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If i would be a book..

I couldn't be a bestseller, have the ability to make the crowds queue to buy me. I
would miss the ability to please everyone, or that sparkle that makes the difference between
an ordinary book and one destined for success.
If I could choose what tipe of book I would be I would pick a romance one because I
think that love is a complex feeling, manifested by strong affection and I think that a book
based on this feeling would be very expressive and liked by many people.
You wouldn't easily find me in a bookstore or library, maybe in a dark corner. My
exterior wouldn't catch your eye, I would like to have a simple cover with dark colors or just
the picture of the main caracther. The text on the back will be short but with an important
message that can tell you about the moral of the story.
Maybe you would buy me, you don’t know why and you would forget me in a dark place in
your library. Who would like to read a book with a simple cover, without any images. Until
one day when you want to discover what is hiding inside the pages.

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