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Marielle Reigne A. Mantac

Polaris 1A

Portfolio/e-Portfolio Task #8 – Picture Collage and Essay

One thing that I am grateful of is having a complete and happy family. A family who are
very supportive and understanding when it comes to the things I love and want to achieve. With
this, I considered my family as valued persons that I want to keep in the rest of my life. My family
are my inspiration for they are my strength every time I am at my lowest, without them I will not
be this fearless, strong, and contented. On the other hand, my necklace is not just a necklace, it
has a sentimental value to me since it was given to me by my grandfather. Having this necklace, I
felt guided and safe wherever I go. Moreover, I have this kind of mindset that I prefer wearing the
necklace everyday having the thought that I might lose it than keep it at home. I also felt
incomplete if I do not wear or bring this with me. In this regard, I chose my necklace as my valued
possession for it reminds me of the love of my grandparents towards me. Furthermore, one of
what I do during my leisure time is reading Wattpad books. I treasure my books because some of
these were gifts I received from my mom and friends and some was a self-reward. Reading books
made me escape from the realities of life. Whenever I feel down, picking up a truly inspired book
brings me back to that happy place, truly that in reading, I found peace. Thus, I picked my books
as my treasured possessions for it give me happiness as well as life lessons that I will bring with
me in my journey.
Wattpad is an online literature platform
intended for users to read and write original
stories. Some Wattpad authors do self-published
their stories in order for their readers to have a
physical book.

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