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REPRODUCTIVE AND SEXUAL HEALTH PLP-CON MCN LECTURERS 2022 ard, the other meanings: marital and procreative. NCM 107 LECTURE = ‘CARE OF MOTHER, CHILD AND FAMILY : 1. Mother and Child Health PROCREATIVE 1 .Procreative Health a, Definition and theories related to procreat b. Process of human reproduction = The procreative meaning is found only in natural intercourse, This type of sexual act is inherently ordered toward the creation of new. c. Risk factors that will lead to genetic disorders human lite. d. Common tests for determination of genetic Even if each natural sexual : produce new life, its orderi abnormalities life is necessary in order services before & during conception moral object of the prod DEFINITION OF TERMS g Puberty - encompasses the physiologic changes MARITAL, UNITIVE, PROCREATIVE leading to the development of adult reproductive capacity; the process includes maturation of the hypothalamus, pitutary gland and gonads. The ptultary secretion of gonadotropin initiates growth Every sexual act that is Marital, ‘and maturation. It occurs initially during sleep and unitive, and procreative is an later in puberty throughout wakefulness. ahBianEN gand Weslo sani ack (Adolescence - encompasses the physiologic, social ‘and cognitive changes leading to the development of «However, the other two fonts of morality adult identity. The process includes individuation, ~ intention ane ci ‘achievement of personal independence and ‘maturation of cognitive reasoning skills. Thelarche - budding of the breast fiznaatte- development of axitary and pubie PRGCRERTION —must also be good for the couple to avoid sin. Definition REPRODUCTIVE AND Procreation ~ “Procreate” : produce an offspring SEXUAL HEALTH ” Reproduce” When a man and woman “unite as 1. Coitus - the act of coitus is the natural method by which conception occurs sne-fiesh’ (sex is UNITIVE). Q.coition, sexual intercourse, commerce, «The marital meaning is only present congress, copulating, copulation, coupling, when the natural sexual act occurs intercourse, lovemaking, mating, relations, between a man ariéija Woman sex, Sex act, sexual relations married to each ott +Marriage is open of the possibility mek “3 R” of Coitus having children. (Sex is. a wm PROCREATION) k Taino losexuslity' multidimensional phenomenon that mcludes feelings, attitudes & actions. Tt has bot 10 ‘cultural components. loBlolodic gender = the term used to denot romosymsl Sexual development, male (XY) & male (2 lo ia ~ the inner sense a eer hap oF being male or female ol roles — je bahavipr a, person conveys about bemg male or female. Homan sexo loSextral Mi th ity to form a stabl rity - the capacity to form a stable elatlonshig with the apposite’ sex wich ip ally in which sically & emotionally satisfy EbLGa intercourse forme the rkale though ot nly; mot ression of love. DSN TRESTLE Erte somate, Sa este cal are dad aah REN EG TURRET SRM Kamasutra § Ph we A te *Love making’s art is te Csceatialtosavorne sexual intereourse * Indian viewpoint that iP handles Kama isn’t no ‘more than sensitive and theoretical curiosity PROCREATION 2. Fertility drugs/medication - “Clomid (clomiphene citrate or Serophene)” and hormonal injection ‘Ths mediation used ret infetty i were. “hewors by smastingan increase nthe amount ot hormanes tat support the ‘ont and lense of «mature ep (onlin rope inary ptr or nin re) PROCREATION 3. In vitro fertilization (IVF) Laman sequaity-1s a multidimensional concept that pose of 3 parts: Reproductive sexuality (Role identity) ~ tutudes, behaviors ond attrbutes that diferentiae roles Siotogicalespect of conception & procreation. 2. Gender sexuality (Gender identity) - deals ith the social & emotional aspect of human being, ‘Sense of femininity ormaselnity “2-8 yes/3 yrs gender identity develops 3. Erotic sexuality- refers to sexual love & rousing sexual drives. The functions of the human reproductive system are multifold. Reproductive role is to manufacture male gametes called sperm and deliver them to the female reproductive tract. ‘The female produces female aametes called va or eggs. The female also provides an vironment for a fertilized ovum, a 2 todevelop. Both the male and the female produce sex hormones that affect sexual behavior, drive, —K ‘and function. ASSESSMENT: 1, PHYSICAL APPEARANCE 2. PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS. 3. SEXUAL ROLE PERFORMANCE a. INFERTILITY b. FRIGIDITY c. IMPOTENCE d, PREMATURE EJACULATION INABILITY TO ACHIEVE ORGASM DYSPAREUNIA HUMAN SEXUALITY- HUMAN EXPRESSION OF SEXUAL INTEREST, SEXUAL ACTIVITY. |SEX -THE CHARACTERISTICS THAT DISTINGUISH MALE & FEMALE ORGANISMS ON THE BASIS OF THEIR REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTIONS - PERSON WHO GAINS ‘TRANSVESTITES- ‘SEXUAL PLEASURES FROM WEARING. ‘THE CLOTHES OF THE OPPOSITE SEX. |, The. Sexual Intercourse or Coitus - sexual Connection between a woman & a man while using the vagina to receive the penis. Foreplay or Precoital activity arouse sexual desire during excitement phase such as kissing, nibbling, touching, stroking, fondling & ‘Manipulating parts of the body.Including the genitalia & breasts.Preparation for coitus. a Th Sexual Response During sexual intercourse-the penis moves repeatedly in & out of the vagina through the use of rhythmic hip movements. 4 Phases of physiologic response:(EPOR) 1, Excitement Phase 2. Plateau 3. Orgasm 4, Resolution Differences between female and male sexual responses: 1. Women are potentially multiorgasmic to a greater degree than men; If they drop below plateau stage, they can reach anather orgasm. 2. Many males experience a REFRACTORY PERIOD, varying from seconds to hours, during which no stimulation is effective. 3. Men ejaculate fluid under pressure, women generally do not, 4. Current research is being conducted on the GRAFFENBURG SPOT ( G SPOT), a sexvally sensitive area inthe anterior wal ofthe vagina nthe area of the urethra. ' More females than males show sex flush. 6, More females than males show varity in Bitnsaxial response cycies. The hymen ‘Male Response | Female Response] Male & Female Tr Peniabosomes |. Vaginal ret lubrication begins | phase vaes depending Scrotum thickens [2. Labinlarge& [onthe aie, mood, elevates separate ‘crvtoament: psa 3 Testesare pulled _|3. Clitoris swells | #68 ke fctors upward toward the [g) Upperan ofthe [°BP & HR increases body ‘agina expands & | Congestion of gia iepallod upward | tse with leat byrne muscles | Seis 5. Breasts swell & nipples becomes Mile Response | Female Reponse | Male & Female eponses 17 Glan of te penis Tabi ps despa of is pase Fgeetell tem Pe acc an rs 2 Pregl” (2. Aveo mm [RSM secretions appear | theniplsswell |S inka atthe tipof the |3, titers etme ino fink penis ‘blo 4. Upper V3 ofthe || HAR BP increas ‘gins enarges [Physical esion father tomer |e ieee [capac congested with |i witloed ood ‘Peeing ft The Orsasmis Phase ‘Mal Response | Female Remonie | Male & Female Repent Tmo [1 Tatyana | Ts hot i ie sumecic dccontmtons” |= mtr of Gectosstt | Sainte lone [Nimbersfenmton irc | paricvpm |sfeitmy soci Rote leant Yeseksarosst |” Source fthe Are Irae | emtegin [IR tance |, Mees 2. Wavesaf conertonia the — ta miner cooctcacame | teers cation rt Ee ‘ounce Female Rewpone | Nake & Female Repent TT Refacay ped [Orda ao — [UOT mi loin Saatemnry| ctr eid |e tt ink of regonne 0 ‘ers ‘Powotnocate ‘Sexual Normalcy - the state where in a person is within the average sexual capacity expression, within a framework of sexual meaning & or direction & when he has a sense of well being with the context. METHODS OF SEXUAL EXPRESSION: ¥ Heterosexuality = one who finds sexual fulfillment with a member of opposite sex Homosexuality ~ person who finds sexual fulfillment with a member of his or her own Lesbian homosexual wornen ental they achieve sexual station from both eterosetal relationship, Etiology i unknown tron Vhpaniad \errrer} Tope t ets siPel cent I 4 in nt of | 9 Lesbian Identity: 1, Sensitization ~ occurs in puberty. Children Jealized that they are different in that they are not Interested in the opposite classmates. 2. Stage of identity confusion ~ occurs during wioiescence. They realized that why they feel different |s that they are homosexual. Not easily revealed 3. Identity assumption stage ~ occurs between 19- b23 years old. Assumes homosexual life style. ‘4. Commitment ~ young adult comes out or is able reveal. He or she Is a homosexual. ‘elibacy- abstinence from sexual activity. The ineoretical advantage of celibacy is the ability to oncentrate on the means of giving & receiving love & i than through sexual expression Gender Sexuality Sexuality ~ only human trait present at the time of tion (anion of: 1 T-Infaney appropiate names]. Middle childhood chiken ave given Desig love methods of |p ered of tomosemalty when plavaccoing wo infats gender. {they peer pay & explore heir bodies with peers ofthe same ex PToddletod & Fly cilhood a, Adolescence sexual nai awareness of tic geder age. of | facta infomation from pres © cgi to leam what behaviors |icach mons. & value. Ces exposed by axing als thir own. | about sex nest Mastin i sox as models. Age 5, preference common. Male ccnagers discuss Jot sexual partncrin adthood|theecniques& bag any sel contact while female suber worry about itn of gossip ‘Double standard please in gis Gender Sexuality Sexuality ~ only human trait present at the time of Teinfney appropriate names 3. Midi childhood children have sven Dressingtoy. methods of | prod of homosexuality wien plavascondingtoinfints gender. |they peer lay & explore their louis wih peers ofthe same sen 2 Tsdletbosd & Early ello: [4 Adoesecne- ex faniasos warenes of thei gender age of, | a tosis fo lea what behaviors |ieach mons & vale. Cuoiy expected by using adults their ow | about sex intensity: Mastarbation i sets models Age preference |common- Male teenagers discuss ‘ofsexual partner inadlthood {the ectniques& bag any sel contact while femal suber "ory about itm of gossip Double standard please in gis 5 Young Adiinod Premaral | Contato ofa adel sex incommon. Petey | Toe ox pro for ‘song unwed women Extreme [cing Women Ife igh ve of scx satisfaction [fen sles whe she ek arcrepone. ving hilren [esse 0 ns setlty {appear a to strain © ‘aage ahr tan stent 6 Late adulthood ~ seal oes 7 Fide lings esd ‘fmen omen become lst |r seta patfcin dos aot Memanding intense & separ with apn Sex lurgent.Proving masculinity & _ intercourse generally decrease {femininity becomes less apily afer 60 yrs of age but important. Tone of maturity on [Mal ererage of persons sexuality. Men often begin ren 60-90 ys od por meres sual ctv ing anxiety with “aay lead EROTIC SEXUALITY Erotic ~ Greek words means god of love, Love ~ intense emotional feeling of euphoria & desire, it usually held exelusion for one person, it solves many problem, people in love are unselfish & seek only to serve the need of the person they love, experience of love is primarily for the young, its a strong & emotional response and follows a systematic pattern of behavior tha! includes mutual atraetion, self-disclosure, behavioral interdependence & emotional dependence. ‘Women during coitus ~ describe the feeling as throbbing, body nervousness, alive, happy & tingling Many says that cexeitement phase when sexual desie is aroused is more = ‘that orgasm, EROTIC SEXUALITY ‘Women during orgasm ~ sudden halt in tension & Teeling of waves of sensual pleasure radiating from the clitoris throughout the lower abdomen Reduced awareness in the environment, Phrases as “sparks, exeruciating but beautiful, pain-pleasure, burning-aching- throbbing are common described for the orgasm.Alter ‘orgasm, the intense love & affection for their mate & profound sense of pleasure, ‘Men during coitus ~ described as throbbing, ceshilarating, exquisite torture & almost feeling of a voleano about to explode,Some enjoy the excitement phase, some do not. Men duting orgasm- intense anticipation, release of tension, los of voluntary control, reduce awareness of Hygunent & feeling of large quantities of fluid being js. Ejaculation & orgasm -esuvlest EROTIC SEXUALITY Arousing sexual desires Foreplay ~ arousing sexual desires, ational practices that are commonly used to aroused desire for sex. 1. Cunmillingus ~ arousing sexual desire by kissing, ‘sucking & licking between the labia atthe clitoris & vaginal opening. 2, Fellatio- arousing sexual desire by kissing, sucking & licking the penis 3. Soixante-neuf - French word means 69. 4. Sodomy ~ penis enter the rectum. (unacceptable Dehavior) r ‘Sadism — watching or inflicting discomfort to others EROTIC SEXUALITY >. Mosochism —inflieting discomfort to oneself. (aroused libido) ‘Sadomasochism ~ combination of sadism & masochist Activities: biting, punching,slapping, seratching, usin whips, chain, cords & the like. . Fetishism — sexual arousal by using inanimate object . Transvestism — arousing sexual desire by wearing the clothing of opposite sex. |. Voyeurism (peeping tom) — interest viewing naked ‘womian or viewing others having sex ‘COMMON SEXUAL PROBLEMS IN MEN: IMPOTENCE- the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficiently firm to begin or complete coitus. PREMATURE EJACULATION- ejaculation before or very shortly after intromission or consistently before female partner is orgasmic. Sexual Abuse Person committing sexual abuse does to satisfy own. personal erotic need at the expense of the victim. Rape act of vaginal penetration by a man on a woman ‘without consent under the condition of foree & threat, ‘of violence Incest ~ practicing sexual behavior between perons who ‘are so closely related that marriage between them is legal or culturally not permissible. Ee REPRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT + Reproductive development and change begin at the moment of conception and continue throughout life eae ae a7 tela Nie Functions of the Reproductive System » To produce offspring » The gonads produce gametes (sperm or ova) and sex hormones Primary sex organs (gonads): testes in males, ovaries in females “Sex hormones: androgens (males), and estrogens and progesterone (females) Functions of the Reproductive System Sex hormones: Play roles in: % The development and function of the reproductive organs “ Sexual behavior and drives “ The growth and development of many other organs and tissues All other reproductive organs are accessory © Ducts, glands, and external genitalia a Functions of the Reproductive System Ovaries are the primary female reproductive organs ‘Accessory ducts include: uterine tubes, uterus, vagina, and mammary glands Functions of the female reproductive system are: Production af female sex cells (ova) Reception of sperm cells from the male Nurturing the development of and providing nourishment forthe new Individual r Production of female sex hormones Functions of the Reproductive System The male gonads (testes) produce sperm and lie within the scrotum Functions of the male reproductive system are: Production of sperm cells Sustaining and transfer of the sperm Cells to the female Production of male sex hormones _ Functions of the Reproductive System Ovaries are the primary female reproductive organs ‘Accessory ducts include: uterine tubes, Uterus, vagina, and mammary glands Functions of the female reproductive system are: Production of female sex cells (ova) Reception of sperm cells from the male Nurturing the development of and providing nourishment for the new individual Production of female sex hormones Re Intrauterine Development »Sex of an individual - determined at conception » chromosome information GONADS « The gonads acquire male or female morphological in the seventh week of development. « Gonads appear initially as a pair of longitudinal ridges, the genital or gonadal ridges. - Germ cells appear in the genital ridges in the sixth week of development. | Indifferent Gonads - In an embryo with XX the cortex of the indifferent gonads differentiate into an ovary and the medulla regresses. - In an embryo with XY the medulla differentiate into a testis and the cortex regresses. _ PUBERTAL DEVELOPMENT »Puberty is the stage of life at which secondary sex changes begin. A ee Phy: Normal function of the male reproductive system depends on hormonal and neural ‘mechanisms Regulation of Sex Hormone Secretion GnRH stimulates LH and FSH release from the anterior pitutary stimulates the interstal callsto produce testosterone Inhibin, produced by sustentacular cells, inhibits FSH secretion | SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT logy of Male Reproduction TANNER STAGING A rating system for pubertal development It is the biologic marker of maturity It is based on the orderly progressive development of: breasts and pubic hair in females genitalia and pubic hair in males oe ner Stages of Pabertal Development: Thelarche & Genetaa 7 [iienseanaierentheings ince nope emans wor Ee \ectsrdtcion machen Tanner scale Physiology of Female Reproduction Puberty + In girls, testosterone influences enlargement of the labia majora and clitoris and formation of axillary and pubic hair, Physiology of Female Reproduction Role of Estrogen The increase in estragen levels in the female at puberty influences the: » development of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and vagina; typical female fat distribution and hair patterns; breast development; and an end to growth because it closes the ‘= epiphyses of long bones. Physiology of Female Reproduction Adrenarche “ The development of pubic and axillary hair because of androgen stimulation. Physiology of Female Reproduction Telarche The beginning of breast development rN Nee Me AY Ab Ail &N ak aa Physiology of Male Reproduction Puberty + Before puberty, small amounts of testosterone inhibit GnRH release During puberty testosterone does not completely suppress GnRH release, resulting in increased production of FSH, LH, and testosterone Physiology of Male Reproduction - Effects of Testosterone Produced by interstitial cells © Causes the development of male sex organs in the embryo Stimulates the descent of the testes » Causes enlargement of the genitalia mn Necessary for sperm cell formation Physiology of Male Reproduction - Effects of Testosterone “Hair growth stimulation (pubic area, axila, and beard) and inhibition (male pattern bakdness) Increased skin thickness and melanin and sebum production Enlargement ofthe larynx and deepening of the voice Increased protein synthesis (muscle), bone ‘growth, blood cell synthesis, and biood volume | Metabolic rate increases Physiology of Male Reproduction Male Sexual Behavior and the Male Sexual Act Testosterone is required for normal sex drive + The male sexual act includes erection, emission, ejaculation, orgasm and resolution - Stimulation of the sexual act can be psychic or tactile Man's Genitals During Sexual Response Cycle rl ereton ot pene Seamer natin seasreluly cere Man's Genitals During Sexual Response Cycle Penile Response Full erection. Partially stimulated: state’ Unstimulated state Physiology of Female Reproduction Puberty + Begins with the first menstrual bleeding (menarche) Begins when GnRH, FSH, LH, estrogen, and progesterone levels increase Increased estrogen and progesterone promote the development of the female primary and secondary sexual characteristics a Physiology of Female Reproduction Female Sexual Behavior and the Female Sexual Act » Female sex drive is partially influenced by androgens (produced by the adrenal gland) and steroids (produced by the ovaries) Physiology of Female Reprod Female Sexual Behavior and the F Sexual Act Events of the female sexual act inclu the following The erectile tissue of the clitoris bulbs of the vestibule become fill blood The vestibular glands secrete mu and the vagina extrudes a mucus substance rE Orgasm and resolution occur External Genitais & Sexual” ~ Response C Cycle(| De 1. Exctoment pee Vagina, etn Uterus wnvegi During Ye Sexual tte ppeere Response — owim roe taba Cycle 2 ristcaupnase om ae ‘ergtnens Oster irs saat ft tm oa ine nd Physiology of Female Reproduction - Menopause » Menopause is the cessation of menstrual cycles » Climacteric Period » Perimenopause is the time between the Deginning of irregular menstrual cycles and menopause ‘Sorre ‘Ampuia—sit ot fertizaton {perm cal penetrates oocyt) torino tbe Sperm cali Sopostee vagina vagina Physiology of Female Reproductica Fertilization + Intercourse must take place 5 days before to 1 day after ovulation if fertilization is to occur + Sperm cell transport to the ampulla depends on the ability of the sperm cells to swim and possibly on contractions of the uterus and the uterine tubes «Implantation of the developing embryo into the uterine wail occurs when the uterus is most receptive oo

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