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Civics-3 Government

Intext Questions (Page No.22)

1. Administering 2. (iii) 3. Both (ii) and (iii) 4. True 5. Local

Intext Questions (Page No.24)

1. Form 2. (iii) 3. (iv) All of these 4. Unitary system
5. Fundamental rules

Q.1 Multiple Choice Questions:

1.(d) all of these 2(d) both (a) and (b) 3(a) 4. (d) both (a) and (b)
5. (c) 6.(b)

Q.2 Very Short Answer Questions:

1. 'to guide' or 'to rule' 2. True 3 armed forces 4.parliamentary
5. presidential 6. True 7. True 8. Written, rigid

Assertion and Reason:

1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (d ) 4.(a) 5.(b)

Case Based Question:

(a) (iv) (b) (i) (c) (iv) (d) (iii)

Short Answer Question:

Q1. What action can people take if they feel a particular law is not being followed?
1. If people feel a particular law is not being followed, they can approach the court.

Q2 . A Government also has the power to enforce laws. Do you agree? Explain.
2. Yes. A government also has the power to enforce laws. It can take action against those found
breaking the rules.

Q3. What type of financial decisions can a Government take?

3. A government controls the price of certain commodities. It decides the taxes and duties to be
imposed in the country. It also decides where public money will be spent.

Q4. What is a constitution? What does the Indian Constitution say about our system of
4. A Constitution is a set of fundamental rules that govern a country. It lays down the type of
government a country or state will have. It also outlines the powers of the government. The Indian
Constitution describes India as a parliamentary democracy with a federal system of government.

Q5. The constitution of Britain is flexible. What does that mean?

5. The Constitution of Britain is flexible. This means it can be changed easily.

Q.6 Long Answer Questions:

Q1. List some important function of Government.
1. A government performs a number of functions:
(i) It takes administrative decisions for the entire country.
(ii) It takes financial decisions for the country.
(iii) It formulates laws or rules for the entire country.
(iv) It implements all administrative and financial decisions on behalf of the people with the help of
various agencies.
(v) It takes action on social issues, such as poverty, child labour, etc.
(vi) It protects a country's resources from being over-exploited.
(vii) It maintains law and order within the country and protects the boundaries of a country.
(viii) It maintains peaceful ties with other countries.

Q2.Write short note on: (a) Monarchy (b) Dictatorship (c) Democracy
2.(a) In a monarchy, a monarch is the head of the government. Monarchs have the power to make
decisions for the entire country or state, for which they may take advice from a small group of
people. However, the ultimate power remains with them. The monarchs have the final say in the
running of the country and Its laws. They do not have to defend or explain their actions to the
people. Also, monarchies are hereditary. People do not have a say in selection of monarchs.
Nowadays, most monarchies are ruled by monarchs in name only. They usually have an elected
parliament to govern the country or state, for example, Britain.

(b) In a dictatorship, a person or a small group of people have absolute power in the running of a
country. Such authoritarian governments are formed without the consent of the people. In such a
system, people do not have a say in the government. They do not have the freedom to express their
opinions or object to the government's decisions. Sometimes, the military of a country can take over
its government by force. Such governments can also be quite authoritarian.

(c) A democracy is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. The people have
a say in the formation of the government. They elect the persons who ultimately form the
government. The elected persons serve as representatives of the people. The people can even
change a government if they are not happy with it. In this system, the people also have a say in the
functioning of the government. The government has to explain its actions and decisions to the
people, who have the power to question it.

Q3. Differentiate between:

3. (a) Unitary and federal system of Government:-Under a unitary system, there is no division of
powers between the different levels of government. The ultimate power rests with the central or
national government, and the state and local governments derive their authority from the central
government. Such governments exist in France and Italy.

In a federal system, there is division of powers between the centre and the state. Usually, a federal
system has two or more levels of government - one for the entire country and others at the level of
states or provinces. Examples include USA, India, Germany, and Switzerland.

(b) Written and unwritten constitution:-In a written Constitution the fundamental rules of
government, the powers of its organs, and the rights of the people, etc., are in the form of a written
document. It is not easy to amend. For example, India has a written Constitution.

An unwritten Constitution does not have any document containing the rules of government. It
comprises unwritten customs and conventions, laws passed by the Parliament, or judicial decisions.
It is relatively easy to amend. For example, Britain has an unwritten Constitution.

(c) Rigid and flexible constitution:- A rigid Constitution is one which cannot be changed easily.
Usually, federal governments have a rigid Constitution, for example, USA.

A flexible Constitution is one which can be changed easily. Unitary governments can have rigid or
flexible Constitutions. For example, the Constitution of Britain is flexible, while that of France is rigid
Q.7 HOTS Questions (Higher Order Thinking Skills):

Q1.Which form of government is best for a country and why?

1. Today, most governments across the world are democracies, Democracy, is a preferred form of
government today because it puts power in the hands of the people rather than any single individual
or small group of people. This ensures people of a country do not get exploited or Pf oppressed It
also ensures the resources of a country are put to the best possible use.

Q2. Do you think in a large country like India, every citizen has a say in the formation of
2. Yes. In India, all adult citizens have the power to vote and have a say in the formation of

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