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5 a LISTENING (irae) Listen to a radio programme about being ‘healthy. Who does the doctor say is healthy: Marge, Robbie, or Marge and Robbie? b aia) Listen again. Write T (true) or F (false). $ Robbie doesn’t think he’s healthy. F Marge hardly ever eats fast food. Marge always has breakfast. — Marge often goes to the gym. Marge goes to bed late. _ Robbie sometimes has breakfast. Robbie plays football three times a week. SAID wWN Robbie sleeps for six hours every night. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. hours /‘auoz/ minutes /‘minits seconds /'sekandz teenager /‘tizneid3o healthy (opposite unhealthy) /‘hel0i normally /‘no:moli/ relax /ri'leks/ beinahurry /bi: in a ‘hari social life /'saofl larfi spend time /spend ‘taim SRT) CEES) FILE 4

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