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She opens her eyes slowly while trying to awaken herself.

Sun lazily shines through the window right

into her eyelids that even before she lifts them she knows it s morning ugh it doesn't take much time
dragging herself out of the bed considering the sun it s already past eight. İt won't be much time
before dad calls for breakfast. She goes to bathroom and takes a quick shower
'lila' ah there it is
'coming dad '
Even if it s fall outside is nice and warm maybe that s why after breakfast she decides to go for a
walk. Morning walks are normal routine for her. They are relaxing and long and if she takes the path
beside the lake they become even longer. She always picks the longer. As she gets closer to the shore
she enjoys the sunlight. The crumplings of the leaves sound like a song to her.'Peaceful is the word to
describe them' she thinks. But today something is different. The path the sky the lake. They feel...
wrong. Well everything feels wrong actually . The trees are restless the lake is upset it is like it s
almost like they dont belong.
Or maybe the time does not belong.
'Wait! where did that thought come from?'
Just then, a swallow passes by her, fast.
Amused, She watches it until it becomes just a dot across the horizon. Unsurprisingly it doesnt take
much time. İt is in a hurry, appearently.
İt is lost
Okay Now she is fairly sure either she is finally cracked or..
She asks out loud
'Why is it lost?'
The answer comes from the depths of her own mind
Think! you'll remember
Remember what?
She doesn't get an answer. She doesn't need one because suddenly it is clear before her eyes.
Maybe it really is time that doesn't belong it is september it is fall but why doesn't she remember
passing through summer. yes, she is confident. there is a calendar on her desk and last night right
before she went to sleep its proudly shining numbers were displaying 19 june. But it can't be
possible, right? She pauses softly by the lake. as she gazes upon the waves her mind goes back to the
swallow. The minute she realizes she asks out loud reluctantly
Swallows are visitant and it's september.
İt wasn't lost, it was late. right?
İn an instant the lake comes into life.
Right before her eyes, waves are becoming harsher, the soft melody of plashing water turns into
something sharper she can't identify. Did she make it angry? But it wasn't her intention. she just
wanted to understand. whatever... lakes can't be angry anyway they aren't alive. İts just her mind
making up things. "I'm sorry" she whispers anyway. Then freezes in shock. İt heard. there is no other
way to put it. The waves are still harsh but the melody, now the melody is softer. İt soothes her. An
idea comes to her then. She approaches the lake, crouches by the water. Close enough to see her
reflection, far enough to not get wet.
Words flow easily enough from her lips.
"The swallow, why is it late" she asks to the lake.
This time the answer doesn't come from her mind though as a whisper from the waves 'it is lost'
She doesn't even have time for her little triumph before it continues
Help it
She doesn't understand. The swallow is already gone isn't it?
Help it
What are you she asks instead
Then hears something suspiciously similar to a sigh. The answer comes never the less
I am the lady of the lake. you can call me freya
The next words comes as a plea this time
Help it
She lifts her gaze to the sky in an attempt to prove that the bird is gone. İt is then she sees. A little
further in the path, perched on a tree branch, it waits for her. Stealing one last glance to the lake she
starts to walk again. İt's not far. İt doesn't even take her 4 minutes to come near to the tree. She
stares at the swallow, inspecting it. İt stares back. She shuffles uneasily. Well, there is no harm in
trying. "Hello" she tries. Nothing happens. 'Why are you lost' she tries again. The swallow leaves its
perch abruptly. it circles twice around her flying and then takes off to the grove
"Hey! Wait." She runs after it.
Behind them the waves surges against the shore and if it sounds like a chuckle nobody is here to
witness anyway.
İt is a little shadowy in the woods even if it is just morning. 'The trees are older in here' maeve thinks.
A shiver runs down her spine. İs it suddenly chiller? She never came this far before. She looks around
nervously for the swallow. 'Come on where have you gone'. Soon after She sees the bird flying ahead
and hurries after it. They pass a few more trees before she sees it. Well it nothing different its a tree
but not quite. For once it s appearently older and it stands alone in a more open area. And it totally
represents the wise old plane tree idea although it is obviusly a oak tree. Well she likes oak better
anyway. She approaches quietly. There is an aura you don't want to mess with here. The swallow is
waiting for her. İt is perched on the tree. When she comes close enough it comes to her, setlling on
her shoulder. And speaks for the first time 'do you see the flower?'
Maeve asks "what flower" "there" it's beak points a white blue petaled flower right between the
roots. She crouches by it,observing. İt's really beautiful actually. And it shines, reflecting the sunlight.
İt almost looks like it's made of.. she touches it. Alright... it is glass. She glances at the slightly curved
glass petals and then at the fresh looking dirt beside it. She has a fair idea what will be wanted next
but she asks to the swallow anyway. "What now?" İt tiltes his head and trades her shoulder for a root
before answering "dig. There is a box" okay she kindly rips off a petal and digs. İt's not long before
she finds the box. İt's fairly small not even bigger than her palm. There is no lock, she opens it
without a struggle. İnside, there is.. a clock. A plain black one indeed. With three silver hands. She
takes a closer look. Oh. It doesn't show time, well it does but not in the way she expected. One of the
hands shows years the other one the day numbers and the last one.. is bent. İt should show june but
its twisted end shows september now. She glances at the swallow. And asks " will it fix it?" The
swallow gives her a firm nod. This is nonsense really how did she even find herself in this mess.
'There we go , timey ' she thinks while reaching 'lets set you back right' it easier than she expected to
unbend it. Nothing changes. She glances around nervously. 'Did i do it wrong?' The swallow chirps.
"You have to put it back" oh. She puts the clock back in the box and buries both. She even adjusts the
soil around. And then stares at the petal. Well. She brings it closer to the flower. İt fixes itself back.
Alright. we're done. Now? İt is then she sees a light behind the tree. İt burning through her eyelids.
When did she even close her eyes? On the other hand the light is getting brighter and she covers her
eyes with her arms. And then...
"Maeve, wake up darling it's morning."
She opens her eyes slowly appearently the sun was shining through window right into her eyes. She
shouts "coming mom" she gets up and clumsily tries to get rid of the blanket. İt's june why does she
uses a blanket anyway then she hesitates for a second and look over her desk to see it s 19 june. She
had a weird kind of dream about it. Like sentient lakes talking birds and clock? Anyway she doesn't
remember much. She silks and goes downstairs to see what's for breakfast. She's weirdly happy this
morning. Like everything's perfect. She's perfect. The sun is perfect. June is perfect. Well summer is
always perfect. And if there is fries for breakfast it will be even more perfecter. She throws her head
back and laughs at herself.
While Maeve is happy the outside is content too. You know, a lovely day with the birds chirping and
sun shining bright. And if the waves sound suspiciously similar to a chuckle, nobody has to know.

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