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Summary of the most common external and internal

parasites of dogs: fleas, ticks, mites, lice, flies, roundworms, tapeworms,
flukes, etc.

This article offers a list of the most common parasites of dogs, both external(ectoparasites) and internal
(endoparasites) parasites. 

Three letters summarize important characteristics of each parasite:

«H» to «HHHHH» indicates how harmful they are for dogs or puppies. The more H, the more harmful.
«F» to «FFFFF» indicates how frequent these parasites are. The more «F», the more frequent.
«C» to «CCCCC» indicates how contagious for humans are these parasites through direct or indirect
contact with the dogs. The more «C», the more contagious, regardless of the seriousness of these dog
parasites for humans: some are rather benign, other very harmful.

External Parasites (ectoparasites)

Biting insects (hematophagous), i.e. they suck blood
Fleas  HHHHH-FFFFF-CCCCC. Probably the most frequent and universal parasite of dogs worldwide,
and potentially very harmful. Not dangerous for humans, but extremely annoying. Widespread resistance
to several insecticides.
Stable flies  H-FF. Usually a minor problem for dogs, worldwide but mainly in rural regions. May transmit
various diseases.
Mosquitoes. HH-FFF. Usually not a serious threat by themselves, but are vectors of several diseases,
notable heartworms (Dirofilaria spp).
Bed bugs. H-FF. An increasing problem, but less for the dogs than for their owners. Worldwide.
Horseflies. H-FFF. Usually a minor problem for dogs, worldwide but mainly in rural regions. Their bites
can be quite painful and are also vectors of various diseases.

Non-biting insects, do not suck blood

Houseflies. H-FFFFF. Usually a minor problem for dogs, worldwide but mainly in rural regions.
Widespread resistance to several insecticides. May transmit some dog diseases.
Filth & nuisance flies. H-FF. Usually a minor problem for dogs, worldwide but mainly in rural regions.
Locally, resistance to several insecticides.
Lice. HH-FF-C. Usually not a serious threat, neither for pets, nor for humans. Some species do suck
Human bot flies, Dermatobia. HH-FF. A problem in many regions of Central and South America.
Screwworm flies. HHH-FF. Usually not a very serious problem for dogs, unless in endemic regions in
tropical and subtropical countries.

Ticks & mites

Ticks. HHHH-FFF-C. A considerable threat worldwide, especially in rural regions of tropical and
subtropical countries. Ticks transmit many dog diseases.
Mites. HH-FF-CC. Occur worldwide but usually not the worse problem in dogs.
Internal parasites (endoparasites, worms,
Predilection sites are indicated in braquets.

Gastrointestinal roundworms (nematodes)

Ancylostoma spp. HHH-FFF-CC. Hookworms. (Small intestine and larva migrans). A serious threat for
dogs. Worldwide, with different regional incidence for the various species.
Baylisascaris procyonis. H-F .The raccoon roundworm. (Small intestine and larva migrans). Not a major
threat. Only in endemic regions with abundant raccoons.
Capillaria hepatica.  H-F Hairworms. (Liver). Not a major problem. Worldwide, but with different regional
Gnathostoma spinigerum. HH-F (Stomach and larva migrans). Usually a secondary problem in some
endemic hot and humid regions.
Gongylonema spp. H-F (Esophagus and stomach). Not a major threat for dogs. Worldwide, but only
regionally relevant.
Physaloptera spp. H-F (Stomach and small intestine). Usually a minor problem in endemic regions.
Spirocerca lupi. HHH-F (Esophagus). Can be a serious threat for dogs in endemic zones, mainly in
tropical and subtropical regions.
Strongyloides spp. HHH-F-CC Threadworms, pinworms. (Small intestine and larva migrans). A serious
threat for dogs, worldwide but especially in warm and humid rergions.
Toxascaris leonina. H-FF (Small intestine). Usually a minor problem, worldwide.
Toxocara canis. HHHHH-FFFF-CCC The dog roundworm. (Small intestine and larva migrans). One of
the most serious threats for dogs, especially for puppies. Worldwide and very frequent everywhere.
Trichuris spp. HH-FF Whipworms. (Large intestine and larva migrans). Not the major problem
worldwide, but occasionally serious.
Uncinaria stenocephala. HH-FFF-CC The fox hookworm. (Small intestine and larva migrans). A
significant threat worldwide, but usually less serious than other hookworms (e.g. Ancylostoma spp).

Respiratory roundworms (nematodes)

Crenosoma vulpis. H-F. The fox lungworm. (Trachea, bronchi, bronchioles). Usually a minor problem in
the Northern Hemisphere.
Eucoleus spp. (=Capillaria spp). H-F. Hairworms, nasal worms. (Nasal cavities). Usually a minor issue.
Worldwide, but with different regional incidence.
Metastrongylus elongatus (=M. apri). H-F. (Bronchi, bronchioles). Very occasionally in dogs.

Roundworms (nematodes) in the eyes, skin, heart and other

Angiostrongylus vasorum. HHH-FF. The French heartworm. (Lung arteries, occasionally heart). A
serious threat for dogs, mainly in endemic zones in Europe.
Dioctophyma renale. HH-F. The giant kidney worm. (Kidneys). Can be a significant problem in endemic
Dirofilaria spp.  HHHHH-FFFF. Dog Heartworms. (Lung arteries, occasionally heart). A very serious
threat for dogs. Worldwide, but especially in tropical and subtropical regions with abundant mosquitoes.
Onchocerca lupi . H-F. (Eyes). Occasional problem in endemic regions.
Pearsonema spp (= Capillaria spp). H-F. Hairworms, bladder worms. (Bladder). usually a minor problem.
Worldwide, with varying regional incidence.
Thelazia spp. H-F. Eyeworms (Eyes). Occasional problem in dogs. Worldwide but with endemic
Trichinella spp. H-FF. (Muscle, small intestine). A minor health problem for dogs. Worldwide, but only in
endemic zones, mainly in rural regions.

Flukes (trematodes, flatworms) 

Alaria spp. H-F. (Small intestine). Usually a minor issued for dogs. Worldwide, but only in endemic
Dicrocoelium spp. H-F. Lancet flukes. (Bile ducts and gall bladder). An occasional problem for dogs.
Fasciola hepatica. HH-F. The common liver fluke. (Biliary ducts and gallbladder). Mostly an uncommon
and not very threatening problem for dogs. Worldwide, but mainly in rural regions.
Heterobilharzia americana. HH-F. The dog Schistosome. (Mesenteric veins). An occasional problem in
North America.
Opisthorchis felineus. H-F. The cat liver fluke. (Hepatic and biliary ducts). Very occasionally found in
dogs. Worldwide but only in endemic regions.

Tapeworms (cestodes)
Dipylidium caninum. H-FFFFF-CCC. The flea tapeworm. (Small intestine). Usually not seriously harmful
for dogs. But very frequent worldwide.
Echinococcus granulosus. H-FF-CCC. The hydatid worm. (In dogs, small intestine). Rather benign for
dogs, but a serious threat for livestock and humans. Worldwide but mainly in rural zones of less
developed regions.
Echinococcus multilocularis. H-F-CCC. The small fox tapeworm. (In dogs, small intestine). Rather
benign for dogs, but a serious threat for livestock and humans. Worldwide but not very frequent.
Mesocestoides spp. HH-F. (Small intestine). Usually not a serious threat for dogs. Worldwide, but not
very frequent.
Taenia spp. H-FFFFF. (In dogs, small intestine). Usually not seriously harmful for dogs, but a significant
problem for livestock (cysticercosis). Quite frequent worldwide.

Other:   Linguatula serrata. H-F. Tongue worms. (Nasal cavities and pharynx). Usually a minor problem.
Worldwide but rather occasional in tropical regions.

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