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Definition of Paragraph

A paragraph is a group of related sentences that communicate one central idea. The paragraph may be short or long, depending
on the simplicity or complexity of the subject. The first line of a paragraph is indented; the first word in each sentence is
.capitalized; each sentence ends with a period, a question mark, or an exclamation mark

Topic sentence


Concluding sentence
 Parts of a Paragraph:

A paragraph has three main parts: (1) a topic sentence (main idea), (2) a body (supporting details), (3) and a concluding
.sentence (clincher)

The Topic Sentence )1(

A topic sentence has two parts: a topic and a controlling idea.

The topic part names the topic; it tells what the paragraph is about. The controlling idea part limits what the paragraph will say
about the topic. It tells the reader: This paragraph will only discuss these things about this topic. For example, "goldfish are
good pets for three reasons". The topic in this sentence is goldfish. The controlling idea tells us: They are good pets for three
reasons. The controlling idea tells us the paragraph will not give us any information about the history of goldfish, how to take
care of them, where to buy them, or the different kinds of goldfish. It will only give us three reasons why they are good pets.
(2) Supporting Sentences

.The supporting sentences develop the topic. That means that they explain or prove the topic sentence
A Concluding Sentence )3(

.The concluding sentence summarizes the paragraph and adds a final comment

Read the following paragraph and identify its three main parts as shown above.

There are three reasons why the Internet is one of the best new technologies. First, the Internet is a good source of

information. One click and you get everything you are looking for and within a short period of time. Second, the Internet is an

effective means of communication. It allows people to see and speak with each other over long distances. Last but not least, the

Internet is a wonderful tool of entertainment. People can listen to music, watch videos and play online games. In brief, the

.Internet is extremely amazing thanks to its advantages

 Linking Words:

Addition Cause Effect Contrast Illustration/Examples Conclusion/Summary

And, also, Because (of), As a result, as a Although, but, For example, for To conclude, to
moreover, due to, as, for, consequence, even though, instance, in particular, summarize, all in all, in
furthermore, in since, due to consequently, however, on in other words, such conclusion, on the
addition to, the fact that, therefore, for the contrary, as, like, specifically, to whole, summing up,
additionally, because of the this reason, on the other illustrate, to put it finally, in brief, to sum
besides, what fact that, hence, so, thus, hand, differently, to up, in short, in a word,
is more, first owing to (-), because of this, whereas, in demonstrate, to make to put it briefly,
(second, third, thanks to (+), .etc contrast, .it clear, to clarify, etc overall, generally, as
etc.), last but .etc despite, yet, .mentioned earlier, etc
.not least, etc .etc

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