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14, 2021 6165

Comparison of Surface Phenomena Created by

Underground Chemical Explosions in Dry
Alluvium and Granite Geology From Fully
Polarimetric VideoSAR Data
Roger Derek West , Robert E. Abbott , and David A. Yocky

Abstract—Phase I of the Source Physics Experiment (SPE) se- be difficult with seismic instruments, alone. In previous work, it
ries involved six underground chemical explosions, all of which was shown that the wavefront propagation of the Source Physics
were conducted at the same experimental pad. Research from the Experiment 6 (SPE-6) underground explosion through granite
sixth explosion of the series (SPE-6) demonstrated that polarimet-
ric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) is a viable technology for generates a durable spatial signal that can be detected with a
monitoring an underground chemical explosion when the geologic polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) [1]. An optical
structure is Cretaceous granitic intrusive. It was shown that a image of the scene, where the SPE-6 experiment was conducted,
durable signal is measurable by the H/A/α polarimetric decom- is illustrated in Fig. 1(a) and a synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
position parameters. After the SPE-6 experiment, the SPE program
image is illustrated in Fig. 1(b).
moved to the Phase II location, which is composed of dry alluvium
geology (DAG). The loss of wavefront energy is greater through After the SPE-6 chemical explosion, the SPE program moved
dry alluvium than through granite. In this article, we compare to its Phase II site in Yucca Flat, still on the Nevada National
the SPE-6 analysis to the second DAG (DAG-2) experiment. We Security Site. Four chemical explosions at the new site, dubbed
hypothesize that despite the geology at the DAG site being more the dry alluvium geology (DAG) site, were conducted in 2018
challenging than at the Phase I location, combined with the DAG-2
to 2019. The analysis presented here is from recordings of
experiment having a 3.37 times deeper scaled depth of burial than
the SPE-6, a durable nonprompt signal is still measurable by a the second explosion in the series, called DAG-2. The DAG-2
PolSAR sensor. We compare the PolSAR time-series measures from underground explosion occurred on December 19, 2018. The
videoSAR frames, from the SPE-6 and DAG-2 experiments, with primary explosive was nitromethane with a TNT equivalent yield
accelerometer data. We show which PolSAR measures are invariant of 50 997 kg, and the depth of the explosion was 299.8 m. This
to the two types of geology and which are geology dependent.
is in contrast to the SPE-6, where the TNT equivalent yield
We compare a coherent change detection (CCD) map from the
DAG-2 experiment with the data from a fiber-optic distributed was 2245 kg at a depth of 31.4 m. The dominant geologic
acoustic sensor to show the connection between the spatial extent of structure at the DAG site is a tertiary extensional basin. Borehole
coherence loss in CCD maps and spallation caused by the explosion. data and gravity studies have revealed much about the geologic
Finally, we also analyze the spatial extent of the PolSAR measures structure such as its depth, which at its deepest point in the
from both explosions.
southern part of the basin is over 2 km, and shape, with the
Index Terms—Coherent change detection (CCD), H/A/α long axis of the basin being oriented north–south. The basin
decomposition, polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR), fill is composed of quaternary alluvium overlying tertiary-aged
VideoSAR. tuffs that sit above Paleozoic basement, mostly comprised of
sedimentary units [2]–[4].
Similar to the SPE-6 underground explosion, the DAG site
was also continuously monitored with a PolSAR radar before,
NDERGROUND explosions can be readily detected with
U seismic instrumentation; however, there are other phenom-
ena that could also be confused with an underground explosion,
during, and after the explosion. Furthermore, the explosion was
also monitored on the surface with a fiber-optic distributed
acoustic sensor (DAS) and a network of ground motion ac-
such as an earthquake or subsurface collapse. Being able to celerometers. Both of these diagnostics aid in the interpretation
localize detections and determining the nature of detections can of the PolSAR results. An optical image of the scene where
the DAG experiments were conducted is shown in Fig. 1(c),
Manuscript received January 25, 2021; revised May 17, 2021; accepted June and a SAR image of the scene is illustrated in Fig. 1(d). The
2, 2021. Date of publication June 9, 2021; date of current version June 28, 2021. yellow boundary overlay in Fig. 1(c) delimits the region where
(Corresponding author: Roger Derek West.) the scene was graded. The green circle indicates the location
The authors are with the Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
87123 USA (e-mail:;; dayocky@ of the borehole for the DAG experiments. The red line indicates the location of a portion of the fiber-optic cable from the DAS.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSTARS.2021.3087909 The blue- and cyan-colored dots and corresponding labels in

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see

Fig. 1. (a) Optical image of the scene where the SPE-6 experiment was conducted. (b) SAR image of the SPE-6 scene. (c) Optical image of the scene of the DAG
experiments. (d) SAR image of the DAG scene. All images are oriented north-up. The blue- and cyan-colored dots and corresponding labels in (a) and (c) indicate
the locations of the accelerometers we used in our analysis. The red line in (c) illustrates where a portion of the fiber-optic cable from the DAS was located; the
yellow line delimits the region where the scene was graded.

Fig. 1(a) and (c) give the accelerometer locations that we used data before, during, and after the explosions in videoSAR mode.
in our analysis. Collecting data in videoSAR mode provides many observations
The scaled depth of burial was empirically devised as a of the scene at different azimuth aspect angles, from which a
safety measure for underground explosions so that there was time series of PolSAR measures can be derived. The time-series
no ejecta. The scaled depth of burial of an explosion has units of videoSAR data collected before the explosion provide a baseline
m/kT1/3 [5]; the scaled depth of burial of the SPE-6 explosion is to compare the data collected after the explosion. We show that,
239.8 m/kT1/3 [6], in contrast to 808.4 m/kT1/3 for the DAG-2 despite the challenging geologic differences between experi-
explosion. Despite the DAG-2 explosion having a much higher ments, a sufficient PolSAR time-series surface observable signal
TNT equivalent yield than the SPE-6 experiment, it has a deeper is still present, with respect to baseline measures, for detecting
scaled depth of burial; in addition, the wavefront caused by an and geolocating an underground explosion with remotely sensed
explosion in alluvium does not propagate as efficiently as it does PolSAR data. Detecting changes in PolSAR measures has been
through granite [7], [8]. accomplished for various applications, such as from PolSAR
In this article, we compare the analysis previously given for covariance matrices from specific classes of vegetation [9] and
granite in the SPE-6 experiment to the alluvium geology in the time-series measure, computed from an inner-product-based
DAG-2 experiment. In each experiment, we collected PolSAR metric on co- and cross-channel dual-polarization SAR data,

to monitor coastlines of bodies of water [10]. In our application, first-order statistics of the scattering phenomena. The spatial
we consider a small number of metrics directly computed from average of the outer-product of the Pauli feature vector gives
the H/A/α polarimetric decomposition and total power (Span) rise to the coherency matrix
measures. Changes of these fully polarimetric values can be
T = ppH N (4)
computed for all classes of scattering mechanisms throughout
the scenes and offer relatively straightforward interpretation. We which contains second-order statistics of the scattering mecha-
correlate the change measure results with fiber-optic DAS and nisms within the scene. In (4), the notation ·N indicates a spatial
accelerometer data that were acquired at the scene to show the average over a neighborhood ofN pixels and the superscript H
relationship between the geologic phenomena excited by the denotes a complex conjugate transpose.
explosion to PolSAR measurable values. While there are many powerful polarimetric decomposition
algorithms that operate on the coherency matrix, we will be
II. BACKGROUND focusing on the information-theoretic H/A/α decomposition in
this article [12]. Due to how it is formed, the coherency matrix
Phase history data, collected from each channel of a PolSAR
is positive semidefinite; as such, it has real-valued nonnegative
system, are processed into complex-valued imagery in the same
eigenvalues and orthogonal eigenvectors. The eigendecomposi-
manner as single-polarization SAR phase histories. An impor-
tion of the coherency matrix is given as
tant difference between single- and multipolarization is that the
resulting complex-valued images must be calibrated to maintain 3

amplitude and phase balance between the different channels. In T= λi u i u H
i (5)
this section, we give some of the relevant PolSAR background i=1

that we will be using throughout this article. where we can assume that the eigenvalues are ordered, 0 ≤ λ3 ≤
Given that the processed PolSAR data have undergone image λ2 ≤ λ1 .
formation and calibration, the data at a single pixel location can In the H/A/α decomposition, the eigenvalues convey the
be represented by a 2 × 2 scattering matrix strength of the scattering mechanisms represented by the co-
  herency matrix, and the eigenvectors give an indication of the
S= (1) nature of the scattering physics.
The eigenvalues of T can be used to generate pseudoproba-
where the subscript notation HV indicates that polarization V bilities
was transmitted and polarization H was received. λi
PolSAR data contain a rich supply of scattering physics Pi = 3 , 0 ≤ Pi ≤ 1. (6)
i=1 λi
information. Many techniques have been developed to represent
the additional dimension of information in meaningful ways. The entropy, H, is sensitive to how many dominant scattering
The total power received at each pixel location throughout the mechanisms are represented by T and is computed from the Pi
image can be computed and is often called the Span. The Span, terms as
denoted as ζ, is computed as 3

2 2 2 2 H=− Pi log3 Pi , 0 ≤ H ≤ 1. (7)
ζ = |SHH | + |SHV | + |SV H | + |SV V | . (2) i=1
Additionally, during the past few decades, researchers have The anisotropy, A, gives the relative strength of the second and
developed polarimetric decomposition algorithms designed to third eigenvalues of T and is computed as
highlight various scattering physics from scattering mechanisms λ2 − λ 3
within the scene. For monostatic data acquisitions, many de- A= , 0 ≤ A ≤ 1. (8)
λ2 + λ3
compositions begin with forming the so-called Pauli feature
vector [11] Finally, α is a roll-invariant value that gives the weighted average
⎡ ⎤ of the scattering physics of the reflectors represented by T and
S + SV V
1 ⎣ HH is computed from the eigenvectors
p= √ SHH − SV V ⎦ (3)
2 S 3

α= Pi cos−1 (|ui (1)|) , 0◦ ≤ α ≤ 90◦ . (9)
where SCX = SHV + SV H and SHV ≈ SV H . The first ele- i=1
ment of p tends to highlight scattering mechanisms throughout
As will be shown, the H/A/α measures are very sensitive to the
the scene that give an odd number of bounces back to the
state of the reflectors within the scene.
radar, such as surfaces or corner reflectors. The second element
The final measures we will use in our analysis are the co-
highlights objects within the scene that have an even number of
herence between two passes of the scene with similar imaging
bounces back to the radar, such as dihedral reflectors vertically
geometry [13] and the interferometric phase between the two
or horizontally oriented with respect to the polarization frame.
passes. The complex-valued sample correlation function is com-
Finally, the last element is sensitive to scattering mechanisms
puted as
such as dihedrals rotated 45◦ .
The Pauli feature vector can be computed on a pixel-by-pixel ι1 ι∗2 N
basis, or spatially averaged; however, it more or less represents |ι1 |2 N |ι2 |2 N

where ι1 and ι2 represent the complex-valued image data from and the DAS data were reduced to acceleration in g and strain
passes 1 and 2, respectively. rate in nanometers/second using standard techniques.
The modulus of η gives the coherence
γ = |η| (11) A. Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar
The DAG and SPE scenes were continuously monitored in
which is contained within the interval γ ∈ [0 1] and gives rise
circular trajectory videoSAR mode. At least one orbit was flown
to the coherent change detection (CCD) image. The CCD image
before the explosion, one orbit contains the explosion, and at
indicates regions within the scene where no change has occurred
least one additional orbit was flown after the explosion. As a
(γ ≈ 1) or regions where some sort of disturbance has occurred
matter of notation, let Cn denote the nth circular orbit, with
(or regions of low return such as radar shadow).
n = 0 representing the orbit containing the explosion, n < 0
The phase of η gives the interferometric phase between two
representing orbits before the explosion, and n > 0 representing
orbits after the explosion. The DAG-2 collection passes of
φ = ∠η (12) interest for our analysis are n ∈ {−2, −1, 0, 1, 2}, and the
SPE-6 passes of interest are n ∈ {−1, 0, 1}. For both data
and gives rise to interferometric SAR (InSAR) [14], [15]. The collects, we used C0 as our reference orbit and C−2,−1,1,2
information in InSAR contains terrain topography of the scene. as our match orbits for the DAG-2 collect and C−1,1 as our
If it is assumed that the topography of a scene has been deformed, match orbits for the SPE-6 collect. The average time dura-
relative to a reference topography, then with additional process- tion of each orbit of interest around the scene during the
ing, differential InSAR (DInSAR) can be computed to reveal DAG and SPE collects was approximately 234 and 222 s,
the deformation that has occurred between the two passes of the respectively.
scene [16]. Let the phase models for the reference topography The continuously collected videoSAR phase histories allow
and current topography be denoted as φ1 and φ2 , respectively: for somewhat arbitrary apertures to be defined for image forma-
tion. We formed two sets of images from the phase history data
φ1 = φtopo (13)
from the DAG collect. One set is fully polarimetric with high
φ2 = φtopo + φdef . (14) azimuth resolution to give detailed spatial analysis of the scene.
The other set contains images only from the copolarization chan-
The DInSAR map is computed as
nels and has coarse azimuth resolution to support a fine temporal
Δφ = φ2 − φ1 = φdef . (15) analysis of the scene during the explosion. Both image sets
have 0.1016-m slant-range resolution, and the slant-range and
Thus, changes in elevation change, due to topography deforma- cross-range image dimensions are both approximately 200 m.
tion, can be measured by DInSAR processing. (The ground-projected range image dimension is approximately
253.8 m.) We formed just a high-azimuth-resolution image set
III. DATA COLLECTION from the SPE data collect.
The PolSAR data we used for our analysis were collected For the DAG and SPE collects, the images formed from the
on December 19, 2018 with the Sandia National Laboratories reference orbit bracket a short duration both before and after
Facility for Advanced RF and Algorithm Development X-band the explosion, and the images formed from the match orbits
(9.6-GHz center frequency) fully polarimetric SAR system. The are formed from the same locations within their respective
desired grazing (elevation) angle was set to 38.0◦ , and the desired orbits. Table I summarizes the number of images formed from
range to the scene center was set to 3470.0 m. The PolSAR data each dataset, the average aperture times of the reference orbits,
collection parameters for the SPE-6 are very similar and are the time between aperture centers, and the PolSAR measures
summarized in [1]. computed.
In addition to SAR measurements, the DAG experiments were
recorded by a wide array of seismoacoustic sensors. Relevant B. Accelerometers
to this analysis, these included a fiber-optic DAS and surface Accelerometers were deployed from 10 to 100 m of sur-
accelerometers. The DAS data were collected with an iDAS face GZ. The layout of the accelerometers in both the SPE
sensor, and simultaneous acoustic amplitude, phase, and fre- and DAG scenes is illustrated by the blue- and cyan-colored
quency measurements were obtained at approximately 1.0-m dots in Fig. 1(a) and (c), respectively. We used the verti-
intervals along the fiber-optic cable. The Endevco piezoresistive cal component of the measured ground acceleration in our
accelerometers were mounted on shallow concrete piers and analysis.
covered with native material to avoid damage from activity at the
site. They were recorded on a digital acquisition system that was
C. Surface Fiber-Optic DAS
triggered by the firing signal. Similarly, the DAS cable was also
buried in a shallow trench. The Silixa Carina interrogator was The portion of the DAS fiber-optic cable relevant to our
located 2.2 km to the south of DAG ground zero (GZ). The cable analysis is a strand that ran in a trench 20 m from GZ to a
(Silixa Constellation) was engineered to enhance backscatter recording station 2.2 km away. The layout of this stretch of the
and, therefore, optical signal to noise. The accelerometer data DAS fiber-optic cable is illustrated by the red line in Fig. 1(c).


In the table, ρr and ρa are the range and azimuth resolutions, respectively, TAP is the average aperture duration, and ΔTAP is the average time between
successive images.

Fig. 2. Averaged coherence computed in an approximate 60 m × 60 m region about the scene center in the radar coordinate frame. The coherence plots from
the copolarized channels between the C−1 and C0 images are in blue, and the coherence plots between the C0 and C1 images are in green. The images used to
compute the coherence have fine range resolution, but coarse azimuth resolution. Coarse azimuth resolution gives the fine time resolution in the plots. It can be
seen that the radar can readily observe the effects of the explosion and corresponds closely in time with the accelerometer measurements. Note that the green lines
are from the coherence values computed with C1 and are, therefore, approximately 234 s later than the times given.

The DAS measured ground strain rate at approximately 1.0-m A. Coherence

intervals along the axis of the fiber at a single azimuth, which The low-azimuth-resolution dataset, as given in Table I,
gives information on the spatial extent of the explosive effects. provides much finer temporal analysis than the high-azimuth-
The DAS technology is described in [17].
resolution data. We computed CCD maps from each coregistered
coarse resolution image pairs from both copolarization channels.
We averaged the coherence in an approximate 60 m × 60 m re-
IV. TEMPORAL ANALYSIS gion centered on the scene reference point in the radar coordinate
It was shown that the SPE-6 explosion produced both frame. The average coherence values computed between the C0
ephemeral and durable PolSAR signatures when the geology and C−1 images, as a function of time, are denoted as γV V,−1 (t)
was primarily composed of granite. The DAG-2 experiment and γHH,−1 (t) for the V V and HH polarization channels,
allows the opportunity to determine if PolSAR signatures are respectively. Similarly, the average coherence values computed
present when the explosion has a deeper scaled depth of between the C0 and C1 images are denoted as γV V,1 (t) and
burial and the geology is composed of dry alluvium, which γHH,1 (t).
suffers a greater explosion wavefront energy loss than gran- The averaged coherence, along with the acceleration mea-
ite. In this section, we focus primarily on the time-series sured by the accelerometer located at A2, is illustrated in Fig. 2.
PolSAR signatures derived from the videoSAR frames and The values of time for the SAR images are based on the center
demonstrate that, despite the more challenging geology, clear of aperture; thus, at t = 0, phase history data are used from
ephemeral and durable signals are measurable through dry before and after t = 0. For reference, the vertical black lines in
alluvium. the figure roughly delimit the aperture duration centered about

t = 0. The blue lines illustrate that the coherence drops very the PolSAR time series as follows:
quickly after the time of the explosion, which indicates that X
ΔHn,m (t) = HnX (t) − Hm
(t) (17)
the radar can immediately measure the effects of the explosion.
The green lines indicate that the coherence recovers after the ΔAX X X
n,m (t) = An (t) − Am (t) (18)
explosion (i.e., the effects of the explosion have settled). Note
that the green lines are from the coherence values computed with Δαn,m (t) = αnX (t) − αm
(t) (19)
C1 and are, therefore, approximately 234 s later than the times X
Δζn,m (t) = ζnX (t) − ζm
(t). (20)
Define the ith components of the following vectors composed
of different measures of ΔH(t):
B. PolSAR Measures
n,m (i) =
ΔHn,m (tj ) (21)
We utilized the high-azimuth-resolution DAG and SPE N t
datasets described in Table I for the PolSAR time-series analysis.

We computed the H, A, α, and ζ measures from the reference 1  Xi

and the match orbits. We spatially averaged each of the measures HRMS
n,m (i) = ΔHn,m (tj ) (22)
N tj
in an approximate 10 m × 10 m region in a neighborhood of
HMax Xi
n,m (i) = max ΔHn,m (tj )
each accelerometer location for each videoSAR image set. The tj
spatial average for each videoSAR image set produces a time
series. (The choice of using 10 m × 10 m regions balances having where |δ| is the mean absolute difference, RMS is the root
a sufficient number of pixels for computing the average, while mean square, and Max is the maximum value. Similar vectors
reducing the chance of having overlapping regions with other can be computed from the ΔAX (t), ΔαX (t), and Δζ X (t)
accelerometer locations.) As a matter of notation, let HnX (t) measures.
denote the entropy time series computed around accelerometer We computed the polarimetric time-series metrics, given in
location X from the Cn orbit image set, similarly for AX n (t),
(21)–(23), at accelerometer locations throughout the SPE and
αnX (t), and ζnX (t). DAG sites. Table II summarizes the metrics, averaged over the
Our hypothesis is that differences in PolSAR measures tem- accelerometer locations, that bracket the explosion, as well as
porally persist in alluvium geology as a result of the explosion. segments of orbits from before and after the explosion to provide
Fig. 3(a) illustrates the time series for the PolSAR measures at baseline metrics. There are a couple of things to note about the
the DAG C8 accelerometer location as a function of time. The entries in the table. First, the C−1 DAG-2 collect had images
vertical black lines indicate the approximate aperture duration that did not coregister well; thus, the metrics are computed on
centered about t = 0. For reference, the measured acceleration the valid image pairs. Second, the baseline SPE-6 metrics are
at C8 is also displayed. The most important observation for computed from the regions outside of the region delimited by
these plots is that all of the polarimetric measures, H0C8 (t), the black lines in Fig. 3(b). Overall, there is a clear distinction
AC8 C8 C8
0 (t), α0 (t), and ζ0 (t), migrate from the “−2” traces to the
between the metrics computed from orbits that bracket the
“+2” traces as a result of the explosion. The migration confirms explosion and the baseline metrics. While the SPE dataset has
that the explosion is responsible for the differences between the dramatic increases in the metric values that bracket the explosion
“−” and “+” time-series plots. The differences indicate that over the baseline, the metrics from the DAG explosion still are
the signals temporally persist in the alluvium geology, at least approximately two to three times the baseline values, which is
for the duration of the passes considered. The plots at the other a nontrivial increase.
accelerometer locations are similar to that displayed in Fig. 3(a). Fig. 4 illustrates the maximum acceleration versus the ele-
In contrast, Fig. 3(b) illustrates the PolSAR time series com- ments of (a) H, (b) A, (c) α, and (d) ζ. In the figure, it can
puted from the PolSAR measures at the SPE A10 accelerometer be seen that there are two SPE-6 accelerometer values that are
location. The differences between the before and after passes over 30 g. These two accelerometers are located at A13 (55 g)
are greater in the SPE data than they are in the DAG data, which and A14 (43 g), which are adjacent to GZ. The H, A, and
is a result of more energy from the explosion propagating to the α PolSAR measures are bounded in the amount that they can
surface through the granite geology and shallower burial depth. change, regardless of the acceleration. It is likely that there is
Nevertheless, the PolSAR measures are durable in both cases. a nonlinear relationship between these two data points and the
A natural question to ask is: Does the measured acceleration measured acceleration.
correlate with any of the PolSAR measures? Let aXi (t) denote We also computed the correlation coefficients between the
the time series of the accelerometer at location Xi and define maximum measured acceleration at each accelerometer location
the vector a such that the ith entry is and different measures of the PolSAR time series; however,
we omitted the values associated with the A13 and A14 SPE-6
ai = max aXi (tj ). (16) locations, due to likely nonlinear relationships near GZ. Table III
tj summarizes the correlation coefficients computed between the
vector a and the various PolSAR measure vectors.
Thus, a represents the vector of maximum acceleration values From the table, it can be seen that A correlates with the
at each accelerometer location. Define the differences between maximum acceleration in both the DAG and SPE experiments;

Fig. 3. Plots of time versus the H, A, α, and ζ values, from the high-azimuth-resolution videoSAR image sets located at (a) C8 (DAG-2) and (b) A10 (SPE-6).
Each point of the plots is averaged in an approximate 10 m × 10 m region surrounding the accelerometers in the corresponding videoSAR image set. The variation
along the plots is due to the aspect-angle-dependent response of the scattering mechanisms around the orbits. The red and blue traces are the measured PolSAR
time series from image sets before and after the explosion, respectively. The green traces are from the image sets containing the explosion. The most important
thing to note is that the green traces migrate from the “before” time-series plots to the “after” traces as a result of the explosion. This indicates that the explosion
is responsible for the changes in the PolSAR measures.

this can be further confirmed visually from Fig. 4(b). A change scattering that is measurable at the X-band wavelength. The
in anisotropy implies that both explosions cause a change in H, α, and ζ measures correlate with the maximum accelera-
the relative strength between the secondary and tertiary scatter- tion in the SPE experiment, but have virtually no correlation
ing mechanisms. For example, in regions of relatively packed in the DAG experiment. This indicates that these measures
soil, this may amount to the explosion causing a fluffing of are sensitive to the geology. In contrast, A is more affected
the soil, which changes the scattering mechanism from sur- by the acceleration and is invariant to these two types of
face to a mix of surface and slight dihedral or volumetric geology.


The first row for each data collect contains metrics computed from orbits bracketing the explosion. The second and third rows contain metric values from orbits before and after
the explosion, respectively. The metric values from the orbits that bracket the explosion show a significant increase over the baseline metrics computed from before or after the

Fig. 4. Maximum measured acceleration versus (a) HRMS , (b) ARMS , (c) αRMS , and (d) ζ RMS . The SPE acceleration values measuring 43 and 55 g are the
accelerometers at locations A14 and A13, respectively, and are adjacent to GZ.

V. SPATIAL ANALYSIS monitoring [20]. In our work, it suffices to consider just the
The high-azimuth-resolution image sets also support the cre- copolarized channel CCD maps, computed across the scenes.
Fig. 5 illustrates ground-plane-projected north-up-oriented CCD
ation of CCD maps of the scene. There has been much research
in the field of coherent polarimetric change detection, such as the maps indicating the coherence loss as a result of the explosions
development of optimal coherence [11], [18], coherent-change- from (a) the DAG-2 explosion and (b) the SPE-6 explosion. It is
clear that the explosion is drastically different between the two
type discrimination [19], and for applications such as land use

Fig. 5. CCD maps computed from images before and after the explosion from the (a) DAG-2 and (b) SPE-6 images sets. The spatial extent of the coherence loss
affected by the explosions can be gleaned from the CCD images. The red line in (a) indicates the position of the north/south segment of the DAS fiber-optic cable
and the illustration in (c) shows the DAS measurements during the DAG-2 explosion; the time duration of the waveforms shown in the inset figures is 350 ms. The
vertical dashed blue line in (c) approximately delimits the southern edge of the DAG-2 images. As noted, spall is measured within the range of the DAG-2 SAR
image, which correlates with the loss of coherence.

TABLE III experiments. The loss of coherence due to the SPE-6 explosion
is very concentrated on the test pad surrounding GZ, whereas
LOCATION AND THE CORRESPONDING POLSAR TIME-SERIES DIFFERENCE the loss of coherence due to the DAG-2 explosion is much more
MEASURES (|δ|, RMS, AND MAX) COMPUTED BETWEEN THE PASSES THAT spatially distributed and affects a large spatial extent of the scene.
A DAS sensor recorded the nanostrain per second from each
channel at approximately 1.0-m intervals along the fiber-optic
cable during the DAG explosion. The fiber-optic cable extended
along a surface trench and deep into boreholes; thus, the DAS
sensor was able to collect data at various depths and, important
to correlating with the measured PolSAR phenomenology, along
the surface.
Fig. 5(c) illustrates the measured DAS data along about a 1.0-
km section of the fiber-optic cable; in the figure, the vertical axis
displays time, the horizontal axis displays the distance from GZ,
and the coloring encodes the measured nanostrain per second.
The DAS records show that the upcoming P-wave impinging
on the surface near GZ is followed approximately 100-ms later

Fig. 6. Conceptual visualization of coregistering videoSAR images from a circular flight trajectory. A series of videoSAR frames are shown in (a), where the
green frame notionally represents the reference frame. The frames in (b) are coregistered to the reference image. Span images, from the DAG-2 and SPE-6 image
sets, masked to the common intersection of the coregistered videoSAR frames are illustrated in (c) and (d), respectively. The pixels within the intersection of all
the videoSAR frames are coaligned in this process.

by a much higher frequency arrival. This high-frequency arrival and has a cos 2θ falloff from parallel incidence [17]. Beyond
persists to about 400–500 m from surface GZ and is the closure approximately 100 m, the raypaths have sufficient amplitude
of a spall gap, or “slapdown.” Spall from explosions is caused along the fiber direction to produce expected results.
by the tensile portion of a seismic wave overcoming the tensile The radial extent from GZ of coherence loss in the DAG CCD
strength and overburden pressure of the geologic material, caus- map is predicted by the measurements from the DAS sensor,
ing a physical parting [21]. The most obvious phase of ground where spall is measured within the scene and has been shown
motion recordings in the presence of spall is the slapdown, to be correlated with coherence loss [22]. The measurements in
which is the rapid coming together of the parted material, driven Fig. 5(c) show that the spall terminates just outside of the SAR
by gravity. Note that the first-arriving waves near GZ have a scene coverage. Thus, it is expected that CCD maps would mea-
somewhat chaotic nature prior to slapdown, with alternating sure higher coherence in regions where the spall has terminated.
bands of shortening (black) and lengthening (red) closer to GZ Along with the temporal analysis, the spatial changes of the
than about 100 m. Beyond 100-m offset, the wavefield is more polarimetric measures caused by the explosion are of interest.
predictable with a spatially continuous shortening phase as the The PolSAR measures given in (21)–(23) can be extended
first arrival, with alternating bands of lengthening and shortening beyond the accelerometer locations to anywhere within the
following. This is most likely a result of the raypaths from the scene. As mentioned, the frames from the match image sets
buried explosion being nearly vertically incident on the fiber are coregistered to the corresponding reference image in the C0
near GZ. DAS measures the strain rate parallel to the fiber image sets. The images within each Cn image set were further

Fig. 7. Spatial extent of the PolSAR measures from the DAG-2 experiment. Shown are the percentage increase of the RMS time-series computations (compared
to a baseline measure without the explosion) for each pixel location of (a) ΔH, (b) ΔA, (c) Δα, and (d) Δζ. The measure maps are masked to the common
intersection of the coregistered videoSAR frames. It is evident that the effect of the explosion is distributed through the scene in all of the measure maps.

coregistered to a reference image, as illustrated in Fig. 6(a) and and postexplosion images from the SPE dataset were used to
(b). As an example, Fig. 6(c) and (d) illustrates Span images, compute baseline maps of the PolSAR measures; the pre- and
from the DAG-2 and SPE-6 image sets, masked to the common postexplosion measure maps were then averaged together. The
intersection of the coregistered videoSAR frames. Through this images in Fig. 7(a)–(d), illustrate the percentage increase of
process, the videoSAR image frames from the image sets are the RMS time series computed for the ΔH, ΔA, Δα, and
coregistered. Δζ measures, respectively, from the DAG-2 explosion. The
With the image sets coregistered, the PolSAR measures can resulting maps show that the extent of the changes in scattering
be computed at each pixel location within the intersection of the physics, due to the explosion, is measurable over the extent of
videoSAR frames. This gives a map of the spatial variability of the scene. Fig. 8 illustrates similar maps for the SPE-6 explosion.
the PolSAR measures. The percentage of the measure changes Even though the magnitude of the PolSAR time-series measures
can be computed by comparing the measures computed from the between the two experiments are different, as given in Table II,
passes bracketing the explosion to baseline measures computed both explosion experiments displayed a dramatic percentage
from passes from either before or after the explosion. The passes increase over the baseline metrics. However, the SPE-6 measures
from C1 and C2 in the DAG datasets were used to compute are much less distributed than the DAG-2 measures and tend to
a baseline map of the PolSAR measures. Similarly, the pre- be concentrated around the pad containing GZ. This is due to

Fig. 8. Spatial extent of the PolSAR measures from the SPE-6 experiment. Shown are the percentage increase of the RMS time-series computations (compared
to a baseline measure without the explosion) for each pixel location of (a) ΔH, (b) ΔA, (c) Δα, and (d) Δζ. The measure maps are masked to the common
intersection of the coregistered videoSAR frames. The effect of the SPE-6 explosion is much more localized to the experimental pad than the DAG-2 explosion.

Fig. 9. DInSAR images computed from (a) the DAG-2 and (b) SPE-6 image sets. Note that the SPE-6 DInSAR image shows the deformation for ≈ ±60 m in
each cardinal direction of GZ. The DAG-2 explosion caused terrain elevation changes on the order of ±1 mm, whereas the SPE-6 explosion caused deformations
over 20 cm around GZ.

the energy of the explosion propagating to the surface through Physics Experiments (SPE) would not have been possible with-
granite, as opposed to through alluvium. out the support of many people from several organizations.
The final spatial measure that we consider in this article, The authors wish to express their gratitude to the National
contrasting the role of geology, are the DInSAR maps of the DAG Nuclear Security Administration, Defense Nuclear Nonprolifer-
and SPE scenes illustrated in Fig. 9(a) and (b), respectively. The ation Research and Development, and the SPE working group, a
DAG-2 DInSAR map shows that the terrain deformation was on multi-institutional and interdisciplinary group of scientists and
the order of ±1 mm; thus, there was not a significant amount engineers. Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission lab-
of terrain deformation across the extent of the scene. This is oratory managed and operated by National Technology and En-
due to the alluvium not being a very conductive medium for the gineering Solutions of Sandia LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary
energy wave of the explosion. The SPE-6 explosion had a much of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of En-
more dramatic impact on surface deformation. The deformation ergy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under Contract
is much more localized around GZ and is on the order of 20 cm. DE-NA0003525. Document release number: SAND2021-6742
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in optical sciences in 1987 and 1988, respectively, all
from the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA.
He is currently a Distinguished Member of the
Technical Staff with Sandia National Laboratories,
Albuquerque, NM, USA. His current research inter-
Roger Derek West received the B.S. and M.S. de- ests include synthetic aperture radar, remote sens-
grees concurrently in electrical engineering in 2008 ing, signal and image processing, and classification
and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in 2011, methods.
all from Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA.
He is currently a Principal Member of the Tech-
nical Staff with Sandia National Laboratories, Albu-
querque, NM, USA. His research interests include
statistical signal processing and synthetic aperture

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