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Nayibe Arturo Amaya ID 656348

Victor AncizarÑañezID 735320

This online application that is used from a PC or a mobile phone, created by Colombian
professionals such as psychologists and health and safety professionals. It was designed for
patients who need care according to the minor's age and symptoms.

Self-esteem in children, is an application with professionals specialized in children.

It is very practical in operation, the application is downloaded, it only works with adults for
greater effectiveness, data will be taken from the minor, symptoms that they present or pathology
already diagnosed to proceed with their respective treatment and follow-up, the professional will
report their recoveries , guidelines will be given to be with the minor at home.
This application will help implement strategies to help children with depression, eating problems
and their self-esteem, between the professional and the minor it will be easier because it will be
through games that help stimulate the minor or by video call in your case. At the end of the
application, you will be given a satisfaction survey and you will have the option to donate some
cost for it.This application is unique in the technology market made only by Colombian
This application is used to stimulate self-esteem in children, In the change of new areas to
children of growth, development, usefulness and productivity, allowing to build a stable and
secure attachment bond, offering the freedom to experiment with yourself and with your

¡Do not do it for yourself, but its for your children!


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