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create a servlet for login page if the username and password are
correct then print msg "hello username" else "login failed"

2. develop a single JSP application to display value obtain from

the use of implicit objects of various type
page implicit object: <% this.log("message"); %>

3.create a registration servlet in java using JDBC accept the details such as
username , password , email, country
from the user using HTML form and store the registration detail in database

4. Develope a JSP application to allow user to modify the registration details

after valid authentication

5. write JSP application to demonstrate a use of implicit object ( any 4 implicit

object )

6.Develope a simple marks entry application to demonstrate accessing database using


7.create a JSP appplication to demonstrate a use of JSTL.

8.develope a simple application to demonstrate session bean using EJB

9.develope a hibrenate application to store feedback of website visitor.

10.create a currency convertor application using EJB

11.write a servlet code to store the bio data details of the user into database

12.develope a simple EJB application to demonstrate using singlton bean

13.develope a room reservation system using EJB (statefull session bean)

14.develop a servlet application for accepting user registration details and

display it on another page.

15.create a servlet that uses cookies to store the number of times user has visited

16.develope a servelet application of basic calculator.

17. develope a hibernate application to store and retireve in the MySQL database

18 . create a HTML page with the feild e no , age ,designation , salary submit
these details to database
with matching e no

19.create a servlet which will validate the password entered by user if the user
has entered "servlet as password
it will be forwarded to welcome servlet else it will stay on index with error msg

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