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The regions of the world that are most likely to benefit from globalization and

integration are going to be the emerging and developing economies of Asia especially
China, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong. According to graph below, it is
indicated that these countries are ahead in the all economic indicators that highlight the
potential of becoming the leading economies of the World in the near future. These
countries of these regions have the resources, institutions, and infrastructure necessary to
benefit from the possibilities that globalization has to offer. Additionally, they have the
human capital and expertise needed to adjust to the changes brought on by globalization.

China especially is far and beyond ahead of all the countries of its own region, because
of the immense technological advancement and an immense amount of human capital as
compared to the rest of the countries. So it excels in the all the indicators provided in the
Market Potential Index.

Globalization has not benefitted the emerging economies of Africa, Latin America, and
the Caribbean as much. These areas may struggle to compete in a globalized world
because they lack the resources and capacities of the industrialized economies.

It is crucial that the developed economies aid the developing economies in order to make
sure that the advantages of globalization are distributed more fairly. These benefits may
be in the form of trade favors, financial support, or technical help.

The developed economies should also watch out for any unintended negative effects of
their own actions on the emerging markets. The established economies should refrain
from adopting regulations that limit access to their markets or provide subsidies to their
own sectors, for instance.

The global economy has benefited greatly from globalization, but it has also faced
certain difficulties. The developed and developing economies can guarantee that the
advantages of globalization are distributed more fairly and that the problems are
successfully resolved by working together.

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