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1. What is your reaction to the situation described in this case? What factors, both inside
the company and externally, appear to have contributed to this situation?
- My reaction to this situation was that I was shocked, but It’s alarming how the
management didn’t make a move when the suicidal rate of its employees are still
low. They didn't take any precautionary actions that may help to avoid or lessen the
victims on this kind of situation. In the company, pressuring the employee might be
the biggest factor that contributed to this situation. We must also take into account
the role demands, role conflict, role ambiguity, and role overload. Family concerns,
personal financial difficulties, and other reasons are personal causes that might
contribute to this situation. As workers bring their personal issues to work, a
complete comprehension of employee stress necessitates a manager's
understanding of these personal aspects. Evidence also suggests that employees'
characteristics influence their susceptibility to stress.
2. What appeared to be happening in the France Télécom’s workplace? What stress
symptoms might have alerted managers to a problem?
- Psychological pressure and pathological transformation appeared to be adopted by
France Telecom, causing workers considerable stress and a sense of susceptibility
to globalization. The manner in which they were pressured and treated caused a
great deal of stress and strain. They felt unimportant to the firm. Many stress signs
that could have alerted managers to an issue could have first been psychological
hazards such as mood swings, dissatisfaction, anxiety, or boredom, physical factors
such as headache and increased blood pressure. There are also behavioral
symptoms such as changes in performance, eating habits, addictions, and food.
3. Should managers be free to make decisions that are in the best interests of the company
without worrying about employee reactions? Discuss. What are the implications for
managing change?
- No, since the company is composed of number of employees, there should always
be a consideration of the employees’ reaction in every changes that will be made.
The manager should weigh which decision is beneficial not only to the company, but
also to the employees. Employees must be valued if they are to be relevant and a
part of future improvements. Managers must connect with their employees if they
want to grow and engage oneself while making them feel relevant to the company's
4. What are France Télécom’s executives doing to address the situation? Do you think it’s
enough? Are there other actions they might take? If so, describe those actions. If not,
why not?
- France Telecom's management replaced their CEO, and he chose to "rebuild the
morale of personnel who have gone through hardship, unhappiness, and a lot more."
He discontinued some negative corporate practices, such as forced transfers, and
implemented more supporting processes, such as assignment. He has also
collaborated with labor unions to address other workplace challenges. These are
small steps that might help to regain the successful work system in their company.
But in reality, this actions are not enough. The company should offer employee
counseling, it can help relieve stress. Employees needs to speak with someone
about their concerns. I believe these were wonderful moves to take, but much harm
has already been done, therefore they should continue to take action in this area
since it will always be a continuous.
5. What could other companies and managers learn from this situation?
- As much as managers value the company's image, it is as important to consider the
welfare of the employees. There are several approaches to enhance the company's
work system without overburdening the employees to the point of psychological
stress. It is vital to remember that a company cannot operate well if its employees
are in poor condition. Also, the managers should learn on how to balance things out.
They will learn to always choose the decision that is the best to the both parties.

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