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Summer Travel Tips

Are you ready to beat the heat?

Summer is officially here and with minimal travel restrictions, it's indeed a perfect time to unwind with
your travel buddies or spend a vacation with your family.
Before you hit the road, make sure to know the travel requirements on your destination like the need for
vaccination cards and even age restrictions if you are bringing your little travellers with you. Remember,
preparation is the key for a travel experience that is hassle-free.
Ready to go? Put your sunglasses on as we give you these tips for your next summer trip!
• Consider what you really want - Think about what you really need from your vacation. Is it fun
and adventure? Rest and relaxation? Once you have an idea of what you need, you can plan
activities that you can do for your vacation.
• Pack Smarter – Pack only the things that you need, you can also plan your outfit ahead of time to
avoid packing too many clothes. It is also better to roll your clothes because they take less space
and don’t wrinkle as much.
• Don’t put yourself under financial pressure - When it comes to summer vacations, some people
are spending big, while others travel on a tight budget. Traveling involves many different
expenses and without proper planning, this can easily lead to overspending. That’s why creating
a solid budget plan can help you feel more in control of your money—and your life. So, try
budgeting now.
Keep in mind that this summer, chase only the sun, sand and water, never the wrong person.
Happy summer getaway!

Keana E. Mana
Student Intern

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