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a pound of butter £1 a tube of toothpaste £1.

a jar of coffee £2.30 a tin of soup £1.25
a packets of biscuits £1.50 a tin of yoghurt 85p
a pound of apples 70p a cabbage 30p
a packet of rice 60p a bar of chocolate 75p
a pound of bananas 90p an orange 10p
a chicken £2 a pound of sugar £1
a jar of strawberry jam 85p a pound of flour 50p
a pound of cheese £4.20 a packet of spaghetti 75p
a steak £2 a tin of sardines £1.10
a pound of pears £1.20 a pound of tomatoes £1.30
a packet of salt 70p a pound of mushrooms £2
a packet of tea £1.50 a loaf of bread 85p
a bottle of shampoo £2 a pound of potatoes 70p
a dozen eggs £1 a lemon 20p
a bottle of milk £1.20 a jar of raspberry jam 90p
a joint of beef £3 a lettuce 85p
a box of chocolates £2.50 a tin of peas £1
a pound of onions £2.30 a pound of carrots 50p
a cauliflower 60p a packet of crisps 75p

a pound of butter £1 a tube of toothpaste £1.50

a jar of coffee £2.30 a tin of soup £1.25
a packets of biscuits £1.50 a tin of yoghurt 85p
a pound of apples 70p a cabbage 30p
a packet of rice 60p a bar of chocolate 75p
a pound of bananas 90p an orange 10p
a chicken £2 a pound of sugar £1
a jar of strawberry jam 85p a pound of flour 50p
a pound of cheese £4.20 a packet of spaghetti 75p
a steak £2 a tin of sardines £1.10
a pound of pears £1.20 a pound of tomatoes £1.30
a packet of salt 70p a pound of mushrooms £2
a packet of tea £1.50 a loaf of bread 85p
a bottle of shampoo £2 a pound of potatoes 70p
a dozen eggs £1 a lemon 20p
a bottle of milk £1.20 a jar of raspberry jam 90p
a joint of beef £3 a lettuce 85p
a box of chocolates £2.50 a tin of peas £1
a pound of onions £2.30 a pound of carrots 50p
a cauliflower 60p a packet of crisps 75p

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