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Java notes :

 Java is a simple language.

 Java is easy to learn and its syntax is clear and concise. 
 It is based on C++ (so it is easier for programmers who know C++).Java is an object-
oriented programming language.
 OOP makes the complete program simpler by dividing it into a number of objects. 

//Basic java program 

package com.tamilhacks;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main

public static void main(String[] args)

// write your code here

System.out.println("Tamil hacks") ;

//primitive data types

byte number = 20 ;

short number2 = 150;

int number3 = 1999;

long number4 = 123456789789L;

float number5 = 11.5F;

double number6 = 1111.99999999;

char alphabet = 'b' ;

boolean bool = false ;



// reference data types 

int number = 10;

//5 = 0 ,1, 2, 3, 4

int[] numbers = {10,11,12,13,15};

// numbers[0] = 10;

// numbers[1] = 11;

char name[] = {'a' ,'b' ,'s' ,'a'};

int len = name.length;

char name1[] = name.clone();





String channelName = "tamil Hacks" + " youtube channel";



int numberOne = 1000 ;

int ageOfPerson = 25 ;
int numbers[] = { 1, 2, 3,};

int numbersOf2Dim[][] = { {1,2 } ,{ 1,3} };

byte number = 5;

number = 10;



final int ageOfPerson1 = 18;

//ageOfPerson1 = 21;


byte number1 = 20;

int number2 = 10;

int number3 = number2 + number1;

number2 *= 10;

int number4 = (5 + 5 )- 10 *5 *6 /9 /8 % 20;

int number5 = 2 / 2;

//BODMAS //logical opertorss && , || , !! 

int ageOfPerson = 21;

boolean indianCitizen = false;

// condition true false

String name = ageOfPerson >= 18 ? "eligible" : "not eligible";

int number10 = 10;

// -- number10 ;
int number11 = ++ number10;


System.out.println( number11 );


int number = 100;

float number1 = 101.13f;


String name ; int number1;

int number2;


Scanner input = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("enter a name :");

name = input.nextLine();

number1 = input.nextInt();

number2 = input.nextInt();

System.out.println("hi ," + name + " " + name.toUpperCase() + " " + name.length());

System.out.println(number1 + number2);

//if conditions 

int pen = 10;

int specialPen = 20;

int cost ; 6

Scanner input = new Scanner(;

cost = input.nextInt();

if (cost > specialPen) //cost > 20

System.out.println("you can buy the special pen");

else if (cost > pen)

{ //cost >10

System.out.println("you can buy the pen");

System.out.println("you have " + cost);


System.out.println("you have less money to buy the pen");


int number = 10;

String name ;

Scanner input = new Scanner(;

name = input.nextLine();

switch (name)

case "karthik" :

System.out.println("hi, "+name);


case "raj" :
System.out.println("hi, "+name);


case "arun" :

System.out.println("hi, "+name);


case "bharath" :

System.out.println("hi, "+name);



System.out.println("your name is not in list");


//for loop , while , do while , for-each loop

// 0 < 5

for ( int initial = 1 ; initial > 0 ; initial -- )

System.out.println("hi dude");

//while loop 

int number = 3;

while(number > 10)

//3>0 //2>0 //1>0 //0>0

System.out.println("while loop");

number -- ;

 //do while loop 

int number1 = 3;


System.out.println("do while loop");

number1 -- ;

while (number1 > 10);

//0 , 0<5 , 0+1 =1 , 1<5 , 2<5 , 3<5 , 4<5 , 5<5

//for each – arrays 

String vegetables[] = {"onion" , "carrot" ,"beans"};

for(int i = vegetables.length-1 ; i > 0 ; i--)


for(String vegetable : vegetables)


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