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114 © Historical Dictionary of india Historical Di In add called the Dalhousie extended a novel and non: ‘which had been used spar predecessors, He assumed the imperi 7 Dgnize heirs by adoption to allied or dependent Indian absence of an fale heir, he said, sovereignty would lapse to the paramount power—| East India Company (q.v.) and not the 1 (@3.) and the territory brought under direct British doctrine, Dalhousie annexed Satarain 1848, ‘Sambalpur in 1850, Udaipur in 1852, Shansi jn 1855. Further, he swept away po: ‘was conducted according fo Boddhisatva embodied in him, ‘many titles a ‘nominal rulers or the’ as inthe cases of the Nawab of the Raja of Tanjore, and the Maratha Peshwa (q.¥). Dalhousie als of the governed. ly a maxim of trsteeship, oF a, Some rulers yon, or priest-patra ‘Emperor. He introdi ial concessions to Bi protected fromexternal enemies oF ances (q.v.) they had signed sneral. But when Dalhousie used the rmispovernment to force the Nizam of Hyderabad (4. ‘to annex entirely the rich Jands of the ever-loy ion of fear passed through all .d settlement on Tibet’s autonomy wit of tary occupation of his country. The and some 100,000 followers were given sanctuary in their distinct cultural and social identities have been pres activity is discouraged. The outstanding leadership ima as religious and secular head of the Tibet worldwide, and as a prime spokesman for non-violent Conflict, was acknowledged in the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to him in 1989, for rately ground down and exploited. It w term-—ohmoat a title—chosen by groups in Maharashtra (q.v.) wt vee as being oppressed, who wished to deny all notions of rtrapments, and who were themselves the “Ds DALHOUSIE, MARQUESS OF (18}2-1860). Da ‘Scots parents and named James Andrew Ramsay ‘as a Member of Parliam ‘of India in 1848; he retired from that position je was born {0 je served ten yeats ‘movement in an earlier ature has been produced over re- inthe annexation of the Punjab (a. are kilomet Historical Dietionary of India * 63 Bentinck is best remembere were fo prove as decisive as economic changes i pf events. The abolition of sati (g.v.) in 1829 raised a storm of con troversy among Indians for and agai to change an out the century. Be ‘campaign aga igi (4.¥., ritual murder and rob case of abol 1907, The growin ‘until after World War I partition were seen in British reac: sparked, Repressive admi on, lak's conviction and exile were fol- onal reform passed by a Liberal jn 1909. This introduced the jegislative councils while sinmultane- ‘ommunal constituencies and representation the reunifica tions to the Indian oppos wn of Extremists, and sly creating sepa for Muslims. Two years later King George V announes gal, albeit without Orissa and Bibar (gq mn durbar (see Glossary). This was held at Del is status as capital oF Br tent of higher edt would be Western, rot Eastern, learning, and that the language of instruction would be 1714-1839). Bentinck was a follower smy Bentham, who reforms during his smpany’s (q.v.) do- 35, He was backed in London by the 1e need for peace and economy t0 re- ‘Government which was also re- for parliamentary reform in England and the abolition of and by a climate of British opinion con- ieive 10 Bvans iraders, and social engineers. ‘Bentinck introduced extensive economies in expendi ‘back military allowances, and did not undertake jon. He launched new semi-permanent set snguage of government ipetus personified in Bentinck did not last 1ew class of Indians edu- cated in English took the Whig promise of imperial government trust” for the interests of the natives scriously. They were Bentinck’s ,47-1933), Annie Besant was a half-Irish woman ry. Separated ty and then the Theosophical wars of ex- resident of the latter body in India began in 1893 with lecture tours and extended to ‘other fields of activity. She became interested in the cause of Indian political advance and expressed ler views through a Weekly newspa~ per, New India. She founded the Home Rule League (q.¥. and London for constitutional reform. A\ ‘National Congress (¢.¥. year agreements con! Hie raised revenue and left @ simplified the court system, replaced Persian as the court langwag ‘with English in the higher an jage in the lower cours, in judges, He started the ‘and criminal of the Company's ‘stearn transport, road and canal bu mings of iron and coal extraction and the plantation of

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