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The Western Concept of self is more of

‘individualism,’ it focuses only on the ‘self.’ It views

that everyone are independent. We develop our
personal growth by self-actualization and realization. It
relies more on self (that’s why it’s ‘egocentric’) and
also believes that self belongs to no other than

My concept of self depends on how the person or s

It all shares us, especially the family (being a Filipino) we grew
one thing: personal that we only mature because of the experiences w
In Eastern, the concept of self, focuses on every individualgrowth and how we choose to cope and deal with the problem
hole. People believes more in philosophical and religious development of every attain our personal growth and become a
nlike the rationalistic style of the Western. There are 4 Great
individual. by helping ourselves first.
s in Eastern Thought: the Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism and
ianism. They share the same goal which aims for
ne to become a righteous and respectful person.

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