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Daniel Beveraje

November 2, 2022


For a determinant of n2 elements in witch n are the elements of the rows

and the columns.

Theorem 1. If two suscripts wahtever they are, are interchanged in any

term of the expansion of a determinant, the inversion changes in a odd
number,therefore, the sign of the term changes.

Theorem 2. The expansion of a determinant of order n consist of n!

different terms; half of them preceded by a negative sign and the other half
by a postive one.

Theorem 3. If the corresponding rows and columns of a determinant are

interchanged, the value of the determinant doesn’t change.

Theorem 4. If all the elements of a row or column are zero, the value of
the determinant is zero.

Theorem 5.

Theorem 6.

Theorem 7.

Theorem 8.

Theorem 9.

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