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11th Nov 2021

I admire those who make it to marriage and stay in it. While it's not for everyone and even the Bible does say
not everyone is meant for marriage.
The strength of self, iron will and backbone of steel to commit to someone.
Love, trust and loyalty isn't enough, you can have that and still not want to get married, I feel marriage
requires more than that.
To promise forever to someone, wow, forever is a long time - doesn't matter if it's 6months, 5years or
otherwise, that's forever and it's a fucking long time if you don't have a solid foundation.
I've been asked numerous times, when I'm going to get married, that I'm getting older but my reply has
always been the same.
At this point of my life, I'm emotionally unavailable, I'm not content or happy with where my life is and it would
be unfair and seriously wicked of me to subject myself and someone else to what will be a barren ground of a
Society, at least the society in which I abide tend to push young people, especially women to get married
quick not even minding that they may not be ready to take such a life changing and binding step.
You have to be grown (take note: not necessarily mature), spiritually (no mention of religion here),
emotionally, psychologically, physically, etc. Grown in every area of your life, that the word growth applies to.


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