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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Ministry of Popular Power for Higher University Education

Arturo Michelena University

Faculty of Music, Literature and Art

School of Modern Languages


Professor: Maria Romero

Student: Javier Vargas 29.769.630

Composition and Style I - 2T

August 202
Spanish Colonization and British Colonization

Paragraph 1 (Introduction): When we talk about colonization, the general idea is the
Methodological massacre of all the indigenous populations found. It is true that there is They
were massacres by the Spanish, but nothing compares to the massacres carried out by the
English colonizers, in this later period of the Spanish and British empires, there are differences
and similarities. The key difference between these two colonization was their approach to their
situation, while the Spanish were recognized as the bad and the English as the good kind; They
were by opposing forces to create an unfavorable and widespread image of a country, in this case

Paragraph 2 (Point #1): Expansion

The Spanish spread to Central and South America, where there is already a developed civilization,
and the British expanded north, where they discovered tribes, most of whom were nomads.

Paragraph 3 (Point #2): Economy

The economy of the Spanish settlers is based on mining, agriculture and livestock. Cattle farms,
which use the local population as "cheap labor" but as free men, while the British settlers. Their
economy is based on agriculture and livestock, but enslaves and exploits the locals. They are in the

Paragraph 4 (Point #3): Acculturationt

he Spaniards shared their culture without displacing that of the natives while the English
indoctrinated the natives with their culture.

Paragraph 5 (Conclusion): Among all their similarities and differences, it is clear that the Spanish
colonized in a peaceful way and the English did so with the help of warlike conflicts.

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