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When I was younger, all I wanted to do was go to restaurants, because that means my two
favorite things in the world, together: go out and food. I lost freedom over those things,
and finally now I am getting back my happiness.
What happened during pandemic that made it so awful? It is simple, pandemic ment
lockdown, and that means that we didn´t have control over life outdoor anymore. So, If
we couln´t control others, we felt the need to control ourselves. That´s why eating
disorders increased exaggeratedly lately.
Lockdown have caused cases to increase by 20% and it just continues to grow. ED´s are
diseases that could causes death, they are really dangerous and I feel like nobody is
talking about it. Not enough. Experts says that it has a lot to do with social media, the
culture of image and diet, and stereotypes. People with ED´s have more risk of suicide and
bad mental and physical health, so it´s time to stop determining someone´s worth based
on how they look, to stop normalizing behaviours that cause damage in our body and
mind, just to be perfect according to beauty standars and diet culture. We got used to
hate ourselves just because we didn´t fit in the model of an accuerate body that society
romantizes and promote. We had a loto f time alone with just ourselves, so we started to
look every part of our body, we realised that it was not like the figure of people in pictures
that social media admire, so we los tour minds and do things against our health to be
pretty, and that caused a loto f eating disorders around the world, but nobody takes it
seriously because we normalices destroy our body to be good and get people to like us.
Talking about my own experience, I could say that it´s difinitely not worth it, I´m in bulimia
recovery since 2021 and it has not been easy, but I know that it´s so much better than live
with an ED. Life is just one, we have to enjoy it and be free to do things that make us
happy. Food is just food, it won´t hurt you, butt your ED Will, so, please, choose freedom,
pandemic already make it harder, don´t let it win, it´s possible to fully recover and I want
you to know that you are not alone, you have a lot of people that loves you and wants you
to be happy, they don´t care about your body, they care about you and your value,
nothing more.

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