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Learning activity 2

.Evidence: My city in the future

Write here 5 sentences in future perfect

1. By 2023 the citizens of Bogota will have finished the second phase of the subway by the end of
2. With the widening of the highway south by 2024 in Bogota will have stopped shared lanes for the
3. By 2028 the citizens of Bogota will have lived of ecological and sustainable way.
4. By 2024 the citizens of Bogota will have managed to better mayor for the city.
5. By 2032 the citizens of Bogota will have returned to the countryside for a healthier life.

Write here 5 sentences in future perfect


1. By the 2025 The Medellin´s mayor will have risen the energy economy of the next 20 years.

2. By the 2030 The Medellin´s mayor will have buying old cars of the last 10 years the old cars of the
last 10 years and task the city with environmentally friendly vehicles.

3. By the 2026 The Bogota´s mayor will have Learning for foreigners who arrived in the last 3 years.

4. By the 2029 The Bogota´s mayor will have been building the best road infrastructure in Latin
America in a period of 5 year.
5. By the 2030 The Colombia president will have winning international recognition for peace treaties
of the last 3 years

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