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That afternoon, after our last class of the day, we had very discreetly
agreed to meet on the emergency stairs. That was the perfect plan, I
remember thinking.

My hands sweated when I counted the few minutes left to find her in the
agreed place, I frequently looked at the clock that hung in the reception,
while waiting patiently on a sofa next to the elevator.

A young man of about nineteen years old who had a very peculiar voice, sat
next to me. Notice from looking at him that he had something to ask and
start a cordial conversation.

Do you have any plans for this afternoon? – he asked me, while he hugged
his backpack as if inside it had something of value. I just nodded my head. I
told him that I would go to the old port for a walk.

Are you going alone?,- i said no. that i will be accompanied

He didn't inquire about the person's name, but I noticed in his expression
that he had nowhere to go that afternoon. I had been in that situation at
some point in my life, so I asked him if he wanted to join us and he
accepted without hesitation.

When we met on the emergency stairs she smiled at me and greeted the
very natural guest to our classmate. I thought it was very polite of her not
to ask me why she would accompany us, she was more focused on leaving
the building as discreetly as possible and without saying much. She was
afraid they would see us together.

During the journey, discreetly observe those delicate hands and beautiful
expressions, I have never seen such beauty in a woman. I was totally

That way in which her wavy short hair moved with the wind, highlighted the
elegant way of her walking, that was a visual dance, which made anyone
turn to look.

I Let them start the conversation, which in the beginning was related to the
way certain teachers taught us the class, but for my part I must admit I
didn't pay too much attention, I was concentrated on following her

I had no mind to think to formulate correctly my thoughts, her smile

dominated me at will.

We went into a souvenir shop to buy a souvenir. Our friend was looking for
something small that he could take home to her family perhaps.
In that place there were times when we met in the corridors and our eyes
connected. I tried to hide how helpless her gaze made me wondering her
opinion about any object in the store, ask her opinion about any object in
the store and she always reply me whit a soft voice. That i must admit made
me shiver as my thoughts fought to keep my heart beating at a normal

When leaving the place and taking advantage of the fact that our
chaperone moved a few meters away.

Our hands met and entwined. There was no need to spoil that moment
with words and I dare say there are no such to describe it. That afternoon I
end with a cordial farewell at the subway station. I waited until she took the
line from hers which was totally opposite to mine. We watched each other
from a distance and promised to let us know when we reached our

My heart went after that wagon, I never looked at that port in the same
way. I was never me again.

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