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Chapter 5

1. Who was Balwant Singh and what did he look like?

R=he was an old soldier, who is tall, slim and one legged.
2. He talks about a war. When was it and which countries were fighting each other?
R= the war was in 1971, Pakistan and India
3. What was the truth about Balwant Singh?
R= that he was a liar and did not fight in the war.

Chapter 6
4. Mr. Shantaram’s daughter had a cat. Why did she call it Pluto?
R= because it is the name of the smallest planet
5. Ram made Gudiya a promise after she left hospital. What was it and how did he
keep it?
R= he promised that he would take care of Pluto until she came home

Chapter 7
6. The Taylors were Australian. What were they doing in Delhi?
R= they were looking for trusted employees.

7. Why was the Coronel called “The Man who knows”?

R= why did he know when an employee stole them or did something bad.

8. Why did the Coronel have to leave Delhi?

R= because the colonel's mother died in Australia.

Chapter 8
9. What did Ram take with him when he left Delhi?
R=magazines, new suitcase and clothes for Salim.
10. Where was his salary from the Taylors and why?
R= It was in a bag and they made it to look like a robbery
11. “Fifty thousand dreams had suddenly been taken from me” What did Ram mean?
R= because I thought they were going to kill him.

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