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Penggunaan To Be

A. Penggunaan To be dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah

1. Kara sambung antara subjek dan A.N.A. (Adverb, Noun, Adjective)
2. Penggunaan dalam passive voice
3. Penggunaan dalam Type of There Dan Demonstrative Determiner
4. Penggunaan dalam Continuous Tense

B. Macam-macam To be
Am digunakan untuk subjek I
Is digunakan untuk she, he, it
Are digunakan untuk subjek you, they, are
Was digunakan untuk subjek I, she, he, it (bentuk lampau)
Were digunakan untuk you, they, we (bentuk lampau)
To be dapat digunakan dalam beberapa jenis penggunaan dengan fungsi berbeda

C. Example
1. To be sebagai kata penghubung antara subjek dengan kata benda
S + to be + A.N.A (Adverb, Noun, Adjectives)
They are smart (Adjective)
I was a toddler ten years ago
We were students in SMPN 1 MAOSPATI 5 years ago
That is an apple (Noun)
Your performance is very well (Adverb of quality)
She is at the class (Adverb of place)
It is 09.00 a.m. now (Adverb of time)

2. Penggunaan To be dalam passive voice

S¹ + V³ + (by) + S²
The key is looked for by Bob and Harry that they have lost
English is taught in my school too
The aisle is passed by me

3. Penggunaan dalam Type of There dan Demonstrative Determiner

There is/was + countable/uncountable noun
There are/were + some + plural countable/ uncountable nouns
This + to be + noun (singular form)
That + to be + noun (singular form)
These + to be + noun (plural form)
Those + to be + noun (plural form)
*That dan This tidak bisa memakai to be am, are, were
There is someone here
There was some books here three hour ago
There are some girls in my room
There were some cats on veranda
This is an emerald
That is a rice grains
These are passion fruits
Those are elephants

4. To be digunakan dalam Continuous Tense

S + to be + Verb-Ing
I am working on homework
They are studying math
She is eating bread

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