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Я: "Green waste" is the main generator of анОзерайзд unauthorized landfills.

At first glance, the easiest

way to get rid of "green waste" is an інсінерейшн incineration, but in under no сЕркамстансіс
circumstances should this be done, because it causes еномез enormous damage to the environment,
creates a threat to the life of the plant and animal world, and also to people, it can lead to
анменеджедебл unmanageable emergency situations, especially during the fire-risk period..

So we have prepared some solutions to this problem. To begin with, the first way to solve this problem
is to shred them and till into the soil. In addition to using shredded leaves as mulch, you can spread
them over fall planting beds and till them in to the soil, improving drainage as well as adding nutrients.
You can also spread them over annual and vegetable beds and till them in prior to planting in the spring.

Я: Тhe next solution is to compost them, shredding them first for best results. Leaf litter makes fabulously
rich compost. For quickest results, shred the leaves first and turn the pile often.

Another way to deal with this problem is to blow leaves into the woods. If you own woods or fields
behind your home, blow leaves into those natural areas where they'll decompose and continue the
circle of life.

Я: The next solution is to bag your leaves. If you prefer an eco-friendlier leaf solution, a simple solution is
to bag them. You can also use бАйодігрЕйдебл biodegradable bags as well. Many communities will pick
up your bagged leaves as part of their trash рімувал removal service. Waste діспозал кАмпаніс may
also be an option for picking up your leaves.

If you are a creative and talented person, with lots of interesting ideas, you can use leaves to create eco-
bags. Today, fashion made from leaves is very popular. These bags, made from leaves, are beautiful,
unique and a great way to reduce leaves waste.

Я: In conclusion, there are a lot of ways to recycle dry leaves, but in our opinion, we have chosen the
most effective and interesting ones

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