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Why do people write essays? Why they want to get into the university? Why do I want it?

You could say that I am quite average, or quite peculiar depending on what perspective you use. I like to
crack jokes and usually half of the fun comes from how funny joke itself is and another half from how
people react to it. I try to be sociable and usually it works out fine, I get to know people and make new
connections, but at the same time I can get a bit too unsociable sometimes. I might seem confident or
insecure, smart or dumb, interesting or boring, good or bad person. So, you could say that I am a
cocktail of personalities, which, as our school psychologists said, is healthy kind of personality. I got into
philosophy lately, before that I was interested in coding, ukulele, piano and books. Now I am not sure
whether I am going to pursue it in the university, but I can I kind of hope so, even though practical side
of me says to choose IT, I am kind of dubious of it. I do not think I am going to hate the job, but will I feel
excited to work? Will I try to achieve new highs in this field? Will I be interested in it 5 years forward? I
am not sure. I feel like I might mildly like it, since I always liked solving problems in math class and IT
seems just like creating something and then solving problems that arise in the process. Aside from that I
am really interested in cartoons and that is something I see myself being passionate about even 20 years

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