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PART A- What is your understanding of science

process skills of ‘designing and making’ and its

significance as a part of EVS teaching and learning for
primary school students.
Science process skills form foundation for scientific methods. When
we interact with our surroundings, we are implementing process
skills such as observing, predicting, inferring, measuring,
communicating and classifying. These basic science process skills
form the foundation of the scientific method.
Enhancing basic process skills helps children to become active
learners. These skills enable them in formulating questions and help
them in discovering the answers. Since problem solving is the
essence of scientific investigations, developing basic science process
skills among children is essential. Problem solving in science relies
heavily on the use of these process skills.

Designing and making are technological skills required to bring about

change through application of knowledge and resources. Technology
is an activity which uses knowledge and resources to make things
work, control things and improve the way they work. In primary
school, children are involved in technological activity when they
solve problems encountered in various areas of work and play. They
may want to build something for imaginative play, or to build a
model or make a rig for testing certain properties of material. In all
these activities they are involved in observing and investigating in
relation to a problem, designing a possible solution, creating the
artefact or system which has been designed and evaluating its
Designing and making comprise of various steps which are shown in
the diagram below. It is not compulsory or the learner is not
bounded to follow these steps one by one or to follow all the steps.

As we discussed in classroom that students learn better through their

participation in attainment of knowledge by gathering information

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