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Activity 2 .

Choose the correct answer ( a, b or c)

1. Muhamad Ali , the most famous boxing fighter of all times, was from :
a. The USA b. South Africa c. England
2. Mike Tyson, the strong and fierce boxing fighter from the USA, grew up in :
a. Brooklyn New York b. Paris c. London
3. Pele is considered the best football player in history. Which country does
he come from?
a. Argentina b. Brazil c. Peru
4. Arnold Scwarzeneegger, the famous actor from “ Terminator” became
famous in which sport?
a. arm wrestling b. swimming c. bodybuilding
5. Michael Jordan is the most famous player in the American history in which
a. swimming b. golf c. basketball
6. Hagi, the most popular Romanian football player was from which city?
a. Ploiesti b. Pitesti c. Constanta
7. The Olympic Games were invented in which country?
a. England b. Greece c. France
8. What’ s the most popular sport in Europe?
a. baseball b. basketball c. football
9. What’ s the most popular sport in the USA?
a. soccer b. cycling c. baseball
10. Nadia Comaneci is one of the most famous Romanians around the world
because of which sport?
a. swimming b. gymnastics c. tennis

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