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Miguel Angel Calderón Aguilar.

October 22th, 2022.

Final Paper.

My aunt and uncle’s house.

On my last vacation, my family and I went to visit my aunt and uncle’s house in

Santa Clara del Cobre, so, we went in my father’s car. Their house is a big one in the

middle of the nowhere, also beautiful with a rustic style, rounded by lots of trees and

corn fields.

At the beginning, we just went to a party, which was an elementary school's

graduation. But we realized it was so late to travel by car at night, so we stayed in my

aunt’s house for one more day.

The only problems for us, was that there was no signal neither Wi-Fi, so I could

not communicate with my girlfriend or my friends. We had to go up the road to get some

signal for message to our relatives.

My whole family and I stayed in my aunt’s room. Although the house is big, it has

few rooms. My cousin lives near them, in another house where live my cousin, his wife

and their three children.

The best moments were at the end of the first day that we stayed there, because

my aunt’s daughters came from USA, to visit my aunt, and everytime we were together,

we roared with laughter. They are so funny and witty, so my family and I too.

The worst thing was probably the fact that the weather is very cold at night, and

rainy at noon, so we could not go for a walk like other times we stayed there. Anyway, I
would like to stay there another time because I think we spent time laughing and living

together without using internet or phones, and it is a great experience.

Teacher: Laura Elena Chávez Banos.

7th Semester.

8:00 a.m. – 12:40 p.m.


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