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Burma IDs

British Rule in Burma

● Konbaung dynasty decided to expand to Arakan in state of Assam → First A-B War
○ Burma was forced to cede Assam + other northern provinces
○ 1826 Treaty of Yandabo ended, longest + priciest war in history of British India
■ 15k European + Indian soldiers died, unknown Burmese casualties
■ 5 and 13 million pounds sterling → economic crisis in India in 1833
○ British sought Teak forests in Lower Burma → Second A-B War
■ British occupied all of lower Burma, accessed teak, oil, rubies

First Anglo-Burmese War 1824-26

● Border clashes + expansionist urges → conquered Assam in 1822
○ Had resources that interested the British & failed peaceful trade
○ Wanted to check French commercial and political influence in Burma
● Governor-General Amherst influenced by David Scott, agent on northeast border +
popular support in Burma for war against British → first official conflict

● 1824—official declaration, British drove Burmese out of Assam, Cachar, Manipur, Arakan
● By sea, occupied Rangoon & came w/in 45 miles of capital (Ava)
● 1825—First Burmese General Maha Bandula assassinated
○ 40,000 British troops who landed in Burma, 15,000 were killed.
● Costly (financially and for lives) → Treaty of Yandabo was signed in February 1826

● Burmese government paid equivalent of 1 crore rupees
● Gave up claims to coastal provinces
● Trade agreement with UK
● Accept a British Resident in Ava while stationing a Burmese envoy in Calcutta

Second Anglo Burmese War 1852-53

● British commercial greed → timber firms interested in resources in UPPER Burma
○ Large population was valuable to the british for selling manufacture goods
● 1852—George Lambert sent by Dalhousie over issues of Yanabo, known for being
reckless, ended up blockading the coastline, demanding one million rupees, and seizing
Rangoon + other ports
● Rangoon occupied in May 1852, Burmese retired north,
● Proclamation of annexation declared in Jan 1853, no treaty signed + ended
● Revolution in Amarapura, Mindon sued for peace

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