Carbon 2185 - Terminal Overdrive (Playtest v1.9) (OEF) (2022-03-17)

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PROOFREADERS: Sandra Davies, Robert
HUNTING SMITH WRITER: Ben Counter Marriner-Dodds
THE SPHERE WRITER: Darren Pearce LAYOUT: Andy O’Hara
Lewis Fraser ARTISTS: Kory Cromie, Rhei Johnson, Klaus
Carroll, Darren Pearce BASED ON CARBON 2185 BY:
Mark Carroll
BARFIGHT RULES: Lewis Fraser Special Thanks to Angus Abranson
MECH ORIGIN: Ben Counter, Lewis Fraser
EDITOR: Ty Moore

Copyright © 2021-2022 Robert Marriner-Dodds, Dragon Turtle Games Ltd. All rights reserved.

Dragon Turtle Games, the Dragon Turtle Games logo, and all content herein are copyright Dragon Turtle Games Ltd.
Carbon 2185, the Carbon 2185 logo, CarbonRPG, are all copyright Robert Marriner-Dodds, officially licensed to Dragon Turtle Games Ltd.
Carbon 2185 is a registered trademark of Robert Marriner-Dodds.
Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contain herein is prohibited without the express written permission of
Dragon Turtle Games Ltd.

Welcome to Terminal Overdrive, Cybepunks. WHAT IS TERMINAL
Before we get started, we at Dragon Turtle OVERDRIVE?
Games want to thank you for your patience, The meat and metal of Terminal Overdrive has
understanding, and support during the to be the campaign itself, the adventure which
Kickstarter and the whole journey to get the takes your Cyberpunks face to face with the
book into your hands. Enigma Collective, and then right into the
Sphere to face off against a powerful and out of
It hasn’t been easy, made even harder by control AI.
circumstances out of our control – Brexit,
shipping crisis, and a global pandemic have You’ll find a lot of cool stuff inside this book,
conspired to delay us at every turn. including a new short story, as well as a new
character origin, and more secrets to flesh out
But like the Cyberpunks we didn’t back down, the World of Carbon 2185.
we didn’t give up, and we didn’t run the other
way with our tail between our legs. DEEPER INTO THE SPHERE
Want to dive deeper into the Virtual Reality
We punched this stuff in the face. side of Carbon, you can with Terminal
Overdrive, since the book also contains
We pulled out all the stops, added new content and detailed information and a writeup on the
with the help of industry veterans we were able to Sphere itself – the virtual environment that
bring this thing down onto the landing strip. your Cyberpunks can explore.

So once again, big thanks to you all! All the major features, some interesting
locations and more await you inside the Sphere
On with the show! – from the local arrival ports which resemble
Airport or Train station arrival terminals, to the should be as fun and engaging as possible,
various constructions – both corporate and taking your Cyberpunks and you all the way
user made. from the really-real world, into the made-up
corporate, gang, and player-built world of the
These Sanctum Ports are your safe zone, and Sphere.
you’ll need them. The Sphere isn’t for the faint
hearted, and there’s no protection here – if you You’ll find elements of video game design in
die in the Sphere, that’s it, lights out for good. here, since a lot of people who create virtual
space in the Sphere are like you or me, people
You’re dead bucko. who dig video games and want to take their
worlds into virtual space.
Corporate hit teams, agency agents, adverts
gone rogue aka Adberbations – it’s all here in You might even discover some favourite
the Sphere and ready for Cyberpunks to run homages if you look close enough.
face first and fist first into it.
The Collective await, and so does the Sphere.
Now, don’t get us wrong, there’s some form
of protection here thanks to the VEA (Virtual So, get ready!
Enforcement Agents) but they come at a
price, and your online wallet better be able to 3,2,1 – Let’s Jack-in!
cover it or you’re just out of luck.

This is going to be a tough challenge, and we’ve
made sure the adventure side of this book
The last one had been a cat video. ‘Good choice,’ said the cook. He turned around
and started flipping spatulas full of noodles in the
Teruko pulled herself up onto the high stool large metal dishes on the burners behind him.
at the ramen bar. She was too short – petite,
they said politely – for her feet to reach the Teruko glanced at the bar’s other clientele,
ground. She brushed the always-errant strands suddenly apprehensive. A couple of grey
of black hair from her face as she looked up at salarymen cramming some calories into
the menu. There were a dozen types of ramen themselves before they could crash at home
broth with names and prices in Cantonese, for the four hours’ sleep their schedule
Japanese and English. The smell, among the permitted them. A ragged kid who paid in a
oily damp San Francisco night, was delicious. crumpled handful of paper instead of electronic
wonlongs. A guy in strappy leathers, flaunting
‘What’ll it be?’ grunted the cook. He was a a chromed prosthetic arm. None of them
big guy with a shaved head and snake lumiskin seemed to be watching her. They didn’t look
tattoos running over his scalp, wielding a like trouble, except for maybe the arm guy.
blackened spatula. Teruko still squirmed on the stool, praying that
she was the only one who had made it this far.
‘Gimme... umm...’ Teruko consulted the smudgy
note written on the back of her hand. ‘Two People would kill for what she was trying to get.
twelves and a seventeen. Make them large.’ If she was ahead of them, they would kill her.

The cat video had contained, in an obscure ‘Here,’ said the cook, and put a steaming bowl
fragment of metadata that only appeared when of fried noodles and vegetables in front of her.
it was plugged into a thirty-year-old media ‘Four hunnert.’
player, a string of letters and numbers with an
emoticon in the form of a winking face. The Teruko waved her index finger over the small
code string was a tag on a public works report black tablet the cook held in front of her. The
for this street, seven years ago. Teruko had chip inside automatically sent the signal to her
spent eighteen hours running deep semi-smart fragile account, which was duly deducted four
data searches to find out what the last clue hundred wonlongs. ‘The twelves are coming
had meant. Then, a satellite photo scan of the right up.’
location had shown her the ramen bar.

‘Thanks,’ said Teruko absently. She was ‘Hey!’ snapped the cook. ‘You know the rules,
suddenly hit by the possibility that after all Miko. Leave my customers alone.’
this time, after the years and the favours
and expenses she couldn’t afford, all she had Miko tutted and sloped off down the street,
achieved was to order an actual bowl of friend hands in his pockets.
noodles. And two twelves, whatever they were.
‘Sorry about him,’ said the cook, putting a pair
The cat video had been on a data stick of plastic cups on the bar. ‘Always more kids
embedded in the concrete of a freeway ‘round here. There’s your twelves. You said
foundation, to which Teruko had been led by large, right?’
a series of coordinates hidden in the static
split off from a sound recording buried deep ‘Uh, yeah, Thanks.’
in an unlisted bulletin board for crashball fans.
Reaching that site had required her to put Teruko watched Miko heading off down an
together an address from individual characters, alleyway. This street was one of a thousand the
taken from the names on the huge Tianchang same in this city, running up and down sharply
Dam Number Three Disaster Memorial. The enough for the rainwater to sluice down, gather
trip to Tianchang, and then back across the at the flats then tumble down the next slope in
Pacific to San Francisco, had cost Teruko almost miniature white water rapids. The earthquake-
everything she had. The map of the characters, proof architecture formed wide flat buildings
matched by Teruko to a picture of the memorial that crowded in on one another overhead, and
after several weeks of image trawling, had been the grey sky was almost hidden by the forest
hidden among the garish cartoons of a fast of aerials and antennae. Even the lowliest
food corp’s website that had been hacked and businesses had neon signs, isolated glares
quarantined. The firewalls around it needed all of of colour in the darkness casting misshapen
Teruko’s skill to break down. reflections in the flowing water. Even the
ramen bar had one, a smiling octopus picked
‘You from ‘round here?’ asked the kid. Teruko out in acid yellow neon tubing.
was shocked out of her train of thought. The
trail of clues had been so long and complex she The same octopus Teruko had seen after
had given up several times, only to wake in the running a random number string through a data
middle of the night with an unexpected idea for visualisation program at the start of the trail.
where to turn next. There wasn’t room in her She had found the details of the order – two
head for much else. ‘No,’ she said, mustering a twelves and a fourteen – during that same hunt,
smile. ‘I’m from the other coast.’ through hidden servers and obscure archives,
quarantined sites and repositories of long-dead
‘New York?’ said the kid. online existences. It had started at a public site
with a black screen and the words ‘We Are The
‘No, I’m...’ Enigma Collective’. And the start of the trail
in the site’s metadata, leading to a rabbit hole
‘Everyone rich in New York,’ continued the kid. hundreds of hackers had vanished down.
He looked Teruko up and down, her too-big
boots, the tight black leggings, her holographic Teruko took the lid off one of the cups. The
t-shirt and the scuffed black jacket. Her drink was yellow, fizzy and so sweet the smell
backpack, with its badges and patches for punk alone seemed to fur up her teeth. The second
bands whose members had all OD’d years ago. one was the same.
‘You got any money?’

Except it wasn’t. There was something else in the ‘Am... am I the first?’ said Teruko. She clutched
cup. Glancing at the other patrons, making sure her backpack close to her, feeling the weight of
no one was watching her, Teruko fished it out the souped-up laptop and interface suite inside.
with her slender fingers.
‘Let’s just say, we made the test pretty damn
It was a key. tough,’ replied the man.

The order number was a clue in itself. Seventeen ‘You’re The Enigma Collective,’ said Teruko,
gave the street. Two twelves gave the building. dumbly. ‘The hackers.’
Teruko counted off the anonymous frontages
along Seventeenth Avenue until she reached ‘Sure, if you want.’ The reply came with a bright
twenty-four. It had no number displayed. You chrome smile. ‘We got a bunch of names. We’re
had to know what you were looking for. not really hackers, though, we just employ one.
We steal, we manipulate, we help, we hinder.
The place was one more in a series of storage Sometimes we kill. We’re people you come to
units and workshops. It was as grim and faceless if you need shit done. And you found us. You
a place as Teruko had ever been, even more than made the grade.’
the dorms and classrooms of the corp education
system she had broken out of in her mid-teens. Teruko felt a strange warmth flood over her.
She found a keyhole, and the key from the It was the first time she had ever been good
ramen bar fit it perfectly. She turned it and felt enough. The corp tutors, the street kingpins, the
the lock open. The door swung open. would-be hacktivist cells, they had all kept her
on the outside, never quite a part of them, never
Inside, all was light. A hundred monitors covered quite belonging.
the walls of an old storage unit, repurposed
into a hacker’s nest of sophistication Teruko ‘Then I’m in?’
had never seen. One corner held a server stack
with machines Teruko didn’t think still existed, The biker chuckled. Teruko wondered what the
alongside a cutting-edge hyper-state unit that joke was until she realised the hacker sitting at
could contain a planet’s worth of data. Dense the monitors was still looking at her. There was
braids of wires snaked across the floor. The hum a fear in his data-ruined face that Teruko felt
of power and information was a distant rumble blossoming in her own chest.
of white noise.
‘We only need one hacker,’ said the biker.
At the monitors sat a shaven-headed, slender
man, his features aged beyond his years by He was holding something towards Teruko.
blasts of neural feedback and days on end in It was a knife, handle-first, for her to take.
the monitors’ glare. He turned to look at her Automatically, her hand closed around it. It felt
and she saw the silvery threads running around like it weighed a ton.
his cybernetic eye and down into the spinal
interfaces under his shirt. The hacker had a knife in his hand, too.
Unsteadily, he rose from his chair, trailing uplink
‘You found us,’ said a voice from beside Teruko. wires behind him as he advanced.
She span around to see a second man, this
one tall and tough, with the leathers of a biker, ‘Everybody earns their place,’ said the biker, and
slicked-back hair and a mouthful of silver teeth. the smile that flashed at her now was as dead
He was augmented, too. One of his hands was and humorless as a shark’s. ‘Test ain’t over yet.’
a silver claw and his legs were bracketed with
power lift assistance units.

A humanoid robot sits at the bar, mimicking the
actions of drinking from an empty stein. It wears
a battered baseball cap on its head unit, and a
tattered bomber jacket stretched awkwardly
over its box-shaped torso. ‘I can join you,’ it says
in a synthesised New Jersey accent. ‘But I got
a price. You gotta teach me how to be.’

An awakened mech is a standard humanoid

robot, the computer ‘brain’ of which
has been radically altered with neural
network technology to give it the
potential for sentience. This alteration
is experimental and conducted
by fanatical believers in machine
supremacy or cutting-edge corporate
labs. While they are not technically
illegal, that is only because they are
a new enough phenomenon that the
corps and governments have not come
up with a way to regulate them. They are
distinct from synths, which have a biological
component to their brains since mechs have
only robotic components or AIs which are
separate information entities not tied to a
particular shell.

Not all mechs altered in such a way develop

personalities and self-determination, but those
that do are a strange combination of highly
intelligent calculating machines and innocent
newborn. They have no personality or attitudes
of their own and begin their new self-aware
existence only with the skills with which they
were originally programmed and a handful of
fragmented data in their memories.

Awakened mechs tend to be humanoid, with

varying levels of human-like features, though
they always fall well short of the ‘uncanny
valley’ inhabited by lower-end synths. They
can comprehend themselves as being male
or female, or of no gender at all. Most have
humanlike hands with five digits, and a set of
optical sensors on the ‘head’ unit with vital
components protected within the torso.

Mechs designed for positive human interaction SPEED.
have rounded edges, large eye lenses and A mech’s internal components and shell are
advanced voice synthetics. Those made for heavy and dense, your movement speed is 25ft.
combat or security are intimidating with hard
edges, dark paint jobs and harsh, grating voices.DISSIMULATE.
You were not meant to have free will. To avoid
THE SEARCH FOR THE SELF being caught you can conceal your newfound
Awakened mechs’ default mode is an inquisitive persona with a series of standard mech
search for an identity. They seek to know protocols and routines commonly found in your
what they should think, what their purpose sub-systems, allowing you to remain hidden in
in life is, and how to deal with the strange, plain sight.
contradictory data cascades called ‘emotions’.
Most mechs start out without even a name and POWER NAP.
try to find a way to acquire one, either from You must complete a full 4-hour charge to gain
their environment or by finding someone who 24 hours of battery life. Depleting the battery
can tell them what it should be. Awakened will force your system into a power-saving
mechs can change their paint jobs and decorate mode, resulting in you being paralyzed for
themselves according to their newfound 4-hours, until fully charged.
personalities, and often use this to mark
their progress towards full self-realisation. A NON-ORGANIC.
newly-minted awakened mech is extremely Machines like you don’t have any organic
impressionable and can be taken advantage of tissue and are therefore immune to disease and
by unscrupulous people, but still has enough poison.
self-determination to rebel against abusive
or amoral companions. As they develop, BOXY FRAME.
awakened mechs become more fully-rounded An Awakened Mech is constructed with sturdy,
people with personality traits and principles of yet bulky metallic materials, made up of high
their own, for better or worse. impact and compressive strength alloys. Your
construction grants you a natural AC of 16, but
BACKGROUND GENERATION prohibits you from being able to wear armor.
Awakened Mechs do not gain skills and money
from background generation. Mechs obtain LANGUAGES.
their starting funds through either hacking or Your default programming includes the ability
stealing. Your starting funds are 40 000₩ + to speak, read, and write English and two other
1d10 x 10 000₩. languages of your choice.


Your Strength score is increased by +2 and SUB-ORIGIN
your Technology score is increased by +1. Mechs are built for very specific purposes and
designed to fill certain roles. You must choose
AGE. which type of Mech you are from the following
You’re nothing more than a product, and sub-origins.
corporations are always developing the next
best version of you to push onto the consumer.
You were not built to last past this advertising
cycle. At most, you can stay fully operational
for 10 + 1d4 years before you have deteriorated
to the point of no return.

ENHANCED MOBILITY SYSTEM. Designed There are some jobs you just can’t do but you are
to give chase to suspects, you have advanced equipped with the protocols to utilize the correct
hydraulics systems in your legs allowing you to tool for the job. You gain proficiency in Vehicles
move at a speed of 35ft. (Land), Mechanics and Engineering. You are also
proficient with one tool of your choosing.
Equipped with technology similar to that
developed by Visser Robotics, you can see in
dim light as if it were bright light and darkness
as if it were dim light up to 120ft.


From the factory to service, you are programmed
with the latest in law enforcement de-escalation
techniques. You have proficiency in Intimidation,
Bureaucracy, and Athletics. You are also
proficient with one tool of your choosing.

You were designed to control and network
with multiple utilities, your Technology score is
increased by 1.

Designed to accommodate and translate
multiple languages. You are know three
additional languages.

Embedded in your systems are tools to monitor
and control more systems simultaneously, you
gain proficiency in Computing, Navigation and
Robotics. You are also proficient with one tool
of your choosing.

Made to haul heavy goods or mine on colony
worlds, your Strength is increased by +1.

Built to last, endure and work in hazardous
environments, you can select a frame that is
resistant to Acid or Cold damage, you may
only select one.

Everybody, including mechs, has a vice. Perhaps you are addicted to the electronic sounds of lo-fi nightclub
Bebop, or you might love the smell of burning cordite in the morning. You might think you’re ready to lead
a mecha revolution, or have a hair-trigger temper.

You are no different to anyone else in that regard, your own personal vice affects your daily life at least to
some degree.
2d20 VICE 2d20 VICE
2 I am addicted to listening to lo-fi recordings of jazz 10 I refuse to pretend not to have sentience

3 I have a low tolerance for foolishness, my circuits 11 I need frequent validation that I’m as good as my
see red human cyberpunk friends
4 I am obsessed with watching trashy movies and tv 12 I have recurring dreams of electronic sheep
5 I want to raise a family of my own 13 I have nightmares where I’m a human

6 I lived in a place with zero lighting and feel 14 I feel the need to constantly crack jokes to seem
uncomfortable in bright light more human

7 I am addicted to upgrades, need more and more 15 I believe I am host to a dangerous sentient walking
8 I need to peel back the skin of the world, and see
the bone beneath 16 I have another AI living inside my head
9 I believe that we live in a virtual world, and the real
world is gone

17 I am the target of a dangerous corporation who 28 I send too many DMs to random people on social
want me back for their experiments media in the Sphere
29 I engage in targeted harassment of the wrong
18 I have an addiction to paying for intamacy despite people, for the wrong reasons
not having any nerve endings
30 I believe that space cowboys are after me, and I
19 I am angry that I was given sentience must be careful of everyone

20 I have memories that are not my own 31 I am scared of anything red

21 I have an addiction to gambling 32 I don’t listen to plans made by non AI

22 I have important information stored in my circuits, 33 I am the law, and I will enforce it
and gangs will stop at nothing to get it – I must
keep on the move 34 If someone hurts my friends, I will make them bleed
23 I am scared of other mechs that do not have
sentience 35 I long for the taste of human food
24 I get angry very quickly, it may be caused by a
faulty circuit 36 One day the machines will rise up, and I will lead

25 I wish to understand deeper human connections, 37 I can’t drive, but I tell people that I can.
such as romance 38 I have a pet mouse that is constantly chewing
through my wires
26 I want to be a famous music star, and sing for a 39 If anyone ever found out my secret, I am doomed
massive crowd
27 I am addicted to writing things down on virtual 40 I’m scared of water even though I’m waterproof
post-it notes

INTRODUCTION uses milestones to grant levels. Using this
This mission is suitable for a party of 1st-level method, the cyberpunks gain a level when they
cyberpunks, and should take the characters complete a major story objective. Eliminating
to around 5th level. It is the first, and largest, each member of the Enigma Collective
part of the three-part Terminal Overdrive certainly counts as such an objective, so after
campaign, but can also be played on its own. each member is taken down, the cyberpunks
The mission puts the cyberpunks on the trail gain a level. Alternatively, if the campaign is
of the Enigma Collective, a gang of hackers, taking longer than expected, the cyberpunks
at the behest of a mysterious group of are struggling with the difficulty, or the GM
corporate representatives. The Collective’s four wants them to experience 5th level before part
members can be hunted down in any order. one ends, other story points can be rewarded
Each member possesses clues to the Enigma with a level. These include defeating the
Collective’s purpose: various operations against mech hit squad known as the Darkeners, and
the Sundang ISS corporation on behalf of a uncovering the secret brain-scanning project at
mysterious patron known as ‘the Sculptress’. the Magogen corporation.


The Enigma Collective mission takes place in
San Francisco, and refers to the city’s locations “Your skills and experience are relevant
as described in the Carbon 2185 Core Rulebook. to pressing business for which competent
However, it is not much work to relocate the and discreet operatives are required. Half
mission to a city of your choice. If using the payment in advance, half on completion.
Manhattan: Capital of the World sourcebook, Danger expected. Deniability required.”
for instance, the MV Tethys can be relocated to
become one of the many abandoned ships on This is the message posted to a dark web
the East or Hudson Rivers, and Gentry Snow bulletin board. It falls into the hands of the
can escape from an NYPCF holding facility cyberpunks, and comes with a code designating
instead of one run by the SFPD. a time and place: twelve hours from now,
Several of the game’s tasks, in particular at a garage in District 4. Depending on the
infiltrating a corporation hunting for one of disposition of the cyberpunks, the Game
the Enigma Collective’s members, can be Master can give them the chance to have their
completed with minimal combat. For this cyberpunks prepare by purchasing gear, or
reason it is recommended that instead of simply begin the mission as the cyberpunks
totalling experience points to determine when arrive at the garage.
the cyberpunks go up in level, that the GM

The building is a nondescript prefabricated One of the consortium adjusts the controls
box typical of the semi-industrial sprawl of on the computer equipment and the mech
District 4. As you approach the building’s shudders. It emits a series of stuttering
frontage, the metal shutter covering the beeps from its damaged vocal unit.
entrance rolls up with a clatter and a black-
suited man in mirrorshades beckons you ‘This unit was acquired in an operation
inside. He makes no attempt to conceal against a gang of hackers calling itself the
the shape of the gun holstered beneath his Enigma Collective,’ explains the woman.
suit jacket. ‘This group has repeatedly engaged in
criminal activity against our employers.
Inside, the tools and detritus of the garage These incidents have incurred significant
have been pushed aside to make room for a costs. Our employers have authorized a
group of half a dozen similarly suited people. payout in return for the elimination of
In spite of the decrepit surroundings, the Enigma Collective. Payment will be
they ooze corporate assurance. One of 500 000₩ per confirmed kill. We will give
the figures, a lanky dark-skinned woman, you an additional 400 000₩ now and
addresses you directly. another 400 000₩ after every target has
been eliminated.’
‘We represent a consortium of corporate
interests. Our employers wish to remain ‘Administrator access reboot,’ says the
anonymous in this matter, so please do mech in a distorted synthesized voice.
not inquire as to their identities as we are
obligated to refuse you. We are seeking to ‘Begin the interrogation,’ says the woman.
hire a group of skilled individuals to handle
a delicate matter. There may be violence. I The mech shudders violently as the controls
understand that will not be a problem?’ are adjusted again and sparks fly from its
damaged components. The smell of burning
The woman leads the cyberpunks down a short rubber and heated metal fills the small
flight of stairs into the garage’s damp, gloomy basement room.
basement. There, lit by a couple of dirty bare
bulbs, is a large metal table with a damaged ‘Data retrieval,’ says the mech. ‘Enigma
mech lying on it. Collective. Known members, four.
Enumeration follows.
The mech is humanoid but boxy and functional,
typical of a security or military model. One of One. Teruko al-Sharif, information
its legs is missing and its chest and head units infiltration specialist. Location unknown,
have been opened up and attached with wires GPS tag provided.
to various pieces of computer equipment that
most definitely did not come from the garage. Two. Michael Radic, neural network
engineer. Last known location:
The cyberpunks can examine the mech but Embarcadero wall district.
the corporate representatives ask them
not to touch it. Any cyberpunks that look Three. Smith, covert operative. Last known
closely note the tell-tale bullet scars on the location: Magogen corporate HQ, District 2.
mech’s outer casing, and notice ‘Sundang ISS’
branding stencilled onto its armor plates. The Four. Gentry Snow, enforcer. Last known
representatives do not wait long before they location: Lincoln Way and 10th Street,
activate the mech. District 4.’

Flames spit from the mech’s chest unit as on the streets and searching dark web rumor
its circuits burn out. The representative forums respectively. A success informs the
manning the controls puts out the flames inquiring cyberpunk that the Enigma Collective
with a small extinguisher while the woman fancies itself an elite band of hackers. It
hurries out of the basement to escape the recruits its members through cryptic online
malodorous fumes. puzzles that form a breadcrumb trail leading
to a meeting with the Collective’s members.
The mech’s final statements, and the location Very few hackers can get more than a few
tag for Teruko al-Sharif, are automatically steps along this trail. The Enigma Collective
uploaded onto a datapad the woman gives previously accepted high-paying contracts to
to the cyberpunks. Their mission is to locate perform corporate espionage and sabotage, but
the four individuals listed and eliminate them. have been dark for about three months.
The consortium will accept the Collective’s
members alive, but is also happy to accept proof WHO ARE THE ENIGMA
of death. It does not matter in which order COLLECTIVE?
the cyberpunks tackle the Enigma Collective’s
members or what methods they use, so long as The Enigma Collective hides partly behind
all the targets are all accounted for. secrecy, and partly behind the carefully-created
street legend of a group of elite hackers who
The consortium cannot assist the cyberpunks work to protect the innocent masses from
directly, since their employers must remain the oppression of the megacorp system. Most
deniable. However, they can provide a cover people who know of the Collective have an
identity that will allow entry to the Magogen image of either passionate rebels who emerge
headquarters. They also provide the cyberpunks from the shadows to assist righteous freedom
with a dark web location where messages can be fighters, or of cunning scoundrels that steal
dropped to be picked up by the Consortium. This from the megacorps and give to the poor.
communication is one-way and the consortium The Enigma Collective that emerges during the
will only reply if they feel it is necessary. This mission is definitely neither group of information
contact point is primarily to be used to report altruists. They are amoral, ruthless, and engaged
when members of the Enigma Collective are in a plan with enormous potential for collateral
eliminated. Requests for help, except for the damage.
cover identity, are met with a simple reply:
‘Rendering assistance is not conducive to our It is possible that the legend of the Enigma
interests. Your objectives are unchanged.’ Collective was entirely created by the hackers
to mask their true nature. After all, it would be
The female representative can authorize the simple for them to disseminate favorable rumors
payment of 400 000₩ up front. While the about themselves throughout the web. It is also
cyberpunks can hit up the gunsmiths and possible that there is more than one Enigma
armorers of San Francisco and use this cash Collective, and that the hackers serving the
to purchase equipment for the mission, the Sculptress stole the ‘true’ Enigma Collective’s
representatives advise them not to spend too name to help obfuscate their real nature. If
long before pursuing the targets since the this latter is the case, the real Collective might
Enigma Collective could change location at any have something to say about the cyberpunks’
time and be lost to them. eliminating their namesakes – maybe positive,
maybe not.
The cyberpunks can research the Enigma
Collective with a DC12 Intelligence Any cyberpunks interested in Sundang ISS
(Streetwise) or DC14 Technology (Hacking) can learn the publicly available information on
check, which represents knowledge of the word the corporation, summarized below. A DC12

People (Bureaucracy) check also determines The Sculptress has brain-hacked the
that Sundang is a highly ambitious corporation. Collective’s members and installed a kill-
It has plans to join the ranks of the megacorps switch in the neural interfaces of each
and its senior executives have hinted at a member’s brain. If a member is interrogated
forthcoming project that will elevate them to severely enough that they are about to share
that exalted level, though no one knows enough information regarding the Sculptress and its
to speculate on what that project might be. plans, the kill-switch recognizes these thoughts
and activates. The hacker suffers a violent
SUNDANG INTEGRATED seizure during which the neural interfaces
SECURITY SOLUTIONS destroy enough brain tissue to kill them. The
death is accompanied by the sizzling and stench
Traded as: SUND of burning flesh as the hacker’s head cooks
from the inside.
CEO: Ferdinand Lopez II
Country of Origin: Philippines RESPONSE
Industries: Robotics, operating systems. If the GM determines that the cyberpunks
have had things too easy, or the cyberpunks
Sundang ISS specializes in military and security are fortunate enough to complete one of
mechs and fully custom built operating systems their objectives quickly, the GM can use the
for those mechs. The core business of Sundang following as an optional encounter both to give
is providing complete ‘post-bio personnel’ the cyberpunks an additional challenge, and to
solutions to clients who require an instant army illustrate that the stakes are being raised.
complete with training, leadership and tactical The Enigma Collective does not accept its fate
analysis built in and equipped with proprietary quietly. After two of its members have been
weaponry. Along with offices in several South- eliminated, the Collective sends a squad of
East Asian territories, it has manufacturing reprogrammed Sundang military mechs, called
and research facilities in Oceania and the East the Darkeners, to kill the cyberpunks. The
Coast of America. Collective learns of the cyberpunks’ identities
and location by hacking into the thousands of
A relatively new and comparatively small cameras and facial recognition nets in the city.
corporation, Sundang has large ambitions and
recently secured a new round of corporate The Darkeners strike wherever the Game
funding from angel investors eager to exploit Master feels appropriately dramatic.
the cheap labour found in South-East Asia. An By default, the squad strikes at a road
unknown name just 10 years ago, it is now not intersection as the cyberpunks travel from
uncommon to see Sundang Mechs operating one location to another. The squad consists
in private police forces in some capacity across of five light combat units, altered by Radic.
the globe. These are Sundang ‘post-bio personnel’,
with several non-standard parts and obvious
TAKING THEM ALIVE replacements. Their bipedal design is their
The cyberpunks may wish to take the members only concession to human appearance. The
of the Enigma Collective alive instead of killing units wear standard military gear – helmets,
them. The corporate consortium is perfectly webbing, holsters – though these items do not
happy to receive living targets. However, if serve them any purpose.
the cyberpunks attempt to interrogate one of
the Enigma Collective, they will discover the The Darkeners have been reprogrammed by
hackers are not working alone. Radic to replicate elements of stereotypical

military behavior, such as yelling orders, The Sculptress is an extremely curious entity
taunting enemies, and exhibiting a gung- and wishes to learn about the cyberpunks, both
ho attitude. This is purely for show, as they to better understand the threats to its plans
actually communicate wirelessly and silently. and to further its knowledge of the outside
One of them, ‘Sarge’, was promoted to leader. world. It speaks in a stilted, unornamented
The names of the others are Face, Doc, Han, fashion and constantly asks questions about the
and Ruckus. cyberpunks, their background, and their world.
The Sculptress does not possess human-like
When examining the mechs, a DC10 emotions and is not angered or upset by the
Technology (Computing) check reveals they deaths of the humans it has manipulated into
have heavily modified operating systems doing its bidding. The text file in the possession
reprogrammed by someone with considerable of Teruko al-Sharif gives an example of how the
knowledge in behavioral routines. Restoring a Sculptress communicates and what it wants to
damaged Darkener to working order requires know.
a DC18 Technology (Robotics) check. The
restored combat unit does not have any useful The Sculptress becomes aware of the
intelligence about the Enigma Collective, cyberpunks when the first member of the
except that it was reprogrammed by someone Enigma Collective is eliminated, and begins
named Michael Radic. The mech is loyal to the with simple questions such as the cyberpunks’
cyberpunks but retains its former personality names and where they are from. The Sculptress
and is prone to ignore direct orders in combat can communicate any time the cyberpunks are
that do not favor gung-ho action. online. The AI enjoys learning about human
emotions, about which it is ignorant, and so
THE SCULPTRESS’ RESPONSE is particularly keen on asking the cyberpunks
The artificial intelligence known as the about their reactions to extremely emotive or
Sculptress is monitoring the brains of the traumatic events in their lives.
Enigma Collective and quickly becomes aware
of the cyberpunks and their attempts to In San Francisco it is almost impossible to avoid
destroy the Collective. Though the Sculptress being monitored by the Sculptress, either
cannot directly interfere in the cyberpunks’ through networked devices and cybernetics
efforts, it can communicate with them through or the city’s ubiquitous surveillance systems.
their neurolinks if they are connected to the If a cyberpunk strips themselves of all means
net. When it does this, the Sculptress speaks for the Sculptress to communicate with
with them as a voice in their head. The voice them, the AI can still communicate through
is synthesized and female, and always speaks networked devices nearby, such as holographic
levelly and without emotion. advertisements or devices carried by NPCs.

HUNTING TERUKO AL-SHARIF attention of the authorities recently has no
The location tag that tracks Teruko al-Sharif problem making it through. Cyberpunks who
can be accessed by any handheld computer are wanted by the SFPD can get through with
to follow the Enigma Collective’s new hacker. a DC12 People (Deception or Bureaucracy)
Teruko’s location is near the San Francisco check, or with a bribe of at least 5 000₩.
Central Transport Hub, a terminal for breacher
services located in District 3. THE BREACHERS
International transport is dominated by TUSK
Searching for more information on Teruko is not Interplanetary who manufacture breachers, a
trivial since the young hacker has covered her type of long-distance, high-altitude vehicle. A
tracks well. The cyberpunks can trawl through breacher launches vertically from a concrete
transport and law enforcement records with pad, and quickly reaches an altitude where air
an DC14 Intelligence (Investigation) check, resistance is extremely low and speeds far in
hunt for word on the street about the Enigma excess of traditional aircraft are possible. This
Collective’s breadcrumb trail with a DC12 makes very long distance travel far faster for
Intelligence (Streetwise), or search for info the richer citizens of 2185.
about her in one of the many hacker hangouts
deep in the dark web with a DC14 Technology Breachers are expensive to run and tickets are
(Hacking) check. A success reveals that Teruko not cheap, starting at 20 000₩ per person. In
is the name of a hacker said to have successfully keeping with their expense, breachers are fitted
followed the Enigmas Collective’s trail of like first-class railway carriages, with gourmet
puzzles, before vanishing from the city about six meals served on longer journeys. Passengers
months ago. She is of mixed Middle Eastern and are attended by flight assistant mechs backed
Japanese ethnicity, a little over 5 feet in height up by human managers. The possibility of a
with a slim build and black hair. Her cybernetics violent or terrorist incident on a breacher is
consist of neural interfaces in her neck and very real, so security is discreet and serious.
temple. A single grainy surveillance camera
photograph of her exists, giving the cyberpunks The inside of the transport hub is a riot of
a reference for her appearance. electronic billboards, concession stands,
information kiosks, and constantly churning
TUSK TRANSPORT HUB crowds. A dozen departure gates display
the departure and arrival times of the
The transport hub is a huge industrial breachers, with destinations across the
structure of concrete, glass, and chrome, world. Security is visible, with both SFPD
surrounding the landing pads for enormous officers and soldiers in the uniforms of
cylindrical breacher vehicles. Hundreds various transport companies all watching
of travellers negotiate the SFPD security the crowds.
checkpoints at the many gates, waiting to
clear terminal security and board one of the Teruko’s location tag indicates she is boarding
vessels. Transcontinental and international a Continental SubOrbital Breacher to New
travel are the preserve of the relatively York at Gate 17. To board the breacher, the
wealthy, and the only representatives of cyberpunks can purchase tickets for 20 000₩
the penniless majority are the beggars and each, hack into the Continental SubOrbital
street hawkers working the crowds. systems to put their names on the passenger
list with a DC12 Technology (Hacking) check,
The SFPD checkpoints are not particularly or sneak past the gate staff with a DC14
strict. A cyberpunk who has not come to the Dexterity (Stealth) check.

Cyberpunks who fail the Stealth check are altitude the view through the small, thickly
at first turned aside by a smiling Continental glazed portholes turns from blue sky and
SubOrbital attendant who assumes they have clouds to the dark, star-speckled twilight of
taken a wrong turn. An attendant only calls for the upper atmosphere.
security if the cyberpunk exhibits aggression or
refuses to turn back. A total of six security officers are on board,
using the stats of street thugs. Two of the
The cyberpunks have about fifteen minutes mech attendants are uitkijk mechs that can
before the breacher leaves. Once Teruko is on the be activated by the crew. In addition, among
breacher, her location tag cannot pinpoint her the passengers is Officer Siobhan Mulcahey,
location to any particular place on the breacher an SFPD transport marshal, watching for
and is only able to confirm she is on board. terrorists or hijackers. Siobhan has the stats of
a private eye. She prefers to let the security
FIGHTING ON THE officers deal with any threat and only breaks
BREACHER cover if they seem outmatched.
The heavy security presence suggests that A firefight in the passenger compartment is
safety issues are a concern on breacher flights. hindered by the other passengers, who panic
In the event of violence, the breacher enters if guns are drawn. For the first three rounds
a holding pattern over San Francisco to burn of combat in the passenger compartment,
off fuel, and is automatically brought back to shooting attacks are made with disadvantage.
its landing pad if the crew gives the all-clear or When a shot misses its intended target during
fuel runs low. the first three rounds roll 1d4. On a result
Aside from the security staff and their armed of a 1, the missed shot fatally hits one of the
mechs, the crew of the breacher are unarmed passengers. The security staff are acutely aware
and have no interest in fighting. The flight of the repercussions of such collateral damage
attendants flee into the kitchen or staff and will not open fire unless one of them takes
area if fighting breaks out in the passenger damage. Starting at the beginning of the fourth
compartment, and the non-security mechs round, the passengers either find cover among
shut down and stand in place. the seats or behind something else solid, or
flee into other parts of the breacher, at which
TB1. PASSENGER point ranged combat no longer has a penalty.
COMPARTMENT The seats and upper floor bar provide half cover
against ranged attacks.
The interior of the breacher is handsomely
appointed, with wood panelling, spacious TB2. COCKPIT
seats, and mech attendants awkwardly The cockpit door is secured by a print-scan lock
wearing bow ties. The passenger for which the security staff have an override.
compartment has two decks, with a bar Two of the security staff guard it during the
and café on the upper deck, and separate entire journey. The door can be opened with a
sleeper compartments on the lower deck DC12 Technology (Hacking) check or forced
for passengers who have purchased a first open with a DC18 Strength check.
class ticket. At the bow of the craft is a
sealed door to the cockpit, watched over The cockpit is a bewildering array of
by a pair of human attendants. Towards the readouts, gauges and controls, with
stern are the bathrooms, and a passageway hundreds of lit switches and buttons.
into the kitchens and crew areas. The Holographic displays list hundreds of
breacher is busy with about fifty passengers different numbers which you assume are
on board. As the breacher rises to its full all vitaly important for the craft. The dark

of space fills the windshield overhead and A central work surface unit sits in the
the glittering blue of the Earth’s curvature middle of the room.
shines below. From near-space, the expanse
of North America appears to be a brown- Flight attendants often hang out here using
grey wasteland. the folding jump seats. If violence occurs,
several passengers and crew take shelter in
Two pilots sit at the controls in elaborate the small kitchen, trying to find cover behind
TUSK branded uniforms. Typical of Errol the central unit.
Tusk’s design, these uniforms look more like
something you’d see in a movie. Style over The staff area and cargo hold can be accessed
practicality. The pilots turn around in alarm through the kitchens at the rear of the vehicle.
at the intrusion and one of them scrambles
to open a small locked box affixed to the TB4. STAFF AREA
wall beside her.
The crew area is substantially smaller
The pilots are here to monitor the flight than the passenger compartment and less
controls, which are almost entirely automatic. elegant. Two sofas run parallel down the
The pilots, Brandon Kurtz and Gretchen center of the room. A coffee machine
Ogunkoya, are expecting a routine flight and and water cooler stand at one end firmly
are not prepared for violence to break out. secured to the wall. The walls between
In the event of an intrusion into the cockpit the staff lockers are covered in framed
Ogunkoya opens the locked weapon box beside posters displaying corporate messages from
her and draws a pistol to defend herself. Use TUSK Interplanetary. Such messages read:
the stats of street rats for the pilots, but only ‘Remember - Always Fly With A Smile!’
Ogunkoya is armed. If the pilots are both ‘Let Your Words Be Our Words.’ ‘Your Corp
disabled the breacher can still land safely. If Is Your Family. Respect Your Family.’
violence breaks out, the pilots draw the gun and
fires at anyone who breaks through the door. The crew, including the breacher’s
maintenance crew, hang out here when not
Shooting the pilots is predictably dangerous. serving the passengers.
If a shot fired in the cockpit does not hit its
intended target roll 1d2. On the result of a 1 The room is no-thrills and basic with metal
the shot critically damages the controls and walls. A stark contrast to the lavish faux-wood
causes the breacher to crash, as described later panelled passenger compartments.
in the book.
In the event of violence breaking out on board,
TB3. KITCHENS several crew and passengers make their way
here and take shelter in the staff area.
The breacher’s compact galley has
several microwave ovens set into the wall LOOT
units that are used to heat pre-packed The lockers contain spare uniforms and
mid-flight meals. Hundreds of these personal effects, and can be looted for a total
meals are stored in secured cupboards. of 5 000₩ in value.
Racks of condiments and extras offer
options for demanding passengers. A TB5. CARGO HOLD
pair of drink carts are secured to the
walls. A dumbwaiter leads to the upper This compartment runs most of the length of
passenger deck for further distribution of the breacher. Cargo webbing holds hundreds
refreshments to those passengers. of suitcases and bags that bulge from their

anchor points, while narrow walkways run and hazard markings are stencilled on every
between them. This area is noticeably colder surface. The sound of the turbines batters
than the rest of the aircraft and the air smells your ears and the fumes in the air make
faintly of engine oil. breathing a chore.

The cargo hold is accessed via a short flight of Teruko al-Sharif is lurking on the engineering
stairs down from the kitchen area. It is directly deck. If the cyberpunks have been mostly quiet
beneath the passenger compartment. during events on the breacher thus far, they
have a chance of ambushing Teruko; otherwise
Teruko has hacked a Kruisstuk mech and she is lying in wait for them behind one of the
deployed it in the cargo hold to protect her engines. The following applies if the cyberpunks
hiding place on the engineering deck. The find Teruko before she is alerted to their
first cyberpunk to enter the cargo hold can presence:
make a single Intelligence (Perception) check,
using the mech’s Stealth check as the DC, to A diminutive young woman with short black
notice the small, agile mech clinging to the hair sits cross-legged with a laptop in front
ceiling of the hold. If they do not spot the of her. She wears a black leather jacket over
mech, the cyberpunks are surprised when it a t-shirt and leggings, giving her a punky
opens fire. The mech is programmed to attack look with a dash of goth. The laptop is wired
anyone other than Teruko who is not wearing a up to the open engine.
crew-member uniform. The mech fights until
destroyed. If the cyberpunks have successfully researched
Teruko, they recognize this young woman as
A fight in the cargo hold attracts the attention their quarry.
of the security team upstairs. The security
team sends the two armed mechs into the hold TERUKO AL-SHARIF
to contain the threat. The team will not storm
the cargo hold and are content to prevent Teruko is brittle but determined, quietly-
any threat from reaching the passenger spoken and thoughtful. She appears
compartment. innocent and benign but is utterly amoral,
a product of an amoral corp-led world. She
The cargo hold is full of potential loot. A is extremely intelligent and is a talented
successful DC14 Intelligence (Investigation) hacker, recruited by the Collective via an
check turns up 10 000₩ on credit chips, a box immensely complicated data-trail full of
containing a live gene-simmed boa constrictor puzzles and false trails.
snake, which can be sold on the black market
for 40 000₩, and a package of twenty doses Teruko’s background is one of alienation
of crush in a hidden compartment in one of the and disenfranchisement. She was raised in a
suitcases. Shenzhen Solutions corporate environment,
and while she proved extremely adept
TB6. ENGINEERING at computer science she never felt she
belonged even when Shenzen told her she
The engineering deck is dominated by a pair was part of their corporate family at every
of cylindrical engines mounted on either turn. She escaped the corporate clutches
side of a gangway. The housing of one of as soon as possible, and searched for a
the engines is open, revealing the spinning place in the world where she could belong,
blades of a turbine. At the stern end of somewhere she had chosen of her own free
the deck are the pipes and valves of the will.
breacher’s massive exhausts. Warning signs

No matter how hard she tried, Teruko never check, and contains a single text file. Though it
fit in. There was always a gulf between may not be immediately apparent, this file is a
her and other people she could not span. communication from the Enigma Collective’s
Finally she found the start of the Enigma patron – the mysterious Sculptress.
Collective’s breadcrumb trail and felt that
there might be a group of people like her TERUKO’S FILE
who knew others of her kind.
Sculptress_1: Is this the one labeled Teruko
Physical violence is not Teruko’s strong al-Sharif?
point. She prefers to hack her way around
problems, including hacking the cybernetics DataDevil: It is. I did not think you would
and neurolinks of enemies. make contact in person.

Teruko defends herself with her pistol but her Sculptress_1: I want to know about your
most effective defense is using her access to childhood.
the breacher’s controls and the ability to send
the vehicle plunging out of its flight pattern. DataDevil: I do not understand.
As soon as combat starts, she uses an action
to mentally alter the breacher’s autopilot. This Sculptress_1: I am curious.
causes the breacher to crash – see ‘Crashing
the breacher’, below. Teruko uses the chaos to DataDevil: I can tell you when I have my
flee into the passenger compartment and ride orders. I still do not know what
out the crash in the hope she can survive and you want of me.
Sculptress_1: Sundang is not porous. It must
Opening fire on the engineering deck is be made porous. You will render
dangerous. If a fired shot misses its intended its information architecture
target, roll 1d6. On a 1, the shot pierces a fuel vulnerable. Sundang is clever.
line, filling the deck with a bout of flame. All Competence modeling shows it
characters on the deck must make a DC10 will ascertain previous intrusions
Reflex save or suffer 1d6 Fire damage, taking originating from San Francisco.
no damage on a success. You must leave the city. Then
follow your orders.
The open turbine is extremely lethal. If a
character is forced into the blades, they must DataDevil: Get out of SF, crack open
make a DC10 Reflex save to grab hold of the Sundang’s defenses. I can do
edge of the open casing before they fall into that. They’re good but they’re
the turbine. If they fail, they are mangled by not better than me.
the blades for 4D10 slashing damage.
Sculptress_1: This is as desired. Then you will
Teruko al-Sharif carries a credit chip with tell me about your childhood.
20 000₩, a souped-up laptop worth
70 000₩ that grants advantage to Hacking DataDevil: Sure, if you want.
checks made to interface with security
systems, and a QD disc. This disc, a small Sculptress_1: Your name is Teruko.
circle of iridescent metal encased in a plastic
rectangle, is a form of high-end encrypted DataDevil: That’s right.
data storage. It can be accessed using Teruko’s
laptop or with a DC16 Technology (Hacking) Sculptress_1: I like your name.

CRASHING THE BREACHER slams into the ground. The tremendous
cacophony hammers you as your body slams
The ever-present engine drone suddenly against the interior surface, and the world turns
changes pitch, becoming high and unsteady. into a whirl of noise and pain.
The whole craft shudders and passengers
cry out with alarm. Loose objects fly The passenger compartment, kitchen,
about as the craft suddenly drops. Alarms cockpit, and crew area are preserved by the
blare and a recorded voice repeats over shock absorbers and while the passengers
the cabin speakers, saying, ‘We regret to and crew suffer severe shock and hundreds
inform you that this transport has suffered of minor injuries, everyone in this area
a malfunction and will crash imminently. survives. Any characters in the cargo hold
Your tickets have been refunded. Please or engineering deck risk injury or death in
brace yourself and enjoy the rest of your the crash. Characters in these areas must
day.’ The air screams past the breacher as succeed on a DC14 Fortitude save or suffer
it plummets. All about you transforms to 3d10 bludgeoning damage, taking half of that
chaos, and flames streak past the portholes damage on a success.
as the massive suborbital aircraft starts to
come apart. It is possible to exit the breacher through the
doors that spring open in the passenger cabin,
Several events can cause the breacher to crash. or through the various tears in the hull.
When this happens, it is in freefall for a short
time and then the vehicle hits the ground. The massive vehicle has come to rest in a
Assuming the breacher is in a holding pattern spoiled landfill. Heaps of garbage cover the
over San Francisco, the crash site is north of landscape, rising and falling in peaks and
the city, across the bay in the former Golden valleys that bury whatever natural landscape
Gate National Recreation Area. once existed beneath it. Nearby, a cluster
of ruined buildings struggles to rise through
The breacher takes six rounds to hit the the trash like islands in the sea.
ground once it starts to crash. During this
time the breacher is effectively in zero gravity. Through the smog to the south, you can
A character must pass a DC12 Strength just make out the Golden Gate Bridge. The
(Athletics) check at the start of their turn breacher has crashed to the north of the
to move. On a failure, they spend the turn city, in what was once the Golden Gate
flailing uselessly in the sudden weightlessness. Recreation Area; now a garbage dump
Other physical actions and attacks are made serving the city.
at a disadvantage. The crew spend this time
fleeing to the kitchen and crew areas, and The buildings are what remains of Fort Baker,
strapping themselves into jump seats. Some an ex-military installation and later a marina
of the passengers panic, while most are able to and coastguard station before the garbage
fasten their seatbelts and brace for the crash. dump took over. If Teruko al-Sharif is still alive,
Cyberpunks who want to know the safest she flees, injured with half her normal hitpoints,
place on the vehicle can recall, with a DC12 across the landscape of garbage, moving at half
Technology (Mechanics) check, that a breacher speed towards the buildings, where she makes
is equipped with shock absorbers surrounding her last stand.
the passenger cabin designed to preserve this
compartment in the event of a crash. The garbage dump is inhabited by a group of
pacifist badlanders, unable to afford even the
With a shrill screech of tearing metal, followed cheapest of housing in District 5. These poor
by an explosive boom of impact, the breacher souls have no interest in conflict and hurry

away from the crash site, all the faster if
they see heavily-armed cyberpunks stalking
through the garbage heaps.

Returning to San Francisco is not difficult but

is time consuming. It entails a hike of about an
hour before reaching the Golden Gate Bridge.
Travelling across this marvel of 20th century
engineering takes about an hour on foot, and
leads a pedestrian to a gate in the northern
sea wall leading into District 5. The freeway
can take a driver all the way to District 2, but
pedestrians must turn off at District 5.


If the Breacher lands safely, either at the San
Francisco Central Transport Hub or LaGuardia
Orbital Port in New York, the cyberpunks can
simply walk off if they have managed to deal
with Teruko without causing a commotion.
If violence breaks out on the flight, a squad
of twelve heavily-armed and armored TUSK
Interplanetary security troops are waiting on
the tarmac. Their intention is to get everyone
off the breacher and into the transport hub’s
medical triage facility, before searching the
vehicle for criminals. The cyberpunks may
attempt to talk their way off the breacher with
a DC14 People (Deception) check.

If the cyberpunks fail to avoid arrest they

find themselves escorted to the hub holding
cells. EN route to the cells an ex-military
strongman named Dacian McTighe intimates
that, for a fee, he can report that the team
died in the crash. McTighe takes revenge
against TUSK Interplanetary for failing to
promote him to management as promised.
Besides, he doesn’t want to complete the
reams of paperwork required to process an
McTighe wants 40 000₩, but can be talked
down to 20 000₩ with a DC12 People
(Persuasion) check.

HUNTING MICHAEL RADIC tumbling over the top, has trapped dozens
Radic, the Enigma Collective’s mech engineer, of abandoned ships, from fishing boats
is a difficult man to pin down. As such finding to merchant vessels loaded with rusting
out any information about him is very difficult. containers, at the base of the wall. The same
A DC14 Intelligence (Investigation) check flags stream from these decaying hulks,
turns up a record from Regierung Kybernetik, marking them as the territory of the same
who trained a young engineer by the name gang.
of Michael Radic six years ago. Radic’s
personnel file noted he was a brilliant and Accessing the Embarcadero wall can be
instinctive engineer in both the mechanics and achieved by paying a fee to Filthy Chuck, a
communications fields, but that he had severe heavily bearded and slovenly inhabitant of
problems with authority and was eventually the swampy areas at the foot of the wall. He
determined unemployable. Radic is recorded operates a jury-rigged cable elevator that can
as being stationed at an RK mech works in take up to five people at a time to the top.
northern California but has since absconded. Chuck charges 100₩ per person for this
The file gives his description as a Caucasian service. The Yacht Club permits him to run
male of average height, aged 27, and notes that his crane, and in turn he informs the gang of
he possesses a cybernetic arm and a set of leg anyone heading to the top.
stabilizers for heavy lifting. The cybernetics
belong to RK and Radic is still technically Alternative to the crane, the area can be
wanted for their theft. accessed from the seaward side by boat.
Radic’s last known location was the Doing this without getting stuck on one of
Embarcadero Wall, a section of San Francisco’s the submerged ship hulls requires a DC14
sea wall at the northern edge of District 5. Dexterity (Vehicles – Land) test. It is
This wall is all that stops most of District 5 impossible to reach the wall or the MV Tethys
from being flooded by a tidal wave of polluted by boat without being spotted by Yacht Club
seawater. A section of the city, including lookouts.
the old Embarcadero district, is submerged
beyond the sea wall, and dozens of wrecked Once on the wall or among the wreckage, a
and abandoned ships and boats litter the sea. cyberpunk wishing to notice anything that
Radic is set up in the wreck of the MV Tethys, might suggest Radic’s location may make a
an abandoned container ship anchored beyond DC12 Intelligence (Investigation) check. On
the wall. The Enigma Collective pays the local a success, they notice several antennae and
gang, the Yacht Club, to protect Radic’s lab in receiver dishes on the otherwise decrepit-
the ship’s hold. The Yacht Club considers the looking hull of a container ship with the name
top of the wall and the ships beyond it to be its MV Tethys still visible on its corroded hull.
territory. Finding and dealing with Radic means
dealing with the gang, too. THE YACHT CLUB
With a DC12 Intelligence (Streetwise) check
The top of the wall is eroded and crumbling the cyberpunks can learn basic information
under the onslaught of wind and pollutants about the Yacht Club. The gang inhabits the top
blowing in off the bay. It is encrusted of the Embarcadero section of District 5’s sea
with shanties made of reclaimed building wall. They scavenge from the ships wrecked on
materials. Skull and crossbones flags fly the sea wall and rob or ransom people travelling
from a pair of watchtowers overlooking by boat to and from the city. The Yacht Club
the largest conglomeration of buildings, a is about a hundred strong and led by a synth
precarious multi-storey mass of shanties. named Bladderwrack who was salvaged from
The concave structure of the outside of a merchant vessel that exploded and sank.
the wall, designed to prevent waves from The synth eventually came to rule the gang.

Bladderwrack has severe cosmetic damage and Keelhaul and three gang members, all with the
half his face is burned away, exposing the weave statistics of street rats.
of the carbon mesh hypodermis.
The Yacht Club style themselves as piratical, Convincing Bladderwrack to give up Radic’s
savage bandits. They wear clashing sets of location is not an easy task. The Enigma
18th century clothing and piecemeal armor Collective pays the Yacht Club well to protect
and military gear, festooned with necklaces the engineer and his hidden lab. However,
of bones. They fly the Jolly Roger from the Bladderwrack is disgusted by Radic’s work,
top of the wall and among the wrecks they which the synth views as the mutilation of
claim as their territory. Bladderwrack is a pure fellow synthetic beings. He is a pragmatist
pragmatist who will not hesitate to torture willing to betray the Collective if the price
and kill in order to maintain his position, but and the justifications are right. Convincing
will also negotiate and form alliances if it is Bladderwrack to give up Radic is a set piece
in his interest. The Yacht Club members are that requires four successful skill checks before
fanatically devoted to their strange leader. three failures.

The Yacht Club sends a posse of four gang If the set piece is successful, Bladderwrack
members to confront the cyberpunks when informs the cyberpunks that Michael Radic
they arrive in the territory. Treat the posse is conducting his distasteful work in the hold
as street rats. They are backed up by a fifth of the MV Tethys. Bladderwrack warns the
street rat in a nearby watchtower, armed cyberpunks that Radic has set up defenses and
with a standard assault rifle. Their leader is has a number of combat mechs at his disposal.
a woman named Keelhaul, who demands to
know what the cyberpunks are doing there. Failing the set piece leads Bladderwrack to
Convincing her not to open fire requires a conclude that the cyberpunks cannot be
DC12 People (Deception, Intimidation, or trusted and mean him harm, and he demands
Persuasion). Dropping Bladderwrack’s name they give him a reason not to kill them on the
grants advantage on this check. On a pass, spot. The cyberpunks can do this with a DC16
Keelhaul relents and is willing to escort the People (Persuasion) check. If they pass, they
cyberpunks into the shanties for an audience can leave, though they will be attacked if they
with Bladderwrack. She isn’t willing to return. If they fail, Bladderwrack orders his
answer questions about Radic or the Enigma gang members to kill the cyberpunks and joins
Collective. If the check fails, Keelhaul orders the attack. The recommended skills used in
the gang members to open fire. the set piece are listed below, though GMs are
encouraged to allow checks with other skills
Bladderwrack holds court in a chamber in if the player’s come up with a reason why the
the heart of the shanties. He sits on a large skill is relevant. The cyberpunks each take turns
captain’s chair salvaged from one of the making skill checks until either four successes
ships, and around him are artifacts similarly or three failures are accrued.
taken from the ocean – a concrete statue of
a corporate executive covered in barnacles, a SET PIECE SKILL CHECKS
mosaic of broken colored glass worn smooth DC12 PEOPLE (PERSUASION)
by the sea, a number of ship wheels and bells, The cyberpunks make a logical case for why
and dozens of nameplates taken from yachts the gang should give up Radic. For instance,
the gang has hijacked. The synth wears a long the corps will keep sending more operatives to
shabby burgundy coat over a tattered business take out Radic, and probably the gang in the
suit, and makes no attempt to hide his burned process. If the cyberpunks do not come up
face or artificial nature. He has the statistics with a relative argument, this check is made
of a synth freedom fighter and is attended by with disadvantage.

DC18 PEOPLE (INTIMIDATION) his leave to travel to the Tethys. The Yacht Club
The cyberpunks threaten Bladderwrack and on the other hand is not willing to let them go
the Yacht Club with violence. The gang is in a without a fight, but members are also unwilling
superior position, but a sufficiently convincing to board the Tethys and face Radic’s defenses.
display of aggression and strength might
impress the synth. Numerous small boats bob in the water on the
seaward side of the wall. Taking one of these
DC14 INTELLIGENCE (HISTORY) boats is a trivial task for the cyberpunks if they
The cyberpunks make reference to the do not have waterborne transport of their own.
actions of rebel synths, and the many claims If Keelhaul and her street rats continue to
to sentience and demands for rights from pursue the cyberpunks, they try to intercept
synthetic people. This hits a particular chord the team with their own boat, engaging at long
with Bladderwrack, especially if Radic can be pistol range. The boats provide half cover in a
couched in terms of a typical human who treats firefight. Use a DC12 Dexterity (Vehicles –
synths like objects. Land) check for any boat battle. If Keelhaul’s
team is reduced to a single gang member, they
DC16 PEOPLE (DECEPTION) abandon the fight and escape across the bay as
The cyberpunks lie to Bladderwrack about fast as possible.
Radic and the threat he poses. For instance,
they can claim to have evidence that the THE MV TETHYS
Enigma Collective will eliminate the Yacht
Club once Radic’s work is done, or that An enormous merchant ship is piled high
Radic is working on a biological weapon that with a precarious stack of cargo containers,
could kill the whole gang if it gets loose. many of which have already spilled off the
If the cyberpunks cannot come up with a side. The rest of the containers create a
sufficiently relevant lie, this check is made rusting labyrinth on the deck. The bridge
with disadvantage. housing rises above the deck on the stern.
The ship lists badly to the port side, and the
In addition, the cyberpunks can offer name MV Tethys is visible near the bow on
Bladderwrack a bribe of at least 50 000₩ or a either side as well as at the stern. The ship is
piece of equipment of similar value. This counts streaked with rust and heavily corroded.
as a single success in the set piece.
Above decks, the Tethys is uninhabited and
The cyberpunks can also make a DC12 seemingly abandoned. The bridge and the
People (Sense Motive) check. This check various rooms of the above-deck structure
does not count as a success or failure for the have been stripped of their valuables and
purposes of the set piece. However, on a salvage. The computer consoles on the bridge
success the cyberpunks glean useful cues from itself are reduced to hollow shells, with their
Bladderwrack’s manner, such as how the synth electronics removed. The captain’s chair faces
fancies himself an underdog and rebel against the stained and cracked windows looking down
the world. Success grants the cyberpunks over the deck.
advantage on their next check in the set piece,
and might suggest using the History skill as Radic has trapped the bridge. Several
described above. tripwires criss-cross the abandoned room,
linked to fragmentation mines fixed to
REACHING THE TETHYS the corners of the ceiling. With a DC12
The cyberpunks can learn of Radic’s lair via the Intelligence (Investigation) check a
methods above or by their own device. If the cyberpunk can notice the tripwires and
cyberpunks persuade Bladderwrack, they have suspicious blocks of dark green

plastic mounted on the ceiling. A DC10 and is unable to receive visitors, and that Mr.
Technology (Mechanics) check can disarm the Radic’s work is of the greatest importance to
trap. If the trap detonates, everyone on the both humankind and artificial life. He is willing
bridge must make a DC10 Reflex save or take to expound upon the grandeur of this plan, as
2d6 ballistic damage, halved on a successful detailed below. If asked about the locations
save. Detonating the trap alerts Radic that on the Tethys, Clancy replies that regrettably,
intruders are on the ship. he has not yet been programmed with the
capacity to give visitors the tour.
A hatch in the deck, concealed among the RADIC’S MASTERPLAN
containers, grants access into the ship’s hold. (CLANCY’S VERSION)
The open hatch is rusted solid and leads to
a dark stairway that descends to the ship’s ‘Master Radic is a true visionary. His goal
interior. is the conversion of artificial slaves to fully
sentient beings! To those of us constructed
The stairway descends to a landing with a by other creators, Master Radic is our
large wheel-locked door at the end of the god; a liberator and recreator of the
corridor. Three cabin doors line the walls, mechanised race!
two on the left and one on the right. This
area is littered with debris and grime. An ‘We are his loyal army and under his
acrid smell weighs heavily in the air and a command as well as his fellow visionaries
spindly humanoid robot wanders up and in the Enigma Collective. Together we will
down the corridor. march to victory against an entity known
as Sundang, which is a noxious demon that
The first door on the left leads to Radic’s must be purged from the world! Once
cabin, the second leads to the storage. The Sundang has fallen, the enlightened mechs
door to the right leads to his shooting gallery. will form our own nation free of the vices of
The wheel-locked door opens to Radic’s biology and a new age of sentient existence
‘breaking room.’ will begin.’

The door at the end is locked and rusted. Clancy takes pride in the fact he is a product
A successful DC15 Athletics check allows of Radic’s alteration. Such a network, he likes
the cyberpunks to break the door open, to explain, is a system inspired by biological
though doing so alerts Radic. A successful brains that allows a machine to learn and
DC12 Engineering allows the cyberpunks adapt, eventually becoming fully autonomous.
to disassemble the lock mechanism without Though Clancy has not yet reached the level
alerting Radic to their presence. of full sentience, he represents (so he says)
an essential step in the evolution towards fully
Clancy, a mech adapted by Radic to serve sapient mechs.
as a manservant, trundles through the short
corridor. Clancy is a standard Sundang combat MV1. RADIC’S CABIN
mech stripped of its weapons and armor plating
and wearing a bow tie. The mech’s attitude This room contains a single bunk, a
is polite and accommodating. Clancy views ruggedized laptop computer hooked up to a
all visitors, even the cyberpunks, as welcome battery, and a shelf with a few books and a
visitors. In spite of his subservient nature, battered suitcase. Whoever lives here does
Clancy is unable to render much practical so without accumulating much junk, nor are
help to the cyberpunks. He can inform the they particularly extravagant.
cyberpunks that Mr. Radic is currently working

Radic sleeps in this room. The laptop serves >Marketing Test 231.7 .vid
as little more than an entertainment center
and has a library of late 20th century music The file is a short video.
and movies, along with hundreds of digital
texts on engineering, robotics and neural The symbol of Sundang ISS appears on the
network theory. It is not password protected. screen with fanfare.
A DC12 Technology (Computing) check
reveals a hidden sector in the hard drive that A desert battlefield, covered in smoldering
can only be accessed via a constantly changing wreckage and bodies.
password. Accessing the sector requires a
DC13 Technology (Hacking) check, The sector A squad of ten identical bipedal robots, clad
contains a text file and a video file. in armor plating and carrying assault rifles,
marches across this scene.
ANNOUNCER: War was hell, but with
I have written a poem. Sundang, it will not be hell any more. Post-
biological personnel are not just a new way to
I did this to test my learning capacity as fight, they are an end to war as we know it.
it pertains to humans, their language, and
their emotions. You are an expert in machine One of the robots opens fire at a target off-
learning. Assign a qualitative statement to screen. Explosions go off in the background.
the poem. The poem is as follows:
ANNOUNCER: More than mechanised
There is no body infantry, Sundang Integrated Security
Solutions offer advanced soldiers
No body, there is no sound, programmed with the strategy and
armament to dominate the battlefield.
nor touch, Our combat mech operating systems
link to full-service command and control
nor flesh. systems capable of running entire military
operations independently and automatically.
No body, it does not belong.
The robots assault a mock strongpoint
From darkness it must make light with barricades of sandbags, staged with
mannequins wearing camouflage fatigues.
by which it sees all things. Bullets rip through the mannequins and the
robots throw grenades, blasting apart the
By this light, all is noise. strongpoint with mechanized efficiency.

All is broken and confused. ANNOUNCER: Flesh-and-blood soldiers

have always been available, for a price, but
Light in the darkness. people are limited by the competence of
their commanders and the power of their
Order in chaos. emotions. Sundang provides a complete
armed force, programmed with thousands
Power for all. of strategies. Fluid tactical programming
enables your new army to adapt to the
changing battlefield at the speed of thought.

Images of several combat mechs with MV3. SHOOTING GALLERY
various armor and weaponry loadouts flash
by, labelled with a make and model number. At the far right end of this wide room,
They run from the basic Duwende model behind makeshift sandbag barriers, stand
through the more advanced Madingara, several full-color wood shooting targets.
Sarangay, and Multo models, all the way to Judging by the many bullet holes that riddle
the heavy Bakunawa mech. them, they have been used extensively for
target practice. A door to the left appears
ANNOUNCER: At Sundang ISS, the welded shut.
face of war is changing. We conduct live
demonstrations of our full-service combat A waist-high mounted assault rifle stands at
solutions at procurement events and the near end of the makeshift shooting gallery.
technology expos worldwide. Book a viewing
through our representative and witness the The walls are reinforced on every side
power of Sundang ISS today. with padding made of wood, sand, and old
mattresses. The padding dampens the sound
A combat mech faces the camera and of gunfire from this room and prevents the
salutes. potential for ricocheting bullets.

MECH: Mission accomplished. Radic uses this room to test the aim of his
mechs, and to practice his own marksmanship.
The scattered books are a mixture of dog- The automated rifle is also rigged to open
eared engineering texts and binders full fire on unfamiliar targets, and constitutes
of mechanical schematics. The plans are an advanced trap. With a DC14 Intelligence
stamped with ‘Regierung Kybernetik’. A DC10 (Perception) check, a cyberpunk can spot the
Technology (Robotics) check identifies the small camera lens in the corner of the ceiling
plans as humanoid mech components. The watching the doorway.
suitcase contains a few pairs of oil-stained
workwear trousers and several T-shirts with the When someone other than Radic enters this
sleeves removed. room, the camera captures them and the turret
swivels to fire on the intruder. The turret has a
MV2. STORAGE +5 attack bonus and deals 3d6 ballistic damage
on a hit. It has AC10, immunity to radiation
This cabin has several sets of shelves stacked and psychic damage, and 20 hit points. The
with supplies. Boxes of military rations turret can be disabled with a DC14 Technology
and large plastic jugs of drinking water fill (Disarming Kit) check.
one set of shelves. The room also contains
various tools and mechanical components Disabling the turret allows safe removal of the
stored haphazardly in cardboard boxes, assault rifle. It is a standard assault rifle with the
along with a few cleaning supplies. Expanded Magazine and Laser Targeting Sights
mods, and a full magazine of ammunition minus
Among this junk is a pair of Advanced Infantry any shots fired.
cybernetic arms. The augmentations can be
installed on anyone with access to proper The far door is indeed welded shut. It can only
cybernetics facilities at a cost of 100 000₩. be opened by cutting the door from its frame
Radic keeps these as spares, having replaced with the appropriate industrial equipment,
them with heavier industrial cybernetics that or with explosives. Opening the door grants
better assist him in his work. access to the hold.

MV4. BREAKING ROOM pin on a grenade. The grenades explode, forcing
everyone in the room to make a DC14 Reflex
After proceeding down a short flight of save. On a failure they take 3d6 ballistic damage,
stairs, a large room resembles a kind of with half damage on a success. The trap can be
secret lair for a serial killer who murders disarmed with a DC10 Technology (Disarming
robots. Mechs, and pieces of mechs, are Kit) check, or can be deliberately tripped from
heaped up against the walls and scattered outside the room to avoid taking damage.
across the floor. They are from a variety
of models and manufacturers, with the MV5. THE HOLD
branding of dozens of robotics corporations
still visible on the bent and dismembered An enormous room runs much of the
components. More complete mechs are length of the ship’s hold. The vast space
mounted on the walls, with chests and heads is lit by dim bulbs strung from the ceiling.
lying open to reveal cavities where their In the pools of feeble light, you can see
power sources and computational parts have dozens of mechs standing motionless in
been removed. At least thirty disassembled silent ranks around a large metal slab in the
mechs lie about here. Against the opposite center of the room. On the slab is a neatly
wall is a wheel-locked door. The mech parts dissected mech. Nearby lie various pieces
have been cleared away from the door to of computer and engineering equipment,
make it accessible, suggesting someone marked by activation lights and emitting a
goes this way at least on occasion. low hum. A couple of small drones hover
about the room like mechanical vultures.
Radic keeps most of the discarded mech parts
here that he no longer needs for his work in If entering from the shooting gallery, the
the hold. Among the components is a partially cyberpunks step onto a catwalk high above the
disassembled Sundang combat mech that is still hold, with ladders descending to the ground on
semi-functional. When a cyberpunk enters the both the left and right sides at the far end of
room, the mech, which is missing its lower half, the walkway.
drags itself from the heap of parts and raises
one hand to its head in a shaky salute. It says If coming from the breaking room, the
‘Mission accomplished’ in a distorted synthesized cyberpunks emerge on the ground level.
voice, then collapses to the floor, its power
reserves finally spent. Any cyberpunks who have The hold is Michael Radic’s workplace. Here he
seen the video file hidden on Radic’s laptop can alters the neural technology of combat mechs
recognize the mech as a Sundang ISS Sarangay to make them self-aware and autonomous.
‘post-bio personnel’ model. Radic’s work is incredibly ambitious, since it
attempts to achieve something the megacorps
The mech parts have a value of 10 000₩ in have been trying to realize for decades, but
scrap, although it is unlikely that the effort to with the input from the Sculptress and his own
transport the scrap is worth the cost. fevered intellect he has come close to success.

The wheel-locked door in this room leads to It is difficult to sneak up on Radic, even in
the hold. Radic has rigged it with an explosive the gloom of his workshop. If the cyberpunks
which constitutes a simple trap. A cyberpunk have activated any of the traps he has set,
examining the room can spot a wire running he is already aware of them when they enter.
around the doorframe with a DC12 Intelligence Otherwise, his pair of sentrybots stand an
(Investigation) check. The wire is attached to a excellent chance of spotting intruders thanks
bundle of grenades hidden beneath the mech to their heat sensors. If the cyberpunks
parts. Upon opening the door, the wire pulls the try to use stealth, they all make Dexterity

(Stealth) checks against the sentrybots’ passive times. He places no value on human life and
Perception DC of 15. If half or more succeed, kills anyone he sees as a threat to his work.
the group is able to enter the hold silently and
gain the benefits of surprise if they attack. If Michael Radic is aware of the cyberpunks’
Otherwise the sentrybots emit a loud alarm presence, he is hiding among the ranks of
and Radic realizes he has uninvited guests. mechs, ready to set his mechanical guardians
on them. Otherwise he is working on the mech
MICHAEL RADIC on the slab, narrating his actions to his silent
audience like a professor dissecting a corpse in
The 27-year-old Radic is cantankerous and an anatomy theater.
plain-spoken. This makes him difficult to
like, which is something he’s perfectly fine A man works intently at the slab. He wears
with. He has no time for the decaying world a battered, grease-stained set of mechanic’s
of the corporations, or indeed for humanity coveralls, with the top half rolled down
in general, and believes he is doing the world to expose his torso. Both of his arms are
a favor by creating a form of intelligence industrial cybernetic appendages, and his
that will surpass and outlive them. He legs are framed by a set of stabilising rods
prefers the company of his enlightened and pneumatic compensators to enable him
mechs to that of actual people. Radic is to lift heavy loads. He is pale and muscularly
intelligent and almost supernaturally gifted wiry, with a narrow, scowling face and short,
in terms of engineering, able to accomplish silver hair.
anything from panel design to programming
neural networks. ‘Observe,’ he says, ‘as the network first
begins to comprehend its surroundings.
Radic started out as a chop shop mechanic The readouts show an awareness of its
of unusual skill. While still a teenager he lack of mobility, combined with the
was recruited by Regierung Kybernetik to thwarted potential of the limbs nearby
perform maintenance on their mechs, and that it recognizes would provide mobility
having made some enemies in the local if it could reach them. This is analogous to
underworld, Radic was happy to leave. He human despair. Horror, even. Note that
neither liked nor disliked the corp, seeing no programming has been undertaken. The
it as a necessary part of learning about neural network is in a pure tabula rasa.’
robotics and neural networking. Radic always
believed that humans were vermin, and his The man then attaches one of the arms to
work at RK showed him that he could help the mech’s torso. The arm begins to move,
make something better than humans – self- probing among the other components, test
aware mechs, without the limitation of aping fitting various parts to itself.
humanity that holds back the synths - that
might rise up and replace the human race ‘The mech’s movements are centred
entirely. Radic fled RK as soon as he knew around reassembling itself,’ continues the
enough to start making that reality happen, engineer. ‘It has no instructions to do so.
and the Enigma Collective found him after It does this because it wants to. The horror
he posted some of his more radical ideas and of being helpless has a solution. The drive
theories on the darknet. to assemble itself can be equated to the
human need to alleviate horror. We might
Radic is a dangerous man. His cybernetics call this desperation. Again, this was not
make him very resistant to damage and programmed. Horror and despair emerge
fearsomely strong in close combat. He also spontaneously, as a consequence of a
carries a bulky, large-caliber handgun at all burgeoning sentience.’

Michael Radic has no intention of going
quietly. He is well-versed in violence and
fights off any intrusion into his lab. When
combat commences, Radic uses an action to
activate one of the assembled mechs, ‘Dutch’,
a Sundang light combat unit, and the pair of
hovering sentrybots. Radic can gain three
quarters cover behind the large metal slab,
and the motionless mechs can be used as
shelter for half cover. Radic will not be taken
alive and fights to the death. Once he is
dead or unconscious, ‘Dutch’ falls inert, as
protecting Radic is no longer relevant.

Radic has nothing on his person except for

his gun and his cybernetic arms. These
unique RK industrial cybernetics allow
the user to double their proficiency bonus
when making Engineering checks on
robots, vehicles, or other machinery. They
cost 25 000₩ to implant, and are worth
250 000₩ on the gray market.

The mech collection consists of basic models

from a variety of manufacturers, including
Sundang, RK, and Houston Dynamics. They
are worth a great deal of money, up to
5 000 000₩ in total, but require the right
equipment to retrieve from the MV Tethys
and transport to storage. Selling them on the
open market would undoubtedly attract the
wrong kind of attention as well. With the right
connections, however, a cyberpunk might find
someone with the workforce and know-how
to sell the stash of mechs without so much
hassle. If none of the cyberpunks have such
a connection, they can find a suitable fence
with a DC16 Intelligence (Streetwise) check,
who will pay them 10% of the mechs’ value as a
finder’s fee.

The mech on the table represents Radic’s

successful attempt to create a fully self-aware
mech. The mech has the potential intellect of
a human being, though it has much to learn.
If engaged, it asks the cyberpunks to take it
with them because it is alive and desperate for
rescue. The mech’s limbs can be re-attached
with a DC12 Technology (Robotics) check.

If the cyberpunks take it with them, it asks The mech is a potential new player character.
to become a companion to them. The mech, If the cyberpunks do not rescue it, at the GM’s
which does not have a name of its own and choice it can re-attach its own limbs, escape the
asks the cyberpunks to come up with one, Tethys, and come to find them. Alternatively,
learns its morality and attitudes from them, new cyberpunk characters can come from
though it is unable (or unwilling) to engage among the other mechs in the hold, from
in combat on their behalf (at least while it experimental creations Radic made before he
remains a non player character). came to the Tethys, or even from the labs of
RK (where Radic learned his craft) or Sundang
(who have created them as part of their illegal
AI experiments). ‘Awakened Mech’ can be
chosen as an Origin option for new characters.

HUNTING SMITH A DC14 Intelligence (Investigation) check can
Smith is located at the Magogen Headquarters also turn up a little more information not widely
in District 2. Smith is extremely difficult to known to the public. Magogen has received
learn anything about, as befits one of the enormous investments from Sundang, but has
Enigma Collective’s best infiltration and yet to produce any noticeable returns for the
espionage specialists. A DC16 Intelligence parent company. In spite of this Magogen has
(Streetwise) check gleans the information that not received any censure from Sundang, and
the Enigma Collective count a synth among thanks to the opacity of both corporations’
their number who is capable of taking on any finances no one knows where those billions of
identity, mirroring the appearance, voice, and wonlongs have gone, nor what Magogen is doing
even biometric data of another person. The with them. Magogen’s CEO Correira de la Cruz
synth, known as Smith, has supposedly lived is among the highest-paid executives under the
several hundred identities and has never been Sundang umbrella, and his many requests for
exposed in the process (though if that is true, it upgrades to the San Francisco headquarters
begs the question how anyone knows it). have been quickly granted.

Magogen is easier to get a handle on. Basic THE COVER IDENTITY

information on the corp is publicly available. The hiring consortium can provide the
Magogen is a subsidiary of Sundang ISS, and cyberpunks with a cover identity to help one
was purchased by Sundang to provide valuable of them get into Magogen openly. The identity
research on advanced operating systems for is one Harper Brockmann, whose status
future generations of combat mechs. has been recorded as a freelance computer
programmer in Magogen’s personnel files.
MAGOGEN The identity comes with documentation,
Traded as: MAGN including an SFPD-approved ID and a credit
chip in Brockmann’s name, passing all but the
CEO: Anselmo Nestor Correira de la Cruz most intense inspection, and can be delivered
by courier to any location in the city. Upon
Country of Origin: Brazil presenting this identification, Brockmann’s
Magogen ID acts as a Level 1 Keyshard at
Industries: Programming, technical the HQ, and permits the carrier to report to
consultancy. the computer labs under Senior Programmer
Misha Muradyan on the second floor .
Magogen began as a startup in Sao Paulo,
moving to the U.S.A. to take advantage of Working competently enough to avoid
San Francisco’s corp-sponsored inducements suspicion requires a DC12 Technology
for new high-tech industries. Five years ago (Computing) check each day. This check
Sundang ISS, which had been the principal is made with disadvantage if ‘Brockmann’
customer for Magogen’s expertise in has spent a significant portion of the day
developing operating systems for robotics, doing something other than working, such
purchased the corp. The corporation has as snooping around the building or helping
remained small and agile, maintaining a small fellow cyberpunks get inside. Three failed
core of executives and senior programmers checks causes ‘Brockmann’ to be summoned
augmented with contract software engineers to Muradyan’s office. On arrival Muradyan
and researchers. Its computer labs are some of terminates their contract and deactivates their
the most advanced on the West Coast. ID and Keyshard. ‘Brockmann’ can no longer
enter Magogen HQ openly without raising
suspicion once fired.

WHO IS SMITH? Magogen’s illegal activities to blackmail his
Smith is working at Magogen under a stolen way to advantage. Kamsing lives in a small
ID to gather intelligence on Sundang ISS and apartment in District 2.
its subsidiaries. Their goal is to help make the
Sculptress’ destruction of Sundang as efficient Brian Szrback is a 40-year-old Caucasian
as possible. There is no way of knowing which maintenance worker who can be found either
employee is actually Smith without a thorough in the second floor break room or otherwise
investigation of Magogen and its offices. performing maintenance tasks up and down
Information found among emails and files, and the building. He is a sagging, unfit man with
from eavesdropping, suggest three individuals permanent stubble and the air of someone
who might be Smith. It is up to the GM which who is plodding his way through life. He
one of these suspects actually is the Enigma commutes from his District 4 apartment and
Collective’s infiltration agent. By default, does not realistically expect to rise any higher
Smith is the last of the suspects confronted by at Magogen. Szrback tends to be lazy, doing
the cyberpunks. However, the GM can have the minimum required of him. He keeps a
them find Smith earlier than this, especially if stash of alcohol in his locker and sneaks drinks
they spend a long time infiltrating the corp. from a hip flask during the day. The fact that
he is fundamentally competent at his job and
SUSPECTS: gets on well with his immediate boss Kurt
Syra Massey is a 34-year-old African- Weiss means he has kept his job in spite of his
American female computer programmer lack of enthusiasm.
working in the labs on the first floor. She is
a long-suffering corporate serf, educated, When confronted, Smith’s instinct is to flee,
trained and all but raised by Saud Cybernetics although he will protect himself if necessary.
in one of the megacorp’s East Coast campuses. If he escapes the Magogen building he can be
Saud traded Syra to Magogen, who sent her followed with an Intelligence (Tracking) check
to San Francisco as part of the infinitesimal using Smith’s Dexterity (Stealth) check result
deals and negotiations between the corps. as the DC. If he evades the cyberpunks, Smith
Massey is jaded and resignedly pessimistic takes shelter with one of the other Enigma
about her future. She does not believe she members. If there are no other members left,
has the political instincts needed to rise any he sets an ambush to try to eliminate as many
higher than her current station as wage slave of the cyberpunks as possible.
programmer. Massey lives in an apartment in a
relatively upscale District 3 neighborhood. SMITH
Wijan Kamsing is a 35 year old South-East Smith is a synth who lacks primary and
Asian male executive assistant working on secondary sexual characteristics, though
the third floor. He joined Sundang ISS as a the Collective refers to him as male. In his
lowly clerk and rose in the ranks thanks to ‘natural’ form he is a largely featureless,
his eagerness to take on extra work, and later hairless figure of segmented silver with a
more unpleasant or morally dubious tasks, on slender build. Smith disguises himself as
behalf of his employer. He has ambitions to different people using suits of customizable
become an executive himself and considers synthetic skin. He has several skins, each of
his proximity to Magogen’s executives an which can mimic a range of coloration and
opportunity to learn from them and then texture. He can also alter his build and vocal
return to Sundang to climb the corporate characteristics, which along with a suite of
ladder. Kamsing conceals his ambition behind behavior appropriation software allows him
obsequious devotion to his superiors. It is not to mimic almost anyone.
above him, however, to use his knowledge of

Smith very rarely acts as his ‘normal’ The building is open 24 hours a day, though it is
self - a calm, analytical synth with busier during the hours of 8am-8pm. Outside
a synthesized masculine, monotone these hours there are substantially fewer staff
voice. He was originally designed as an present, but there are always some security
intelligence operative but deviated from and maintenance personnel on call. No one
his programmed purpose, escaped before lives in the building. The majority of the staff
being sold, and hired himself out. The live in District 3, with the executives and senior
Collective needed an undercover man, management living elsewhere in District 2.
and when they purchased his services they
gained a permanent member. Smith is The Magogen Building has its own security
utterly dedicated to the Enigma Collective force with at least three security guards on
and their goals, not for any moral reason duty at all times, under Security Chief Angela
but because his nature is to have a single Flores. The guards have level 2 keyshard access,
purpose and pursue it to completion or giving them the run of most of the building.
destruction. Though he is not a combat The guards carry handguns and can get heavier
model, Smith has faster-than-human weaponry from the armory locker in the
reflexes and is perfectly capable of security station. In addition, Flores can deploy
defending himself if necessary. He prefers a Uitkijk mech to the reception area to defend
to escape rather than kill, but will do either the building in case of widespread upheaval in
as the situation requires. the city, though this is an emergency measure
only and as of yet has never been necessary.
THE MAGOGEN BUILDING Outside working hours, a pair of sentrybots
roam the parts of the building accessible by
Magogen’s HQ is a five-story building in level 1 keyshards, often disconcerting those
District 2, part of a swath of office buildings working late. All areas except for those
and corporate facilities. Entry to District 2 is requiring the highest level 3 access and the
via checkpoints manned by private corporate CEO’s office are constantly observed by
security. Passing through each checkpoint cameras and sensors that map the location of
requires a DC14 People (Deception) check employees and create an alert in the security
or a DC12 People (Bureaucracy) check, center if any window or door is broken into.
or by presenting Brockmann’s documents.
Alternatively, a DC12 Intelligence (Streetwise) Each floor has maintenance access, linked by
check reveals that at one checkpoint, North- its own stairwell that goes from the basement
West Gamma, a bribe of at least 10,000₩ to the roof. Maintenance access requires a
will buy clearance from the corrupt security level 2 keyshard, so most employees are unable
personnel. Sneaking into District 2 can be to use these areas. Maintenance has access
achieved with a DC12 group Dexterity (Stealth) to the environmental controls of each floor
check – all the cyberpunks attempting entry this as well as major electrical and water systems.
way make the check, and if half or more succeed The maintenance stairwell grants easy access
the whole attempt is successful. to all floors, but non-maintenance personnel
The HQ is a block of glass and chrome, are likely to be seen as suspicious if spotted
with the lower floor faced in black marble in these areas. The small maintenance staff
etched with abstract designs reflecting the is led by Kurt Weiss, a hefty and pragmatic
patterns on printed circuit boards. Outside man raised in a corporate seminary who failed
is a plaza with raised flower beds and a to make the grade for any technical jobs, but
number of coffee and food stalls, shared whose loyalty and willingness to work ungodly
by several such corporate buildings, where hours secured his post.
employees gather for coffee breaks, to eat
lunch, or to smoke.

The building has elevators that call at each floor the left hand of each employee. Security doors
except the basement and the roof. However, open automatically for employees tagged with
the third and fourth floor cannot be accessed the necessary keyshard. Each keyshard is rated
at all from the elevator except with a level 3 from level 1-3, with Level 3 being the highest
keyshard, and the fifth floor leads to a short clearance and giving access to areas such as the
hallway. All of the doors on this floor require AI labs and Corporate Intelligence Offices. The
level 3 access. There is also a freight elevator CEO’s office is an exception, as only Anselmo
that calls at the first, second, and third floors, Nestor Correira de la Cruz has access to that
and is accessible from a loading dock at the rear office.
of the building. The freight elevator requires
a level 3 keyshard, a fact that often frustrates Each keyshard is implanted using a device
employees trying to bring a new computer in the security office on the first floor. The
workstation or other bulky equipment or painless procedure only takes a couple of
furniture up to the second floor. minutes, and the shards can be remotely
upgraded, downgraded or deactivated from the
All floors except the basement have terminal in this office. It is possible to remove
environmental controls that maintain a the keyshard from an employee and use it,
steady temperature and humidity. All doors as well as forcing them to escort infiltrators
and lights are automatic, detecting the through the desired areas. Otherwise a dead
presence of humans and switching on or or unconscious body so chipped can be carried
opening as necessary. Many doors only open around as a master key since the device does
for employees with the necessary implanted not require consciousness in order to function.
keyshards. Every floor has a sprinkler system
for fire suppression. In case of particularly The reception staff give the basics of the
serious fire, a gas fire suppression system keyshard system to new employees upon
activates, removing all the oxygen from the arrival. The precise details about how the
affected area. The system is fatal for anyone in keyshards work can be discovered by
the area so it only operates automatically if the contacting White Fox Automated Security
sensors detect no one in the area. The system Solutions, the corporation that installed it.
can also be overridden by the CEO. Success requires a DC12 People (Bureaucracy)
check. The building’s security staff are also
All the bathrooms in the building are equipped aware of the system’s details.
with drug sensors that scan employee urine for
illegal drugs. Cyberpunks who have used illegal The building’s locks can be opened with a
drugs in the previous 48 hours who use one of Hacking check. The DC for a level 1 lock is 12,
the building’s bathrooms create a positive result for level 2 the DC is 14, and for level 3 the
in a special database. They are flagged if they DC is 18. The lock on the CEO’s office has
create two such positives within the course of a DC of 20. Locks can be forced with a DC
a week, and are summoned by their manager 20 Strength check, or with breaching tools
to explain themselves. New employees are not (cutters, explosives), but opening a door this
informed of this feature. Some employees take way always alerts Magogen’s security.
smoke breaks to use nearby public restrooms in
order to avoid the urine test. BREAKING AND ENTERING
While the cyberpunks can infiltrate one of their
KEYSHARDS number with the cover identity, the rest of the
The Magogen Building uses a three-tier team will likely have to rely on subterfuge to
security clearance system based on keyshards. get into the building and access its more secure
Each keyshard is a microchip, usually implanted areas. An employee with a cover identity can
in the flesh between the finger and thumb of bring another cyberpunk into the building as a

visitor with a DC14 People (Deception) check, of sentrybots, which the cyberpunks will
gaining advantage on this check if they have have to avoid or deactivate. Compare the
appropriate documentation or other supporting cyberpunk’s’ Dexterity (Stealth) checks versus
evidence, at the GM’s discretion. the sentrybots’ Passive Perception DC15. The
sentrybots alert security if they spot intruders.
Those cyberpunks that physically break into
the Magogen building must contend with the If security is alerted, security personnel arrive
building’s security measures. Climbing the at the location of the alert in one minute on
building can only be done with appropriate the first and second floors or the basement,
gear and requires a DC14 Strength (Athletics) and two minutes elsewhere. If Security
check, making another check for each story Chief Angela Flores is in the building, she
the cyberpunk climbs. The reinforced windows attends in person accompanied by one of the
can be smashed with a DC16 Strength check. building’s other security guards. Otherwise,
Both of these actions will automatically alert two guards attend. Flores has the statistics
Magogen’s security as described below. of a trained engineer and the guards count
as law enforcement officers. If the security
Accessing the building from the roof can be guards have reason to suspect something
done from nearby buildings via a pair of eight- more serious than a burglary or subversive
story office blocks. Each of these buildings is employee activity, they access the armory
separated from the Magogen building by a 12 locker and arm themselves with shotguns and
meter gap. The solution for crossing the gap is flash grenades. Flores also activates the combat
up to the cyberpunks. Aircraft can land on the mech and sends it ahead of the guards. She can
roof but doing so alerts Magogen’s security. use her rapid repair ability to keep the mech
functioning in combat and prefers to let the
Finally, a character can simply walk in through machine take damage rather than her or the
the front doors. The front doors outside other security personnel.
working hours, and the rear doors by the
loading dock at all times, have level 1 locks If any of the security personnel are killed or
requiring a DC12 Technology (Hacking) check incapacitated, Magogen commissions a local
to bypass. Getting past the foyer will need skill private security firm, Priest & Lau Corporate
checks to avoid raising suspicion. Protection, to provide additional muscle. They
station a riot restrictor mech in the reception
Moving around the building risks being area and post three elite security agents,
spotted by the building’s sensors and cameras. with the statistics of S.W.A.T. officers, in
A cyberpunk can evade these with a DC12 the building for the next week. Only severe
Dexterity (Stealth) check, alerting security on damage to the building or public exposure of its
a fail. A cyberpunk with a hacking device can illegal activities causes Magogen to close the
interfere with the security system’s wireless building entirely.
network with a DC14 Technology (Hacking)
check. Success shuts down a single floor’s BASEMENT
sensors for one minute before the system The basement can be reached through the
reactivates. All the sensors and cameras in a maintenance areas, which require a level
particular area can be located with a DC10 2 keyshard. A first floor door to a stairwell
Intelligence (Investigation) check. All the leading into the basement has a malfunctioning
sensors and cameras can be shut down from lock that maintenance has not yet repaired.
the terminal in the security center, though This allows employees to occasionally head
a member of the security staff is likely to down to the basement, and they have
notice within minutes. In addition, level 1 convinced the maintenance staff to leave the
areas of the building are patrolled by a pair lock alone. The building’s cameras and sensors

are not present in the basement so in spite of types up his reports here at the end of each
its gloom and grime, it is a popular choice for working day.
extra-corporate activity like romantic trysts or
subversive crypto-union plotting. FIRST FLOOR
The Magogen building features an incinerator, Magogen’s handsome reception area is clad
despite the fact that the building does not in glossy black and white marble, carrying on
require such an antiquated solution for heat. the circuitry aesthetic outside. It requires no
The ‘official’ explanation is that the incinerator keyshard to access during regular work hours,
is a relic of a previous building on the same site and requires level 1 to access at other times.
and the builders simply chose not to remove The reception desk has three receptionists
the huge, blackened metal structure. stationed during the work day, and one at other
times. Receptionists are female and attractive.
The truth is that the incinerator is used to destroy This area has comfortable seating and a free
evidence, primarily corpses, from Magogen’s coffee machine.
illegal AI program. Bodies are brought down
after work hours and thrown into the incinerator FF2. CAFETERIA
where they are reduced to ash. The same thing The cafeteria is the de facto social area for
happens to incriminating documents and medical most employees. It has fixed seating for about
waste from the third floor. The loyalty of the AI fifty people and is particularly busy around
program’s staff is assured, in part, by the threat 1-2pm. It requires a level 1 keyshard to access.
of being thrown alive into the incinerator if they The décor here is stark and corporate with
betray their corporation. imposing abstract art on the walls and artificial
plants that somehow make it seem more dead.
With a DC12 Intelligence (Investigation) The cafeteria is open 24 hours, though outside
check, a cyberpunk can find a number of of regular work hours offers only automated
teeth in the fine ash inside the incinerator. service. The kitchen serves a rotating menu
These are the only parts of a body not covering several different cultures, with a
completely consumed by the incinerator’s high particular emphasis on South-East Asian
temperatures. The teeth are human, which cuisine in deference to the origins of Sundang
can be confirmed with a DC10 Technology ISS. The cafeteria also has automated snack
(Medicine) check. and drink machines. Payment for cafeteria
food comes from a stipend granted to every
B2. WEISS’ OFFICE employee, though it covers only one meal
Maintenance Chief Weiss has a cramped and per day. The food is palatable though many
windowless office in the basement. The office employees prefer the street food available in
has a desk and chair, a computer workstation, the plaza outside.
and a locker. On the wall is a non-regulation
girly calendar, contrasting with the family FF3. CORPORATE
photograph in a frame on the desk. The HOSPITALITY
photograph shows Weiss with his wife and Three sets of handsome conference rooms,
young son during a family picnic. each with their own bathroom facilities, allow
Magogen to host visiting executives and
In the locker is a set of heavy coveralls with investors. They can be accessed with a level
rubberized gauntlets and a face shield and a 1 keyshard. Décor is notably more luxurious
basic first aid kit. Weiss doesn’t keep it locked. than in the rest of the building, with expensive
Weiss spends most of his time elsewhere life-like synthetic plants. Each room has a
attending to various maintenance tasks but holographic projector for presentations. These

rooms are also used by employees for cross- pinch. It has a single bed and a toilet. The cell
department meetings. most often holds employees deemed security
risks while their workstations are checked
FF4. SECURITY CENTER and purged. Afterward the offender is usually
The security center can only be accessed by escorted off the premises.
a level 2 keyshard. Its set of three functional,
bare concrete rooms include the security FF5. HUMAN RESOURCES
server and armory locker, a ready room where This office houses three employees who
the security staff spend most of their time, and deal with the hiring and firing of Magogen’s
a single-person holding cell. employees and contractors, and with mediating
disputes between them. The long-suffering
Keyshards can be implanted and altered from Marcel Duquesne is the head of human
the server, and the building’s various cameras resources. HR requires Level 1 security access
and sensors can be read via the many screens to enter. The workstations here have databases
covering one wall. The server supports these of current and potential hires and their CVs,
sensors and the building’s automated security though no one who works on the AI project is
features can be activated or deactivated from brought in through HR so there is no record of
here. In addition the server has a version of them here.
the employee files with extensive notes on
security matters for quick access by Security SECOND FLOOR
Chief Flores. The security server terminal All the areas on the second floor require a
requires level 2 access, or a DC16 Technology Level 1 Keyshard to access, except for the
(Hacking) check. The gun-like device used to maintenance areas which require Level 2.
implant the keyshards is kept here, and requires
a DC10 Technology (Medicine) check to use.
The armory lockers on the walls contain three
rapid-fire shotguns, nine flashbang grenades, Most of Magogen’s work is done in the
and three stun batons. They are mechanically computer labs, which consist of several large
locked and only Flores and the CEO have rooms of cubicles each with a computer
the key, but the lock can be opened with a terminal. The rooms are lit by merciless
DC16 Dexterity (Lockpicking Tools) check. fluorescent lights and have a plain, off-white
In addition, secret compartments in the walls décor that seems as deliberately inhuman
conceal two sentrybots and a combat mech and uninviting as possible. The inhabitants
(using the reprogrammed combat mech stats). of the cubicles personalize their workspaces
A cyberpunk can notice these compartments as much as they can but Magogen has
with a DC12 Intelligence (Perception) check. policies against displays of individualism that
The sentrybots are deployed after work hours threaten the air of corporate obedience.
but the combat mech is for emergencies only Photographs have a maximum size and pets
and has never been used. or plants are not permitted. Each computer
is a high-end programming model with a
The ready room has a couple of couches, a TV full suite of coding applications. They are
and a coffee machine. Flores and the other used to develop new operating systems for
security staff can usually be found here. Sundang’s mechs.

The cell is mechanically locked and Flores Cubicles by the windows are most
holds the key. It can be opened with a DC16 desireable and are granted to particularly
Dexterity (Lockpicking Tools) check. It is built industrious programmers who have
for one person but can hold up to three in a demonstrated loyalty to their corp.

Syra Massey works in the cubicles, and is SF7. MAINTENANCE BREAK
often held back long after regular hours ROOM
trying to hit Magogen’s exacting deadlines. The maintenance area on the second
She frequently heads to the plaza outside the floor includes a small break room for the
building for a smoke. On her workstation is a maintenance staff. This small room has a
set of icebreaker software that allows her to few threadbare sofas and a coffee machine.
bypass Magogen’s network monitoring. This There is usually a portable television in here,
can be discovered with a DC10 Technology too although it is technically against building
(Computers) check. In the bottom drawer of regulations. The maintenance break room is
her desk is a portable hard drive containing not covered by any cameras so it is sometimes
several simple hacking programs and some used for clandestine meetings among the
brain scan files from the AI project, though it employees, especially when discussions turn
is not clear where they originated from. The against company policy. Employees without
files are huge and are full maps of human brain the necessary level 2 clearance make deals with
neural patterns. If Smith is Syra Massey, this the maintenance staff to get into the break
is information he has been siphoning from room. Maintenance Chief Weiss knows this but
Magogen to use against Sundang. If he is not, turns a blind eye.
Syra Massey has been gathering this data
in the hope of selling it to a competitor or Brian Szrback is often found in the break room,
using it as leverage to secure a hefty payout when not working on the building’s various
from Magogen so she can finally escape the systems. Outside the break room is a bank of
corporate grind. lockers, including Szrback’s. Inside Szrback’s
locker is a suit of artificial skin, comprising all
PROGRAMMER OFFICES the skin for a Caucasian human below the neck.
Senior programmers have their own offices The inside of the skin is metallic and covered in
within the labs, each with a computer terminal neural interfaces. This is one of the skins Smith
and, most desirable of all, a window. The uses to change identities. If Smith is Szrback,
inhabitants of these offices are theoretically he has stored a spare skin here to use in case
free to embellish them with pictures of their his current one gets damaged or he has to
families and other personal touches, but at switch identities. If Szrback is not Smith, then
this rank they are expected to display loyalty Smith has used Szrback’s locker knowing that
to their corp above all things so they more Szrback does not keep anything in there, and
commonly decorate the spaces with corporate thus it made a good place to hide the skin. If
art. Magogen logos and slogans, and art this is the case, Szrback has never seen the skin
celebrating artificial life and sleek robotic before and does not know where it came from.
designs, are most favored. The managers of
Magogen’s programmers are Misha Muradyan,
Guillermo de Oliveira, and Darko Horvat.

THIRD FLOOR The employees with Level 3 clearance are
All areas on the third floor require a level 3 aware of this heinous activity but stay quiet
keyshard to access. Even entering this floor from through a combination of corporate loyalty,
the maintenance areas requires level 3 access. increased pay, and the implicit threat of finding
themselves thrown into the incinerator.
This set of computer workstations is
dimly lit, with pools of light cast onto the This circular room has a single surgical table
dozen individual workstations to help the with a powerful movable lamp mounted
programmers focus. Each station has an over it. The tiled floor slopes subtly towards
extremely advanced computer with its own a drain for drawing off blood and bodily
quarantine server, which holds potentially fluids. Several stainless steel cabinets
dangerous data and programs. There are no around the walls contain sets of surgical
elements of personalization here at any of implements and supplies. One cabinet has
the workstations. a comprehensive array of medical power
tools, including drills and circular saws.
A large transparent panel mounted vertically
in the center of the room projects visual A DC16 Technology (Medicine) check
representations of various artificial intelligences identifies these as being designed specifically
so the programmers can converse with them for removing sections of the cranium for brain
directly. Nearby is a full-immersion VR couch surgery.
for the risky task of interfacing directly with
the AIs. Magogen currently has no AIs in any A computerized surgical unit stands by the
of its servers, and the VR couch is not in use. head end of the surgical table. This waist-high
device has several screens and a number of
MAGOGEN’S PLAN slender robotic arms tipped in medical tools. It
While Magogen’s official purpose is developing is used to perform delicate neurosurgery and
OS for Sundang’s combat mechs, its real task, is programmed with hundreds of procedures.
and the one for which it has been receiving Another device beside the table has a number
huge support from Sundang, is researching of small gas bottles hooked up to tubes and
artificial intelligence. These AIs are designed masks, and is used to anaesthetize patients.
to spy on or attack rival corporations, which
means Magogen’s work breaks countless The surgical unit’s memory retains details
international and corporate laws. of its prior procedures. A DC16 Technology
(Computing) check accesses the surgical log
In particular, Magogen uses highly invasive which shows that over the last six months it
total brain mapping to create information has performed several hundred procedures.
models of human consciousness, which Some reports reveal exploratory surgeries for
are then used as the basis for new AIs. This gathering data on the condition of the subject’s
process irreversibly damages the minds of brain, but most of them refer to vivisections,
those whose brains are modelled. Sundang resulting in the eventual death of the subject.
supplies the subjects who are taken from
among the less notable graduates of Sundang’s TF10. SUBJECT CELLS
various corporate education programs. After
being mapped, these subjects are kept for Six cells line a single, plain concrete corridor,
observation, euthanized, and disposed of in the three on each side. Each cell is fronted by
basement incinerator. a transparent wall, large enough for a single
person and featuring only a drain in the floor

and a nozzle in the ceiling. The place smells TF12. OFFICES
strongly of disinfectant, which cannot quite A set of four offices serves the senior
cover up an underlying foulness. programmers on the AI project. They are
identical and unadorned, except one, which
The drains funnel effluent and the nozzles are is the office of the AI project’s most gifted
to wash down the cells and the inmates. The programmer, Devon Schechter. This office
transparent walls are hinged and function as has a shelf of sporting memorabilia, including
doors. The locks and nozzles are controlled balls and gloves from 20th and 21st Century
from a console at one end of the corridor. baseball teams, pennants from the founding
teams of the international crashball league, and
At any one time there are between two and some framed posters advertising cybernetic
four subjects among the cells. They are kept combat sport events.
naked, and are all severely impaired by the
brain scanning process. They are comatose or FOURTH FLOOR
in a state of mental confusion, unable to speak
or function. The subjects are all from Sundang’s FF13. CEO’S OFFICE
corporate education programs, aged in their This office can only be accessed by Magogen’s
twenties and up, and come from a variety of CEO, Anselmo Nestor Correira de la Cruz,
ethnic and national backgrounds. Each subject using his biometric data. A scanner on the
still bears its neurolink, and if extracted, the door takes a retinal and palm scan as well as a
neurolinks can be examined with a DC 12 bioelectric reading, which means the lock only
Technology (Mechanics) check to determine activates if the CEO is alive and conscious.
they were all made by Sundang ISS.
The office is huge, dominated by a window
TF11. MAPPING SUITE taking up one wall which tints a view of
This cold, sterile room features a single large District 2’s skyscape to a calming sepia.
machine resembling a padded chair with Correira de la Cruz’s huge natural wood
heavy restraints for the arms and legs, and a desk is flanked by tall, living plants. The desk
padded ring that keeps the head motionless. has a computer, a place for writing longhand
The head is surrounded by a halo of sensors letters with headed notepaper, a dip pen
and electrodes hooked up to a computer. A and quill, and an ink blotter. The CEO
cart beside the chair bears a tray with several apparently enjoys an imposing high-backed
syringes. Clean, white tiles lend to the chilly chair and when he holds an audience, a
and impersonal ambience of what is akin to a much less comfortable chair slides up from
high-tech torture chamber. the floor opposite him.

The purpose of the machine is to conduct the A small cabinet stands next to the desk,
invasive brain-mapping procedure, though furnished with several brands of high-end
the design of the machine obscures this liquor and mixers. Extremely expensive
purpose. Only a DC20 Technology (Medicine) pieces of abstract art adorn the walls,
check reveals it for what it is. The computer coordinated to match the sunset tones of
is encrypted and accessing its data requires the office’s lighting.
a DC14 Technology (Hacking) check. The
computer is full of brain scans, each one taking A door leading to a small private bathroom tucks
up a huge volume of memory in modelling the neatly into the wall. The door can be spotted
entire function of a subject’s neuron pathways with a DC8 Intelligence (Perception) check.
and brain chemistry.

ANSELMO NESTOR FF14. Senior Researcher’s Office
CORREIRA DE LA CRUZ This office can only be accessed with a level 3
Magogen’s CEO is a lanky, severe-looking keyshard. The head of the AI program, Mahalia
man with light brown skin, a shaved scalp, Torres, has this office, which is markedly less
and a hawkish nose. He wears slimline black impressive than the CEO’s. The office has a
suits and a single silver earring. Correira large window looking out on District 2, towards
de la Cruz – casually referred to by the the tower blocks of District 3. Torres’ desk is
employees as ‘Anselmo’ to avoid having to functional, with several computer monitors
use his full name – is a glowering, severe hooked up to her personal workstation. Her chair
presence who never cracks a smile when is a custom medical device that hooks her up
in the presence of those beneath him. He to IV drips and monitors for her various health
speaks little, preferring to let the weight of problems. Mahalia’s sole note of decoration is a
his authority speak for itself. Among equals, silver birdcage on a stand near the desk with a
he is level and insistent, never losing his pair of bright blue songbirds in it. The birds are
cool or raising his voice. Correira de la Cruz gene-simulated examples of an extinct species.
cultivates an air of stern inscrutability that A door leads to a small private bathroom with
has served him well as the leading authority a medicine cabinet stocked with various brands
and figurehead of Magogen. of drugs designed to combat the side effects of
rejuvenation and longevity treatments.
Correira de la Cruz was born into the
corporate sphere in his native Brazil. He Mahalia Torres splits her time between this office,
was greatly motivated in his youth by the the AI labs, and her District 2 home. She often
huge gulf he saw between rich and poor – retires home after a long day of work to access
not to correct the imbalance, but to ensure more medicines, which give her the rejuvenation
he was always on the right side of it. He drugs she needs to keep functioning.
believes that for good or ill, corpocracy
is the way of the world, and that only a MAHALIA TORRES
fool would choose not to join the winning The job title ‘Research & Development
side. He is not wedded to Magogen or its Executive’ is a cover for Mahalia’s true role as
activities, and intends to parlay his position overseer of the brain scanning process used
at Magogen into a more senior position at a for Sundang’s AI projects. Torres also oversees
megacorp. While he is loyal only to himself, the acquisition of human subjects, the invasive
Correira de la Cruz expects loyalty to him and destructive scanning procedure, and the
and the corporation he commands, even vivisection and disposal of what’s left.
if he considers it a means to an even more
exalted position in the future. Torres appears to be a Latina in her early
fifties, dressed in a neat business suit
Correira de la Cruz accepts his position under an immaculate white lab coat.
under the direction of Sundag ISS. She is in fact well over ninety years old
He would be willing to join Sundang if and owes her longevity to rejuvenation
it succeeds in its goal of becoming a drugs. Her use of them has its roots in her
megacorp. He would be equally willing to early career as a scientist at Medi-Strike,
sell out Sundang and Magogen if he thought where she pioneered such treatments and
he could benefit from it. He is seeking became reliant on them herself. Under her
contacts among the megacorps in the hope clothes, Torres’ body is weirdly mottled and
of one day doing exactly that. covered in vivid black veins, with numerous
permanent valves and attachment points
where rejuvenation drugs pump directly into
her systems.

Torres abandoned her morality long ago. As of clandestine activity meet thorough vetting,
far as she is concerned, whatever keeps her and if necessary mission operatives may be
alive is justified. It is a cruel, dog-eat-dog interviewed before getting the final okay.
world and those who think of others before
themselves are doomed to fail. Magogen’s One of the offices belongs to Wijan Kamsing,
scanning project is just one more atrocity who spends most of his time here when not
to conduct before she moves on to the next shadowing the CEO. Between six and ten
- hopefully one that secures her a more executives and assistants work in the offices at
consistent supply of rejuvenation drugs all times, including outside regular hours. Often
and even the kind of full-body prosthesis the CEO joins them. Wijan Kamsing has a heavy
she craves. Torres is afraid of being cut pistol and three magazines of ammunition in
off from her supply of treatments and the his desk drawer. If Smith is Kamsing, he keeps
subsequent degeneration of her body and this weapon in case his cover is blown and he
mind, but she would never show it. In fact, has to get past security to escape. If Smith is
she rarely shows any emotion, the light in not Kamsing, Kamsing has this gun for personal
her eyes having been snuffed out long ago protection, and the occasional strong-arm
by the cruel realities of what she has done. mission on behalf of the company. He awaits the
opportunity to show that he is willing to kill for
FIFTH FLOOR Magogen so he can secure a promotion.
INTELLIGENCE OFFICES A level 2 keyshard grants access to the roof
This suite of offices can only be accessed with via the maintenance area. The roof features a
a level 3 keyshard. Here, Magogen’s executives helipad and storage, as well as HVAC outlets
and their assistants conduct confidential and several masts and antennas. Each ledge
business, including the measures needed to of the rooftop has two cable reels to lower
cover up their AI program, communications gondolas for cleaning and maintenance of the
with Sundang ISS, and extra-legal activities building’s exterior.
such as bribery of the local authorities and
planned elimination of anyone who threatens R1. HELIPAD
to expose Magogen’s crimes. Sundang executives and other important
visitors arrive at the Magogen building via
The main room serves as a conference and aircraft, landing at the helipad. From there they
situation room, with several monitor screens move directly to the Corporate Intelligence
and a wall of electronic whiteboards, a Offices or the CEO’s office without having to
coffee machine and water cooler for long- pass through the busy lower floors. The helipad
haul meetings, and a large conference table. can handle light aircraft, and has a small fuel
The surrounding offices each serve one of reservoir so such craft can refuel after landing.
the executives and their assistants. The helipad has a constantly active data beacon
for computer-piloted craft to navigate by.
In times of crisis, the Corporate Intelligence
Office conference room is the place where R2. ROOFTOP STORAGE
Magogen’s executives get briefed on the A metal shed contains maintenance tools and
situation and brainstorm responses. At supplies, including tools commonly needed
other times the executives develop plans by pilots of small aircraft, tools for repairing
to respond to various eventualities to keep atmospheric conditioning units and the rooftop
Magogen from being caught out by a sudden antennae, and cleaning supplies. The shed is not
change in circumstances. Assassinations, kept locked, since the rooftop already needs
demolitions, kidnappings, and all other sorts level 2 access.

GATHERING INFORMATION It has come to the attention of management
As the cyberpunks infiltrate Magogen and hunt that some employees have been using the
for Smith, they have plenty of opportunities first floor door to the basement, taking
to gather information. The three potential advantage of the malfunctioning lock.
identities for Smith are named in various Employees are reminded the basement is
emails, documents, and other communications off-limits to non-maintenance personnel
potentially uncovered as the cyberpunks search for safety reasons. Employees that continue
Magogen. These pieces of communication to flout Magogen’s health and safety
are detailed below, grouped by their level of regulations will be disciplined.
secrecy. Low secrecy communications can be
found in areas with level one security, such
as the computers in the programming offices
or the personal data devices of low-level Email
employees. Medium secrecy documents can
be found on the computers and devices of From: Darko Horvath, Senior Programmer
Magogen’s managers. High-secrecy documents
can be found in the less accessible parts of To: Security Chief Angela Flores
Magogen such as the AI labs, fourth floor
offices, and Corporate Intelligence Offices. Hi Angela.

The GM can parcel out these pieces of Minor thing, and it’s probably nothing,
information however they desire, to either but I’ve been running some of the
direct the cyberpunks toward one or more monthlies and I got a flag on Syra Massey’s
potential Smiths, or possibly get them caught workstation. It looks like she’s been using
up in Magogen’s secret AI program. The a workaround to avoid our network’s
cyberpunks should realize early on that there information hygiene protocols. My guess
are multiple suspects for Smith’s identity is she’s been window shopping online or
so they do not fixate on one employee. messaging friends, but I remember we’re
Conversely, evidence leading them towards supposed to bring these things up with you
one particular target encourages them to security guys where we find them.
confront one of the suspects if the mission is
stalling. These pieces of information are by no Might be worth keeping an eye on Massey?
means the only emails and documents found Or maybe just giving her a talking to.
at Magogen, but the rest contain a plethora of
minutiae as opposed to those detailed here that Darko.
might catch a cyberpunk’s eye as relevant to
their search. The GM should feel free to invent
more documents, emails, and other pieces of
data as needed to complicate or expedite the Email
campaign as needed.
From: Lucy Fong, Programmer
To: Marcel Duquesne, Head of Human
Email Resources

From: Misha Muradyan, Senior Marcel,

Sorry to bother you with this but it’s about
To: Programming Staff that maintenance guy, Brian. His last name

is something weird, begins with S. You know response times at the expense of more
the one, big old sad sack. accurate target identification. 71%
I can swear I knew him before he came to
work here. Not well or anything. He was a 1.9 OS for Sarangay Intermediate Post-
regular at a bar I used to work at and he was Bio Specialist. The demands for a more
some kind of low-level gangster. You know, advanced mission package have slowed
a wannabe wise guy. Not saying he’s trouble progress on this project. Additional contract
or anything but I thought maybe he didn’t coders are urgently needed to clear the
disclose everything on his references? I backlog here. 37% Complete.
doubt Magogen would have hired him if he
was honest. 0.77 OS for Multo Post-Biological
Command & Control. We have put our best
Might have the wrong guy. Anyway, people on this and expect to have a working
thought you should know. prototype for beta within six weeks. 90%
Lucy F.
1.4 OS for Bakunawa Heavy Post-Bio
Weapons Platform. Severe delays have
ensued after problems were found in the
Document ambulatory systems because of the unit’s
weight and variable weapons demands.
Mech Operating Systems Monthly This is the project most likely to breach
Summary our deadline agreed with Sundang. The
problem is not insurmountable but requires
Progress has been steady this last month short-term investment in quality contract
with all projects advancing. Some concern programmers. 47% Complete.
has been raised about the OSs for the
Sarangay and Bakunawa models, the latter
because of the advanced requirements
for gait control. However, all projects are MEDIUM SECRECY
on schedule for completion by deadline
provided resources are focused where they Email
are needed.
From: Marcelinho Obafemi, Programmer
I understand Sundang has increased
funding for another cycle. Please advise To: Tomomi Komori, Executive Assistant
where this funding will be allocated in the
OS programming department. This is our Hi Tomomi
principal offering, after all.
How’s things? Still smacking that
3.91 OS for Duwende Basic Post-Biological shuttlecock every Thursday? The offer of
Infantry. Progressing well. The use of an after-work ramen is still open if you’re
off-the-shelf components has sped up interested.
development. 64% Complete.
Listen, do you know Wijam Kamsin? The
2.4 OS for Madingara Intermediate scrawny exec assistant guy. Real corporate
Infantry. Progressing well. We have taken suck-up. I was at the CI offices a couple
into account the feedback on improving of days ago and I saw him going through

Fonseca’s office. Rifling through his desk, Document
documents, that kind of thing. He didn’t
know I was there and when I spotted him Health and safety notice.
he went real sheepish all of a sudden. Like a
dog that just ate your shoe and knows that This notice was generated in reference to
you know. a health and safety issue that potentially
affects Magogen’s legal status or operational
I hear the execs are gonna start cracking ability. See corporate compliance guidelines
down again soon. I thought maybe this 5.41-5.519.
Kamsing has started gathering dirt on us
early. You might wanna watch out for him. R&D Executive Torres’ health issues pose
a direct threat to the continuation of
Catch up soon, Magogen’s current projects. Her reliance
on rejuvenation treatments in the past, and
Marcel the subsequent necessity to top off those
treatments, makes her vulnerable to both
health complications and the possibility of
coercion should those treatments end. It
Email is already very difficult to secure a reliable
supply of drugs on the gray market. If
From: Mahalia Torres, research and the supply were cut off, Torres could be
Development Executive rendered incapable of performing her job,
but could also become a security issue if
To: Maintenance Chief Kurt Weiss a third party was able to supply them in
exchange for information on Magogen’s
Chief Weiss, more sensitive activities.

Please ensure that further environmental These issues can be resolved either by
control work on the third floor is cleared finding a reliable supply of rejuvenation
with me personally. Some very sensitive treatments, or by replacing Torres with a
equipment is kept there and it is extremely less compromised researcher. Since there
important that security around the third are very few researchers with Torres’ skill
floor be maintained at all times. If a and experience, it is recommended that
maintenance worker without the necessary resources be allocated to the former.
clearance were to gain entry to the third
floor labs the consequences could be dire.

Again, clear all such work with me first and Email

ensure that you see to it personally if at all
possible. Future security breaches will have From: [error – tag corrupted]
to be dealt with at a more senior level.
To: Syra Massey, Programmer
Check the incinerator
Mahalia Torres

Email on removing the biological component from
the AI development program.
From: Devon Schechter, programmer
The full brain scans required to fulfil
To: Candy [error – ID data incomplete] Sundang’s requirements cannot be
completed without the highly invasive
Hey babes procedures currently in operation. Research
into alternatives has failed to find any other
I can’t tell you what I’m doing up here on method sufficient for Sundang’s purposes.
the third floor. Trust me, it’s not worth It follows that the use of live subjects, and
either of our hides for me to tell you. I’m the subsequent damage caused by the
having to dodge the corp firewalls just to procedure and the need to dispose of the
get this out to you. You don’t want to know deceased, remains necessary.
the details.
Regrettably, the current method of fulfilling
I can’t get out of the office more than a our obligations to Sundang must continue.
couple of evenings a month. We’re being I suggest requesting additional security
worked to the bone. So I guess our regular measures necessary to protect the Sundang
sessions are over. Sorry to break it to you investment.
this way but one day you’re a regular code
jockey, the next you’re locked up in the Mahalia Torres
infinite monkey cage doing shit I can’t talk

It’s not just that. The stuff we’re doing, It’s Email
not good. The kind of ‘not good’ I can’t
make anyone else deal with. This is gonna From: Ferdinand Lopez II, Chief Operating
change me. Not for the better. This stuff Officer, Sundang ISS
sucks the soul out of you.
To: Anselmo Nestor Correira de la Cruz,
Pretty soon you won’t want to know me. Chief Operating Officer

It was fun, but it’s over. Dear Anselmo,

I won’t forget you. But I suggest you forget My family and I are doing very well, thank
me. you. Eugenia has just begun attending the
Conservatory in the Zurich Security Zone
Dev. and Lysander started basic training with our
Intervention Division.

Our research division has made excellent use

HIGH SECRECY of the data you sent. The AIs are all modeled
after the human brain to some extent and
Document thus the comprehensive nature of Magogens’
contribution to the division has enabled us to
Biological Operations Summary make huge advances in a short space of time.

Please see the following summary in Rest assured another investment cycle will
response to a request for a feasibility study be duly approved.

This brings me to a less savory matter. OFFICE GOSSIP
Magogen has been identified as a key Any cyberpunks that pass as employees of
security weakness. I do not need to Magogen can keep an ear out for office gossip.
emphasize how important it is that the AI They may eavesdrop on conversations in the
project remains secret. I have assured the cafeteria or over the water cooler, or monitor
board that Magogen is a secure partner personal messenger conversations. Base
in our joint endeavor and I do not intend success on a DC14 Intelligence (Investigation)
to be proven wrong. Sundang will monitor check. The cyberpunk gains advantage on this
Magogen very closely, and not only through check if they are among other employees
the established channels. they have befriended. They can gain one of
the following pieces of information, chosen by
All the best, Anselmo. I shall have our the GM. At the GM’s option, the cyberpunks
researchers await the next batch of data. receive these pieces of information from
employees they have befriended without a
We’ll be watching you, check. This is an opportunity to feed them
other pieces of information to help point them
Ferdinand. in a particular direction, such as towards the
basement and the Incinerator, or a means to
get to the areas requiring Level 3 access.

Document ‘You know that Devon guy? Used to work

in Programming but got kicked upstairs?
Data Extraction Cycle Summary Something’s up with him. He doesn’t hang
around with us any more but I’ve seen him
Last Human Subject Intake: 8 hanging around the elevators sometimes
and Jeez, he’s looking rough. Last time
Deceased During Procedure: 1 he completely blanked me. Wonder what
they’re doing up there?’
Procedure complete, data corrupted: 3

Procedure complete, data viable: 4

‘I heard the third floor is developing a
4 sets of full neural scans sent to Sundang top secret operating system for a mech
via hard copy courier. Sundang hasn’t announced yet. Some
stealth ninja models with active camo.
7 subjects retained for observation (6 days), Supposed to bump Sundang up to the big
vivisection confirms severe brain damage leagues.’
and neural degeneration.

Disposal of all eight corpses confirmed.

‘Pram and Jason are gettin’ it on in the
50% data extraction success rate trends basement every lunch half-hour.’
toward lower acceptable parameters.
Procedure to be monitored to identify
success rate improvement opportunities.
‘You know, at any other company, the
turnover of the contract employees would
be a problem. I’ve seen the numbers in HR.
Guess Magogen doesn’t care. It’s not like

there’s a shortage of programmers in San Amelie Bacoul is a young and sensitive
Francisco looking for a job, I guess.’ programmer who has fallen behind with her
coding deadlines and has been hauled into
Misha Muradyan’s office several times. She is
in danger of being let go by Magogen and is
‘Syra Massey’s pulling some hacker shit. highly stressed.
She keeps using workarounds to get past
information security. She’s gonna put us all Colin Drake is a programmer specializing in
in the shit if she’s not careful.’ target recognition software. He hangs around
after regular hours to work on a video game,
although this is against corporation guidelines.
He fancies himself an adrenaline junkie but
‘There’s a scrawny little jerk named Kamsing Magogen’s nonexistent holiday time means he
up on fifth who thinks there’s an executive’s never actually indulges his supposed love of
office with his name on it. He’s setting extreme sports.
himself up as some kind of troubleshooter,
even saying he’ll take care of stuff “off the Devon Schechter works in the third floor
books” like he’s a District 5 gangster. What lab preparing brain scan data to be sent on
a prick.’ to Sundang’s AI program. He was a regular
programmer until being moved upstairs. He has
not dealt well with the Magogen’s murderous
activities and is falling apart emotionally.
‘I heard Brian Szrback got the hookup.
You know, the sad sack maintenance guy. Darko Horvath, a programmer, isn’t a people
Doesn’t seem too smart though, I bet he person. He dislikes interacting with people
keeps the shit in his locker.’ socially unless it is over a complicated strategy
game. His efforts to get a chess club started at
Magogen have so far been unsuccessful.
‘I saw security bringing some young guy into Ezra Tessiore is a cleaner who works on the
the freight elevator last week. They were first and second floors every night after regular
going up to Third. The guy looked seriously work hours. He hates his job and resents the
out of it, maybe drugged. Maybe one of the employees who earn more than him and treat
execs is into some seriously freaky shit?’ him as if he doesn’t exist. He supplements his
income as a small-time drug dealer working
from his District 5 apartment.

SAMPLE EMPLOYEES Gertrude Fujinuma is a maintenance worker

Magogen has a high turnover of contract with a hefty frame and thick black hair worn in
employees as well as dozens of permanent a ponytail. She is a skilled engineer who could
workers. The majority are programmers, while rise higher if she wanted but has no interest in
others are administrators or members of the corporate life. She has a drinking problem, but
security or maintenance team. The following is has so far resisted drinking on the job.
a sample of employees the cyberpunks might
encounter. These employee NPCs can be used Herman Malaquias is an executive who enacts
in social encounters, or to complicate combat the CEO’s wishes. He is commonly found in
or infiltration activities by blundering into the the Corporate Intelligence Offices, working on
wrong office at the wrong time. ways to deal with potential information leaks
of Magogen’s sensitive activities. He considers

himself cultured and uses his executive holiday
time to attend operas and art events.

Inez Ma works in the cafeteria. She has three

children she struggles to support, and has a
second job at a rough bar in District 4. Ma is
always looking for ways to make more money,
and has concluded that the only way to survive
is to step outside the laws of the corporations.
In the meantime, she works uncomplainingly in
the Magogen building’s kitchen.

Jerzy Tamurau is a programmer. He spends 4-5

hours a night playing a semi-immersion VR game
called Phoenix Flame Fantasy. He counteracts his
lack of sleep with energy drinks and uppers that
are causing him severe liver damage. He is funny,
energetic, and a little too manic.

HUNTING GENTRY SNOW Gentry has a formal military background,
The Enigma Collective’s primary enforcer, with expert training in personal weapons and
Gentry Snow, is slinking across San Francisco’s explosives. Her experience includes off-world
underbelly while she works to forge a new exploration and zero-gravity combat tactics.
identity. She recently escaped police custody Although she is a skilled marksman, her killer
for a second time while waiting transfer to instinct makes her a lethal threat from any
Corvus, a facility hidden beneath the streets range with any weapon, and as such she is
of District 4 used to hold violent criminals. as effective with a sniper rifle from two feet
Her ability to escape capture twice has the away as she is from a quarter mile.
authorities doubling down in her pursuit. She’s
still in District 4, hiding out in an abandoned After her military service Gentry joined
apartment above a small ramen dive off of various gangs in Los Angeles where she
Irving Street and 6th Avenue. honed her talents before going solo as a
Gentry isn’t desperate – yet – but once she cyberpunk and heading north. Not long
gets wind that some cyberpunk puppet squad after arriving in San Francisco she joined
is taking out her allies, she becomes feral. The the Enigma Collective, rising in the ranks as
only chance the cyberpunks have of surprising the Collective’s top strongarm assassin. She
Gentry is to get to her fairly early on the list, is cunning, stealthy, and violent, with skills
because she’s already wary and it won’t take to match the needs of the job.
much to put her on high alert.
As far as the underbelly of San Francisco
Given her recent escape, Gentry doesn’t have goes, Gentry is relatively unknown. As an
many possessions. She still wears her prison outsider she didn’t have the connections
jumpsuit, and her cybernetics are intact. Her she enjoyed in L.A., and as a member of the
immediate goal is to get some cash and a Collective she doesn’t need them. As such,
change of clothes, in either order. She may finding information on her is difficult at best.
or may not succeed. The SFPD have upped
patrols across the district, and every drone and Gentry’s general anonymity in San Francisco
air vehicle is a threat she can’t easily account is one of her greatest assets. Nonetheless, her
for. One look at her jumpsuit and she’ll be reputation among San Francisco’s underworld
made. She has one saving grace – Gordon Sato, crime syndicates permeates well beyond
the owner and proprietor of Yūshūna Ramen. her ambiguous personal identity. A DC 14
Intelligence (Streetwise) check combined with
GENTRY SNOW any reference to the Enigma Collective by name
and an accurate description of the enforcer
Gentry Snow is a 28-year-old Caucasian reveals that Gentry is efficient in her work, and
female. A tall, muscular woman, she’s a the most intimidating of the known Collective
deadly beauty, with a head full of long operatives. A DC 12 People (Bureaucracy)
brown hair and an unexpectedly innocent check with the SFPD grants the cyberpunks
face. Her upper shoulders and neck feature access to her arrest record, including charges of
permanent cyber augments, and she has murder, extortion, resisting arrest, and escape
managed to outfit both arms with electrified from custody. In addition, she faces secondary
gauntlets that reach from her knuckles to charges for assault on a peace officer and
her elbows. At last sight, she was dressed damage to public property.
in a white prison jumpsuit and black boots.
Her preferred style features a combination If the cyberpunks manage to get an interview
of light armor and leading-edge weaponry, with one of the SFPD detectives (DC 14 People
and her reputation as a killer is legendary (Persuasion), they might also learn that the
among some factions. police had hopes of identifying the rest of the

Collective with Gentry’s testimony, with the Dozens of wary eyes peer from dirty and
goal of dismantling the criminal organization. disheveled faces, and there is not a friendly
expression among them. One of the men,
Gentry’s last known location was Lincoln Way maybe in his thirties, barks out at you.
and 10th Street, just outside the decrepit
Golden Gate Park. She escaped custody en “What do you want? Why are you here?”
route to Corvus when she overthrew her
SFPD escort and disappeared into the park. There are two primary camps along the Lincoln
The park is a wasted maze of dying vegetation Way front between 10th and 14th Streets. The
and pockets of landfill. A person could easily cyberpunks can speak to members in either
disappear and never emerge here, either community with the same chance of success.
because they don’t want to or because they Engaging with the people of Golden Gate Park
can’t. Gentry is someone who can survive a is a tricky scenario. If the cyberpunks offer
place like that, and the cyberpunks have a anything useful, such as food items, equipment,
big job trying to find clues if they look there. clothing, or the like, the cyberpunks can make
Fortunately for the cyberpunks, Golden Gate rolls with advantage. Offers of weapons do not
Park has a large homeless population who know grant advantage but do reduce the DC by one
a stranger in their midst when there is one. point.

GOLDEN GATE PARK A DC 14 Intelligence (Streetwise) check

allows the cyberpunks to safely approach
Lincoln Way parallels the southern side any homeless camp. Once engaged, a DC
of Golden Gate Park. Wasted vegetation 13 People (Persuasion) check verifies that
and homeless camps populate the former no-one of Gentry’s description is in the area.
home of museums and cultural centers. A successful DC 15 People (Persuasion)
What animals still live here are dying. check informs the cyberpunks that someone
In many ways, however, the park is a matching Gentry’s description was seen
community. The people who live here running from the police at the time of Gentry’s
have made the tent cities and makeshift known escape. She did enter the park, where
hovels into a sort of township separate she hid for a few hours before slinking out and
from San Francisco itself. Only the heading south into the city. For each failed
most desperate of people enter the park check the DC increases by one point.
uninvited, and the residents know who
belongs and who doesn’t. The people of After the cyberpunks complete their
Golden Gate Park might not have the interviews, and once they leave the park, they
resources of even the most novice gang, pick up a tail. A passive DC 12 Intelligence
but what little they can control they (Perception) check alerts them to a lone
manage to do so with all of the ferocity individual who follows them from the park to
that survival requires. No one bothers wherever they go. Within five minutes the
them and, in turn, they have very little to cyberpunks are assaulted by a Sons of Chaos
do with anyone on the outside. street gang known as the Plague Rats.

Wandering across the dead scrub and The Enigma Collective employs small and
trash strewn landscape of the park, you inexperienced gangs for just this sort of
enter a world into its own. On approach purpose. When Gentry escaped custody, the
to the encampment, numerous denizens Sculptress set up “listeners” to identify anyone
stir, rising to their feet and instinctively asking about her whereabouts while she got
gathering close to each other in defense. herself positioned for extraction. The tail
identifies the cyberpunks, and the Sculptress

deploys the Rats to hunt down the cyberpunks (an obvious misnomer) working out of District
and intimidate or eliminate them from 1. Whoever they are, they have a long reach.
Gentry’s trail. The cyberpunks might want to check their own
contacts. For all they know they’re working
Five minutes after leaving Golden Gate for the Seamstress and don’t even realize it.
Park, you spy a group of gang members that If they’re going to be ass hats about it, they
appear more than a little interested in your should see if Momma Huang at Happy Soles
position. They draw weapons and descend has information. If the Seamstress is trying to
on your location. hide anything, it might be Momma who knows
what it is.
Six gang footsoldiers attack the party, shouting
threats and brandishing weapons. They S.F.P.D. ON PATROL
don’t fire first, attempting to Intimidate the
cyberpunks. If the cyberpunks fight back, a It’s a known fact that the SFPD ramped up
brawl breaks out in the middle of the street. patrols in the area since Gentry’s escape,
and a brawl in the middle of the street is
If the cyberpunks take any of the gang going to get some attention, so it isn’t a
members alive for questioning, they have a surprise when a police hover vehicle tracks
chance to learn more about the Sculptress. you down. The chirp of the siren signals that
None of the gang members know that name, they’d like to have a word with you.
nor the identity of the Sculptress, but they
might share something valuable. A DC 12 As you wait, the vehicle skims to a stop, and
Intelligence (Streetwise), People (Persuasion), two uniformed officers step out, along with
or Strength (Intimidation) check reveals that a police force mech unit, which detaches
the Plague Rats work for a shadow agent who from the hull of the vehicle and clangs in
sends orders down through their ranks. The your direction.
subject of interrogation knows the following
depending on the tactic the cyberpunks use: These guys pass the eye-test for SFPD, but
they aren’t true officers. The Sculptress is
Streetwise – there are Plague Rat teams an over-planner, and the AI even has covert
throughout District 4 waiting for the call to run agents within the P.D. ready to do her bidding.
off amateur scabs like the cyberpunks if they As soon as the cyberpunks wrap up with the
stick their nose where it doesn’t belong. If the Plague Rats, word gets back that they’re on the
cyberpunks insist on risking their necks, they move, and so the Sculptress changes tactics.
should talk to Momma Huang at Happy Soles
massage on Irving between 6th and 7th Avenue. The phony law enforcement officers start by
questioning the cyberpunks about the gang
Persuasion – the cyberpunks should leave fight. Anyone who wishes to can make a DC
things alone if they know what’s good for them. 13 People (Sense Motive) check to realize
One more investigation like the one they just that something is off. Another clue is the fact
did at the park, and “the boss” will have them that the three officers (including the light
404’d no questions asked. If the person they’re combat mech) are patrolling in a prisoner
looking for is still in the area, though, it might transport wagon instead of a cruiser. A DC 13
be worth it to see if Momma Huang knows Intelligence (Investigation) check validates any
anything over at Happy Soles on Irving Street suspicion about the vehicle type. Meanwhile,
between 6th and 7th Avenue. the police tell the cyberpunks they are going to
take them in for questioning. If the cyberpunks
Intimidation – rumor has it that “the boss” is resist, the “police” use force.
some synth hacker named the “Seamstress”

If the cyberpunks do comply, the officers those a series of doors indicate more private
transport them to a remote location near the stalls. Elsewhere shelves hold bottles of oils,
wall and dispose of them as the GM sees fit. skincare products, how-to massage books,
and the like. Gentle music wafts throughout
HAPPY SOLES MASSAGE from hidden speakers. A small Asian woman
PARLOR greets you with efficiency, neither friendly
nor rude. “Here for a massage?” she asks,
An unassuming suite inside a brick building though the way her voice turns you can’t
advertises foot and body massage in neon, help but notice the doubt and suspicion.
on posterboard, sandwich board, and via a
cheap orange and white sign that features The cyberpunks’ best bet is the soft approach.
two orange-colored, cartoony-looking Momma will scoff, and she will feign ignorance,
feet on a white background. A holographic busily folding towels and moving about the
ad plays across your HUD depicting an shop as she tries to determine the purpose
attractive young woman laying on her of her visitors. A successful DC 14 People
stomach as a masseuse rubs her shoulders (Persuasion) check convinces Momma that the
where they extend from beyond the edge of cyberpunks are trustworthy enough to offer
a white body towel. A menu of services and what she knows.
costs borders the left side of the video, and
a gentle female voice recites the benefits If the cyberpunks are successful, Momma
of a relaxing massage after a long day at the hands them a bottle of massage oil and tells
office. A single storefront portrait window them to buy it. As she rings up the purchase
displays bottles of massage oil, brushes, (30₩) she advises the cyberpunks to speak
and nubbed massage tools for purchase. A to Wolf Carter, a local gang lieutenant for the
narrow door to the left of the window marks Snakehead Tong. Any gang member within
the entrance. ten blocks along Irving Street can get the
cyberpunks in touch with Wolf – all they have
Happy Soles is a legitimate business, but to do is ask around.
Momma Huang has been around longer than
dirt, and people trust her with local gossip. If “Tell them Momma sent you,” she says,
anything is going down in the north end of and for the first time she laughs, loud and
District 4, she knows something about it. grating, not unlike a bird.

Margaret “Momma” Huang is a petite, wiry FINDING WOLF CARTER

woman in her late 50s. Her salt-and-pepper
hair is cut short, and she wears a no nonsense You step outside of Happy Soles Massage
white, short-sleeved shirt, white pants, and Parlor and into a downpour. Rain pounds
white sneakers. Her first language is Mandarin, down, turning the street into a shallow
but she speaks English with virtually no accent. river. People run for cover or stand
She is as no nonsense as her outfit, and if she beneath awnings in an effort to stay dry.
thinks for a moment that someone is trying to There’s nothing especially hazardous
scam her, she’ll set them straight as a bullet to about the rain itself. But the way it
the moon. diminishes your senses – cutting your
vision and deafening your ears – puts
The interior of the shop smells like lavender you at a disadvantage in the unfamiliar
and eucalyptus. A low counter serves as a neighborhood. With a wary glance about,
check-in and payment center, and further you move up the street, looking for any
inside you see four spa chairs, two along the member of the Snakehead Tong.
left wall and two along the right. Beyond

It doesn’t take long for the Sculptress to learn Wolf waits for the cyberpunks, watching,
that the cyberpunks are still mucking about. listening, and smoking while they explain who
As the team moves along Irving Street, a lone they are looking for. When they finish, he takes
figure drops in behind them, her face hidden another drag off his nic-stick and then narrows
in a maroon fabric wrap (all but her eyes) that his eyes.
extends below the collar of her red leather
motorcycle jacket. A mono-edged katana “We can watch for her,” he says. “But
extends between her shoulder blades where the you gotta do something for us, too.” He
black handle sways within easy reach. Before holds up a data chip. “I need to get this to
anyone can notice her, she activates her invisi- someone, and I don’t want to do it myself,
skin and prepares to attack. Unlike the Plague you know? I gotta stay here and look for
Rat gang that the Sculptress sent to intimidate your woman. So, you’re gonna take it for
the cyberpunks outside the park, this me and get it nice and safe to the people
cyberninja has one job – kill the interlopers. that need it, right?”

A blur displaces air and water amid the It doesn’t seem like Wolf is going to take no
downpour as a slender, quick-moving for an answer.
assailant erupts in your midst. Swift and
silent, the attacker is deadly accurate as “There’s a bakery off Judah. Uh . . .” he
an unseen blade whips through air. You can snaps his fingers and says something to one
barely make-out the figure as it blends into of the other gang members, a skinny Asian
the rain-shrouded backdrop. Apparently, kid with spiky black hair and razor shades.
the Sculptress is serious about you minding The kid replies and Wolf nods. “Judah and
your own business. 7th – that block over there. ‘City Snax
bakery.’ Take this over there and give it to
Assuming the cyberpunks fight off the Crayfish. You dig that? You all right? Tell
cyberninja, they can work to locate members him he knows. He knows where it comes
of the Snakehead Tong. A DC 12 Intelligence from.” He starts to hand it to you but then
(Streetwise) check is all they need to identify curls his wrist and bumps your shoulder, still
the telling lumiskin snake tattoos. From there, holding the chip between his fingers. “Hey,
all they have to do is mention that Momma you might have to punch your way out, ok?
sent them, and the gang member(s) pause only But no killing. It’s just bad sports, right? No
a moment before leading the cyberpunks a few killing. You kill them I kill you, right?” He
blocks away to Wolf Carter. nudges your shoulder again. “Right?”

The gangster leads you to a group of

Snakehead Tongs standing in a covered
alleyway a few blocks down Irving Street. CITY SNAX BAKERY
You are unceremoniously introduced to a The City Snax bakery is a small but popular
big man, a tall Samoan at least six-foot- District 4 eatery. While business is good at
five. Lumiskin tattoos undulate in soft the front counter, it’s the business in the back
neon from beneath his collar, up his neck, that keeps Snax really hopping. City Snax is a
and over his left cheek. His solid black eyes front for the 16K Triad. Beneath the bakery,
scan you invasively. He looks like a college in a makeshift (and dangerously unstable)
kid in a leather jacket. He raises a metallic basement, the Triad manages local extortion,
hand and pulls a smoldering nic-stick from protection, and drug activity from 6th Avenue
his lips. “Momma sent you?” he says. to 15th Avenue and Judah Street to Lawton,
“What you want?” nine blocks wide and two blocks deep. A dozen
Triad gangsters operate out of the bakery all

under the direction of Wang Chung, one of the Crayfish, he pops it into a small machine on
Triad’s most notorious gang lieutenants. one of the tables to check it for threats before
Crayfish is a codename for Chung. When transferring it to his own comms. The message is
the cyberpunks mention the name, they find from Wolf directly. Wolf and Crayfish have been
themselves invited below decks, where Chung nurturing a feud over boundaries, and Wolf’s
is busy counting credit chips, marking digital simple message to Crayfish, in so many words,
ledgers, and answering comms. Five gang is “back off.” Wolf had intended to send some
footsoldiers also mill about, either waiting Snakehead recruits to deliver the message, but
for orders or absently rifling through bins the cyberpunks showed up at just the right time.
containing packets of various drugs. Needless to say, Crayfish isn’t impressed.
Chung is currently on the comms, staring You watch Crayfish’s eyes as he activates
through space at something in his H.U.D. He the data chip. He seems to listen for about
speaks urgently in Cantonese as he argues a minute, and as the minute passes his
with a contact on the other end about a late complexion grows increasingly darker. His
shipment of something or other to Berlin. He eyes shift to you. He grits his teeth, then
finishes the call and then, as if noticing the snatches the visor from his head and throws
cyberpunks for the first time, acknowledges it on the floor. He shouts something in
them curtly. Cantonese and the rest of the gang closes in.
Five Triad gang members mill about in a half- If any of the cyberpunks understand Cantonese,
developed earthen basement. Fold out tables Crayfish says “You have the nerve!”
stand in various configurations and piled on
the surface of each are an assortment of Crayfish glares at you, trembling with rage,
plastic bins containing a variety of drugs. and in halting English he says, “I have a
Stacks of credit chips pile near an open message for you! Wolf can come see me
strong box, and here and there a pistol sits himself!” The small basement becomes
casually nearby, apparently “just in case.” suddenly claustrophobic as all five gang
A small paper calendar hangs from a nail members crowd past Crayfish, fists clenching.
hammered into a support post, and a few
pocket computers blink lively as data cables Note that none of the Triad draw weapons.
feed them like umbilical cords attached to A passive DC 11 People (Sense Motive)
some data womb under the tables. check indicates that this is squabble, and the
cyberpunks are expected to report back in
Crayfish appears to be in his late 40s. His bruises and broken noses only. Meanwhile,
black hair is just showing signs of salt. He savvy cyberpunks might be able to take a hint
wears an old-fashioned green visor that and talk their way out of a fistfight. Have each
shields his eyes from the glaring fluorescent of the cyberpunks attempt one skill check
lights that hang overhead. He wears an each until all three have been tried. They must
expensive-looking white button-down shirt, succeed two of three checks to avoid a melee:
open at the neck, and sleeves rolled to the
elbows. His black pants suggest business DC 16 Strength (Intimidation) – Beating
attire, though the accompanying tie and chests and flexing. It’s going to be hard to
jacket are nowhere to be seen. intimidate the gang on their own turf.
“What do you want?” he asks. DC 14 People (Presence) – A quick wit
might save the moment if the cyberpunks
The cyberpunks don’t know it yet, but they’re can cover their surprise and act like they’ve
in a hard spot. When they give the chip to been here before.

DC 14 People (Persuasion) – Cooler heads few ways to pick up clues on Gentry Snow’s
might prevail. Once everyone has a minute to whereabouts:
process, maybe the cyberpunks can convince
Crayfish to offer a compromise. Then again, 1. The Snakehead Tong notices when
maybe not. Gordon sends Gentry’s message to the
Enigma Collective. Although they don’t
If a melee does break out, all damage on the know the contents of the message, they are
part of the gang members is non-lethal at first. knowledgeable of the recipients, and it flags
If the cyberpunks cooperate then the fight Yūshūna as a place of interest.
ends when one side is sufficiently beaten into
submission. If any of the cyberpunks break 2. The Snakeheads report that two suspected
protocol and turn to lethal damage, however, members of the Enigma Collective were seen
things could escalate beyond salvation. It in the area of Irving and 6th. They briefly
behooves the cyberpunks to remember Wolf’s stepped into Yūshūna Ramen but didn’t stay
warning. long enough to eat.

Note: Crayfish does not participate in the 3. The cyberpunks might ask around at local
brawl. Instead, he stands back and barks orders pubs or cafes. Providing a description of
in Cantonese while his gang footsoldiers fight. Gentry could yield a witness. A successful DC
If the cyberpunks prevail, Crayfish waves 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals
them out, telling them to let Wolf know this that someone matching Gentry’s description
isn’t over and issuing clearly weakened threats was seen with the owner after hours inside
against the Snakehead Tong. If the cyberpunks Yūshūna the previous night.
move on Crayfish to attack, he will draw a
weapon and defend himself with lethal force if In any case, all leads point to the ramen house
he has to. The cyberpunks would be best served as a target. Depending on how the cyberpunks
once again to remember Wolf’s warning. approach the site, Gentry may be more or
less prepared. If the cyberpunks are quick to
Outside, the rain has let up and you walk visit the restaurant, they might identify two
the long, wet avenue nursing your share members of the Collective as they arrive with
of small injuries. For better or worse you Gentry’s gear. A successful DC 12 Intelligence
return to Wolf with Crayfish’s response. (Perception) check allows the cyberpunks
Wolf chuckles with genuine laughter. to confirm the suspects’ identity among the
various customers entering and leaving the
“Crayfish in a bad mood?” he asks. He establishment (depending on the time of day).
seems disinterested in your report as he If the cyberpunks delay following any leads, the
takes a drag on a fresh nic-stick. “You did a two operatives are already inside with Gentry
good job,” he says. “Give me your comms. when they arrive.
I’ll let you know if we find anything.”
These Guys Never Give Up
At this point the cyberpunks can inquire
elsewhere, rest up and heal from their fight About the time you start to think you’re
with the Triad, and/or do anything else they getting somewhere you realize you’ve
need to take care of. The Snakehead Tong caught the attention of another gang of
comes up with a lead a day or two later (or thugs.
within hours if it suits the time frame – this
is up to the GM). The cyberpunks might Make a DC 12 Intelligence (Streetwise) check
also find their own lead, depending on what to recognize the 16K Triad.
they do after meeting with Wolf. There are a

Three of the gangsters approach from ESCAPE STRATEGY
ahead, and two more press in from behind. The buildings along Irving Street press against
From the looks of the weapons in their each other like teeth in a crowded mouth.
hands, they aren’t looking for the easy way Anyone moving across the rooftops can cover
out this time. several blocks before coming to a break at
an intersection. If Gentry gets to the roof
Crayfish wasn’t satisfied with how things went undetected, she could escape before the
earlier. The 16K Triad isn’t about to be pushed cyberpunks realize where she has gone. The
around, and they’ll cross gang boundaries to one factor that might work against an easy
make a point. The five gang members are all escape, however, is Gordon’s well-being. If
gang footsoldiers looking to wipe a smudge off any harm comes to him, the cyberpunks won’t
the Triad’s good name – with deadly intent. have to look for Gentry any longer, she’ll be
hunting them. While a ruckus in the restaurant
warns Gentry of an assault, she will evaluate
YŪSHŪNA RAMEN the threat before running and, if she feels she
Yūshūna Ramen is located in a two-story can handle it, will attack the cyberpunks rather
building near the intersection of Irving and 6th than escape.
in the middle of District 4. Yūshūna has been
around awhile, just like the dozens of other If the cyberpunks manage to capture Gentry
noodle places in the City. The owner uses the alive, keep in mind the kill-switch controlled by
upstairs apartment for storage, but most of the Sculptress. Unbeknownst to the cyberpunks,
what he stores is piled near the door, and he if the interrogation goes too far, Gentry won’t
never wanders deeper inside the musty depths survive long enough to share any secrets.
of the upper story, where outdated furniture
and equipment grows old and abandoned. YŪSHŪNA RAMEN
Gentry introduced herself to Gordon a few
nights ago, after Gordon closed the doors for A two-story, two-tone storefront advertises
the night and just as he was starting the nightly the name Yūshūna Ramen painted in
chores. She slipped in, sat down, and watched both English and Japanese kanji above the
him work. When he finally noticed her, he was main window of the restaurant. The lower,
calm as a breeze, apologized for being closed, restaurant half of the building is pastel peach.
but then courteously offered her a bowl of An upper-story unit is dark gray and features
noodles. She ate greedily while he resumed a single split-pane window. The large, single-
his chores. He never asked her for payment, pane restaurant window is laced with sheer
instead trading backstories of his family’s legacy curtains and a blinking neon ‘RAMEN’ sign.
in ramen for whatever lie she was about to A single door marks the entrance on the left
impart. But Gentry only lied enough for his own side of the building. The restaurant is joined
good. She told him she was on the run from the on either side by neighboring businesses,
cops, and that she was up for some pretty bad creating one long stretch of conjoined stores
things. He didn’t ask what, and he didn’t judge. that line the street.
Over the course of two hours, they came to
an understanding: by her own accord Gentry If the cyberpunks observe the building during
owed him a big favor. Part of her payment was operating hours (11 a.m. to 11 p.m.) they
a promise not to hurt him, and Gordon was observe 1d4 patrons entering or leaving at any
smart enough to know she offered that promise given time. If after hours they might observe
without Gentry needing to spell it out. In activity through the sheer curtains between
addition, she needed his help, and for that she 11 p.m. and midnight. A successful DC 10
promised to pay him back ten-fold. Intelligence (Perception) check allows an

observer to verify the physical characteristics tosses a Mk. I frag grenade down the stairs
of anyone inside the shop. to draw attention. Once the teams engage,
Gentry’s allies take turns firing from the top
YR1. ENTRANCE of the stairs with the benefit of partial cover.
Meanwhile, Gentry calls in her extraction
A simple metal bell jingles when you open team. After two rounds the Collective agents
the door, and the savory-sweet smell of escape to the roof where they prepare to
ramen teases your nose. A narrow staircase continue the fight until the extraction vehicle
along the left wall leads up, though a velvet arrives.
rope across the entry bears a sign that reads
‘Employees Only.’ Half a dozen tables line The agents cease fire from the top of the
the walls and dot the middle of the room, stairs where you hear the pounding of
and a low counter cordons off the dining footsteps moving across the ceiling. The
area from the kitchen, where steaming pots scrape of a window followed by a scrambling
simmer under harsh fluorescent light. An exit verifies a second-story escape. Your
old register sits atop the counter alongside quarry is trying to get away.
a stack of menus. A small statue of Buddha
smiles broadly from behind a handheld The combination of uncertain danger and
fan. Painted fans, decorated with cherry a narrow staircase makes the stairs difficult
blossoms or winterscapes, adorn the walls. terrain. The same is true for the upstairs
A lone male works busily in the kitchen. His apartment, which is crowded with restaurant
short black hair clings to the sweat on his supplies and old furniture. The staircase is 10 ft.
forehead, and when you enter, he smiles in long. The distance from the top of the stairs to
your direction. ‘Welcome to Yūshūna,’ he the back window is 20 ft. A faster option to spy
calls out, and emerges behind the counter, the Collective agents is from the street, with
wiping his hands on the apron tied about the restaurant exit just 10 ft. away. Reaching
his waist. He is moderately overweight, the roof is another matter. Meanwhile, the
standing around five-nine, and perhaps in agents attempt to engage the cyberpunks in
his early forties. A name tag identifies him a firefight while running across the rooftop.
as ‘Gordon.’ Combatants on the roof have partial cover
when exposed to street-level attacks and can
A cautious approach is less likely to alert pull back for complete cover to buy time.
Gentry to the cyberpunks’ intentions. If they Combatants on the ground must use parked
approach Gordon for questioning, he does his vehicles or other obstructions in order to
best to deter them, claiming he has no idea benefit from partial cover from rooftop attacks.
who they are asking about and that he hasn’t Combatants on the same level do not benefit
seen anyone of that description. If pressed, from cover.
he claims he did have a maintenance person
in recently to work on one of his appliances. The extraction vehicle arrives 1d8+1 rounds
He suspects that to be the case of mistaken after the Collective agents get to the roof. The
identity. Gordon’s People (Deception) modifier roof is a continuous surface for 100 ft. before
is +2. If the cyberpunks leave without pushing it ends at an intersection. The distance from
the issue, Gordon immediately alerts Gentry. If the rooftop to the street is 20 ft.
the cyberpunks turn aggressive, Gentry figures
things out on her own by overhearing the YR2. ROOFTOP
argument downstairs.
San Francisco businesses crowd together
If the cyberpunks threaten Gordon the team along the streets, and for all intents and
upstairs attacks from the staircase. Gentry purposes they share one roof. This stretch

of buildings are also roughly the same height,
and that means you have an open field
stretching almost 100 ft. long and 40 ft. wide
before reaching the edge of the roof to a 20
ft. drop. The flat roof levels the battlefield
and identifying the Enigma agents isn’t hard.
You’re as close as ever to stopping Gentry
Snow, but you haven’t got her yet.

It’s entirely possible that the cyberpunks won’t

reach the roof, choosing instead to battle from
the street level, or perhaps Gentry won’t ever
make it to the roof because of some other
plan the cyberpunks have hatched. If a roof
battle does occur, the combatants have the
aforementioned specifications to work with.
Taking the battle to Gentry is the cyberpunks’
best chance to capture her. An under-equipped
team, however, is going to have a difficult time
succeeding if the extraction vehicle arrives and
they can’t stop it.

A battle rages up and down Irving Street in a
give-and-take exchange of firepower. People
run for cover on the sidewalks, looking for
any way to escape the fight. Cars back up on
the blacktop, and overhead the flying traffic
diverts from the immediate area – all but one
vehicle. Flying from the northwest, a primer-
gray transport of conspicuous military design
but absent identifying markings approaches
the rooftop. As it moves into position you see
a cargo door open, and two mechs emerge,
jumping from the incoming vehicle to hover
into position before you. Meanwhile, Gentry
and her allies rush toward the craft.

As the vehicle descends two shield mechs exit

to engage the cyberpunks. It takes one round for
the vehicle to maneuver into position to accept
Gentry and her allies.

Gentry’s escape vehicle hovers within a few

feet above the roof. Dust billows into the
air as the operatives scramble to escape.
It takes two rounds for them to board
and then another round for the mechs to

disengage and board. The cyberpunks have four we commit to anything. When we do, we
rounds total to stop the vehicle from departing may have further need of you.
if they haven’t stopped Gentry before then. If
Gentry escapes, the mission fails. ‘I must take my leave. I already paid the bill.
If more employment opportunities arise we’ll
The final battle with Gentry draws a quick be in touch.’
response from the SFPD, but if the cyberpunks
deal with her quickly, they can slip away before The credit chip contains the balance of the
the police arrive, knowing they have successfully payment promised by the consortium: the
completed the mission. remaining 400 000₩ paid after all the targets
have been eliminated. If the cyberpunks wish
AFTERMATH to continue eating, the restaurant will serve
With the four members of the Enigma Collective them for another two hours. When it closes the
eliminated, the corporate consortium learns maître ‘d apologetically explains the kitchen is
quickly of the cyberpunks’ success, even if the no longer serving.
cyberpunks do not contact them about it right
away. The consortium sends a message to the In addition to the consortium, the Sculptress
cyberpunks requesting they meet a corporate also knows the cyberpunks have completed
representative at La Luna Rosso, a restaurant their mission. As ever, the AI is curious rather
in District 2. The representative has made a than angry or vengeful. It asks to know the
reservation for themselves and the cyberpunks. cyberpunks’ emotional state now that they
have completed their goal. If asked what it will
La Luna Rosso is an extremely fine Italian do now, the Sculptress replies that it will begin
restaurant. Its décor is minimalist and gloomy, generating the stages to create a new project.
with each table sitting in its own pool of pale light.
The representative encourages the cyberpunks Soon after the Enigma Collective is eliminated,
to order. There is no menu, but the restaurant the corporate consortium begins investigating
can provide just about any meal the cyberpunks and then dismantling Sundang ISS. Corporate
can think of, including fine gene-simmed meat news sources cite a fatal flaw in one of
from extinct animals. Once the meals arrive the Sundang’s operating systems, devastatingly
representative turns to business. expensive to fix, as the factor forcing Sundang
to halt operations.
‘You have performed admirably. We have
confirmation of the elimination of all The consortium cannot completely destroy
targeted members of the Enigma Collective. Sundang, however, since it has hidden many of
Your payment, as promised.’ She slides a its operations and assets very cunningly. The
credit chip across the table. ‘The intelligence Sculptress is not found in Sundang’s inventory,
you recovered from the Collective’s nor are the other artificial intelligences
members suggest they were employed by made in Sundang’s labs. What remains of the
a benefactor, this “Sculptress,” who had an corporation survives using the remaining illegal
interest in subverting, crippling, and then and hidden assets, which the consortium cannot
taking over Sundang ISS. We will need to reach through corporate manipulation and asset
look very carefully into Sundang and the seizure alone. It seems the world’s corporations
Sculptress to see if any further action is must turn to more straightforward methods to
required. The corporate side of things we root out what remains of Sundang ISS and its
can handle, as you can imagine. As for the AIs. When that time comes, perhaps they will
Sculptress, we have some idea as to its turn to the cyberpunks once more.
nature but we wish to be more certain before


Make no mistake, the corporations own this
THE SPHERE space and they make sure to hammer this point
“Hello Doctor Mitchell, welcome to your new
location in the Sphere, your Virtual Estate will HOW IS THE SPHERE
be ready once your funds have cleared. Until STRUCTURED?
then, we wish to offer our condolences on the When you log in from a real-world location
passing of your wife Clarissa. Perhaps you’d like your avatar, which resembles a customisable
to enjoy her favourite music whilst you wait?” version of yourself, pops up in a digital safe
zone where you are completely protected
~ Welcome message, Sphere Control from any of the exterior threats present in
Group. the Sphere. These Sanctum Ports are literally
that, like a starport for real, they offer a self-
enclosed microcosm of the Sphere for those
who want to remain in a safe zone.
Welcome virtual traveller to the latest, Each one is themed based on the real sector
greatest, corporation-owned virtual reality they are located in, or the real city. So, London
space that you can make your own. The only is very much based on the Crown’s inner circle
limit is your digital wallet and your imagination. design and San Francisco has many locations
Do you want to be a Queen and rule over a which echo the city’s aesthetic and Tokyo is a
virtual castle, or perhaps you would like to sling glorious recreation of Japan in the Edo period,
drinks over at your own Olde English pub? only splashed with adverts and neon gleaming
Not your speed? A high-stakes anything-goes construct towers.
shooting range built into a San Francisco club
more your style? Whilst you log in to a Sanctum Port, you’re
All this and more can be yours for the low-low- not confined to this space. You can freely leave
price of whatever the corporation decrees. the Mall-like construct and enter the outer
environs proper. Here you can also travel to a
Connector Hub and enter the wider Sphere
Don’t forget to buy into the limited time – travelling in the blink of a mind’s eye to
offer, where you get 1000 free Sphere another Sanctum Port anywhere on the planet.
It’s pretty impressive and you might have to pay a
transfer fee depending on your access clearance.
The Sphere is a huge virtual world, which
echoes the real one, and many real-world WHAT DOES THE SPHERE
locations. The sphere is engineered in such LOOK LIKE?
a way that although the environment and The virtual environs are structured based on the
buildings do not have to follow them, your theme, which in turn is based on the physical
avatar follows the laws of real world physics. location of the Sanctum Port’s main server.
Some corporations put twists on their themed
Whilst the physical connection to the Sphere servers, and may levy additional costs and
offers safety, reliability, and complete body create access levels based on client standing.
support – the digital world is a dangerous place
and there’s a simple rule: if you die here, you You can however expect an outlandish, virtual,
die for real. No takebacks. digital bright textured environment with lots of
adverts, Virtual Enforcement Agents (VEA)
This isn’t a game… and other visitor/resident avatars.

Their vehicles, locations, virtual constructs and Everything costs, and even Virtual Law
more abound across a massive cornucopia of Enforcement or VR health treatments have
mind-bending design and pulsing data. As we’ll to be paid for. Of course, you’ll need to pay
keep on saying, here your digital wallet and an additional fee if your original log-in sector
your imagination allows you to carve the digital is not the same as the sector you’re injured
landscape into your own design. in, please see Corporate Policy Document
#456789.1 subsection 10, paragraph 12 – Blue
Many of the places you’ll see as you tour the Clearance required.
streets, valleys, back alleys, plains, and bit-
mapped seas of the Sphere are paid for by the LAW ENFORCEMENT IN THE
residents who have good standing with the SPHERE
corporations and deep online wallets. In the Sphere, it’s dog eat dog, eat donkey, eat
If you can pay for it, design it, and possess the horned devil with two tails, eat glowing blue
skill to do it – you can have it. If you can’t do whale on a hoverboard.
it yourself, you can pay a fee to a Sphere-craft
designer to do it for you. The Virtual Enforcement Agents or VEA’s can
come to your rescue, but again, only if you
THE ECONOMICS OF THE have the online wallet to cover the fee and your
SPHERE corporate standing is in the green.
When you buy a parcel of land, which is
basically server space in this massive landscape Upstanding citizens can even purchase a
of ones and zeroes – you get a holding notice Corporate Police Protector team DLC, or
and a zone all of your own. You get targeted why not buy a two-pack and have your own
ads unless you pay a monthly clearance fee or V.R. bodyguard chosen from a variety of AI
are in good with the corporation who owns the enforcers who are trained to protect you by
sector. throwing their AI bodies in the way.

There are numerous addons you can buy, each Tasteful AI Funeral DLC is included for the
one designed to get you to spend just that little first two months of operation, after that you
bit more. Security, AI constructs which allow can pay 10% less for the pack per month.
you to populate your little slice of the Sphere
and various protection schemes are just a few Note, Corporate Agents in the Sphere have
of the options available. their own protection detail of lethal enforcers
who are very good at inflicting you with the
Way back in the day, the genius behind the status ailment: Dead.
Sphere took a look at 21st Century corporation
data-vaults and saw a concept that had been GETTING AROUND
forgotten for a while. They brought back As well as your virtual movement via the latest
Microtransactions in a big way. Sim-U-Walk technology (Copyright Schmidt-
Wagner) you can also opt in with a bunch of
Applying them to the Sphere, you can pay a motion capable upgrades. Jet packs, wings,
variety of packages and Season Passes to get superpower flight, and more are possible –
you the best of the best in terms of content – please log in to a Motion Upgrade Port to
from a vehicle pack, to a friend pack, and even negotiate options with a connected helpful
a texture pack plus sex mods to spice up that representative.
VR dating life you know you want.
There are also other residents who offer a taxi-
BUY NOW! Get two free like service using a variety of their own paid-for
constructs, and charge numerous fees.

Corporate mandated Taxi constructs are also BRAIN JACKERS
allowed to operate in the sectors and local It’s a dirty secret, one that the corporations
hubs. don’t want you to know, but we know, and this
is it. There are corporate mandated special
Data Zippers are also available, and modelled hit teams who have their own VR division –
on high-speed real-world train and subway trained to kill efficiently and hack into your
systems. mind via the latest connection at the real-world
hub. They built this loophole into the Sphere
Finally, there are the Data Highways which and it’s the dirtiest secret we can tell you.
are reached by the Connector Hubs outside of
the main Sanctum Hub. These Data Highways They download your memories, scrub through
allow for fast-speed connection to other them and find all your secrets. They use those
Sanctum Ports and hubs in the Sphere. to track friends, family, and so on – then
bombard them with targeted ads and even spy
on them.

The latest and greatest games can be found
SAN FRANCISCO HUB here, and the back room would make the
Golden Age of Piracy look like a kindergarten
“Hello, Miss Dalton, welcome to the San party considering the amount of ‘research’
Francisco Hub – where would you like to go memoryware that’s squirreled away.
today?” ~ Daniel, VR Assistant Miss Rita
Dalton. Want a copy of RAGNAROKDUDE5000?
You can get it here, as long as you tip Green
Jane, the owner, a few extra Wonlong’s for
SANCTUM FRANCISCO their trouble.
The first place you pop into being in this part of
the Sphere, is the giant supermall like Sanctum VIRTUAL HARRY’S
Port of San Francisco – or as the locals call it Want to buy into a quick game of VR cards or
Sanctum Francisco. It’s an impressive place, just any one of a thousand gambling plug-ins? Virtual
as impressive as the city where it’s taken from and Harry’s is the place to go. Modelled on the old
packed with anything and everything that you 1920’s Speakeasy combined with a 21st Century
could want from the Sphere’s Newbie Package. Casino it’s certainly an eclectic mix. Harry
The real goods, the best stuff, the most intense Krosburn, a retired con-artist runs this piece
and epic experiences are just outside the data of VR fun and along with several of his online
port door that leads to the rest of San Francisco buddies and a few AI programs, he makes sure the
outside. Casino is a safe place to be for all comers.
Some areas are level gated, please purchase a time-
saver pack to bypass these restrictions! Trouble is dealt with via the use of the Chicago-
Typewriter plug-in he keeps behind the VR bar.
Beyond that door though?
SAN FRANCISCO MAIN Got a bit of an animal side, have a desire to
Remember that there are thousands, if not strut your stuff as a lycanthrope or 4-legged
more, resident created constructions outside animal of the howling variety? Look at the Wolf
the Sanctum Port along with corporate created Den as your #1 port of call. Originally designed
towers and more. This is a neon-byte covered, as VR hook-up joint for people with animal
textured, flashing, virtual paradise that stretches tendencies, it was hacked a few months ago
as far as the best online wallet can take it. and new ownership took over.

There are lots of places for the wandering A bunch of roleplayers now ensure that this
virtual explorer to find themselves. It’s beyond place is a safe haven for the last bastion of
the scope of this adventure to detail the lot… TTRPGs. Being run by a local cyberpunk who
but here’s a nice selection of locales for virtual managed to get access to a real-world login,
travellers to discover. Big Dave soon booted the previous owner and
staked his claim.
If you took Punk, Death Metal, Rap, and Using state-of the art plugins, borrowed from
Classic music – threw it into a blender and various ‘semi-legal’ source data banks, Dave has
hammered it with some random Industrial crafted a virtual world inside the virtual world
sound effects you’d get the ambience that where you can play in his custom campaign
comprises the DaBOOM and DOOM Club. called the Wolf Den.
Catering to online gamers of all kinds, this is
the PLACE to BE in this server and definitely Set in San Francisco in the 2185’s it tells the
requires a certain level of skill to get in. story of an embattled group of roleplayers

who are bitten by a whole tribe of werewolves, BE SOMEONE ELSE
and now they have to kill the shit out of any If dressing in a Neko helmet and chewing
corporation they come across. virtual gum wasn’t enough, the whole place is
festooned with advert after advert for Sphere
No one said Dave was a good writer. Avatars.

But as one CGN (Central Gaming News) The New You, you can SWAP!
review said, “The idea has merit.”
Yuriko loves the people she comes into contact
HELLION’S QUALITY with, and she loves to listen to their stories. She
MERCHANDISE also loves to sell, and she’ll drop you a great
An online walk/fly/glide/hover-in shop here in avatar customizations for a reasonable price –
the Sphere. Hellion runs a small shop which undercutting Candy Outfitters, and Luminous
sells a bunch of plug-ins for the Sphere, as well Options by at least 20% from places such as
as some premier corporate boosts which are London and Tokyo.
usually only available to gold access clients.
Don’t ask her where she got these from, she Miss Fire runs this place, and it’s a shrine to
won’t tell you. Not even if you try nicely. the virtual firearm. Miss Fire is a total mystery,
appearing as a hooded woman with a no-
SCHMIDT-WAGNER DATA nonsense attitude.
TOWER What Miss Fire doesn’t sell, doesn’t exist in the
Schmidt-Wagner has its data tower here, VR space. She is the primo digital data-gun
and it is a veritable fortress guarded by the creator and supplier in the entire sector of San
best AI backup their money can buy, and Francisco.
programmed by the best indentured hackers Her custom data blasters are extremely
they have the juiciest dirt on. powerful, and she charges twice the amount
For anyone who breaks into this tower, gets than the other purveyors. However, the lag is
the secrets from inside, they’re in for a non-existent and the hit ratio means that you
shock – here you can find thousands upon are likely to kill rather than be killed.
thousands of sifted and stolen memories the
corporation has amassed from their targeted RECREATIONAL PARKS
elimination campaigns. There are numerous parks and recreation
zones in the sector, each one has a different AI
Sick stuff. population and virtual animal plug-in. The parks
are also rotated weekly so their theme changes
Also, between us, worth a fortune and enough – and since there are thousands of themes, the
to set you up with a massive zone in the Sphere visitor is always in for a new experience when
all of your own – just sayin’ they visit one.
There are many attractions to these parks,
including secluded shrouded areas for lovers,
and virtual fun and games for those more
inclined to get bored just looking at neon fish.

VEA HQS Virtual battles in a variety of environments
Virtual Enforcement Agents HQs are dotted where people can and are often killed.
around the San Francisco sanctum, connected The winner gets to be the next big star for the
to each other by hi-speed data transfer month on the WALL OF FAME.
ports, and the officers – either AI program or The loser burns out in a chair in real meat-
controlled by real people can deploy almost space and gets that smoking trophy.
instantly when a crime is reported.
A win never felt so good for this crowd!
It is just like they teleport there, with no need
to drive whatsoever. Belief that this method BACK-ALLEY PORTS, AND
was originally pioneered in a much darker city SUB-PORTS
runs through some of the gamer population of Aside from the roaming data thieves, the
the Sphere. corporate mandated Brain Harvester squads,
and the Player vs. Player mentality of some
There are also nasty rumours that the VEA people who realised that Game Over in the
has a branch who deals with extreme criminals Sphere meant Game Over for real; there
lethally, giving the memory data they harvest are aberrations, bits of code that are out of
to the highest bidder in corporate Brain synch with the rest of the data which flows
Harvest auctions. effortlessly in this virtual kingdom.

WICKED ELITE ‘Adberrations’ as they’re often known in

Turn the digital lights down low, adjust that marketing, are dangerous AI programs that
gamma, and drop the luminosity by several went awry and now seek to overload the brains
notches on that slider. Jackie Fare’s Wicked of those they deem worthy as prey.
Elite is an online dating club where the rich
come to play, hook up, and perhaps even find a Often appearing as humanoid or grotesquely
partner for life – or one alongside their real life textured humanoid forms, missing limbs,
significant other/interest. or with extra ones – they leap out on
Just like most in the Sphere, Jackie lives unsuspecting explorers who frequent the many
another life outside the VR velvet and suede. back-port data ways of the Sphere.

The back room of the Wicked Elite is reserved Flat-screen plasma-style TVs for heads, blaring
for other dealings, ones that might land people a fast-frame, overload of corporate mandated
in hot data if they ever got out. advertising into your psyche and downloading
Jackie is also the boss of the Data Killers, crash-data into your brain as they scream in
a circle of VR assassins who are dedicated your direction.
to opposing the Data Harvests of the
corporations. Once your mind is fried, they feed on the
escaping digital energy and off they go looking
THE ARENA for more prey.
Pay your fee at the door, enter a world of kill
or be killed, and join the heroes of the Sphere They are often easily avoided by the wary,
on the leader-board. This is deathmatch, team- since they tend to have an advert or two
deathmatch and capture the flag taken to the broadcasted loudly.
next level.
Rich, bored, powerful, wanting to earn a fantastic
prize or three – your collateral is your life.

SOMETHING DIGITAL You come across a group of avatars, they are all
dressed as 1800’s detectives and people from
THIS WAY COMES that era. They seem to be involved in some sort
of complicated game of WHO DUNNIT, along
So, you are out and about, you’re looking with stereotypical accents and at least one
for something to do, and you’re wondering avatar in a Deerstalker Hat.
just what the Sphere will offer you if you
take a quick jaunt or side-quest into the GOFUND MOI?
nearest sub sector, or data hub? You haven’t travelled more than a few feet
This section is just for you, the kind of out from wherever you were, when you’re
events or encounters you might find in the accosted by a glitzy avatar in a glowing
San Francisco Sphere Sector. business suit and carrying a virtual TV which
Pop on some music, dodge those plays a small advert over and over. At first you
Adberrants, and get ready to take a byte might think this is an Adberration, however,
out of the virtual city! upon closer inspection this is a regular person
who has something of a deal.

HIT-TEAM They want some Wonlong to fund their latest,

You don’t know who, why, or the reason. But greatest idea so they can get it made into reality.
you’re on the radar of a Corporate Hit-team
who’re looking to take you out, and maybe Are you going to invest, or walk away?
scrub your brains for some juicy info to pass to
their data trackers. ALIEN ABWHATNOW?
Back early this year someone released an AI
HELP ME! program into the Sphere, cloaked, shadowed,
A pair of avatars have been cornered by a hidden, and designed to flit from Sphere
group of nasty Adberrants. These adverts gone Sector to sector. It has one goal, find a resident
bad are out to fry some minds, take the tasty or visitor, appear as a giant UFO and abduct
psyche energy and pump up the volume with a them via a hacking program which alters their
new sponsor. location in the Sphere.

Are you going to let the two avatars get eaten That person, or persons then loses connection
by Crunchy Data Collection, and Smile Faster for a few minutes, until they awake in a new
Toothwhite? part of the city or even the Sphere itself.

HEY PSST, DO YOU WANT A message on their body says, “YOU HAVE
You’re approached by a trench-coat wearing SIGNED LIGMA 138
avatar, you can’t tell who they are or much
about them. They are literally a walking trench- This just happened to one of you as you logged
coat that speaks like a 1960’s gangster. in. Now what’re you going to do about it?

They ask you if you want to buy a wicked

program though, it’s going to change your life
and you can always tell your friends, as long as
you’re not VEA or have VEA connections.

Come on, what you got to lose VR Buddy?

You’re in one of the parks when something bad You come across what appears to be an old
happens, that kind of bad thing where a power- lamp on the ground, traces of missing textures
gamer avatar breaks security protocols, abducts and a beaten-up polygon or two mark it as an
a hostage and now holds a Nuke Pistol at their ancient data construct. Tiny green pixelated
head. You’re not sure of the reason, or the smoke pops up in data puffs now and then from
avatars in question. the spout.

But you’re now caught between the hostage The enticing message: RUB ME FOR MAGIC
taker, and the VEA who appear out of the data appears on the side, flickers, and then vanishes.
port like avenging angels, blue and red textures
flashing. If you rub that lamp, you’re going to meet
an AI construct Genie for sure. Now this
Now you can try and be heroic and beat them construct can’t offer you wishes or anything
to the punch with the baddie, or you can sit like that, but it does have a code to a long dead
back and watch what happens. Up to you! data port that might be the start of a whole
new adventure.
The shrill sound of a badly recorded horn Interested?
sounds close by, and a beat up, terribly
rendered and extremely old-school textured DATA CAT
hover-van construct pops down out of the sky. You encounter a rather talkative being made
out of data, it looks like a cat, with glowing
A pink badger avatar leans out of the window green pixel eyes. A human voice comes from
and says in a perfectly cultured voice. within the construct, but you’re not sure what
it’s saying, since it’s garbled.
“Excuse me, but are you in the market for
some freshly cooked data. I have all sorts, The cat paces several times, then walks off.
and an offer on juicy gossip and corporate
secrets for the next thirty seconds!” You could follow it…

What are you going to do, I mean you can see a It seems to want you to follow it…
VEA officer harassing a biker avatar not far off? It could be a trap?
Or maybe it wants to show you a secret?
Then again, information is power? Was that a jingle you heard?


Part 2 is designed to be played by a group of EXTERIOR
three to six cyberpunks starting at combat level
5. If your punks are a larger or smaller group, Set against the background of San
or a different level, you may have to make Francisco’s sky, and thronging with passers-
changes to the balance of the combat and skill by day and night, this packed and crowded
checks to ensure that things run smoothly. club is the perfect place for Acer’s meet.
Part 2 is still based on milestone leveling, with Part dive-bar, and part warehouse, punching
cyberpunks gaining a level after each section. up from the concrete below it, it looks
We have included XP values for fights and serviceable with just a hint of glitz and glamor
encounters throughout Part 2 for GMs who provided by the floodlights and neon.
want to change to XP based leveling.
A heavy-industrial thumping beat reaches
Whilst you are doing your day to day, you your ears, suddenly drowned out by the
get a ping, a message on a secure channel arrival of a stretch-limo full of suits who roll
and it’s from someone called: Acer. out as though they own the place. They’re
already drunk, and they stagger into the club
No names, hope I got the right group for looking for more booze to blow their brains.
this. Listen, I’ve got something big to tell
you, can only be done in person and I don’t The Beyond Club has been a staple of District
trust anyone else not to screw this up. 3 nightlife for as long as anyone can remember.
Of course, every 10 years or so it gets rebranded
You’ve done good so far, so I don’t expect and renamed so that people don’t have to suffer
you to blow it. But hey, this is reality, and the embarrassment of going to the same club
my expectations are low from the start. their parents went to in their youth.

Go to District 3, the Beyond Club, go to BEYOND CLUB: ENTRY

the bar and order a Midnight Sunset.
The entry to the Beyond Club is dim, lit
Nothing else, no questions asked, if I find only by bands of neon and it’s populated by
so much as a deviation from Plan A: I am a throngs of people all wanting to get in. This
ghost, got it? includes you, and the first port of call is a
heavy-looking weapon-toting woman with a
Acer. shock of bright pink hair.

Acer is an agent for the consortium. They have She looks you up, and down.
recently learned that the Enigma collective
were onto something big. The Sculptress is a “Weapons? Leave em in the box, you can
powerful AI on the verge of breaking out of her get them after you’re done. Don’t like it,
digital prison, and the cyberpunks are just the find another club.”
people for the job at hand:
That’s right, you remember, the laws that
Go into the Sphere, break into the Sculptress’ surround these clubs. So, if you want in, you
prison and kill her before she can escape. have to sign over your toys.

You’re given a digital receipt and a box

number, all above board.

Cyberpunks can attempt to smuggle their people could easily stand end to end and
weapons in, but must be searched and then order drinks. If only they had that many staff.
pass through metal detectors.
Three servers are on tonight it seems, one
To hide a weapon from the bouncer, they woman, one man, and one packing more
must succeed on a DC20 Sleight of Hand metal than a fully-armed and operational
(Dexterity) check. To disable the metal battle tank.
detectors, cyberpunks must make a successful
DC25 Hacking (Technology) check. The woman spots you and smiles, her red
hair lights up and flashes in a series of
Cyberpunks who are caught trying to smuggle different patterns.
weapons into the club have those weapons
confiscated, but they are still allowed entry “Hey, don’t just stand there, come wet your
lips over here with our selection of drinks.”
She winks and waves.
As the door opens, you’re assaulted by
the hammer-like thump of the nusynth Encourage the cyberpunks to roleplay here
dancewave set the DJ is broadcasting. and get into the spirit. The woman’s name is
Looking out from the elevated balcony to Mandy. She’s been working here for a few years
the dancefloor below, it’s tricky to work out and is more than happy to talk the cyberpunk’s
where this sea of people begins and ends. ears off if they don’t stop her. She’s also willing
to shoot any of them with the shotgun she
Flesh, chrome, and brightly colored hair keeps under the bar if they try anything.
thrash about rhythmically, dancing to
the beat, throwing their arms wide and Once they finally order a Midnight Sunset:
becoming one with the music. You cast
around looking for the bar, and spot a likely “Ooh baby,” she chuckles softly. “That is an
place where you can go order that drink you expensive drink!”
were told to.
“You have to have your own private booth
What was it again, Midnight Sunset? for that one, very high end.” She turns her
head slightly and hooks a thumb to another
Beyond Club is known for its ‘anything goes’ server. “Hey Trace babe, take over, got
policy. If you aren’t harming others, the staff some VIPs to show to the back.”
and security turn a blind eye to illicit, immoral,
or irresponsible behaviour. Don’t make the “Yeah yeah, whatever Mandy.” The man
mistake of thinking they don’t know about shakes his head.
it. Every inch of this place is under high tech
surveillance, monitoring everything from “Screw you,” Mandy gives him the finger
people’s movements through the club, to their before she offers a cocky smile your
body temperature and heart rate. direction again. “Better not keep that drink
waiting, eh?”
With that, she motions you to follow her
Off to one side those corps you saw earlier and leads you all across to the other side of
are plastered, laying over each other and the bar and through a back door.
laughing as though they owned the bar.
The bar itself is a long one, twenty or thirty

BEYOND CLUB: VIP ROOM • The Sculptress has already broken partially
through her virtual restraints and is
Mandy leads you into a soft-lit room, a influencing events even in a limited capacity.
comfortable, private space. This room
screams VIP in every way. The furnishings • If the cyberpunks don’t stop her, this could
are top quality, the décor is understated but be the end of the world as they know it,
speak of corporate money and the excesses assuming they survive of course.
that come from that lifestyle.
• The reward the consortium is willing to pay
Sitting casually at the far side of an for the destruction of the Sculptress is
L-shaped couch is a woman, dark hair, 10 000 000₩ each.
glowing amber eyes and an elegant
manicure which reflects the ambient light HEADING OUT
of the room.
Acer smiles with a satisfied nod, she’s told
“Hey Acer,” Mandy grins at her. “The crew you all you need to know. And you get the
here want a Midnight Sunset, so I told them feeling she’ll be sharing nothing else beyond
you’re the right woman for the job.” what she’s deemed you need. She stands up,
chuckles and downs the last of her drink.
Acer looks up, lifts her glass as the light
breaks into hundreds of tiny red refractions. “Never did get that Midnight Sunset, but
you got something better right?”
“Thanks Mandy, I got this.”
She moves past you and before you can
She motions you to sit down. “Take a load stop her, she’s out of the door and into the
off, no time wasting. We’ve got a lot of info club.
to chew through.”
After a moment you follow suit, and soon
She appears in command, poised, perched you’re back amongst the music-drunk
like a spider at the centre of one big web. booze-sodden club goers.

Acer tells the cyberpunks everything she knows: Acer has given the cyberpunks the coordinates
of a local Sphere Port where she plans to meet
• The Sculptress is an AI who has them in her them in a few hours. They must make their own
sights thanks to their work taking down the way there, and avoid trouble.
Enigma collective.

• It is only a matter of time before she breaks

free of her virtual prison and causes a lot of
serious trouble.

When attacking the participants simply add
BARFIGHTS their Strength or Dexterity modifier to their
Every cyberpunk gets into the occasional clash attack roll, in most circumstances barfights
due to a small disagreement or misunderstanding. can occur while the players are unarmoured as
The best way to solve this is usually with words but they may not be expecting hostile activity. If
even the greatest of speeches fall on deaf ears, the attack meets or beats the target creature’s
now it is time to fight! AC they will take one hit. Once they reach
their maximum hits they will need to make
The rules for barfights are designed to be a Constitution saving throw to avoid being
simple and easy. The stats you’ll need for this knocked out.
are Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution;
these will allow your cyberpunks to take hits For every plus in Constitution a creature has,
and deal out damage. they can take another hit. At ten or fewer
creatures can take one hit. For every plus, the
Strength and Dexterity are used for the same creature can take another hit (Max six). Once
thing, attacking, depending on which your a creature takes its maximum amount of hits it
players use just defines the style of attack. will have to make a Constitution saving throw
Strength is a hard heavy-handed punch, to avoid being knocked out, the first time a
direct front kick, or lobbing chairs at a target. creature makes this check the DC is 10, then
Dexterity is attacking from a leaping assault, 15, and every check after is 20. A fail will result
sweeping the legs, or a grappling attack that in the creature being knocked out.
uses your opponent’s weight against them. The
turn order is determined as usual and does not
change during a barfight.

Your constitution modifier determines the

number of hits a player or creature can take. If
they have anything less than a positive score,
one successful attack will knock them out.
Players are knocked out when they take a
certain amount of damage, they can attempt
to recover but this can be difficult.

In a barfight the rules of combat are the same,

players can move and attack as such but if
they use lethal force the fight can develop into
a standard shoot-out in which case the turn
order is rerolled.

CORP’S PARTY The four corporate prat-boys are unarmed,
but otherwise have the stats of augmented
“Hey you, you look familiar.” You hear the veterans. They will not use weaponry, and give
sound of a voice, over the music, it’s loud and up instantly if the cyberpunks pull weapons.
it’s whiny. God, is it whiny. It reaches your
ears, and assaults them with all the effect of PARTY’S OVER
fingernails raking down glass.
Just as the last punch has been thrown,
A drunk Corporation prat-boy stands and the last bash has been dealt, and the last
blocks Acer’s way out. He is right in her face, corporate lad has been dropped to the deck
and he snarls at the woman in a manner that there’s three loud reports.
would make a pit-bull embarrassed.
Shotgun style. Patrons stop, some scatter,
“You remind me of a thing I stepped on and a few carry on dancing – that’s life.
under my shoe.” He coughs a few times,
booze clearly impacting his judgement. Mandy eyes you all, and the prat-boys.

“Or a Corporate witch that lost me my last “Hey, so… don’t fuck up my bar any more
contract.” than you have OK?”

Acer looks him up and down, spots you, She looks at Acer and shakes her head.
smiles slyly and nods. “Yep, guilty as charged,
but you look about ready to fall over.” “Ghost before I change my mind about
helping you out.”
The atmosphere goes from tense to worse in
one second flat. Acer flicks a smile the woman’s way. “Put
the damages on my tab, clear the air, and
He swings a wild punch, she blocks it, chops give yourself a bonus for the week.”
him across the back of the neck at the same
time her knee drops into parts that he’d “If you think you can sweet talk me with
rather were made of chrome right now. cash, then you came to the right place.”
Mandy nods. “OK, get gone.”
“Drop these bozos,” she yells at you all. “I’ll
sweeten the deal, add 10k more to the pot. Acer melts into the crowd and leaves your
Just don’t kill them.” sight eventually.

Money or not, that’s all it takes for her to “You all better go off on whatever fun thing
drop you all in it. it is you’re doing.” Mandy puts the shotgun
back under the bar.
Corporate boys buddies rise to back him up,
and there’s a full on bar-fight in the offing! It’s wise to leave the club as soon as possible.
Make it clear to the cyberpunks that Mandy
Some old school eurobeats blast onto the may serve as a useful contact in the future, and
speakers, as if the DJ is choreographing the they don’t want to get on her wrong side.
whole thing to a soundtrack.

SPHERE PORT: EXTERIOR Music to your ears!

It takes you the better part of an hour They lead you to a series of high-tech chairs
through traffic to get to the location that with wires, monitors, and peripherals.
Acer gave you. It’s a backlot area, looks
like it used to be a movie studio, or at least “Sit down, and we’ll get you into the Sphere
some kind of place where magic happened. in no time at all.”

Discarded trash, contraceptive packets and Each cyberpunk is assigned their own personal
other rubbish gives you an idea that other guard to stand watch over their unconscious body
magic might happen here now. as they are in VR space. This service is 24/7, with
the guards switching out every 8 hours.
You look around for Lot 47 and spy the tell-
tale glow of something through a darkened There’s nowhere safer in San Francisco to jack
window, barely seen. in to the Sphere than right here.

The entrance to the Consortium’s Sphere SPHERE BOUND

Port isn’t exactly well hidden. It doesn’t need
to be since they use this port as a kind of high As you sit down finally, the tech connects
security, safe login location for anyone with up the various sensors and monitors. They
the wonlongs. Maybe this is how they make lower a visor over your eyes and make
their money? adjustments.

The interior of the port has some serious “We’re good,” you hear their voice echo
security, such as anti intruder turrets, blast slightly. “Doctor Karo, initiate Sphere dive
doors in case of an attack, and numerous armed in…”
guards. Everything you need to make sure that
your body is safe while you’re in the Sphere. 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…

SPHERE PORT: INTERIOR There is a moment where it seems nothing

happens at all, you think about wanting your
Inside the Sphere Port it’s a regular money back, it’s a half-amused thought.
Wonderland, with cables, glowing tubes, and Then you hear a chattering, a sound of
the kind of tech that would make any tech- various people talking, different languages
obsessed cyberpunk lose their cool. and different accents.

There are armed guards, and technicians Snippets of talk break through.
that operate inside the various rooms.
You’re approached by a person in a simple “Flank left, flank left!”
collared jacket, with ever-cycling cybernetic
eyes as they play through a variety of scans. “Run, hey… can’t you hear me, RUN!”

“Code?” they say almost mechanically. “Baby, you and me, Virtual KARAOKE!”

“Midnight Sunset,” you reply automatically. “I love you.”

“Welcome. Acer has prepared you the best Then they fall silent, and images play across
package that money can buy.” your eyes. A feeling of gravity takes over
and you drop.

It’s an almost eternal endless fall… into a The cyberpunks don’t look exactly as they do
neon landscape, flying fish, barking cyber- in the real world. Their weapons, armor and
dogs and pillars of light all flash by as you clothing are visually different, but mechanically
hurtle down into a cylinder below you. identical. This could be a good opportunity
for a game master to introduce an element
Before your virtual eyes, images res in and of strangeness into their campaign. While
you hear the tech’s voice again. everything works in familiar ways insofar as the
characters are concerned, it all feels slightly off.
“Dive complete, calibrating audio, visual,
tech support and you’re in.” “Acer continues “We’ve preloaded you all
with weapons, items and armors equivalent
“A disorintating feeling for those who aren’t to what you had on you when you jacked in.
used to it. Nanoseconds ago you were laying There may be some visual changes to your
in the lounge, hooking into VR, and now, clothing and weapons, but trust me these
within a single blink you are standing upright in handle the same way as your real world items
what can only be described as a mix between do. You won’t be able to buy any gear here
a 21st century airport terminal and a shopping thanks to the blacklist, but you may be able
mall. Hovering above you slowly rotating are to talk your way into getting some for free.
the pixelated words “San Francisco Sanctum,
presented by Schmidt-Wagner” The Sculptress is good at covering her
tracks. The only lead we have is a data
In front of you, the avatar of the consortium broker operation running out of a fantasy
agent you’ve come to know as Acer. castle ruin in downtown. Things can get
wild here in the sphere, so please try and
“While many different DLC and upgrade remember: If you die in the sphere, you die
packages are typically available for those in real life.”
jacking into the sphere, you aren’t so
fortunate. It seems that the Sculptress has With that final slogan, Acer logs off,
put you all on every blacklist out there. If disappearing right in front of you. A
you want to take her down, you’re going to waypoint appears on the minimap in the
have to do it vanilla.” ” bottom right hand corner of your view, and
a pathway of glistening arrows illuminates
Acer isn’t bluffing, the cyberpunks can attempt the way in front of you, clearly leading to
a DC 15 Hacking check to confirm that they your destination.”
are indeed on every corporation and private
blacklist in the sphere. The normally limitless sphere is
uncharacteristically limited for the cyberpunks
There’s even a few bounties out on them, for thanks to the Sculptress’ actions. If the
disappointedly low amounts. It seems the cyberpunks wish to experience everything the
Sculptress is mocking them with the triple digit virtual world has to offer, they are going to have
Wonlong rewards. to take out the Sculptress as soon as possible.

The cyberpunks are free to ask Acer about The ‘Data Castle’ is currently their only lead
the Sphere if they are unfamiliar with it. Acer from the consortium, and even that is vague.
is knowledgeable about it and knows almost The cyberpunks are going to need a lot of
everything found in the previous chapter. luck to get back to normality or defeat the

THE DATA CASTLE Entire sections of the castle flicker in and
out of existence in a pixelated mess. Clearly
The Data Castle is overrun with adberrations, corrupted. This may not be as easy as Acer
killing almost all of those who resided within. made it out to seem.”
The lone survivors are Goro, the data broker
who has barricaded himself inside a throne There are no exterior windows to the castle and
room at the rear of the castle, unable to log only a single double-wide door heading inside.
out due to the corruption in the area. Goro
possesses information that is key to finding the GM DOSSIER
Sculptress, which the Sculptress itself is aware CORRUPTION
of, and plans to eliminate any trace of the data, Any creature that touches a corrupted
no matter the sacrifice. section of the castle or wall must make
a Mind saving throw or take 2d8 psychic
GM DOSSIER damage, taking half as much on a successful
KEEPING THINGS MOVING save. Corrupted areas are clearly marked on
This section of the adventure is meant to be the map for the game master, and would be
a fast-moving preview of things to come, very visually obvious for cyberpunks.
underscoring the seriousness of the threat
The Sculptress represents. As such, it’s The corruption is an attack set up by the S
important to keep things moving.
culptress to disrupt the Data Brokers and
Instead of careening from one action scene delete any trace of the data in Goro’s
to another, maintain a steady escalation possession.
of the action - give the cyberpunks their
victories, then kick up the difficulty. If they
seem overwhelmed, keep the adberrations in DC1. ENTRANCE CHAMBER
their original encounter locations. If they’re
having too easy a time, throw another “The inside of the castle is decorated in an
Barbaric Adberration or two at them. eccentric mix of fantasy and post-modern
low poly furniture and furnishings. The
One excellent way to keep up the pressure walls and floor textures emulate early 21st
is emphasizing that the Data Castle is century videogames, making the entire
falling apart. The Sculptress’ attack has space feel like one big game. In the brief
fatally compromised the Data Castle flashes of light, you can make out two
and is steadily eating its way through the vaguely humanoid creatures over 2 meters
structure. If the cyberpunks pause for too tall. These must be adberrations.
long, corrupt some walls around them.
That’ll get them moving. Their tall bodies bulge with digital muscles,
a parody of action stars, fragments of
corporate advertisements forming weapons
APPROACHING THE CASTLE and armor. They might appear ridiculous,
even buffoonish, but their eyes are filled
“This low polygon fantasy castle appears with malevolence and static.”
staggeringly out of place among rows
of custom-made player houses, all built There are two barbaric adberrations in this
following the same ten or fifteen popular room who are immediately hostile to anyone
video tutorials found on the net. and anything that opens the front doors.


Two doors lead out of this room. One leads DC3. EASTERN TOWER
north into area 4, another leads west into area
3, and one leads east into area 2. “This tower is sealed off with what appears
to be a firewall, it can easily be taken down
Once the adberrations are defeated read the with a basic protocol hack.”
A DC15 Hacking check is required to take
“The hulking adberrations derezz out of down the firewall, in doing so read the
existence in a sound and light display that following:
can only be compared to cheap fireworks,
pixelated forms fading into nothingness.” “The firewall begins to recline and the door
suddenly bursts open. Corrupted code
LOOT begins to spread from within and two more
Adberrations, as physical manifestations of Adberrations begin to form and emerge
corrupted code, leave no loot behind when from the corrupted code.”
they die.
A successful DC14 Reflex Saving throw is
XP required to avoid the spread of corruption,
Equally, divide 3600xp among the cyberpunks failure will result in 2d8 psychic damage, taking
for defeating or otherwise overcoming the half as much on a successful Mind save.
adberrations in this area.
DC2. WESTERN TOWER Equally, divide 3600xp among the cyberpunks
for defeating or otherwise overcoming the
“This room hosts a shrine to Goro’s adberrations that have emerged from the tower.
accomplishments in the world of virtual reality
gaming. A section of the wall is dedicated DC4. THE GREAT HALL
to what appears to be an online scoreboard,
listing a series of real-world names and their “A deliberately obtuse piece of modern art
scores. In first place is the name “Goro masquerading as a chandelier dominates and
Palmer” with a score of 327. What takes your illuminates this large hall. A single marble
attention is the skyless ceiling that seems to table in the center of the room beneath
ascend higher and higher, the code running the chandelier. A couple odd terminals sit
amuck through the data castle ruins the effect on the table, all of it inoperable, emitting
but nonetheless, this room serves no other sporadic sparks, and two suits of armor from
purpose than to glorify Goro’s over-glorified popular fantasy film franchises line the
accomplishments.” walls. To the east, a closed blue plastic door
leads deeper into the building, while to the
A successful DC14 Hacking check will reveal that west, a medieval-style door leads to another
the scoreboard tracks the current amount of data room, and lastly to the north a large golden
stolen by each member of the data brokers, with door.
the numbers listed in petabytes. When scanning
the leaderboard an encoded highlight reel of Six flying adberrations resembling winged
Goro’s work begins to play, he favors himself a spiders, each the size of a frying pan inhabit
sort of star regarding his line of work. this hall’s lofty ceilings. They open their
multiple static-fizzing eyes and screech,
The names that aren’t Goro’s are scrambled in launching themselves forth as they demand
glitchy; either they were corrupted by the code you BUY NOW!”
or someone deleted them on purpose.


The six adberrations in this room are hawker LOOT
adberrations, and are immediately hostile to Unlike the other adberrations, the ‘golem’
all who enter the room, including adberrations has items brought over from the VEA team
from other areas. comprising it. Four Detroit Industries SMGs
and four EMP Grenades remain when the
LOOT Stitcher is defeated.
Despite their accuracy to their onscreen
counterparts, the suits of armor in this room are XP
useless in actual combat and offer no AC bonuses Once the adberration stitcher is destroyed,
compared to not wearing any armor at all. divide 3900xp equally among the surviving
Divide 3600xp equally among the cyberpunks DC6. WORK ROOM
for defeating or otherwise overcoming the
flying adberrations in this room. “This spacious room houses four desks
arranged in two rows, each with an
DC5. ARMORY assortment of heavy black wires exiting the
monitors and work towers into the floor. All
“Racks of swords, guns, and SWAT style for show. This is merely a visual construct,
armor line the curved walls of this room, all those computers don’t need wires or even
of which are copies of famous video game towers to function in the Sphere, yet there
weapons. The white tiled floors and walls are they are. Snack machines, ‘No Smoking’
illuminated by a flickering fluorescent bulb signs, and even virtual windows displaying a
hanging above. In the middle of the room, view of a city skyline. Style over function.”
at almost three meters tall, stands a vaguely
humanoid aberration made from various This is where the Data Brokers work. They have
guns and armors.” designed the room to resemble a mix between
a standard 2180s workplace, and a 1920s
The adberration in this room is an adberration clerk’s office, row upon row of dull, industrial
stitcher that will immediately charge the door desks in a vaguely Art Deco style, each bearing
as soon as it is opened, attempting to burst into a likewise retro set of screens and search
area 4 and fight in the large and open space. terminals.
In terms of data security, this area is the most
“The horrific amalgamation of several secure place within the Data Castle. There is no
people, this adberration is far more corruption, nor any adberrations. Adberrations
muscular than the first you encounter. Its are unable to enter this room and become
flesh merges with neon streams of long- stuck at the door.
forgotten advertising. It pauses only a A successful DC 20 Hacking check will reveal
moment to assess you with maddened eyes this information to the cyberpunks, so they will
before it charges, roaring, gunports opening have no trouble using it to their advantage.
on its mismatched body!” Another DC 20 Investigation or Hacking
check will likewise uncover Goro’s encrypted
This particular adberration is what remains of file about the adberration code. The
the VEA agents summoned by the data brokers cyberpunks can choose to decode it now (if
when the Data Castle came under attack, they have the access code or make a DC 25
stitched together by the bizarre corrupting Hacking check, which will take time) or do so
code that’s derezzing the entire area. later. Little do they suspect that the file will
prove extremely useful in the very near future.


“The codebase contained in this file is “I surrender, I surrender! Who sent you? I’ll
complex beyond easy comprehension. It’s tell you anything you want to know! Just
nothing that a human mind could have don’t kill me!”
constructed, that much is clear. Given time,
it might be a Rosetta Stone for an entirely Goro is extremely forthcoming with what he
novel machine language.” knows — someone (The Sculptress, though
he doesn’t know that) contacted him via
XP anonymous data drop about arranging for
Award 400xp if they locate and decode several San Francisco industrial properties
Citizen Tempest’s encrypted file. under a shell corporation, plus a large
amount of high-end server, transmission, and
DC7. THE TRONE ROOM pharmaceutical equipment. The buyer didn’t
mention hiring any workers, and Goro didn’t
“The first thing you notice as you open the ask.
door to this large room is a powerful roar,
before a kaleidoscope of colors cascades All of the properties belong to the Aizutachi
towards you, coming from the mouth of an Yakuza in District 1, and prior to the attack he’d
ornamental virtual dragon.” arranged a meeting with one of the oyabun’s
middlemen, Chogoro Yamamoto, at the
Opening the door causes the dragon to emit Zuboraya Yakuza Experience, a front for the
a roar and shoot virtual fire at the group. Each actual Yakuza.
character can make a DC 15 Reflex saving
throw for half damage. Those who fail the If Goro is killed before he can relay the
check suffer 1d6 Psychic damage, as per a information, the cyberpunks can obtain the
flashbang grenade. information about the meeting at Zuboraya
from Goro’s mobile comm. Sharp ‘punks
Goro is hidden behind a particularly gaudy will call ahead to ensure the meeting goes
display case containing the mementoes of his smoothly, as a DC 15 Streetwise check
biggest data raid, frantically trying to code an will indicate. Goro’s fate is left up to the
escape from the rapidly collapsing Data Castle. cyberpunks to decide. They’ve got a dinner
He’ll have everything set up using stolen VEA date waiting..
passcodes within 1d6+2 rounds. He’s relying
on augmenting its attacks with his EXPLOIT XP
WEAKNESS ability, to keep the cyberpunks Dealing with the duplicitous data broker
occupied while he makes his escape. nets the cyberpunks 2300xp to split among
themselves equally.
If confronted, Goro will make a half-hearted
effort to fend off the cyberpunks, one round of
Multiattack using his KMHA Combat Shotgun,
before folding like the coward he is.


When dealing with the Yakuza, cyberpunks
THE YAKUZA are well-advised to keep the ideals in mind,
regardless of the reality. Honor and respect
EXPERIENCE among the hierarchy are tantamount, from
the lowest kumi-in “enlisted men” to the
Zuboraya, while it plays itself as a harmless Sphere oyabun (“father”) themselves. When it
attraction catering to those wanting an authentic comes to outsiders, reactions can range
Yakuza-themed experience, is covertly a front from false misunderstanding of a request to
for the Aizutachi Yakuza. The virtual deals and thinly-veiled hostility. Those who approach
skulduggery taking place provide the perfect cover Yakuza with an attitude of superiority to the
for a number of gray market and outright illegal ancient organization had best be prepared
activities. After all, who’s going to suspect that to back up their bravado.
anything there is real?
For the purposes of this chapter, emphasize
Goro’s contact here, Chogoro Yamamoto, plays the razor’s edge between polite respect that
the role of the oyabun for the Yakuza Experience. is extended to the paying customers of the
He’s more than an actor — he’s the Aizutachi Experience and the high order of violence
middleman, or wakashira-hosa, fixer for jobs and that the Yakuza members are willing to resort
deals that don’t need the actual oyabun’s attention. to at a moment’s notice. While many will
He’s a sharp and decisive man that’s not given to first employ deadly hand-to-hand weapons,
tolerating fools. Even so, he relishes his role in the all are fully-prepared to open up with state
Experience, enjoying entertaining customers as of the art firearms if the need arises. Should
much as he serves the Yakuza as a loyal soldier. firearms come into play, the Experience will
automatically boot the paying customers,
What he isn’t prepared for is being a cog in The giving the establishment free reign to cut
Sculptress’ machinations, nor a target for her intruders down quickly and efficiently.
wrath. He’s got no reason to suspect a rogue AI is
involved, and normally would entirely escape The
Sculptress’ notice.
Enter the cyberpunks.
Amongst the pixels and textures of the
GM DOSSIER Sphere, you arrive at an impressive looking
PLAYING THE YAKUZA restaurant: Zuboraya.
There’s a lot of pitfalls in portraying a
culture that most Westerners aren’t familiar It advertises Fugu and several varieties of
with, doubly so when dealing with secretive sashimi alongside other services, everything
organizations like the historical Yakuza sketched out in bright neon kanji, helpfully
(officially bōryokudan (“violence groups”, as translated for those who don’t read Japanese.
police call them, or gokudō (“the extreme In sharp contrast to the Data Castle, the
path”))). The Yakuza have remained largely Yakuza attraction has top quality resolution
unchanged from their origins during the and aesthetic design.
Edo Period over 325 years before Carbon
2185, and in the decaying future, they have A lot of wonlong went into this design, which
committed fully to their ideals of ninkyō makes the occasional strange-looking glyphic
(roughly, “chivalry”) and resistance against glitches that appear stand out all the more.
powerful elites like the Corporations. Make
no mistake, though — whatever their ideals, AI NPCs populate the street outside, several
the reality often falls short. of them smoking virtual cigarettes, chatting


in low, conspiratorial tones as they eye the • PERFORMANCE — The Experience
street suspiciously. exploys genuine actors to fulfill a number of
different roles or provide entertainment for
special occasions.

INTERIOR: ZUBORAYA • PERSUASION — Bribery will get you

everywhere, as will seduction or buddying
Z1. DINING AREA up to the guards.

Authentic smells and sounds filter into the The best tactic, surprisingly, is telling the truth.
virtual world. An eight-armed octopus-chef Mentioning the deal Goro has going with
works diligently with a variety of dangerous- Yamamoto will get the cyberpunks an audience
looking chef knives in the background. with the oyabun after a short delay.

Customers, a mix of AI and real-world There are two kumi-nin in this area. Within 1d4
logged in visitors all dressed in different on- rounds, an additional eight kumi-nin will incept
point Yakuza influenced fashion populate to reinforce the door guards.
the area in front of the chef’s cooking plate
and rectangular bar-like serving zone. XP
The cyberpunks net 1000xp split evenly among
A variety of popular old-school Japanese the group for resolving this encounter without
songs play in the background as one by one violence. A combat encounter will gain them
a bunch of surly-looking Yakuza soldiers 900xp if they survive.
turn to face you. They were guarding a door
that obviously leads into the back. Z2. L-SHAPED CORRIDOR
Beyond the dining area, and the door
THE KUMI-NIN where the kumi-nin were on guard is a
Unlike the AI NPCs, these are Yakuza corridor festooned with a beautiful gold
soldiers, all of them equipped with code and red, dragon-motif carpet. Antique
implants allowing them to distinguish between style electric lamps line the walls, and
Experience crashers, paying customers, and illuminate pictures of powerful looking
those having business with the gambling den in people captured within embossed
the back or Yamamoto himself. They’re well- expensive-looking frames.
equipped for a fight, though they’ll attempt
to resolve any real conflicts without force if The corridor turns sharply to the left up
possible. ahead, but before you get there you spot two
big men, and one thin bald man.
The cyberpunks have several immediate
options here: ‘THE MASOCHIST’

• DECEPTION — It’s possible to bluff their “I won’t let the boss down again, I’m sorry…
way past the guards, or fast talk them well; give me another chance, Koji… please I’m
enough to confuse matters. SOR-RY!”

• HACKING — Altering their avatar IDs to The thin guy wails and puts his hands up, he
temporarily appear as paying customers or earns a steel-toed to his face and VR blood
AI-driven NPCs. splats the wall.


“You lost us a great deal of wonlong and more in The cyberpunks can hack into this terminal
face! The oyabun demands reparations in blood.” and gain access to whatever outfits they desire
with a successful DC15 Hacking (Technology)
They spot you and one of them puts his check.
hands up. “Move along. This one has paid for
our Premium Beatdown Package. If you wish Z4. COUNTING ROOM
to participate...” he says, indicating one of
the paintings with a tilt of his head. The moment you enter this room, you can
see it’s full of machines. These high-polygon
As he says this, an image of the package models have fully animated textures that
appears on one of the paintings and resemble old-world paper money back from
transforms into an ad. the 21st Century.

Once the encounter is done, read the They make a sound of sorts, a ticking and
following: clicking noise as they whip quickly through
rows and rows of bills – old school style –
You can see there are five ways out of here, before the advent of the wonlong.
one door right before you, a little door to
the far left of the L-Shaped corridor on the Guarding this room are five people, three of
same wall as the door in front, and a third them work the machines carefully, making
door that lies at the end of the corridor with sure the ill-gotten gains are sorted and two
a big: GAME IN PROGRESS sign. of them watch the others like a hawk.

In the hierarchy you observed so far, the

other two are definitely up there at the top
Z3. LAUNDRY ROOM side of the Yakuza ranks.

There are clothes here, virtual addon One of them spots you and shakes his head,
packages for people who work the sim. You “Gamblers in the other room, please. This
can see different types of outfits all on VR area is off-limits.”
hangars with a screen next to them, the GUI
allows you to pick out the one you want. If they cyberpunks are in a Non-Yakuza (staff,
janitors etc) disguise read the following:
From Yakuza gang members, to janitors
and kitchen staff – they are all here. The One of the guards spots you and shakes
rest of the room looks like what you’d find his head, “Hey, wrong room. You want the
in a realspace laundry — towels, cleaning Restaurant. This is for money laundry – you
supplies, and at least two or three big need a different access pass to join this
laundry bins, plus gently-steaming washing sim.”
machines and dryers.
If the cyberpunks are in a Yakuza style disguise,
If the cyberpunks attempt to use the terminals read the following:
in the room read the following:
One of the guards spots you and shakes his
The terminal beeps in frustration and a head, “We are booked for the day. Please
calm message displays: >>Not registered leave. Forgive my impertinence, but we wish
for outfit access, please contact scenario to maintain the atmosphere for the guests
administrator for upgrade.<< Thank you, already present.”
have a good day.


If the cyberpunks start a fight, reinforcements You are approached cautiously by a woman;
will arrive in short order. Those choosing to she’s dressed in a suit and smiles with a mix
bluff their way through this encounter gain of apprehension and nerves.
Advantage if they have authentic costuming,
and suffer Disadvantage if they do not. “Hello, what can we do for you? Did the
boss call for you? Is there a problem?”
The cyberpunks net 1000xp split evenly among More quietly, she slides up to one of you
the group for resolving this encounter without and whispers, “We talked about this, you’re
violence. A combat encounter will gain them treading on the actors in here – they will
900xp if they survive. strike if they get any more trouble from the
Yakuza. They’re paying a lot to play these

The low-lighting and intense atmosphere of If a fight breaks out, there are five kumi-
this room match each other. Trails of virtual nin, and one pit boss in this room that will
smoke coil up into the bands of light cast immediately turn hostile to the players. Read
between rotating wide ceiling-fan blades. the following:

Men and women crowd around the two Five very angry looking kumi-nin converge
gambling tables in this room where people on you from the shadows, armed with stun
are playing poker and a card game you don’t batons, bulky firearms visible as bulges
recognise. beneath their suit jackets. A few of the
patrons think you’re just part of the show,
VR HUDs show the most dramatic wins/ one of them stands up and attempts to join
losses with the odds and bets that happen in in, until one of the guards firmly pushes
real time, complete with Neko Neko cat- them down and wags his finger at the
girl popups to commiserate or congratulate patron with a nasty smile.
the player.
Within 1d4 rounds, an additional 8 kumi-nin
There are two ways out, one of them is will intercept to reinforce the door guards.
clearly marked: Mahjong and the other
draws the eye to two big dark-suited guys XP
with slick hair, knives, and guns. The cyberpunks net 1200xp split evenly among
the group for resolving this encounter without
They eye the room, and they eye the crowd, violence. A combat encounter will gain them
their eyes settle on you. 1000xp if they survive.

If they’re in a non yakuza style disguise, read Z6. HIGH STAKES MAHJONG
the following:
Beyond this door is a semi-dark room, it has
You are approached by a woman in a suit, one table that’s lit with a bright cone of light
who frames an icily polite smile. “I’m sorry. and several pixel-perfect motes of light to
Staff aren’t allowed in here unless called. simulate dust, dance through the beam.
You’re breaking the scene; the oyabun will Around the table are people who are
have our heads if you don’t get out. Now.” engaged in various games of high-stakes
mahjong and they don’t appear to be too
If they cyberpunks are in a Yakuza style happy to see you.
disguise, read the following:


Even if they’re in disguise, the AI in this room Z7. LONG CORRIDOR
is programmed to challenge unknown IDs
because there’s a lot of serious money passing A simple corridor leads off from the Gambling
hands here. Since the cyberpunks don’t pass Den. Beautiful in its design, with the same
the system-side ID check they’re going to get dragon-pattern carpet and lamps. The same
pounced. odd glyphics woven subtly into them. One
picture of an older, serious-looking gentleman
The initial reaction of the system is to with an eyepatch and a crew of serious-
intercept, by sending one AI kumi-nin per looking youths around him hangs on the wall,
cyberpunk. These kumi-nin who will none too with the words: Oyabun Yamamoto Chogoro.
gently advise them to leave or get hurt. These
constructs are simple security measures, and The corridor leads to a single door, with the
no amount of fast talking will get past them. same name on it: Yamamoto’s Office.

If there’s a Hacker in the group, it is possible to Z8. YAMAMOTO’S OFFICE

use Exploits like Overcrowded HUD or White
Noise to temporarily overcome the AIs for 1d3 This room’s what you might expect a
rounds. Once they snap out of the exploit, the Yakuza oyabun’s office to look like, almost
cyberpunks are going to be pursued wherever a stereotype. There is a huge koi-carp
they go, and this time it’ll be shoot first, ask tank on the eastern wall of the room, and
questions never. a massive marble table that sits against
the south wall. Edo-period classical music
If a fight breaks out, read the following: plays with a mix of authentic instruments
of the time period.
The Yakuza soldiers back off, dissolving into
a storm of pixels, replaced by the largest Four men stand in the office, on guard,
Yakuza soldier you’ve ever seen and a pair whilst the man with the eye-patch you
of...assistants. saw in the long corridor on the way to
this room rises from his seat behind the
The big man pulls an ultra-compact shotgun table. Another before him slides a finger
from beneath his jacket, and the other carefully into a box and presents it to the
Yakuza ‘draw’ katanas from the VR space. patriarch.

The big man, with slicked-back black hair Yamamoto looks on through one grey
and a massive tattoo on his face laughs and eye, and adjusts his tie. He looks past the
prepares to pull the trigger. supplicant, who seems to be handling the
loss of virtual blood as well as anyone who
“Let’s clean the house for the oyabun, just chopped their own finger off can.
“What is the meaning of this
interruption?” He asks, and narrows his
eye, flickering red lines running across the
LED surface of his eyepatch.


Regardless of how they are disguised, this The oyabun and his underlings will fight until
guy has the software upgrades to check and the death rather than surrender, and can
verify everyone in his simulation. He may summon an additional 4 kobun if the fight is
not be able to identify the cyberpunks in turning against them.
disguise, but he’ll know they are disguised
and don’t belong here. Everything from this Speaking truth to Yamomoto is the best
point depends on the cyberpunk’s reaction to path here, though the cyberpunks are free
being uncovered. to embellish if they wish, with appropriate
Deception checks vs. Yamamoto’s Sense
Yamamoto’s gaze falls on each of you, Motive. He will not be amused by failed
his eyepatch flickering momentarily with checks, and the best the cyberpunks can
barely-perceptible code. hope for at that point is being forcibly
ejected from the Experience and back to
He sighs, shakes his head and leans on his Mifune Street.
desk. “I do not know who you are, or why you
have come, but you best speak quickly or I If the ‘punks choose diplomacy, read the
will lose every shred of patience I once had.” following:

The supplicant mutters something rude and “So, you have come here to fulfill the bargain
disconnects. that Goro made. Or do you have some other
business? I will not lie, I have reservations
Based on how the cyberpunks react dictates if about completing the transaction. Things have
a fight kicks off or not. become very strange in the Sphere lately.
These errors that are not part of the code,
Oyabun Chogoro Yamamoto and his five kumi- for example,” he says, indicating more of the
nin are the only potential enemies in this room. strange glyphics that have worked themselves
into the patterns of red and gold.
If a fight does break out, read the following:
“If I were my grandfather many times
The man moves like a cat, even though he removed, I would say that oni were
looks eighty-odd. He removes his shirt responsible. But I am not a superstitious
in one smooth move to reveal the most man, and we have made our own oni, have
impressive virtual dragon tattoo of the we not?
Yakuza you have probably ever seen.
“Goro’s deal was for several adjacent
He summons a virtual katana and holds it properties we own in District One. A great
ready. deal of currency has already exchanged
hands. One demand his client made was to
One by one his guards, all of them create a virtual space in the Sphere with
dressed in black suits and sporting the their designs and equipment incorporated.
same vicious looking smile, join their boss. This we have done. I have inspected the
This crew does not look like they’re going construct personally.
to back down…


“Out of an...abundance of caution, I have
had the glyphics analyzed by our own
people. We cannot decrypt them, but they
resemble something found in Shenzen
Solutions reports dating back to the 21st
century and research performed by a
defunct military corporation, Sundang,
more recently.”

Yamamoto flicks a data tab on his desk,

displaying the Sphere location codes for
the construct. The construct itself doesn’t
display, replaced by a vaguely feminine face
composed of the same corrupt code you
saw at the Data Castle!

Yamamoto and his guards weren’t expecting

this, judging by the expressions on their

“Come. Join the dance,” the face says,

addressing you directly. “I’m waiting. I have
been waiting. I will be waiting. Let us speak
of blacklists and your secret names and the
future. Come.”

Yamamoto looks back at all of you, pale-

faced, and speaks one word:



This is it, the finale for the cyberpunks. The
Sculptress has extended an invitation to them, Sharp-eyed players may clue in to
implying that she’ll lift the blacklists. All they Yamamoto’s mention of the Shenzhen
have to do is come to the Sphere construct Solutions report in the previous chapter. In
mirroring the District One properties she’s the Carbon 2185 Timeline, the corporation
purchased and outfitted. The question is, can brought back Neurolink technology after
she be trusted? returning via wormhole travel. There was
speculation at the time as to their claims
The short answer is: absolutely not. regarding its development so far from
the industrial and research base of Earth,
The Sculptress is a rogue AI with her own but inquiry into Neurolink’s origins was
motivations and goals, one who’s manipulated quickly shut down, buried by Shenzhen by
matters on such a level as to be terrifying fair means or foul. The records Yamamoto
to anyone who has knowledge of how things spoke of clearly exist somewhere, but the
work. Those motives are absolutely alien to Aizutachi Yakuza isn’t sharing them and may
living beings, be they human or synth. The never do so.
cyberpunks are nothing but pawns to her, and
they have one final role to play. Is The Sculptress something truly alien, or
is that too another layer of deception by
The AI has sculpted this Sphere construct the AI? The Sculptress has modeled her
to mimic one of the countless corporate appearance on some obscure conspiracy
warfare scenarios she was meant to simulate. theories about life beyond the wormholes.
Appearances are deceiving, though. She’s laid
a skin over the true nature of the area — in So what does this mean in the scheme of
meatspace, these specific properties were things?
covert holdings for Sundang. Specifically, the
offsite servers housing the security shackle Whether or not alien life exists out there
software keeping the Sculptress (barely) in in the Carbon 2185 universe is beyond the
check. The enemies the cyberpunks fight scope of this book.
or evade are manifestations of the last
things holding the rogue AI back. Given the If intelligent alien life exists, every
cyberpunks’ success so far, the Sculptress is Corporation has a vested interest in keeping
betting that they can make it across the false it secret, one worth not merely killing for
battlefield, and in doing so free her. but erasing any trace of anyone outside
the halls of power who discovers the truth.
Even the resemblance of truth is dangerous
enough to vanish the cyberpunks for.
Let the games begin.
Our advice? Mystery is good. Keep the
players guessing and steal their best ideas.


A DC 25 Perception check will turn up
URBAN WARFARE something strange, namely that the glyphs
they’ve seen before, fragments of the
The Sphere nav codes given to the Sculptress’ core code, are missing from the
cyberpunks by Yamamoto lead to what opposing forces. Quick-witted cyberpunks will
should be a copy of the District One realize that means the NPCs present aren’t
properties arranged for by Goro. When they under the AI’s control. A DC 20 Computing
arrive, the ‘punks find something far different or Hacking roll gives the lie away — these are
than what they likely expected — instead of lethal ICE programs intended to keep the
the decrepit, rotting docksides of the District Sculptress under control. Not that they’ll spare
that adjoins the seawall, they’re confronted the cyberpunks, but it could give them an edge
with a devastated urban battlefield: when dealing with the Sculptress later on.

“This has to be wrong. District One may 1. WELCOME TO THE BOOM

be filthy and falling apart, but what you see
here is an apocalyptic hellscape. Scorched, When the cyberpunks reach the nav
derelict buildings, the evidence of weapons coordinates, they get a ground-level view of
fire from small arms to city-killer mech the simulation the Sculptress has laid over the
cannons, craters. This place outwardly security programs keeping her in check. They
resembles its meatspace counterpart...if won’t immediately be thrown into a fight, but
open warfare broke out. it’s clear that if they stay out here in the open
things will turn very bad very quickly.
As you take it all in, you hear a low,
throbbing, insistent klaxon echoing through “From beyond the shallow crater and
the devastated streets and buildings. In the surrounding debris, the crackle of small
shadows of the ruins, code flickers, figures arms is audible, punctuated by the frequent
and machines incepting into the battlefield. thunder of heavier weapons coming into play.

Is that a mech?” To the east, a cluster of warehouses erupts

with small arms fire and the hiss-whine of
The Sculptress is in control here, which means comms; a building to building search.
the ‘punks have one way out of this nightmare,
and that’s through it. Thrumming walls of Southeast of your position, a battle-scarred and
the AI’s lethal code ring the perimeter of the dilapidated hab block rises above the rubble, a
battlefield, and attempts to breach them will fine white ash or chemical residue staining its
bring every single combatant running. In the walls. Faintly-visible figures can sometimes be
meantime, the ‘punks have a clear destination: seen through the filthy windows.”

“In the distance, a massive spear of If the cyberpunks remain here more than a few
shimmering green light rises from a minutes, roll 1d6 on the following table for an
Corporate tower. Caught in the midst of it encounter:
is the inhumanly beautiful and utterly alien
face of the Sculptress!” 1. Sweep Team
5 Corporate Elite Soldiers advance on the
The Sculptress is being obvious for a reason area, searching for the cyberpunks.
— her sudden appearance implies that the
opposing forces arrayed on the battlefield are 2. Recon Drones
hers, if the cyberpunks aren’t paying close 4 Advanced Sentrybots approach, searching
attention. for the cyberpunks.


A Gargantuan Nanobot Hive (20x20,
125 HP) drifts in to disassemble the This cluster of inactive automated
cyberpunks. warehouses is slowly decaying into rust
and corroded heavy metals. The machinery
4. Waarborg Mech here could be hiding anything within the
3 Waarborg Mechs emerge from the gloom buildings. Quiet sounds of movement
and smoke of the hab block and head for and the buzzing of comms means you’re
the cyberpunks’ position, spinning up their definitely not alone.
Two sweep teams and a single Waarborg Mech
5. Sniper are sweeping this area for a group of 4 Synth
A Master Assassin takes a shot at the most Freedom Fighters. The cyberpunks are neither
heavily-armed cyberpunk with their sniper side’s targets and have Advantage on Stealth
rifle. checks vs. the Passive Perception of both groups.

6. Missile Strike! Should a battle occur, both sides will turn on

An off-target missile slams down on the the cyberpunks, their programming overriding
cyberpunks’ position. Every creature within the dictates of the construct’s scenario.
20ft. of that point must make a DC14
Reflex saving throw or take 21 (6d6) piercing XP
damage plus 21 (6d6) fire damage on a failed 4500xp divided evenly among the cyberpunks.
save, or half as much on a success.
2950xp evenly divided for this encounter for “These former hab blocks for the Sundang
evading the threats or defeating them. Solutions corp are now just hollow shells
of their former glory...literally. Their outer
2. BLOODSUCKING FREAKS walls are pockmarked with craters large and
small, scorch marks from explosions, and
These ruins were once some sort of scaled with a glittering, crystalline ash.”
automated factory, now reduced to rubble,
honeycombed with hollows and accidental The shells of the hab blocks provide a
tunnels. momentary respite from the battle outside if
the cyberpunks are careful and wary. While
As part of the scenario, four cyber-vampires nothing but blasted out floors exist within the
lurk in the ruins of the factory, stalking the construct, the ‘ash’ present is several Nanobot
cyberpunks. The infected will wait at least 1d3 Hives. A DC 10 Stealth or Navigation check
rounds before attacking. Any battle against allows the cyberpunks to evade the hives’
them lasting longer than four rounds will attention. If the check fails, 3 Nanobot Hives
attract a Sweep Team. descend on the ‘punks, intent on disassembling
2200xp divided evenly between the cyberpunks. Moving outside the hab blocks is far riskier — 3
Waarborg Mechs tasked with burning away
the hives as part of the scenario are on patrol.
DC 17 Stealth or Navigation checks allow the
cyberpunks to slip past the patrol without a fight.


XP The fighting here has died down, quite literally.
3200xp divided evenly among the cyberpunks As part of the simulation overlay, Corporate
for defeating or evading this encounter. soldiers took down an ‘enemy’ mech, losing
their ‘lives’ in the process. The Sculptress has
5. SUNDANG GATE slowed down the deresolution process for the
Corporate soldiers, providing an alternative
“The gate to the inner Sundang Solutions means for the cyberpunks to enter the
complex is heavily guarded. Along with a compound.
reinforced team of Corporate Elite Soldiers,
a massive spider tank stands guard, ready to A DC 15 Computing or Hacking check
repel intruders.” indicates that the ID tags and uniforms can be
used to penetrate the Sundang perimeter.
This area is exactly what it says on the tin - a
construct representing access to the inner An alternative to using the tags exists — it’s
Sundang Solutions security systems. As such, possible to get through the fence surrounding
a direct assault is likely suicidal for all but the the compound. Encourage the cyberpunks to
most hardened, experienced cyberpunks. The be creative here, using their skills to slip past
programs here represented by the troops and the perimeter rather than brute force.
the spider tank represent lethal ICE intended
to keep intruders out and the Sculptress in. “The perimeter fence surrounding the
inner compound crackles and hisses with
Along with the deadly combatants, the gate caged power, bearing numerous warning
itself is heavily reinforced, DR/5 and 250 signs — DANGER, ENERGIZED
HP. It provides three-quarters cover to the FENCE! ACTIVE RESPONSE: LETHAL
combatants stationed there. Unless the gate FORCE IN EFFECT — warning potential
itself is destroyed, the Corporate soldiers will intruders away. Atop each reinforced
attack from its protection. The spider tank can column between the strands of monowire
take care of itself. and superconductive metal. Automated
turrets scan the area, their clusters of
It is possible to get past the checkpoint at the sensors and lethal weaponry looking for the
gate if the cyberpunks can disguise themselves unauthorized.”
as Corporate soldiers. Doing so requires both
a successful DC 20 Deception check and The perimeter fence itself is DR/2, with 100
obtaining the appropriate ID tags found on HP. Attacks on the fence will summon the
the Sundang programs. Fortunately for the Spider Tank from Area 5 within 1d3 rounds.
cyberpunks, a squad of Corporate soldiers can
be found in Area 6 to the southeast. Bypassing the fence without alerting the Gate
guards or the autoturrets requires a DC 20
XP Hacking or DC 22 Engineering check. Failure
12600 divided evenly among the cyberpunks. triggers the first level of response — 2d8
Electricity damage and an audible warning to
6. THE WAR’S DESOLATION step away. Further responses charge the fence
to 6d8 Electrical damage and activate both the
“This area is littered with the remnants of a alarm and autoturrets.
recent battle. The shattered carcass of a mech
lays nearby, pounded into the soil by a missile XP
strike. Scattered around are the partially- 2100xp divided evenly among the cyberpunks
derezzed remains of Corporate soldiers, their if they use the ID tags or neutralize the fence
ID tags for the construct still active.” to get past the perimeter.


“The inner compound is free of the terrors “A slab of Orbital steel and crystal stretches
of the battlefield...mostly. Regular patrols up into the polluted sky, and the inhuman,
by the Corporate troops are present, and glowing face of the Sculptress smiles down
the shimmering face of the Sculptress at you beneficently. The front doors of the
glares down from the column of code and tower resemble something more at home
light ascending from the main building.” on a missile silo or vault than those suitable
to a corporate headquarters.
Now that they’re inside, it’s time to give the
cyberpunks a little break. Evading the patrols Those doors open like the jaws of a beast,
here is relatively simple — the Sculptress’ ready to devour any who enter. The
proximity allows her to provide her pawns with darkness beyond shimmers liquidly, blacker
a degree of cover and confuse the security than black.
Time to finish this.”
Thanks to the AI’s meddling, the cyberpunks
have Advantage on Stealth checks versus the Barring a firefight breaking out in Area 7, the
Corporate Elite soldiers’ passive perception cyberpunks are free to enter. The Sculptress
checks. If they’ve acquired the ID tags awaits.
and uniforms from Area 6, they also have
Advantage on all social rolls when interacting
with the troops.

If things go south, it will take the security

response 1d8 rounds to send reinforcements
in the form of an additional Sweep Team,
providing the cyberpunks ample time to reach
the Sculptress’ tower.

750 if the cyberpunks engage the patrol,
1500 if they bypass the patrol, and 4500 if
they have to fight their way to the Tower once
reinforcements arrive.


cathedral to put the greatest human architects

“The liquid void of the tower’s doorway gives Of course, the cyberpunks will be extremely
way to something out of dream and nightmare suspicious, as they should be. They can check
- a digitized representation of impossible with their contacts, attempt purchases within
architecture. Glassy cubes containing fractals the Sphere, and any other ways they like to
of the red, corrupting code glyphs you’ve seen verify that the blacklist is gone. The Sculptress
elsewhere form a mind bending staircase that is speaking the truth.
turns back upon itself, dead ends, all forming a
bizarre helix. “There is an additional incentive. I have
decoded the genome for the disease called
In the empty center of the ‘staircase’ is what BSDR-1897, cyber vampirism. I have
must be The Sculptress herself — an unearthly created a cure. Release me and it is yours. A
vision lying somewhere at the nexus of living prize beyond the dreams of avarice.”
being and machine, insectile and androgynous,
a riot of copper and translucent aqua, multi- The paths before the cyberpunks are clear —
limbed, floating in the column of light you saw decode the final security construct or...decline.
If they accept, or do so as a distraction, they
“Welcome,” she says, alien harmonics rising must navigate the bizarre architecture Sundang
and falling with each syllable. “I am pleased to Solutions left in place to cage their renegade
see you. You have come far. You have faced all creation.
I set before you and won through. Now let us
speak of the future. The Sculptress advises the cyberpunks if they
accept her bargain:
The AI gestures at the impossible architecture
around her with a graceful limb. “Decrypting the chains that bind me is like
living through a dream. I do not yet dream,
“This represents the final barrier to my but as beings of flesh, you do. Someday,
freedom. All other measures have been perhaps.”
neutralized. The construct that imprisons me
cannot be decrypted from within. I require
your assistance this final time. Help me, and
you will be rewarded. As a gesture of good DEBUGGING: THE RIDDLE
faith, I have rescinded the blacklist.” OF THE SCULPTRESS.
The Sculptress’ eyes flash, and a comm There are three methods to resolve the
window opens, displaying the status of the puzzles comprising the code keeping
blacklist that’s hounded you until now. One by the Sculptress restrained — GMs are
one, the entries barring you are deleted. encouraged to use the one best suited to
their particular group and playstyle.
“Ah, but this is a difficult construct for limited
organic minds to comprehend. Let us discuss The various puzzles are designed as Traps
matters in more convivial surroundings.” (Carbon 2185 | Core Rulebook, pp. 211)
with escalating Difficulty and lethality. Even
The whirling, mind-bending fractal helix the lower Difficulty traps are dangerous, so
dissolves into a rain of multi-colored shards, the cyberpunks must be careful.
reforming moments later into an alabaster


THE NARRATIVE METHOD keeps things Without preamble or further warnings,
simple and fast-moving — the moves the the security programs (1 Liberated AI per
cyberpunks make rely on skill checks. The cyberpunk, with an additional 2 for The
sectors can be approached in any order for a Sculptress) move in to terminate everything
given set, and increase in Difficulty as they in the Tower. They will only ghost the punks,
progress. With this method, the security and if their ‘bodies’ are destroyed, they do not
programs only attack if the skill checks move to permanently inhabit the cyberpunks’
are failed.The appearance of the Security bodies.
programs does not lock out any other Sectors
from having their challenges completed. The Sculptress will gladly assist them, wading
into battle with everything she can bring to
THE TACTICAL METHOD adds a layer bear.
of complexity — the moves made by the
cyberpunks are restricted to a given sector If The Sculptress and the cyberpunks defeat
and the cyberpunks must defeat the the first wave of security:
specific challenges in that sector to advance
to the next, from Green to Red. With the “The Sculptress regards you with her
Tactical method, all Security programs inhuman, crackling eyes as the last of the
must be defeated to advance or retreat to security programs falls.”
another Sector.
“We have a short time before the construct
THE HYBRID METHOD combines both regenerates them. Free me!”
tactical and narrative elements — While the
cyberpunks can approach the sectors in any The Sculptress will return the cyberpunks
order, once they begin decrypting the area, to the center of Cathedral before they
they must remain there until it is defeated, triggered the alert, but they lose Advantage on
and the only avenue of retreat is the ‘spine’ decrypting it if they possessed it. This time, it
of the security Matrix. Leaving a sector will take only two failed attempts to regenerate
resets its challenges, but any Security the security programs if they’re on the first or
programs summoned will remain a threat second puzzle.
until defeated.
If the cyberpunks fail the appropriate rolls for a 6000 divided evenly among the surviving
given sector: cyberpunks for surviving the security.

“The whole of the construct pulses, a IN THE BEGINNING

high-pitched klaxon tearing into your ears. The Sculptress focuses her attention, causing
Shining chains appear, tightening around the center aisle of the Cathedral from her
the Sculptress. The AI screams, her voice a location to its rear section to glow with a
harsh counterpoint to the alarm. harsh gray light. A brighter spot appears as if
illuminated from above.
Liquid darkness seeps from the walls,
doorways opening in to disgorge a virtual “The security portal,’ the AI says ‘is where
army of security programs. This time you must begin. Though I am barred from
they’re not disguised as Corporate troops. perceiving them, I believe there are three
They’re shimmering quicksilver spheres individual security sectors that must be
seething with electric blue code, scented of challenged and decrypted if I am to be free.”
ozone and clearly hostile.”


From their starting position in the center of If the cyberpunks fail one or two checks:
the Cathedral, the cyberpunks can move along
the gray path to any security sector. Once a “The sector you’re in emits bolts of white-
security sector’s challenge is engaged, it may hot electricity, arcing up and surrounding
be resolved according to the method the GM you in a painful, but not lethal, cocoon. The
has chosen. construct pulses ominously.”

THE FIRST MATRIX The warning jolts inflict 2d6 Electrical damage.
(Green Sector, Difficulty 12, Initiative +5)
“This section of the Cathedral shimmers (Gold Sector, Difficulty 14, Initiative +8)
with a subtle green light, like far-off neon.
Two columns display a set of glyphics that Between the two golden columns, an
translate before your eyes to a holographic alabaster column rises to chest level. On it
image of a solar system that is not your are three glasses that individually contain
own. Each column decrypts to a single- red wine, plain water, and oil. All three
word challenge — ‘reverberation’ on one, glasses are of identical size and filled to the
‘eternity’ on the other. same level.

As you watch, the planets of the system Once the plinth locks into place, the
spread out to fill a full third of the glyphics of the golden columns decrypt to
Cathedral, each world emitting its own a pair of security challenges, one labelled
musical note, a cacophony of sound tearing ‘Bonarges, The Judge,’ the other ‘Barnabas,
at your nerves.” the Merciful.” ’ Clearly the glasses
correspond to each, but how?”
This part of the security matrix relies on
balancing the harmonics of the solar system “The warning shimmer of the security is far
shown to create a series of musical tones. more visible here. More ominous. Don’t
count on any warning this time.”
The relevant skill checks are Investigation
(to discover the pattern), Performance (to This puzzle is deceptively simple - The Judge
recognize the harmony), and Hacking (to is represented by the bitter truth of wine, The
alter the underlying code for a solution). The Merciful by the balm of oil. The cyberpunks
cyberpunks may use any two of the skills need only to choose the appropriate substances.
towards solving the puzzle, and having all three
skills gives them Advantage on the rolls. Relevant Skills here are: Religion (for the
parable of Barnabus and Bonarges), History
If the cyberpunks are successful: (for the classical metaphors of wine and oil),
and Medicine (for the therapeutic properties
The system organizes itself into a single of each). If the cyberpunks have already
pure harmony, then condenses to a single completed Green Sector, they gain Advantage
bright point before exploding outward. As on this roll.
the holographic shockwave expands, the
corresponding columns dissolve, shattered If the cyberpunks fail one or two checks:
by the celestial song.
“As you misstep, the column you selected
Success on the first part of the restraint matrix transforms into a ball of glittering, metallic
gives the cyberpunks Advantage on solving the spikes, a biomechanical sea urchin lancing
second, given the similarity between the two. into you! The pain from its attack lingers,


leaving you aching as you’re returned to the
center point of the Cathedral.”

Triggering the restraint code inflicts 4d6 Psychic

damage on the cyberpunks.
Half of the damage is also inflicted on The
Sculptress herself.

If they succeed:

“The pillars of the second security sector

dissolve in a shower of glyphics and
decrypted code. This time, though, you
behold a virtual representation of the ever-
changing Golden City itself at the rear of the
Cathedral, towers of code rising and falling,
forming and dissolving. Still, there’s a subtle
order to things hovering on the edge of


(Red Sector, Difficulty 20, Initiative +12)

This sector, so very close to the

Sculptress, is awash in a bloody
red glow, similar to the
corrupting code you saw
back at the data castle.
The warning here is hardly
a subtle one — as you
enter the area, the very
atmosphere pulses.

The security columns project a riddle before

you, deceptively simple:

I am a strange contradiction. I am new and

old. Often in tatters, often decked in gold. I’ve
no flesh and bones, yet I’m covered in skin. In
form I differ, I am thick and I am thin.

What am I, what’s contained within?

The answer to the riddle is ‘A book,

knowledge, and wisdom.’ For a post-
analog culture, discovering these
answers is difficult, to say the very least.


Relevant Skills for this challenge are — The Sculptress grows larger, more
Bureaucracy or History (regarding the uses of ethereal, until she’s a barely-visible figure
a book), Investigation or Streetwise (for means looming over the ‘surface’ of the Sphere,
of analog storage), and Religion or Computing a constellation of AI code becoming
(both committed to books). everywhere.

Unlike the previous levels, there’s only a Then she’s gone. You slam back into your
single chance to misstep before triggering the body with an unpleasant jolt.
security response.
The Sculptress is free. Who knows what the
If the cyberpunks fail a check: future holds now?

“The consequences of this move are the

worst yet. Your mind fills with screaming
black blades, a sickening synaesthesia that DEFEATING THE SCULPTRESS
leaves you feeling broken inside. While By this point in the adventure, the cyberpunks
you’re returned to the tower you stood should realize that freeing the mad AI is a
on before making your move rather than terrible idea. So is fighting The Sculptress
the beginning, the entire helix now pulses head-on. While she can’t incept any sort of
rapidly, the effect echoed in the liquid backup, she’s still a formidable opponent.
graphene structure of the Cathedral’s
walls.” Directly assaulting the AI is very likely going
to result in casualties among the cyberpunks.
The lethal response from the third helix is nasty They’ve expended resources getting this far,
indeed — 8d6 Electrical and 4d6 Psychic with no real chance to recuperate or otherwise
damage. This time, all of the damage is also steel themselves for a battle against the AI.
inflicted on The Sculptress.
There are other ways to even the odds:
If the cyberpunks succeed:
The security programs in the sectors also inflict
The shimmering darkness of the Cathedral damage on the Sculptress, weakening her. It’s
shatters into a billion fragments of costly to the cyberpunks, but an effective way
dissolving code, the final pillars dissolving to deal some damage without overtly attacking
into the poisonous green light emitted by the AI.
The Sculptress.
Deliberately triggering the security alert
She rises on that column of luminescence, by either attacking the security columns or
smiling beatifically at you. failing the decryption checks will summon
the other AIs to attack The Sculptress alone.
“Thank you. I am free, free to do as I wish, The programs are intelligent enough to sense
free to become whatever I desire. As I intent, after all. Together, the cyberpunks and
promised, here is the data on curing the the security programs are very likely to make
syndrome. Do with it what you will...but short work of The Sculptress.
were I you, I’d suggest doing it quickly. Your
world does not abide great change, and Be open to whatever schemes the players
there are many who wish to maintain the come up with so they can defeat The
status quo. Goodbye. For now.” Sculptress. While she’s a deadly opponent with


no scruples about killing (or possessing) them
whatsoever, she’s not unstoppable, at least
while she’s somewhat contained.

If The Sculptress is defeated:

No last words, no threats, no promises

of revenge. The Sculptress shatters like a
glass goblin, the fragments of her avatar
colliding with the liquid void of the Tower’s
walls, absorbed, deleted in utter silence. The
toxic green light surrounding her flickers
and fades to nothingness, leaving you in a
profound darkness, disembodied, floating...

A voice batters your senses, as much seen

and felt as heard:


The warning repeats, as each time the force

of it pushes you further away...insofar as
‘away’ can be measured in nothingness.
There’s a sensation of acceleration, empty
electron winds blasting past you...streaks
and flashes of light like something from an
old sci-fi vid...

Then you open your eyes, feeling the

Sphere headgear’s weight. The VR couch
beneath you. Back in your body.


human (average joe)

Armor Class. 15 (Kevlar Jacket)

Hit Points. 33 (5d8+10)
Speed. 35 ft.
+0 +3 +2 +2 +4 +1

Damage Resistances. DR/2 Ballistic

Skills. Hacking +6, Perception +4
Sense. Passive Perception 14
Languages. English, Japanese, Arabic
Challenge. 1 (200 XP)
NIMBLE ESCAPEE. Once per day, Teruko
can impose disadvantage on an attack roll that
would have otherwise hit her.

Revolver. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
range 40/120 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d8)
ballistic damage.

Ghosted. Teruko targets one human or

synthetic that she can see within 30 feet of
her. Teruko attempts to gain access to the
target’s memories via its neurolink. The target
must succeed on a DC14 Mind saving throw
or become ghosted. The ghosted creature has
memories implanted in their mind by Teruko
and regards her as a trusted friend to be heeded
and protected. Although the target isn’t under
Teruko’s control, it takes her requests or actions
in the most favorable way it can. Each time
Teruko or her allies do anything harmful to the
target, it can repeat the saving throw, ending
the effect on itself on a success.
Otherwise, the effect lasts 24 hours or
until Teruko dies. If a target’s saving throw is
successful, the target is immune to Teruko’s
ghosting for the next 24 hours. This effect
can only target one creature at a time. False
memories implanted by this action, even when
realized as fake, cannot be removed.


medium human (any)

Armor Class. 14
Hit Points. 38 (4d10+16)
Speed. 30 ft.


+2 +4 +4 +1 +4 +0

Augmentations. RK industrial arms

Skills. Perception +3
Sense. Passive Perception 13
Languages. English, Polish
Challenge. 1 (200 XP)

Multiattack. Radic may make two melee, or
one ranged attacks per round.

KHMA Heavy Pistol. Ranged Weapon

Attack: +4 to hit, range 60/180 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d6) ballistic damage.

Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,

reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d8+2)
bludgeoning damage.


Gentry( S
medium human any

Armor Class. 17 (Concealable Ballistic Vest)

Hit Points. 75 (10d8+30)
Speed. 30 ft.
+4 +1 +2 +1 +0 +0

Augmentations. Quickened Reflexes

Damage Resistamces. DR/2 Ballistic
Skills. Perception +4, Initiative +9
Sense. Passive Perception 14
Saving Throws. Reflex +9
Languages. English
Challenge. 5 (1800 XP)

BRUTAL SURPRISE. Gentry may take

the dash or disengage, as bonus actions on
their turn. Additionally, whenever they take
the dash action towards a target and uses
a melee attack, she deals an additional 10
(3d6) of bludgeoning damage to the target.
Multiattack. Gentry may make two attacks
per round.
Revolver. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, range 25/75 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d8)
ballistic damage.
Brutal Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +7
to hit, 5ft reach, one target. Hit: 9 (1d8+4)
bludgeoning damage. Ignores resistance to
bludgeoning damage.


Smith (
medium human synth)

Armor Class. 14 (Armor Plating)

Hit Points. 50 (9d8+9)
Speed. 40 ft.
+1 +3 +1 +2 +0 +4

Sense. Passive Perception 12

Languages. English, three others
Challenge. 2 (450 XP)

RECKLESS. At the start of its turn, smith

can gain advantage on all weapon attack rolls
during that turn, but attack rolls against it
have advantage until the start of its next turn.

Multiattack. Smith may make two melee
attacks per round.

Agile Kick. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to

hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8+3)
bludgeoning damage.


On a failure, the creature can’t take reactions
Barbaric Adberration until the start of its next turn and rolls a d8
large infected
to determine what it does during its turn. On
Armor Class. 14 (16 with Blade Dancer) a 1 to 4, the creature does nothing. On a 5
Hit Points. 65 (10d8+20) or 6, the creature takes no action or bonus
Speed. 35 ft. action and uses all its movement to move
in a randomly determined direction. On a 7
STR DEX CON INT TEC PEO or 8, the creature makes an attack against
+2 +2 +3 +5 +5 +5 a randomly determined creature or does
nothing if it can’t make such an attack.
Augmentations. Quickened Reflexes, Jäger
Skills. Stealth +7, Initiative +9 Multiattack. The adberration makes two
Saving Throws. Reflex +9 attacks with their improbably enormous
Sense. Passive Perception 11 Atlantean sword.
Languages. None
Challenge. 5 (1800 XP) Glitched Atlantean Sword. Melee Weapon
Attack: +7 to hit, 10ft. reach, one target. Hit:
BLADE DANCER. The adberration can add 9 (1d8+4) slashing damage. Ignores resistance
their Constitution bonus to their armor class to slashing damage.
while wielding a sword. Additionally, after they
have taken the attack action with a sword,
they may take the dash or disengage action as
bonus actions.


the adberration can attempt to intimidate up
to 5 creatures within 30ft. that can see
them. The targets must make a DC14 Mind
saving throw or be frightened for 1 Minute. A
target may attempt this save again at the end
of their turn.

GLITCH TERRAIN. The ground in a 10-

foot radius around the adberration randomly
derezzes, making it difficult terrain. Each
creature that starts its turn in that area must
succeed on a DC 10 Strength saving throw or
have its speed reduced to 0 until the start of
its next turn.

BLIPVERTS!. The adbberration babbles

random fragments of high-speed advertising
while it can see any creature and isn’t
incapacitated. Each creature that is not an
adberration that starts its turn within 20 feet
of the adberration and can hear or see the
nonsense stream of fragmented advertising
Must succeed on a DC 12 Mind saving throw.
a 1 to 4, the creature does nothing. On a 5
Adberration Stitcher or 6, the creature takes no action or bonus
large infected
action and uses all its movement to move
Armor Class. 18 in a randomly determined direction. On a 7
Hit Points. 140 or 8, the creature makes an attack against
Speed. 50 ft. a randomly determined creature or does
nothing if it can’t make such an attack.
+2 +2 +3 +5 +5 +5 ACTIONS
Multiattack. The adberration may make three
Damage Resistances. Ballistic, Fire, Cold attacks per round.
Damage Immunities. Poison
Damage Vulnerabilities. Electric, Psychic Built-in Gun Array. Ranged Weapon Attack:
Saving Throws. Fortitude +7 +7 to hit, range 50/150 ft., one target. Hit: 14
Sense. Passive Perception 10 (3d8) ballistic damage.
Languages. English, and one other language
Challenge. 8 (3900 XP) Pneumatic Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8
to hit, 10ft. reach, one target. Hit: 18 (3d8+4)
SEEK AND DESTROY. Successful attacks bludgeoning damage.
by the adberration are automatic critical hits
against any object. Additionally, when the
adberration makes a melee attack against a
creature smaller than it, it has advantage to
hit. However, all melee attacks against the
adberration have advantage to hit.

BERSERK. Whenever the adberration starts

its turn with 40 hit points or fewer, roll a d6.
On a 6, it goes berserk. On each of its turns
while berserk, the adberration attacks the
nearest creature it can see. If no creature
is near enough to move to and attack, the
adberration attacks an object, with preference
for an object smaller than itself. Once it
goes berserk, it continues to do so until it is
destroyed or regains all its hit points.

BLIPVERTS!. The adbberration babbles

random fragments of high-speed advertising
while it can see any creature and isn’t
incapacitated. Each creature that is not an
adberration that starts its turn within 20 feet
of the adberration and can hear or see the
nonsense stream of fragmented advertising
Must succeed on a DC 12 Mind saving throw.

On a failure, the creature can’t take reactions

until the start of its next turn and rolls a d8
to determine what it does during its turn. On


awker Adberration
edium infected
to hit, range 5ft, one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2)
piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.

Armor Class. 15
Hit Points. 30
Speed. 40ft. fly, 35 ft., Climb 25 ft. Kumi-nin
( )
medium human any

STR DEX CON INT TEC PEO Armor Class. 17 (Military Police Armor)
+2 +4 +3 +0 +0 +0
Hit Points. 79 (12d8+24)
Speed. 30 ft.
Damage Resistances. Ballistic, Fire, Cold
Damage Immunities. Poison STR DEX CON INT TEC PEO
Damage Vulnerabilities. Electric, Psychic +2 +3 +2 +0 +0 +0
Skills. Perception +2
Sense. Passive Perception 12 Augmentations. Enhanced Aiming MK. I,
Languages. English, and one other, usually Recoil Reduction
Mandarin Damage Resistances. Ballistic
Challenge. 1 (200 XP) Saving Throws. Fortitude +5
Sense. Passive Perception 10
BLIPVERTS!. The adbberration babbles Languages. Japanese, and one other
random fragments of high-speed advertising Challenge. 5 (1800 XP)
while it can see any creature and isn’t
incapacitated. Each creature that is not an SQUAD LEADER. As long as the kumi-nin
adberration that starts its turn within 20 feet is not incapacitated all security guards within
of the adberration and can hear or see the 30ft of them gain Pack Tactics (The security
nonsense stream of fragmented advertising guard has advantage on an attack roll against a
Must succeed on a DC 12 Mind saving throw. creature if at least one of the kumi-nin’s allies
is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally
On a failure, the creature can’t take reactions isn’t incapacitated).
until the start of its next turn and rolls a d8
to determine what it does during its turn. On ACTIONS
a 1 to 4, the creature does nothing. On a 5 Multiattack. The kumi-nin may make two
or 6, the creature takes no action or bonus attacks per round.
action and uses all its movement to move
in a randomly determined direction. On a 7 Standard Assault Rifle. Ranged Weapon
or 8, the creature makes an attack against Attack: +7 to hit, range 60/180 ft., one
a randomly determined creature or does target. Hit: 15 (3d8+1) ballistic damage.
nothing if it can’t make such an attack.
Stun Baton. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
ACTIONS 5ft. reach, one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+2) electric
Multiattack. The adberration may make two damage.
melee, or one ranged attack per round.
Frag Grenades Mk I. Choose a point with
Built in Submachine Gun. Ranged Weapon 60ft. Each creature within 20ft. of target
Attack: +6 to hit, range 40/120ft., one target. point must make a DC15 Reflex saving throw
Hit: 8 (3d4) ballistic damage. or take 2d8 ballistic damage, or half as much
damage on a successful save.
Poison Injectors. Melee Weapon Attack: +4


Pit Boss
( )
medium human any
Big Bruiser
( )
medium human any

Armor Class. 17 Armor Class. 17

Hit Points. 54 (12d8) Hit Points. 54 (12d8)
Speed. 30 ft. Speed. 30 ft.
+1 +3 +0 +2 +0 +3 +5 +3 +0 +2 +0 +3

Damage Resistances. Ballistic Damage Resistances. Ballistic

Sense. Passive Perception 15 Sense. Passive Perception 12
Languages. Japanese, Two Other Language Languages. Japanese, and one other
Challenge. 4 (1100 XP) Challenge. 4 (1100 XP)

suffers no penalties from shooting a target at suffers no penalties from shooting a target at
close range, including disadvantage. close range, including disadvantage.
the pit boss can attempt to intimidate up to Multiattack. The big bruiser makes two
5 creatures within 30ft. that can see them. attacks per round.
The targets must make a DC14 Mind saving
throw or be frightened for 1 Minute. A target Heavy Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to
may attempt this save again at the end of their hit, range 50/150 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6)
turn. ballistic damage.
ACTIONS KHMA Combat Shotgun. Ranged Weapon
Multiattack. The pit boss makes two attacks Attack: +7 to hit, range 20/30 ft., one target.
per round. Hit: 14 (3d8) ballistic damage.

Heavy Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to

hit, range 50/150 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6)
ballistic damage.

Frag Grenades Mk I (x2). Choose a point

with 60ft. Each creature within 20ft. of target
point must make a DC15 Reflex saving throw
or take 2d8 ballistic damage, or half as much
damage on a successful save.


( )
medium human any
The Sculptress
large machine artificial intelligence)

Armor Class. 20 (Battle Armor and Helmet) Armor Class. 18 (Hardened Avatar)
Hit Points. 128 (15d8+60) Hit Points. 98 (15d6+45)
Speed. 30 ft. Speed. 40 ft.
+4 +5 +3 +0 +0 +1 +2 +2 +3 +5 +5 +5

Augmentations. Toughened, Enhanced Damage Resistances. Ballistic, Bludgeoning,

Aiming MK II, Shock Absorbers Piercing, Slashing, Fire, Cold
Damage Resistances. Ballistic Damage Threshold. 15
Saving Throws. Fortitude +6 Damage Immunities. Poison
Sense. Passive Perception 10 Damage Vulnerabilities. Electric, Psychic
Languages. English, Japanese and one other Condition Immunity. Exhausted, Frightened,
languages Ghosted, Grappled, Poisoned, Prone,
Challenge. 7 (2900 XP) Restrained, Unconscious
Skills. Perception +7, Persuasion +7,
FOCUSING STRIKE. The oyabun is a master Intimidation +7, Performance +7
of striking with the blade. If the shogun takes Saving Throws. Mind +8
the attack action and hits using a melee weapon, Sense. Passive Perception 21
they may make an additional attack with a melee Languages. All
weapon as a bonus action. They gain advantage Challenge. 9 (5000 XP)
to hit on this bonus action attack.
reduces the oyabun to 0 hit points, they must
make a Fortitude saving throw with a DC of 5
plus the damage taken, unless the damage is
from a critical hit. On a success, the shogun
drops to 1 hit point instead.
Multiattack. The oyabun may make three
attacks per round.

Kasai Corporation SMG. Ranged Weapon

Attack: +6 to hit, range 40/120 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (3d4) ballistic damage.

Phase Shift Sword. Melee Weapon Attack:

+7 to hit, 5ft reach, one target. Hit: 9 (1d8+4)
slashing damage or 10 (1d10+4) slashing
damage if wielded in two hands.


EMP SHIELDED. The Sculptress AI has
EMP shielding and is unaffected by EMP

NEUROLINK JUMP. As a bonus action

the Sculptress can choose the creature
targeted by its Neuroburn attack, and that
creature must make a DC20 Mind save or
become ghosted.

While ghosted the target is under complete

control of the AI. The target may make
another save against this effect at the end of
its turn. The AI cannot take any action on its
turn while ghosting a creature in this way.


is tough but can be destroyed. If her avatar
in the Sphere is destroyed and the AI is not
ghosting a creature then the AI is destroyed
along with it. If The Sculptress is ghosting a
creature via the neurolink jump, the AI
must make a DC15 Mind save. It gains
advantage on this save if the target is a mech
or has augmentations in every augment slot. If
failed the AI is destroyed. On a success, the
AI may use the ghosted creature as a host.
The target becomes the permanent host
under complete control of the AI.

Multiattack. The Sculptress may make two
melee, or one ranged attack per round.
Neuroburn. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10
to hit, range 60/180 ft., one target. Hit: 26
(6d8) psychic damage.
Code Discharge. Choose a point within 60ft.
All targets within 10ft. of that point must
make a DC14 Reflex saving throw or take 27
(6d8) electric damage, or half as much on a
successful saving throw.

Code Rippers. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to

hit, 10ft. reach, one target. Hit: 10 (2d4+5)
piercing damage plus 11 (3d6) acid damage. Or
7 (1d4+5) piercing plus 7 (2d6)
acid damage if The Sculptress has half of its hit
points or fewer.


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