th 9bln Umum Z02.1 Pre-employment examination PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
37 27-05-2019 0013518 0000759392008 LAILATUL FITRIYAH P WATANGAN 001/002 17th 5bln Umum Z02.1 Pre-employment examination PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
38 27-05-2019 0016963 ABIDATUL MU'INAH P MAYONG WETAN 004/003 51th 1bln Umum Z02.1 Pre-employment examination PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
39 27-05-2019 0024851 WIDHATIN AMI UZLAH P LUNTAS B 001/007 18th 8bln Umum Z02.1 Pre-employment examination PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
40 27-05-2019 0021404 IFA ZULISTIANAH P SAMBO 25th 1bln Umum Z02.1 Pre-employment examination PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
41 27-05-2019 0028914 0000759552805 EKO SAMPURNO L MORO 001/003 51th 1bln Umum Z02.1 Pre-employment examination PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
42 27-05-2019 0028588 0000759774295 WARDA NAJIBATUL JANNAH P GOSO 002/003 18th 3bln Umum T14.9 Injury, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
43 27-05-2019 0028887 EVA PRASTYA P PUPUS 003/004 21th 1bln Umum F20.5 Residual schizophrenia PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
44 27-05-2019 0002632 AN.CAHAYA MUSTIKA K. P BANJARANYAR 15th 6bln - Umum Z02.1 Pre-employment examination PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
45 27-05-2019 0022462 0002064881531 MOH NA'IM L MAYONG KULON 001/001 34th 2bln Umum Z02.1 Pre-employment examination PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
46 27-05-2019 0017181 0000751121673 HABIBUL UMAM L BR. PELUK 18th 2bln Umum Z02.1 Pre-employment examination PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
47 27-05-2019 0000219 0000758387147 TURKAN L BR. PELUK 64th 6bln - Umum J44.1 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation, unspecif PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
48 27-05-2019 0018187 0000758626751 JUWANAH P LUWUK 006/001 56th 2bln Umum I15.2, M79.1 Hypertension secondary to endocrine disorders, Myalgia PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
49 27-05-2019 0017237 0001183780449 KAROMAH P BADAN 002/004 50th 7bln Umum M10.27 Drug-induced gout, ankle and foot PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
50 27-05-2019 0026471 0002610081764 KARMAN L DEKET WETAN 001/002 55th 0bln 085745036238 Umum M10.2 Drug-induced gout PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
51 27-05-2019 0028062 0002741945938 SIMPEN P PUTATREJO 002/003 75th 10bln Umum B02.9 Zoster without complication PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
52 27-05-2019 0026027 0001047282322 TITIN DEVI ASTRIANA P BAKALAN 20th 1bln Umum K30 Dyspepsia PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
53 27-05-2019 0016532 0000758398768 ARI KUSWOYO L SAMBOPINGGIR 33th 1bln Umum Z02.1 Pre-employment examination PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
54 27-05-2019 0008215 0000103501732 INAMAH P SAMBO 001/002 58th 2bln Umum I15.9 Secondary hypertension, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
55 27-05-2019 0017270 0001704093298 NAYLA ZASKIA KASIH P BONSARI 5th 10bln Umum L23.9 Allergic contact dermatitis, unspecified cause PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
56 27-05-2019 0006973 0000759390704 FIDIAWATI P KURIPAN 001/008 30th 7bln 08573119781 Umum L23.9 Allergic contact dermatitis, unspecified cause PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
57 27-05-2019 0022131 0000759141865 NU'IN L LOGAWE 46th 10bln 081615878679 Umum Z71.9 Counselling, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
58 27-05-2019 0021909 0000760065759 ASFIYATUL MAULIDAH P SUMBERJO 15th 2bln Umum Z02.1 Pre-employment examination PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
59 27-05-2019 0019077 MOH. MASBUHIN L WARUK 31th 2bln Umum Z02.1 Pre-employment examination PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
60 27-05-2019 0028581 0001047271454 SAHID L KETAPANG 002/001 55th 6bln Umum Z71.9 Counselling, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS
61 27-05-2019 0005138 0001687705806 EKA WIJAYA L MAGOK 15th 7bln - Umum Z71.9 Counselling, unspecified PUSKESMAS SITI NUR LAILIYAH, S.KEP.NS

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