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1, What is your job?

2, Why did you choose that job?

3, Is it a popular job in your country?

4, Do you like your job?

5, What do you dislike about your job?

6, What responsibilities do you have at work?

7, If you had the chance, would you change your job?


Job satisfaction

nine-to-five job: a normal job that consists of an 8 hour a day

manual work: work that requires physical activities

When talking about the reason you choose that job, we can talk about: Working conditions: the
hours, salary, environment,…

Heavy workload
1, How do you define happiness?

2, Is it important to be happy?

3, What do you do to stay happy?

4, Do you think money can make people happy?

5, Can you stay happy all the time?

6, Is there anything that makes you feel happy lately?

7, Some people say that the happiest days of your life are when you are in school. Do you agree?

8, Do young people and old(er) people find happiness in the same things?


1, glad (a) /ɡlæd/: pleased, happy

[ + (that) clause ] We were glad (that) she succeeded.

[ + to infinitive ] You don’t have to thank us – we were glad to help.


2, cheerful (a) /ˈtʃɪə.fəl/: happy and positive

Ex: You're in a cheerful mood this morning.

Ex: She manages to stay cheerful (= happy and positive) despite everything.
2. delighted (a) /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/: very pleased

[that] I'm delighted that you could come

[+ to infinitive] We'd be delighted to come to dinner on Friday.

3. overjoyed (a) /ˌəʊvəˈdʒɔɪd/: extremely happy or pleased

+ [+ to infinitive] Helen was overjoyed to hear that they had given her the job.

+ [+ that] I'm overjoyed that you're coming to visit me.

4. be over the moon (idiom) = be on cloud nine: extremely happy and excited

Ex: She was over the moon about/with her new bike.

Ex: "Was Helen pleased about getting that job?" "Pleased? She was on cloud nine!"

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