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Oscar: Good afternoon, Kely

Kely: Hello, Oscar. How are you doing?

Oscar: I’m fine. Thanks. And how are you?

Kely: I am great, too. Oscar, is there anyone in your family that you admire?

Oscar: Yes, of course, my mother. She is my inspiration!

Kely: Fantastic! What does she do?

Oscar: She is an excellent nurse

Kely: Wow! Great! What is her rutine? What time does she get up?

Oscar: Oh, she gets up at six o’clock. Then, she goes to the market.

Kely: Does she have breakfast with you?

Oscar: Yes, she does. We have breakfast together. We have cereals, toast and chicken
sándwich. My mother drinks a cup of tea.

Kely: Sounds delicious! What does she do after breakfast?

Oscar: After breakfast, she goes to work.

Kely: Where does she work?

Oscar: She works in the hospital in Jaén.

Kely: Where does she have lunch?

Oscar: She has lunch at Paladares restaurant.

Kely: What does she do after work?

Oscar: She watches TV with my grandmother.

Kely: What time does she have dinner?

Oscar: She has dinner with my father and my grandparents at eigth o’clock.

Kely: Does your mother go to bed early?

Oscar: No, she doesn’t. She goes to bet at eleven o’clock.

Kely: Thanks all information. See you next time.

Oscar: You’re welcome Kely. Good bye.

Kely: Bye Oscar.

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