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9品質檢查重點 Operation Reminding Sheet

PCN Number: 效日期 (effective date):2022-07-21 Issued by: Antonio Galindo

客戶/機種 (Model/Part#): V76A Expiry date: 2022-08-18 Approved by: Victor Garcia

V76A ECU Glue Reminding Sheet

Verificar en la PCB la zona Dorada se encuentra limpia y sin pegamento (cero tolerancia en zona dorada)
Verify on the PCB the Gold zone is clean and without glue (Zero tolerance in golden zone)
Verificar que no falte pegamento en las terminales
Check that there is no missing glue on the terminals
Respetar el secado del pegamento (45 min.)
Respect the drying of 45 minutes of the glue


Terminal expuesta
Exposed pat

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